Veterans N.A. Grishutkina, N.I. Kolyaskin, head of the Museum of Military Glory
354th division of school No. 617 in Zelenograd A.F. Kuksina and son
Chief of Staff of this unit V.N. Frenkin at the military memorial in Gagarin.

It so happened that the members of the Council of Veterans of this unit, who many times visited the battlefields and the graves of dead comrades on the outskirts of Rzhev and on the Kursk Bulge, near Yampol and Sevsk, as well as in Belarus, have not yet been on the Gzhatsk-Gagarin land, where search engines still find the unburied remains of the soldiers of the 354th SD.

Meanwhile, there is reason to believe that it was the soldiers of this division, together with the 36th separate rifle brigade (on the right flank) and the 19th rifle division (on the left), by January 25-26, 1942, who were the first to reach the border of the Moscow and Smolensk regions and liberated several villages in the eastern part of the Gzhatsk region, including: Dolgoye, Zaprudnya, Dubinino, Maksimovka, Mikhailovka, Lavrikhino, Pyshkovo, Galyshkino, Batyushkovo ...

To Gzhatsk - 16 kilometers

On May 6, 2009, front-line soldiers Nikolai Ivanovich Kolyaskin, Nadezhda Alexandrovna Grishutkina and the son of the division chief of staff, retired colonel Vitaly Nikolaevich Frenkin, set foot on the bridge across the Moscow River in the center of the village of Pyshkovo. On the right bank, behind young birch trees and rare pine trees, several buildings of pre-revolutionary red brick construction have survived - before the war and after, this seemingly poor noble estate was a rural hospital. And on January 25, 1942, the headquarters of the 354th division entered here.

About that local episode on the scale of the war, the commander of the Western Front G.K. Zhukov reported on January 26 Supreme Commander: "The 5th Army went to the front of Dolgoye, Golyshkino, Rachilovo (16 km east of Gzhatsk), Batyushkovo, Ivniki and continues to develop the offensive on Gzhatsk. During the day, 19 settlements are occupied by army units."

How I wanted to believe then that the German, beaten near Moscow, would continue to roll back. And he began to dig in.

He began to build snow ramparts-barriers, to stretch barbed wire and completely mine the approaches to it, turn the surviving houses into impregnable firing points, build pillboxes on the forest edges and country roads.

At first, Marshal Zhukov intended to recapture Gzhatsk from the Germans, and at the same time the village of Klushino, where seven-year-old Yura Gagarin huddled in a dugout with his mother, sister and older brothers, Marshal Zhukov intended in early February. Then, regrouping forces and pulling up front-line reserves, he set a new deadline - March 3, 1942.

Alas! These sixteen kilometers remained an insurmountable strip for more than a year. The easternmost regional center Smolensk region, which now bears the name of the first cosmonaut, will be released only on March 6, 1943 - two days after Rzhev. And only 60 years later, when the military archives are opened, it will become clear that this was the notorious "Fuhrer Line" - from Yukhnov to Rzhev, which the Wehrmacht troops were ordered to hold at any cost.

When breaking through the first line of German defense on the Andronovo-Rylkovo line, in endless attacks on Gruzdevo, Kostrovo, Klyachino, in bloody battles for Medvedki, Lukyantsevo, Dolginevo, and dozens of other villages that were preserved only on old maps, thousands of Red Army soldiers were killed.

On January 27, the 354th division, together with the 36th rifle brigade, made the first attempt to break through the German position at the Rylkovo-Andronovo line. The payroll of the division at that moment was 4842 fighters and commanders, but there were a little more than 900 "active" bayonets.

On February 5, a fierce daytime battle for Akatovo and the village of Medvedki began with the 1199th Infantry Regiment (commander Major Shekerun). It was possible to break into the outskirts of Akatov, but under the onslaught of the enemy, they had to retreat with heavy losses in personnel.

Even more fierce fighting unfolded from 4 March. The already mentioned 1199th Rifle Regiment (its command post was located in the village of Sashino, which has not survived), after a short artillery preparation, tried to attack Medvedki. Then the tip of the main blow was moved in the direction of Dolginevo, Kostrovo. After stubborn fighting, the Germans were knocked out of there. At the same time, the commander of the regiment, Major Shekerun, the commander of the battalion, Senior Lieutenant Srezhnikov, and the political instructor of the battery, Chekalin, were killed. And in total for the period from March 4 to March 20, 1942, the 1199th regiment lost 144 people only killed (order No. 81 on the 1199th joint venture of March 24, 1942).

On March 9 (the birthday of Yuri Gagarin) the Germans were finally driven out of Rylkovo. At the same time, the Komsomol youth battalion under the command of F.U. Momet, created in the 1201st rifle regiment from recruits, mainly born in 1924.

Finds in the forest and in the archives

Once in these parts, the veterans of the division on the very first day went to the search engines, who this time set up camp in the Lukyantsevo tract. Ruslan Lukashov, commander of the "Raid" detachment, showed the guests the sad harvest of the very first days of the current watch: the remains of 27 dead and four medallions were found. It may well be that these are fighters of the same 354th.

The scale of losses in the division in the winter of 42 was simply enormous. Only for March combat strength 3472 people dropped out, including 718 fighters and commanders killed. At this turn, the commanders of three rifle regiments - Majors A.D. Tselembaev, I.M. Popov, A.K. Shekerun. In the 1201st Rifle Regiment, all battalion commanders were out of action.

About how and where the natives of the Gzhatsk region fought,
at a meeting with veterans of the 354th division
said a resident of Ashkov F.V. Anufrenkov.

Gagarin search engines and local historians managed to establish that the three dead regimental commanders of this division were buried on the same day, March 28, 1942, next to the school in the town of Peski (not survived to this day) near Pyshkovo. Now it turns out further fate of this burial - according to some sources, the remains were transferred to the fraternal cemetery No. 2 in Gagarin, according to others - this was done only on paper.

When working with documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense in Podolsk, we managed to find many other important information related to the military operations of the 354th division in the Gzhatsk direction. As already mentioned, its rifle regiments almost daily lost dozens, if not hundreds of people killed. But even more were injured. Risking their lives, and often sacrificing themselves, they were assisted by medical instructors, and those who could not move were pulled out from under the fire by porters. The names of Vasily Vdovin, Gavrila Demin and Sergei Posypkin - in the spring of the 42nd became known not only in the division, but also in the 5th Army: by order of the commander of the Western Front, all three for rescuing a large number of wounded during the breakthrough of enemy defenses at the Sashino-Akatovo line Vorobyevo were awarded the Orders of Lenin. A rare, if not unique, fact for that time.

In the field camp of the search detachment "Raid" in the tract Lukyantsevo
front-line soldiers were received as the dearest guests.

Between the rivers Gzhat and Vazuza

At the end of April, the 42nd, the bloodless 354th was withdrawn from the front line for replenishment. In order to put at the forefront of the blow in the Pogorelo-Gorodishchenskaya offensive operation in early August. Here is the 354th SD of Major General D.A. Alekseeva, with the support of four artillery regiments (169 MP, 544 AP BM, 1770 IPTAP, 60 GMP), managed to advance the farthest, forced the Gzhat and held a bridgehead on the left bank (the village of Podberezye, just 10 kilometers from Sychevka).

The battles for the villages of Ramenki, Novoe Ustinovo, Olkino, Deryabkino, Vishenki, Prygunovo, Sosedovo, Yarygino, Podberezye turned out to be especially difficult - already on the western bank of the Gzhat. Trying to expand the bridgehead, the 1201st Infantry Regiment fought outside the Bell Tower - Brykovka, but did not wait for help. The second battalion of this regiment, being surrounded, died there ...

According to the participants of those battles, on August 6-10, enemy aircraft literally hung over the forward units. The command of the 20th Army made an attempt to bring the cavalry corps to the aid of the 354th SD, but it suffered unjustifiably heavy losses from aviation, especially in horse stock. Separate cavalry units entered the battle on foot.

During an air raid on the village of Koty (this is within the boundaries of the former Karmanovsky district), when a headquarters column was moving through it, the commissar of the division V.I. Beloborodov, head of the political department L.M. Epshtein, commissar of the headquarters of the division S.A. Ulanovsky. Several more senior officers were wounded and shell-shocked. On August 8, the commander of the division, Colonel D.F., almost died from a close explosion of an air bomb. Alekseev. From under the rubble in an unconscious state, he was dug out by the chief of staff, Major N.V., who was nearby. Frankin...

On August 18, the division went on the defensive. During the August offensive, she lost 3122 people, but fought over 40 kilometers, crossing two rivers - Derzha and Gzhat, captured and held a bridgehead in the interfluve of Gzhat and Vazuza. The German general Tinelskirch writes about these events as follows: "The breakthrough was prevented only by the fact that three tank and several infantry divisions, which were already preparing for the transfer to the southern front, were detained and introduced first to localize the breakthrough, and then to counterattack."

In thinning line

Having begun the liberation of the Gzhatsky (and then Karmanovsky) region in 1942, the 354th Rifle Division did not stand aside during its final cleansing from the Germans in February-March of the 43rd. The infantry regiments and battalions of this division, which had gained combat experience, now gnawed through the German defenses near Rzhev - in the northernmost section of the Fuhrer Line. And the day of the liberation of Rzhev on March 3, 1943 became, as is now known, the harbinger of the liberation of Gzhatsk, Sychevka and Vyazma.

Unfortunately, among the veterans of the 354th division, with whom the Gagarin search engines and local historians have contact, only one direct participant in the winter battles of the 42nd in the Gzhatsk direction survived. This is the shooter of the 1199th regiment, Boris Moiseevich Dinnerstein. He lives in Moscow and is active in the Council of Veterans. True, before May 9 he fell ill and could not visit Gagarin. But in the summer he promised to come by all means. And his comrades were able not only to visit military burials in Medvedki, Rylkovo, Petushki, Karmanovo and the regional center, but also talked with the city leadership, war and labor veterans, visited the local history museum and places associated with the name of Yuri Gagarin.


On the territory of the Matushkino district there are 8 monuments and memorial signs in honor of the December events of 1941. On December 5, the counteroffensive began. Soviet troops against the Nazi invaders. One of the sectors of the front passed through the village of Matushkino. 74 years ago it was liberated by the 354th Rifle Division under the command of Colonel G.F. Alekseev. Today, monuments and commemorative signs remind of these events.

1.Command and observation post 354th rifle division (complex "Dugout"). The complex was opened in 1966 in the forest park zone of the 1st microdistrict. Symbolic image of the line of fortifications. On the brickwork there is a sign with the text: “Here in November-December 1941 passed the front line of the defense of Moscow. From this point on December 6, the Red Army launched a counteroffensive.

2.Monument to the soldiers of the 354th infantry division. Installed in 1991 at the beginning of Panfilovsky Prospekt, near the sign "Frontier-41".
The inscription on the granite slab:
The columns went beyond the horizon ...
Where are you, our countryman, but have not been?!
This is where the front started.
From here, victory was seen.
Below is the text on the plate: "To the Warriors of the 354th Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov, Kolinkovichi Rifle Division
for the feat of arms 1941-1945. from grateful Penza fellow countrymen. 1991"

3. Monument of Glory "Defenders of Moscow". Established on July 24, 1974 at the burial site of 760 soldiers on the 40th km of the Leningrad highway.
Under the bronze wreath lies the ashes of hundreds Soviet soldiers. On the wreath is the inscription: "The Motherland will never forget its sons." On the green slope of the mound, three pointed ledges stood as if a symbolic barrier on the way to Moscow, personifying the impregnability of the Russian land. On one of the ledges are the words: “1941. Here the defenders of Moscow, who died for their Motherland, remained forever immortal. At the top of the hill there is an obelisk in the form of three closed bayonets.

Before the opening of the monument, there was a pyramid on the grave. In the winter of 1941-1942, soldiers found at the site of the battles for the village of Matushkino were buried in a mass grave. Also, the remains of dead soldiers discovered during the construction of Zelenograd were reburied here in the 1960s. Presumably, more than 760 people are buried in this place. There is no list of the dead.

4. memorial sign"Frontier 1941". Installed in December 1981 on Panfilovsky Prospekt. A commemorative sign marked the line of defense of Moscow in 1941. According to the original plan of the architects, it was assumed that there would be several such commemorative signs - along the entire Panfilovsky Prospekt, up to Pyatnitskoye Highway. Thus, a symbolic front line from the Leningrad highway to the village of Barantsevo would be marked.

5. Installed in the late 80s on Panfilovsky Prospekt, next to the bus stop of the 1st microdistrict. On the plate is the text: “Here passed the line of the beginning of the offensive in 1201 rifle regiment 354th Rifle Division on the village of Matushkino on December 7-8, 1941.

6.Memorial sign "Line of Defense 1203 Rifle Regiment 354 Rifle Division". Installed in the late 80s on the 1st Western Avenue, next to the bus stop "Beryozka".

7. A memorial sign in honor of the liberation of the village of Matushkino by the 354th Infantry Division. Installed in the late 80s on the 1st Western passage, next to the Mikron Leisure Center.

8. Memorial sign - Boulder "The last frontier of 1199 s.p. 354 Infantry Division"(Blindage complex). Installed in 1987 in the forest park zone of the 1st microdistrict. On a metal plate attached to a boulder, there is an inscription: “In this forest from December 2 to December 8, 1941, the 1199th rifle regiment of the 354th rifle division was located. Regiment commander - Colonel Belyaev M.I. Commissar of the regiment - Lashkov N.S. Division commander - Colonel Alekseev D.F. The commissar of the division is V.I. Beloborodov.

Connection history:

The division was formed in the Penza region. The beginning of the formation - August 15, 1941. The division was formed in the city of Kuznetsk, Kuznetsk and Sosnovoborsk districts of the Penza region and ended in November 1941.

From 12 to 25 November 41g. the division was stationed in the city of Shumerlya in Chuvashia, where it received weapons. From here, in 15 echelons, the division went to Moscow.

The unloading of the echelons of the division was carried out at the stations of Khimki and Skhodnya from November 29 to December 4, 41. Here 354sd became part of 16A Rokossovsky. Already when unloading at the station. Gangway during an enemy air raid, the division suffered its first losses. So only November 30, Art. The gangway was subjected to air raids 11 times, the losses of the division amounted to 7 killed and 6 wounded. After unloading, the division concentrated in the Savrasovo, Uskovo area. 16A by this time it stopped the offensive of the enemy, who had advanced here to Moscow, closest of all at the turn of Shumyagino, Vladygino, Klushino, Alabushevo. The last success of the enemy in his attack on Moscow was on the right flank of 16A on December 1, 41. when the Germans managed to capture the village. Krasnaya Polyana. It was here on the right flank of 16A at the junction with 20A that the fresh 354sd was concentrated.

On December 1, 41 354sd consisted of 7282 people, 40 guns, 96 mortars, 72 heavy and 171 light machine guns, 32 vehicles.

Led the defense until 12/03/1941 along the river. Klyazma. On the morning of December 7, units of 16A went on the offensive. 1201sp attacked from the district. Matushkino village Chashniki. 1203sp fought for Alabushevo, 1199sp fought for Aleksandrovka. On December 8, it became much warmer to 3 degrees below zero (in previous days, the frost reached 30 degrees, which is why there were 255 frostbitten fighters in 1203p only). On 12/09/1941, units of the division captured the village of Matushkino and reached the Chashnikovo-Alabushevo line.

From December 9, due to the success of the 30A of the Kalinin Front, which reached Klin, which threatened to intercept the communications of the entire German shock groupings from Moscow, the enemy began to withdraw along the entire front 16A. Pursuing the retreating enemy by the end of the day on 12/12/1941, the division reached the Istra reservoir. Division losses for the period from December 1 to December 11, 41. were the largest in 16A. The division during these days lost 394 people. killed, 1458 wounded and 493 frostbitten. Before the retreat, the enemy released water from the Istra Reservoir, as a result of which the ice sank several meters. The western bank of the reservoir was mined and there was a 30-40 cm layer of water near the shore, which made it difficult to cross the water barrier. On the night of December 13, 1941, units of the division crossed the ice to the western, heavily fortified coast and captured the villages of Armyagovo and Novoselovo, but in the morning they were driven back to the east coast by an enemy counterattack. On 12/16/1941, the assault detachments of the division again crossed the ice to the western coast, infiltrated the rear of the German units and again captured Armyagovo and Novoselov. Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion and the retreat that began under the threat of encirclement, the entire division crossed the reservoir and ousted the enemy from the villages of Dyakovo, Lechishchevo, Alekhnovo.

By December 16, due to the successful bypass of the reservoir from the north and south, as well as the forcing of it by units of the 18th and 354th rifle divisions, the line at which the enemy expected to delay our offensive was actually overcome. From December 16 to 20, the enemy, pursued by our troops, retreated to the line of the river. Ruza. Trofeimi 354sd during the pursuit of the enemy from the Istra reservoir to the river. Ruza became 30 tanks, 13 guns and 130 atomachines.

On 12/24/1941, as part of the strike group of the 16th Army, the division was supposed to break through the enemy’s defense front in the Chertanovo, Ostashevo sector and reach the Ruza River, then take Terekhovo and Fedosino with a blow to the enemy’s flank, cutting off the enemy’s escape route to the west and south- west. The division, together with the 146th brigade and 40th brigade, starting from 12/24/1941, waged heavy offensive battles, which turned out to be completely unsuccessful. During the offensive, the division suffered heavy losses, all regiments of the division were consolidated into one consolidated battalion (on January 4, 42, the consolidated battalion consisted of 171 people).

On 01/05/1942, the division, along with the attached 146th tank, 40th and 49th rifle brigades, had 377 bayonets and 13 tanks (including 3 medium and 10 small). The offensive on the division's sector ended in the middle of the first decade of January 1942. On 01/07/1942, the division held the defense at the line: forest 1 km east of Chertanovo, forest 1 km east of Kuzminskoye; fought approximately at this turn until 01/15/1942. Then the enemy units began to withdraw, the division occupied Kolyshkino, Ovinishte. 01/17/1942 the village of Ostashevo (then the center of the Ostashevsky district of the Moscow region) was liberated by soldiers of the 1203rd Infantry Regiment of the 354th Infantry Division. 01/20/1942 the division occupied Terekhovo, Knyazhevo, Ignatkovo and continued the offensive with the main forces in the direction of the village of Bolychevo. 01/24/1942 liberated the city of Porechye, continued the offensive and reached the approaches to Gzhatsk. In early February 1942, she fought hard battles for Akatovo, was transferred to the Kostrovo-Dolginevsky direction. From 03/05/1942 to 03/16/1942, the division fought the hardest battles for Kostrovo and Dolginevo.

From the end of July 42 The 20th Army and the Western Front were preparing for an offensive operation in the Zubtsovsk direction. On August 1, 42. the division consisted of 8131 people, 194 machine guns, 8 122mm guns, 24 76mm guns, 18 45mm guns, 5 37mm guns. op, 18 122mm mortars, 51 82mm min. Vedensky destroy the enemy in Vedensky. Initially, the offensive was supposed to start on August 2 (the neighboring Kalinin Front launched an offensive on Rzhev on July 30). However, on July 31 and August 1 in the strip Western Front there were heavy showers, as a result of which all the roads were carried away. Rivers and small streams burst their banks. The waters in the previously small fordable rivers rose by almost 2m, which excluded the crossing of equipment into the ford and required a bridge. As a result, the start of the offensive was postponed to August 4, 42.

At 6:15 am on August 4, artillery preparation began. Initially, a 10-minute fire raid on communication centers and enemy artillery positions disrupted the enemy defense system, then artillery and mortar fire was transferred to the front line. Part of the guns up to 152mm inclusive were put on direct fire for shooting bunkers from a distance of 500-1000m and bunded to protect against fragments. Artillery fire was transferred several times to the depth of the defense in order to create an erroneous impression of the beginning of our offensive, and then returned to the front line of defense again. At the end of the artillery preparation, a powerful artillery and RS artillery attack was carried out along the front line. In total, the artillery preparation lasted 1 hour 30 minutes. Aviation at that time also struck at the front line and rear of the German troops. In total, 619 guns operated on the 8 km section of the breakthrough, not counting mortars (77 guns per km of the breakthrough), which fired 16,773 shells on the first day of the operation. However, in the future, due to the condition of the roads, the artillery lagged behind the advancing troops and could not support the advancing troops so effectively.

The transition of our troops to the offensive was quite unexpected for the German command. However, in the section 354sd, the offensive, in contrast to the right neighbors 251 and 331sd, was less successful. Having mastered Vedensky on the left bank of the river. Holding the regiments of the division, they met stubborn resistance from the enemy from the forest to the west. outskirts of the village. The 8GvSK advancing to the left had no advance at all. However, due to the successful breakthrough of the defense by the right-flank neighbors, the enemy, under the threat of encirclement, was forced to begin a retreat in front of the 354th rifle division. Pursuing the retreating enemy, the regiments of the division moved south-west during August 5 and having captured Kamenka, Myakotino reached Ramenka and Prygunovo by the end of the day. On August 7, the division reached the river. Gzhat and began to cross it in the Antonovo area. Losses

Crossing along with parts of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps, the division was stopped in the Yarygino area, the Bell Tower on the opposite bank of the Vazuza, where it went on the defensive and repelled counterattacks of enemy troops until 08/22/1942, was forced to retreat to Grebenkino, Podyablonki, Belfry. 354sd in the battles from 4 to 23 August amounted to 488 killed and 1908 wounded.

From 09/02/1942, the division again advanced on Burgovo, Romanovo, supported by the 100th tank brigade, advanced some distance, but by 09/04/1942 was forced to withdraw to its original positions.

During the 2nd Rzhev-Sychevskaya offensive operation on November 28, 1942, she was transferred from the right flank of the front to the bridgehead near Vazuza. On November 29, 1942, being attached to the 8th Guards Rifle Corps, it advanced in the Zherebtsovo-Khlepen area. She fought heavy offensive battles until 12/05/1942. During the attacks, the division was practically defeated and was transformed into "mixed divisional assault detachments", or rather, into a single assault detachment, preparing for a new stage of the operation and again continued to unsuccessfully break through the enemy's defenses in the same sector.

In February 1943, it was put into reserve and transferred to the northern face of the Kursk Bulge, in the Komarichi region, and from the end of February 1943, throughout March 1943, it fought heavy and unsuccessful offensive battles for Komarichi, lost almost two-thirds of the composition, took up defense from Berezovets to Mars.

In the summer of 1943, it took up defense on the Kursk Bulge in the center of its ledge, was not in the direction of the main attack of the enemy, repelled an auxiliary attack from the Sevsk region. In August 1943, it was transferred to the city of Sevsk, from where it began its offensive, being on the right flank of the army, having a neighbor on the left of the 149th Infantry Division, launched an offensive, successively forcing the rivers Sev, Desna, Sozh (09/28/1943 in the Zherebnaya, Novye Tereshkovichi sector ), the Dnieper, passing through the cities or near them: Sevsk, Shostka, Novgorod-Seversky. In October 1943, she crossed the Dnieper in the Loev area, from there she launched an offensive in November 1943 during the Gomel-Rechitsa operation, reached the Ozarichi-Parichi line.

In January 1944, taking part in the Kalinkovichi-Mozyr operation, she advanced from the Ozarichi region, 01/14/1944 distinguished herself during the liberation of Kalinkovichi. During January 1944, she fought to eliminate the enemy’s Ozarich grouping, during which she broke through the long-term defense of the German troops on the Ipa River in the Rylovichi, Selizhba region, advanced 11 kilometers into the depths of the German defense, liberated 15 settlements, and on 01/28/1944 reached the 300 meters southeast of Vichy. In February 1944 she fought in the area of ​​​​Gorohovichi and Pruzhinishchi. In March 1944, she fought privately in the same area, freed up to 9 thousand prisoners from a German concentration camp in the Ozarichi area. In April and May 1944, units of the division occupied the defense and carried out engineering work at the intermediate defense line on the eastern bank of the Visha River along the Podmekhovshchina, Ozarichi, Novoselki line and at the rear line on the eastern bank of the Ipa River at the line of Koreni, Koshichi.

On June 24, 1944, during the Bobruisk operation, it advanced in the direction of Parichi - Bobruisk, broke through the defenses at the line of Grabichi, Radin. 06/29/1944 participated in the liberation of Bobruisk, fought in the city itself, captured the railway station. For 7 days of offensive battles, the division advanced 80 kilometers deep into the enemy defenses, liberated 350 square kilometers of territory with 75 settlements, including Bobruisk and the regional center of Parichi. Participated in the defeat of the Bobruisk group, from 07/01/1944 advanced through Baranovichi, Slonim, Brest. During the offensive, she fought for the settlements of Uzda, Minsk Region, Lyakhovichi, Pruzhany. On 07/11/1944 she fought near the town of Kossovo (Brest region), on 07/22/1944 near the village of Zherchitsy (Brest region). During the offensive, the division covered 590 kilometers combat way, liberated more than 100 settlements, among which she participated in the liberation of Baranovichi. 07/17/1944 reached the state border of the USSR - on the Western Bug in the area south of Mileichitsy.

After regrouping, during August 1944 it reached the state border in the Grannoe region. It crossed the Western Bug, broke through the long-term and defense in depth of the enemy, and at the end of August reached the Pshim area. In August, the division covered a combat path of 160 kilometers and occupied 49 settlements on Polish territory.

By 10:00 09/05/1944, with all her might, she approached the Narew in the area of ​​Pultusk - Pogozhelets, crossed to the bridgehead captured by the forward detachments of the division in the early morning of the same day.

The organization of joint actions of tankers and shooters deserves attention. Thus, the forward detachments of the 354th Rifle Division (Colonel V.N. Dzhandzhgava), consisting of two rifle battalions of Majors M.U. Gamzatov and I.T. Ishchenko, were put on self-propelled guns and armored vehicles of the 922nd self-propelled artillery regiment. In the early morning of September 5, they, together with the forward detachments of the tank brigades of the 1st tank corps rushed to the Narew, crossed it and captured a small bridgehead.

She entered the battles, advancing on Karnevsk, 09/06/1944 in full force was on the bridgehead. During September-October 1944, she fought the hardest battles on the bridgehead, especially intense in the first ten days of October near Buda-Cepelinska. Only on 04 and 05.10.1944 lost 945 people killed, 445 people wounded. She fought on the bridgehead until January 1945, on 11/19/1944 she was near the village of Piskornya Mala (13 kilometers southwest of the city of Pultusk).

In January 1945, it went on the offensive during the East Prussian operation, the division was supported by the 922nd self-propelled artillery regiment. On January 26, 1945, the first of the formations of the army approached the Vistula and immediately captured a bridgehead on the left bank in the Neusas region. By 9 o'clock on 01/27/1945, its units expanded the bridgehead to 2 kilometers along the front and about 500 meters in depth, but this was stopped by strong resistance, and then the left flank was generally thrown back to the right bank. In early February 1945, she fought, advancing from the bridgehead, excluding one regiment, thrown back from the bridgehead to the right bank and repelling a counterattack at the Skarshevo-Sarnau line. Fights for Graudenz.

Then she went on the offensive during the East Pomeranian operation, fought for Sopot, 03/30/1945 took part in the liberation of Danzig.

After the regrouping, she took up positions in the area south of Stettin. On 04/17/1945, she was a reconnaissance detachment on the eastern bank of the West Oder, providing an advancing group of army troops on the outskirts of the Stettin defensive area. On April 20, 1945, the assault on the area was supposed to begin, but it was not possible to quickly force the river, the units came under massive fire from the defensive area. Only in the afternoon, 04/20/1945, the divisional reconnaissance company (24 soldiers) on its own initiative made a daring throw across the Oder, captured a piece of the coast and thus enabled one regiment to cross and gain a foothold north of Syadlo-Dolva by 20:00. 04/22/1945 occupied Pshetslav, and was stopped there by strong enemy resistance. In the course of the further offensive, on 04/28/1945 she liberated the city of Pasewalk, on 05/01/1945 she liberated the city of Grimmen with part of the forces.

Methodical materials

Penza, 2014

From Kuznetsk to the island of Rügen. The combat path of the 354th Rifle Kalinkovichi Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division: methodological materials. - Penza: Central City Public Library. V.G. Belinsky, 2014. - 20p.

© Central City Public Library. V.G. Belinsky, 2014

The combat path of the 354th rifle Kalinkovichi

Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany began a war against Soviet Union, bringing down on our country a blow of enormous force. 190 enemy divisions crossed the USSR state border on the front from the Barents to the Black Sea. The Great Patriotic War began, which lasted 1418 days and nights, brought innumerable disasters to the Soviet people.

During the first month of the war, the enemy occupied a significant part of the country, moved inland up to 300-600 km, while losing 100 thousand people killed. By the end of the second month of the war, the situation at the front had become critical. The most able-bodied part of the male population had already been drafted into the army, the best cars, tractors, and horses were thrown into the service of the front. The fate of the country depended on finding the strength to continue the war. Huge work has been done in this direction.

In August 1941, the Military Council of the Volga Military District, following the directive of the General Staff, decided to form the 354th Rifle Division. The division headquarters and the 921st artillery regiment were formed in the city of Kuznetsk, Penza region, the 1199th rifle regiment - in the village of Annenkovo, the 1201st rifle regiment - in Sosnovoborsk, the 1203rd - in the villages of Inderka and Lipovka of the Sosnovoborsky district. Separate subdivisions of the division were formed in the villages of the Kuznetsk region - Yevlashevo, Nikolsky, Chibirley and others. The headquarters and political department of the division in Kuznetsk were located in the club of the sheepskin and fur factory and in the building of the city military registration and enlistment office. The main backbone of the division was made up of residents of the Penza and neighboring regions.

The division commander was 39-year-old Colonel Dmitry Fedorovich Alekseev, who went through three fronts during the years of the civil war - the Northern, Karelian and Turkestan, and later graduated from military academy, in the prewar years, served as the head of the Kuibyshev Infantry School.

The division included:

1199th Rifle Regiment

1201st Rifle Regiment

1203rd Rifle Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment

921st Artillery Regiment

412th mortar division (from 01/25/1942 to 06/01/1942)

307th anti-aircraft battery (645th separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion) (until 10/20/1942)

274th separate anti-tank fighter division (since 01/19/1942)

420th reconnaissance company

476th separate engineer battalion

809th separate Order of Alexander Nevsky communications battalion (809th separate communications company)

443rd Medical and Sanitary Battalion

436th separate company of chemical protection

473rd motor transport company

212th field autobakery

778th Divisional Veterinary Infirmary

355th field post station

788th field cash desk of the State Bank

257th separate penal company of the 65th army (during the period of being in the army)

Division commanders

Alekseev Dmitry Fedorovich (09/01/1941 - 10/17/1943), colonel, from 05/19/1943 major general;

Furt Porfiry Sergeevich (10/18/1943 - 11/21/1943), major general;

Alekseev Dmitry Fedorovich (11/22/1943 - 12/27/1943), major general;

Krymsky Nikolai Alekseevich (12/28/1943 - 02/13/1944), colonel;

Smirnov Nikolai Vasilyevich (02/14/1944 - 04/10/1944), colonel;

Vdovin Sergey Andreevich (04/15/1944 - 06/28/1944), colonel;

Dzhandzhgava Vladimir Nikolaevich (06/29/1944 - 05/09/1945), colonel, from 11/02/1944 major general.

Path of military glory of the 354th Infantry Division (1941-1945)

On November 29-30, 1941, the first of 16 echelons with units of the 354th division arrived at the Khimki and Skhodnya stations near Moscow. Immediately upon entering the active army on 11/29/1941, parts of the division took up positions on the Leningrad highway and on the northern outskirts of the village of Kryukovo from the 40th kilometer of the Leningrad highway to Krasny Oktyabr. Already during unloading, on the very first night, during an air raid and artillery shelling, the division lost 10% of its personnel.

On December 2, 1941, the division launched the first counterattack on the enemy near the village of Matushkino. Combat experience was given at a high price: in the first six days of fighting, more than a thousand people were out of action. On December 7, the division went on the offensive, by the end of the day breaking through the enemy defenses on a front 5 kilometers wide and advancing 4 kilometers. This was the first modest victory, on which the commander of the 16th Army, K.K. Rokossovsky, congratulated the soldiers. So the division joined in the defeat of the German troops near Moscow.

On 12/09/1941, units of the division captured the village of Matushkino and reached the Chashnikovo-Alabushevo line. By the end of the day on 12/12/1941, the division under the command of Alekseev D.F. went to the Istra reservoir. Its regiments were given the task of capturing the heavily fortified western shore. On the night of 12/13/1941, units of the division crossed the ice to the western, heavily fortified coast and captured the villages of Armyagovo and Novoselovo, but in the morning they were driven back to the east coast by an enemy counterattack.

On 12/16/1941, the assault detachments of the division again crossed the ice to the western coast, infiltrated the rear of the German units and again captured Armyagovo and Novoselov. Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion, the entire 354th Infantry Division crossed the reservoir and drove the Germans out of the villages of Dyakovo, Lechishchevo, Alekhnovo.

On 12/24/1941, as part of the strike group of the 16th Army, the division was supposed to break through the enemy’s defense front in the Chertanovo, Ostashevo sector and reach the Ruza River, then take Terekhovo and Fedosino with a blow to the enemy’s flank, cutting off the enemy’s escape route to the west and south- west. The division, starting from 12/24/1941, waged heavy offensive battles, which turned out to be completely unsuccessful. During the offensive, the division suffered heavy losses. All regiments of the division were consolidated into one consolidated battalion. On 01/05/1942, the division, together with the 146th tank, 40th and 49th rifle brigades, had 377 bayonets and 13 tanks (of which 3 were medium and 10 were small). The offensive on the division's sector ended in the middle of the first decade of January 1942.

01/07/1942 she held the defense at the turn of 1 kilometer east of Chertanovo and Kuzminskoye, fought approximately at this turn until 01/15/1942. Then the enemy units began to withdraw, the division occupied Kolyshkino, Ovinishte. 01/17/1942 the village of Ostashevo (then the center of the Ostashevsky district of the Moscow region) was liberated by soldiers of the 1203rd Infantry Regiment of the 354th Infantry Division. 01/20/1942 the division occupied Terekhovo, Knyazhevo, Ignatkovo and continued the offensive with the main forces in the direction of the village of Bolychevo. 01/24/1942 liberated the city of Porechye, continued the offensive and reached the approaches to Gzhatsk. In early February 1942, she fought hard battles for Akatovo, was transferred to the Kostrovo-Dolginevsky direction. From 03/05/1942 to 03/16/1942 she fought the hardest battles for Kostrovo and Dolginevo.

During the Rzhev-Sychev offensive operation in the summer of 1942, it attacked from 07/30/1942 from the area southeast of Pogoreloye Gorodishche, in the southwest direction, in the zone of action of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps in the general direction of Sychevka. By 08/10/1942, after forcing the Gzhat River, it was stopped in the Belfry area on the Vazuza River, where it went on the defensive and repelled counterattacks by enemy troops. From 08/22/1942 she was forced to retreat to Grebenkino, Podyablonki, Belfry. From 09/02/1942, the division, supported by the 100th tank brigade, again advanced on Burgovo, Romanovo, advanced some distance, but by 09/04/1942 was forced to withdraw to its original positions.

Autumn and early winter 1942-43 the division spent in heavy bloody battles near Rzhev as part of the 31st and 20th armies of the Western Front. Parts of the division fought heavy offensive battles until 12/05/1942. By mid-December 1942, the division was drained of blood. She waged her last battles in the Talitsa region, a stronghold of the enemy's defense. During the attacks, the division was practically defeated and transformed into "mixed divisional assault detachments", or rather, into a single assault detachment. Preparing for a new stage of the operation, she again continued unsuccessfully to break through the enemy's defenses in the same area. Finally, on December 19, it was withdrawn to the army reserve, and in early January 1943 it was sent to the area of ​​the Knyazhy Gory station for formation, after which it was transferred to the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command.

The year 1943 began. It was time for the completion of the rout fascist troops near Stalingrad, which meant a turning point in the course of the war. As a result of the winter (1943) offensive of our troops, the front line moved away from the Volga to the Rostov-Belgorod-Kursk line. 12/08/1943 354th division railway was transferred to the Yelets station in order to become part of the 65th Army of General P.I. Batov, who had previously smashed the Nazis in the Stalingrad steppes. As part of this illustrious army, the 354th division fought until the end of the war.

On December 25, the division joined the offensive battles of the troops of the Voronezh and Central Fronts, as a result of which the famous Kursk Bulge was formed by spring. The 354th division ended up at its top, in the Sevsk area. Being on the right flank of the army, having the 149th rifle division as a neighbor on the left, the 354th division launched an offensive, successively forcing the rivers Sev, Desna, Sozh, Dnieper, passing through the cities or near them: Sevsk, Shostka, Novgorod-Seversky. On September 25, 1943, the soldiers of the 354th division, after a fierce battle, occupied the Terekhovka station, entering the territory of Belarus. And a month later, she reached the Dnieper near the city of Loev, from there she launched an offensive in November 1943 during the Gomel-Rechitsa operation and reached the Ozarichi-Parichi line.

From the Loevsky bridgehead, formations of the 65th Army were deployed to the north-west and on 11/10/1943 delivered an unexpected blow to the enemy in the direction of Rechitsa - Gomel. Fierce battles lasted 15 days. The 354th division was constantly replenished at the expense of Belarusian partisans.

At the end of November, during the capture of Gomel, when the division suffered significant human losses, 170 people from the Kotovsky Gomel detachment joined it. When the division crossed the Polesye swamps, it was the fighters from among the Belarusian partisans who taught the Penzyaks how to make bulk cells with a parapet from several small swamp hummocks and a deck of needles, and the artillerymen how to keep a bunch of brushwood at each cannon or mortar, since after several shots the guns sank into quagmire.

08.01 the division continued the offensive in the direction of Kalinkovichi - Mozyr. Parts of the division advanced on the enemy, who had taken refuge on the heights behind the swampy floodplain of the Ipa River. The division pinned down the enemy north of the important Kalinkovichi railway junction, where the enemy created a powerful defensive line.

Despite the strong defense of the enemy, our troops 01/14/1944 liberated Kalinkovichi. Since that day, the 354th Rifle Division received the honorary name "Kalinkovichi".

During January 1944, parts of the division advanced 11 kilometers deep into the German defense, freeing 15 settlements and on 01/28/1944 reached the area 300 meters southeast of Vichy. In February 1944, the division fought in the area of ​​Gorokhovichi and Pruzhinishchi. In March 1944, she fought privately in the same area, freed up to 9 thousand prisoners from a German concentration camp in the Ozarichi area.

By April 1944 (that is, six months after the division entered the territory of Belarus), 97 Belarusian soldiers who fought as part of the 354th division were awarded high government awards.

In April and May 1944, units of the division occupied the defense and carried out engineering work at the intermediate defense line on the eastern bank of the Visha River along the Podmekhovshchina, Ozarichi, Novoselki line and at the rear line on the eastern bank of the Ipa River at the line of Koreni, Koshichi.

06/29/1944 the division participated in the liberation of Bobruisk, fought in the city itself, captured the railway station. For 7 days of offensive battles, the division advanced 80 kilometers deep into the enemy defenses, liberated 350 square kilometers of territory with 75 settlements, including Bobruisk and the regional center of Parichi.

For the liberation of Bobruisk, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 05.07.1944. At the height of the fighting for the city, Colonel Vladimir Nikolaevich Dzhandzhgava (1907-1982) took command of the division. A participant in the Finnish campaign of 1939 - 1940, he met the war as a captain - he graduated as a major general, Hero of the Soviet Union.

After defeating and capturing the Bobruisk grouping of the enemy, the division rushed to Baranovichi, conducting fleeting battles with enemy barriers. The city was taken on July 8, 1944. For the liberation of this important railway junction by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 07/29/1944 the division was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree.

On 07/11/1944 she fought near the town of Kossovo (Brest region), on 07/22/1944 near the village of Zherchitsy (Brest region). During the offensive, the division covered 590 kilometers of the combat route, liberated more than 100 settlements, and participated in the liberation of Baranovichi. 07/17/1944 reached the state border of the USSR - on the Western Bug in the area south of Mileichitsy.

At the end of the 44th, the 65th Army was transferred from the 1st Belorussian to the II Belorussian Front. With him, the 354th division liberated Poland. She ended the war in Germany (in East Pomerania) in the spring of 1945.

After regrouping, during August 1944, she reached the state border in the Grannoe region. It crossed the Western Bug, broke through the long-term and defense in depth of the enemy, and at the end of August reached the Pshim area. In August, the division covered a combat path of 160 kilometers and occupied 49 settlements on Polish territory.

The organization of joint actions of tankers and shooters deserves attention. Thus, the forward detachments of the 354th Infantry Division (Colonel V.N. Dzhandzhgava), consisting of two infantry battalions of Majors M.U. Gamzatov and I.T. Ishchenko were put on self-propelled guns and armored vehicles of the 922nd self-propelled artillery regiment. In the early morning of September 5, they, together with the forward detachments of the tank brigades of the 1st Tank Corps, rushed to the Narew, crossed it and captured a small bridgehead.

The division entered the battles, advancing on Karnevsk, 09/06/1944 was in full force on the bridgehead. During September-October 1944, she fought the hardest battles on the bridgehead, especially intense in the first ten days of October near Buda-Cepelinska. Only for 04-05.10.1944 it lost 945 people killed, 445 people wounded. She fought on the bridgehead until January 1945, on 11/19/1944 she was near the village of Piskornya Mala (13 kilometers southwest of the city of Pultusk).

In January 1945, she went on the offensive. During the East Prussian operation, the division was supported by the 922nd self-propelled artillery regiment. On January 18, the division liberated the city of Plonsk. On January 26, 1945, the first of the formations of the army approached the Vistula and immediately captured a bridgehead on the left bank in the Neusas region. By 9 o'clock on 01/27/1945, its units expanded the bridgehead to 2 kilometers along the front and about 500 meters in depth, but at this the division was stopped by strong resistance. However, by the end of the day on 27.01, the division reached the river. The Vistula, forcing which the cities of Chersk and Stargard were liberated. By the beginning of February, the troops of the front were tasked with defeating the enemy's East Pomeranian grouping by capturing the fortified city of Danzig. It was to be taken by the 65th and 2nd shock armies. The task was to prevent themselves from being bound by a long siege of the fortress. Therefore, they carefully prepared for the assault on the city, using all the accumulated experience of fighting in cities. On March 25, units of the 354th division started fighting for the suburbs of Danzig and captured it in two days.

The top class fortress Danzig (now Gdansk) fell. The homeland highly appreciated the feat of the soldiers of the 354th division in the East Pomeranian operation. For the capture of the city of Stargard, the 1199th and 1203rd regiments were awarded the Orders of Kutuzov III degree, for Danzig the same regiments were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and the 1201st regiment was given the honorary name "Danzig". The 809th communications battalion and the 274th separate anti-tank battalion were awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

After regrouping, the division took up positions in the area south of Stettin. On 04/17/1945, she was on the eastern bank of the West Oder, supporting the advancing group of army troops on the outskirts of the Stettin defensive area. On April 20, 1945, the assault on the area was supposed to begin, but it was not possible to quickly force the river, the units came under massive fire from the defensive area. Only in the afternoon. On 04/20/1945, a divisional reconnaissance company (24 soldiers), on its own initiative, made a daring throw across the Oder, captured a piece of the coast, and thus enabled one regiment to cross and gain a foothold north of Syadlo-Dolve by evening. On April 22, 1945, the division occupied Przeclav and was stopped there by strong enemy resistance. During the further offensive on April 24-25, the enemy was bled to death. The next day, the 354th division moved on to pursue the enemy. 04/28/1945 liberated the city of Pasewalk, and 05/01/1945 liberated the city of Grimmen.

The division in marching columns went to Stralsund. Everyone lived in anticipation of victory. 02.05 the soldiers reached the coast of the Baltic Sea. Across the strait could be seen the island of Rügen, occupied by the enemy. They formed a landing force on self-propelled barges. When they approached the island and fired a volley of rocket launchers, hundreds of military men with white flags appeared on the shore.

Thus ended the combat path of the 354th division, which began in 1941 near the walls of Moscow. For the successful completion of command assignments at the final stage of the war, the division 06/04/1945 was awarded the highest award of the Motherland - the Order of Lenin. During the war, the composition of the division changed three times.

The 354th Rifle Kalinkovichskaya Order of Lenin, the Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Division was one of the most famous military formations Soviet army period of the Great Patriotic War.

On June 24, 1945, the battle banner of the glorified 354th division was carried to the Victory Parade by the combined regiment of the 2nd Belorussian Front.

During the war years, the division fought 2,000 kilometers, liberated 1,100 settlements from invaders, destroyed 27,000 enemy soldiers and officers, and a lot of military equipment. For courage, 4586 soldiers and officers of the division were awarded orders and medals, seven soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the end of hostilities, the division was withdrawn to Poland, in 1946 it was disbanded.

About 70 years ago, the 354th Rifle Division was formed, which fulfilled the order of fellow countrymen: to bring the victory banner to Nazi Germany. Having begun their combat path near the walls of Moscow, the soldiers of the formation completed it by participating in the Berlin operation. The banners of the division and its units are crowned with many military orders. The soldiers of the 354th were proud and proud of the fact that during the fighting they never retreated, leaving this to the lot of the elite units of the German army. And the feat of the soldiers of the 354th division is not forgotten by the people.

In December 1966, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the German troops near Moscow, a decision was made to create a monument to the Unknown Soldier. From a mass grave on the 41st kilometer of the Leningrad highway, where the 354th Infantry Division fought bloody battles, the ashes of a nameless soldier were taken and on December 3 they were solemnly buried near the Kremlin wall in the Alexander Garden. The probability that the ashes of our countryman from Penza are buried in the grave near the monument to the Unknown Soldier is very high.

This assumption is also true regarding the Monument of Military and Labor Glory on Victory Avenue in the city of Penza. On the eve of the solemn laying of the monument in 1975, an expedition left Penza in the Moscow region, to the site of the first battle of the Penza 354th division, to the area of ​​​​Kryukovo station and to 41 km of the Leningradskoye Highway. Penza motorcyclists took "holy handfuls of earth" from mass graves. Participated in the ritual of taking the land former commander division General D.F. Alekseev. He knelt before the grave and could not hold back his tears. At the same time, from the "Eternal Flame" at the monument to the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall in the Alexander Garden, a torch was lit and brought to Penza, to the Monument of Military and Labor Glory. " Eternal flame"flared up on Victory Avenue on the day of the grand opening of the monument.

In 1994, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, a bicycle expedition was planned to Germany to the places of the last battles of the 354th division, which became a symbol of the heroism and courage of the Penza people during the war years. Having traveled through the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Poland, our cyclists did not manage to reach Germany.

The ashes from the graves of the soldiers of the 354th division, taken on that expedition, were buried on September 22, 1996 in a solemn ceremony near the Seeing Off monument in Penza.

AND Lisov Vasily Alekseevich - shooter of the 1st rifle battalion of the 1201st rifle regiment of the 354th rifle Kalinkovichi Red Banner Order of the Suvorov rifle division of the 65th army of the 1st Belorussian Front, corporal.

Born on August 7, 1904 in the village of Nizhnee Shchuchye, Zemlyansky district (now the village of Maryino, Kastorensky district, Kursk region) in a peasant family. Russian. Primary education. He worked as the chairman of the collective farm.

In the Red Army since March 1942. From April of the same year, active army. He fought as a shooter in the Separate Primorsky Army, on the 1st and 2nd Belorussian fronts. Wounded four times in battle.

- in the defense of Sevastopol - in 1942;
- in the Belarusian operation, including the liberation of the city of Bobruisk, Minsk and Brest regions, Poland, in crossing the Narew River with the conquest of a bridgehead - in 1944;
- in the Danzig operation, including in the battles for the cities of Graudenz (Grudziadz), Zoppot (Sopot) - in 1945.

The shooter of the 1201st Infantry Regiment of the 354th Infantry Division, Corporal Alisov, distinguished himself in July 1944 near the village of Zherchitse (Poland), capturing 14 Nazis. On September 5, 1944, he was one of the first in the battalion to cross the Narew River near the city of Serock, dragging the fighters with him. When expanding the bridgehead near the village of Muraveyka, repelling another enemy counterattack, he destroyed more than 10 enemy soldiers with grenades.

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against fascist german invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the corporal Alisov Vasily Alekseevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 9070).

After the war, Sergeant V.A. Alisov was demobilized. Member of the CPSU since 1946. Lived and worked in the village of Maryino, Kastorensky district, Kursk region. Since 1985 he lived in the city of Voronezh. Died July 8, 1991. He was buried in Voronezh at the South-Western cemetery.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (No. 59879 dated 03/24/45), the Order of the Patriotic War 1st (04/06/85) and 2nd (No. 591986 dated 10/15/44) degrees, Glory 3rd degree (No. 128586 dated 09/14/44), medal "For Courage" (No. 1455955 dated 07/19/44), other medals.

Vasily Alisov was born into a peasant family in the Kursk region. From an early age, he was accustomed by his parents to peasant labor, performed all rural sowing, harvesting and procurement work. In the 1920s he served military service in the Red Army and returned to his homeland. When collectivization began in the country, a collective farm was also created in the village of Maryino, in which Alisov was one of the first to join. For several years he worked at various collective farm jobs. Soon, his responsible attitude to work, knowledge of the specifics of all rural work, personal authority predetermined the choice of fellow villagers - Vasily Alisov was elected chairman of the collective farm and worked in this position not only until the start of World War II, but also until the next, 1942. Despite the mobilization of most men into the army, the harvest of 1941 was fully harvested, after which Vasily Alisov, with a sense of accomplishment, began to ask for the front himself.

On March 12, 1942, by the Oktyabrsky RVC of the Kursk region, Alisov was drafted into the Red Army and at the beginning of the next month, as a replenishment on a ship, he was delivered to the besieged but fighting Sevastopol. As part of the 95th Rifle Division of the Separate Primorsky Army, he fought in the 4th sector of the Sevastopol defensive region. In May 1942, there was a catastrophe on the Kerch Peninsula, where our troops had to evacuate to Taman. Sevastopol without any support was doomed. On June 7, 1942, the enemy launched the last general offensive against the city from three directions. On June 9, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village of Kamyshly, in a heavy defensive battle, the Red Army soldier Alisov was seriously wounded. Communication by sea still somehow existed, and Alisov was first taken to the Caucasus on an ambulance ship, and then transported across the Caspian to Kazakhstan.

After the final recovery in January 1943, Alisov was sent on a long-term leave to his homeland. As a result of the Voronezh-Kastornensky operation, Alisov's native region was liberated. In the village of Maryino and the surrounding villages of the region, Vasily Alisov was engaged in the restoration of Soviet power, the destroyed collective farm, and the elimination of the consequences of a seven-month occupation.

At the end of 1943, Vasily Alisov was sent to the front for the second time. After some time in the reserve regiment, on April 4, 1944, he was enrolled in the 354th Rifle Division of the 65th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. The division was stationed near the village of Parichi, Polesye (now Gomel) region, and was preparing for the upcoming battles.

On June 25, 1944, the Belarusian operation began under code name"Bagration". The division, in which Corporal Alisov fought, was advancing in the main - Bobruisk direction. On June 29, 1944, in a battle on the outskirts of the city of Bobruisk, Alisov was the first to break into the enemy's trenches and capture one German prisoner. On the same day he participated in street fighting in the city, in which he personally destroyed up to 20 Nazis. For distinction in these battles, Corporal Alisov was awarded the medal "For Courage".

Further, during the offensive, Corporal Alisov, as part of his 1201st Infantry Regiment, participated in the liberation of the village of Uzda, Minsk Region and in the battles for the settlements of Lyakhovichi, Pruzhany, Brest Region. On July 22, 1944, near the village of Zherchitsy, Brest Region, when the enemy was firing fierce machine-gun fire, Corporal Alisov approached the enemy machine gun from the flank and threw grenades at it, thereby contributing to the battalion's task. When the enemy launched a counterattack, Alisov was the first to rise to his full height and began point-blank shooting at the Nazis. In this fight he destroyed 6 German soldiers, taking 14 Nazis prisoner, but was wounded. For his distinction in these battles, Corporal Alisov was presented with the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class, but the command changed the award to the Order of Glory, 3rd Class.

In August 1944, after being cured, Corporal Alisov returned to his native unit again, when she was fighting approaching the Narew River.

On September 5, 1944, in the area of ​​​​the city of Serock, the crossing of Nareva by the troops of the 65th Army began. Corporal Alisov was one of the first in the battalion to cross the river. On the enemy shore, dragging other soldiers along with his personal example, he rushed to the enemy's trench and began to throw it with hand grenades, destroyed 4 Nazis and one light machine gun with servants. Conducting continuous fire at the enemy as part of the unit, Alisov made it possible for the entire company to move forward and contributed to the crossing of the water line by the rest of the rifle companies of the battalion.

In the following days, battles flared up for the expansion of the bridgehead on the right bank of the Narew River. On September 6 and 7, 1944, in the battles on the outskirts of the village of Muraveyka (Warsaw Voivodeship, Poland), the enemy launched a counterattack with tanks, creating the appearance of “pincers” for the company. Corporal Alisov showed courage and high self-control at this critical moment. In his hands with anti-tank grenades, he coolly waited for the enemy to approach the throwing distance, and then threw grenades one after another, destroying more than a dozen soldiers and officers. The enemy could not stand it and rolled back. For these military merits, Corporal Alisov was presented for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the battles for holding a bridgehead on the right bank of the Narew River in the area locality Dzerzhinin at an altitude of 108.0 in early October 1944, Sergeant Alisov once again showed heroism on the battlefield. When the numerically superior enemy, with the support of tanks and massive artillery attacks, began to push our battle formations, Alisov calmly moved forward with a light machine gun. Letting on close quarters counterattacking Nazis, he began to mow them down with the fire of his machine gun. German submachine gunners, coming from the flank, tried to take the sergeant alive, but Alisov killed the Nazis with hand grenades and again continued to fire at the enemy. In this battle, he was wounded and evacuated to the rear hospital. For his steadfastness and heroism, Sergeant Alisov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree.

After being cured, Sergeant Alisov returned to his regiment. In January 1945, already as part of the 2nd Belorussian Front, he participated in the battles for the city of Graudenz (Grudziadz). Then heavy battles unfolded for the city of Danzig (Gdansk) and access to the coast of the Baltic Sea. But Sergeant Alisov did not manage to reach the amber shore. In March 1945, in the battles for the city of Zoppot (Sopot) on the outskirts of Danzig, he was again seriously wounded and sent for treatment.

After the cure, Vasily Alisov returned to his homeland. He received a disability, became a personal pensioner of allied significance. He continued to work in various positions in the Kastorensky district of the Kursk region. The "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin were awarded to Sergeant V.A. Alisov. in the Kremlin on August 10, 1946. At the same time, the Orders of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, Glory of the 3rd degree were also awarded.

Many thanks for the provided photo and biographical materials to the son of the Hero Alisova I.V. (Moscow).