Good books about love perform a difficult function. They relieve stress after a hard day at work, give room to fantasy, They lift the spirits and help readers escape reality by plunging into the world of ideal relationships.

It’s great that readers understand the discrepancies between reality and what is written in modern novels. This is exclusively entertaining literature aimed at a pleasant pastime. You shouldn’t look for a “prince on a white horse”; take a closer look at the men who are next to us.

Distinctive features of books in the genre of modern romance novels

Women love to daydream a little, so most modern writers adapts to their desires and writes about what is in demand. Men in such works are divided mainly into two categories. The first type is macho.

The main character is macho, usually over 30 years old, not always beautiful, but always smart and charismatic. He solves any problems of his beloved with enviable composure. There has been some kind of tragedy in his life, so he is in no hurry to start a relationship.

The second type of modern romance novels is bohemian-looking young man . He is very handsome, tall, athletic and super sexy. Outwardly frivolous, but inside he is a solid rock. He has already been burned in relationships with women, so he is disappointed in them and is no longer waiting for new love, which will strike him like a bolt from the blue.

The heroines of modern romance novels can also be divided into two types. The first option is a business woman, immersed in work and a modern Cinderella, who has made her way to the crest of a successful life on her own.. In any case, they are used to achieving their goals.

Why do many people like to read modern romance novels?

There are several reasons for this. Let's name just a few of them.

With the help of such works, young women get acquainted with the unknown world of love relationships. They learn more about the problems of relationships between the sexes and learn to express feelings. For some girls, books about love become, in some way, even a visual aid in the sacraments of love.

Married ladies , reading modern romance novels, I again experience adrenaline, empathizing with the main characters. In addition, books about strong love distract from everyday worries. The main thing in this case is not to compare yourself with literary heroes.

Single women , reading books about love, also experience powerful emotions identifying oneself with the main character. There are no romantic relationships in her life, so such readers compensate for the lack of attention to their person.

What books of this genre can be read on our website?

In electronic online library The all-library website has a huge selection of literature about love, which you can read online for free. Contemporary romance novels are especially popular. For example:

Victoria Svobodina;
Anna Nevskaya;
Anna Dark;
Oksana Sergeeva;
Penelope Douglas and much more.

So, If you don't take modern romance novels seriously, but treat them as just another way to have a good time, then these books are the perfect opportunity for you! Delightful dreams, heroic adventures, unreal events await you in modern books about love!

Literary genre "modern romance novels"- one of the most sentimental, romantic and sensual. Together with the author, the reader penetrates into the depths of the human soul, trying to unravel the tangle of instincts that push the heroes of romance novels to the most incredible actions. The eternal struggle between the light and dark sides of the subconscious in modern heroes is no less acute than in their predecessors who lived in previous centuries. Love and hatred, joy and suffering, passion and disappointment, jealousy and betrayal, sacrifice and selfishness - these human weaknesses lead their heroes through life. Together with the characters of the novel, the reader will feel happy, imbued with faith in real feelings, and restore hope for the best.

What is characteristic of modern romance novels?

  • A sharp, exciting plot that touches not only the personal feelings of the characters, but also social problems;
  • The intensity and dynamism of events;
  • Accessible presentation, clear, easy author's style;
  • The intellectual, educational background of the novels - the reader will definitely learn something new, interesting, and expand his horizons;
  • The works raise issues that are understandable and close to every reader;
  • Affected psychological aspects relationships;
  • The modern romance novel is rich in diverse characters and storylines.

Any author, foreign or domestic, writes about understandable things, regardless of where they happen: in Rome, Berlin, Paris or St. Petersburg. Romance novels have always been a global treasure, and today they are even more international. The reader feels the commonality of problems, since they go beyond the borders of one country and become universal. The very fact of reading modern romance novels online suggests that many people are simultaneously experiencing the events that are described in them. They are familiar and understand the circumstances that caused the characters’ feelings and their actions.

Romance novels- these are a variety of love stories. Each story is unique, exclusive and interesting in its own way. The reader learns about the difficulties that the main characters have to overcome on the way to their happiness. Good and evil are inseparable literary works, As in real life. Entertaining and exciting stories captivate readers, who, together with the characters, experience their problems and rejoice at their accomplishments.

The site presents all the latest modern romance novels. Read and feel along with the heroes of the novels.

Here are the best romance novels about students and youth, their feelings, passion and first adult life.

Penelope Douglas. Aggressor

Sometimes the most cruel traitors are those people who were once our closest and dearest. This is exactly the situation the young heroine faced - for many years they were true friends, they trusted each other with all their secrets. One day everything changed, he made her the object of ridicule and bullying of others, then he was not around for a whole year, and now he has returned again to continue to ruin her life. Further

Lina would love to visit Italy in order to have a good rest in this stunning place, forgetting about all the problems, worries and Lately difficulties. However, her trip is not about fun; she has to fulfill the last wish of her mother, who, before her death, asked the girl to find her biological father. Further

Anna naively believed that her life would always be as ideal and carefree as it is now. Secured loving family, a young man who treats her sincerely - what more could a young girl dream of. Her parents' decision to study in France instantly cancels out all her plans. How is it that she won’t be able to see her lover or her parents for a long time, but will all this have any meaning when she meets Etienne? Further

It's amazing what tricks women are willing to go to in order to make men fall in love with them. So, our heroine, being quite smart girl, makes a deal with the most handsome guy at the university, whom everyone dreams of, that in exchange for the services of a tutor, they will pose as a couple. She needs such a scam to attract the attention of another young man who is absolutely indifferent to her, but how far can this game go? Further

Since birth, nature has endowed Lauren with an extraordinary gift - she sees missing people. This greatly complicates her life, because once an image appears in her mind, it never leaves her memory. This happened this time too, when she was calmly walking down the street and saw on a post a notice about the disappearance of a seventeen-year-old girl who had disappeared from the camp after curfew. Lauren is convinced that she can help solve this case, but no one believes her. Further

Chelsea dreamed of connecting her life with big-time sports, getting a place on a prestigious basketball team. However, her dream was not destined to come true due to the fact that at the very first match the girl received a serious injury, which once and for all closed her path to the sport. Since then, her world has collapsed, and neither her family nor her loved one could make her happy. But on the day when, while vacationing in Minnesota, she accidentally meets Clint, her life will make sense again. Further

Sometimes there are people who simply do not need to live under the same roof under any circumstances. In order to exist harmoniously and enjoy life, they simply need to never meet, see each other or meet anywhere. But what if your parents decide to get married, and your half-brother and sister who hate each other now have to not only live in the same house, but also share the same room? Further

Lacey has always been passionate about vlogging, with no doubt that it will bring her worldwide popularity and mountains of gold. Luck has been on her side, and the number of subscribers on her YouTube channel continues to increase exponentially. At the same time, tempting offers for internships in popular magazines are beginning to arrive. The girl readily agrees, but after looking at this world more deeply, she begins to doubt whether this is what she dreamed of? Further

From childhood, Calla was accustomed to being responsible for her actions, because, unlike most children, she never had a caring, loving mother who could protect her from the outside world. The girl skillfully hides all her emotions within herself; no one from her circle even suspects how much Calla had difficult fate. But one day something will happen that will make her remember the past again. Further

The main thing in life is to find your purpose, that goal that will motivate you to move forward without stopping in the face of difficulties, and Nor has such a dream - the desire to take part in a marathon. Those around her convince the girl that, despite her success in running and a large number of training, at eighteen she is not yet ready for this difficult test, but the girl is serious. Further

It is unreasonably believed that students are weak, capricious, and cutesy, that studying is so easy for girls, and they are protected from all the difficulties of the outside world. Using the example of the story of one of the students sent to the Pavlovsk Institute in St. Petersburg, it becomes clear what the heroines actually have to face and how difficult it can be to survive there. Further

Kat has always been a fanatical reader of the series of books dedicated to the wizard Simon Snow. It was fascinating to read, especially when there is a twin sister nearby, with whom you can enthusiastically discuss everything you read, fantasizing about future fate favorite hero. Thanks to these books, the girls even managed to survive a difficult stage in their lives when their mother left them. But time has passed, the heroines have grown up, and one of the sisters is now passionate about studying and adult experiences, but what should Kat do, who continues to live in these books? Further

They say that a radical change in image is a woman’s attempt to start new life. So Elizabeth has already cut off her hair, boldly dyed it black, and even acquired fake documents. Now she is actively moving from one place to another, not making friends, avoiding neighbors and all kinds of communication, but what is she hiding? Further

Everything in life was easy for Travis - the attention of girls, money. So far, in parallel with his studies, he earns money by taking part in fake fights. There he knows in advance how much he will be paid for a loss and how much for a victory, and how exactly the fight needs to be finished according to the script in order to get paid more. Suddenly the guy feels that he has fallen in love, but the girl does not reciprocate his feelings, and he has to make a bet. Further

Landy cherishes his Beaufort memories. It was in this town that she experienced her first and only love. Then she was the young daughter of a local pastor who sincerely fell in love with a young man named Jamie from a wealthy family. Much time has passed since then, but the feelings in her soul have not gone away. Further

After the mysterious stranger Lucas saved Jacqueline's life, a stormy, long-term romance broke out between the heroes. Of course, she would like to find a bad guy to have fun, and he appeared in her life - a true loyal friend and protector. However, it is impossible to know everything about the past of your new acquaintance, especially if he himself does not want something to become known. Further

Fallon makes an unexpected decision and returns to her previous home two years later. But what is the purpose of her visit? The fact is that the heroine wants to take revenge on all the offenders who once hurt her. She was especially cruel in her determination to take revenge on Madoc, who once broke her heart. But even this would not be as simple a task as she initially thought. Further

Two creatures coexist organically in Lila’s body - half of her is a guard who specializes in hunting and exterminating demons. But the other half of the heroine, inherited from her mother, is demonic. Being half a demon, she is endowed with the gift of taking the souls of everyone who has them, which makes it impossible for her to want to be close to any people, and she so wants to truly love. Further

That's all, but if you know any other romance novels about students, write about them in the reviews. 😉

Girls, share the series [email protected]. I will be very grateful
  • xrunya about the book: Tonya Yushina - Cupid from Department 13 [SI]
    Good book, I liked it, I’ll read the sequel with pleasure.
  • juri777 about the book: Timofey Pecherin - Winged Death
    Boring and naive
  • Valkyrie about the book: Dana Arnautova - Heart of the Sea King
    A series of books where they started for peace and ended for health. I don’t even know what my impressions are. Both bad and good. I like Arnautova's language. Very colorful, very detailed, with feeling. The heroes always have clear characters. Sometimes there is too much description, but it’s not without sin, it’s better than dry text.


    They gave birth to a daughter and a son)))

    The relationship is written in principle quite well, there is a justification for why she forgave him, but I was still terribly bombarded by the ending. He drowned in snot, rainbows and ponies.
    Three books, Karl! For three books we had a drag with royal conspiracies, intrigues, love triangles G\Rusal (actually he's Alestar, but whatever)\Mercenary

    And how everything was decided, do you know? The killer is the gardener! Oh no, that's from another book.
    The conspirator is a doctor. He appeared briefly for three books, but in the finale he emerged and delivered a heartfelt speech about taking over the world! Oh yes, in the best traditions of bad movies. From this speech the reader learns that he is some kind of lost ruler of a neighboring kingdom, he almost died, miraculously survived and decided to regain power. But! That's not all!

    The gods have come out! Three pieces or four! It turned out that the fate of the heroes, the obstacles - all this was a divine plan.
    The local pantheon once argued about who loved whom more. People of mermaids or mermaids of people. And then this merman came out with the heroine.

    The gods ask. Like, which of you loves whom more... And they are so on the verge of death after the conspiracy:
    - She said she loves you! Thinks he loves you!
    - She can't love me!
    - Yes I love you!

    The content of the dialogue is something like this. The gods decided that they loved each other equally, solved all the problems and went home.
    That's where it all started. Weddings, children, everyday life. I found a scythe on a stone. A favorite feature of all Russian LFR authors. It is necessary to find a pair for each creature, as they say, otherwise the reader will suffer and suffer, never knowing that some leftist character did not marry and did not happily arrange his fate.

    Everyone needs to get married! Spread happiness to everyone!
    They found a match for a mercenary lover, who snapped at the merman for half a book, and then abruptly agreed to the post of ambassador with him. Everyone who understands is so sick.
    The dude's mistress left for a rapist, and he's like that.

    Well, like, okay. Let's be friends! I suffered because of you, experienced all the torments of hell, torture, but it’s nothing. Happens. May you live happily ever after!

    Oh my, where do these come from? good people then they take it?

    The prince of the neighboring kingdom, (My favorite character. The most adequate mermaid) also found a match! True, I had to turn on the name search in the reader in order to scroll back and figure out what kind of woman she was.

    The children of this couple have both a tail and legs... Well, I think I told you everything.

    In short, what started out as a dark joke ended up like a vanilla Disney fairy tale.