
1. Teaching reading in an English lesson

2. Reading as a species speech activity

3. Methods of teaching reading

4. The role of plot texts in teaching reading

5.1 Types of reading exercises

5.2 Techniques for relieving difficulties when reading texts in high school


List of sources used

As is known, children’s activity in assimilation of information occurs on the basis of their own views and interests, which is the main means of motivating learning activities. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the personal individualization of students, to correlate speech actions with their real feelings, thoughts and interests.

As lexical units accumulate, many children need visual support because It is extremely difficult to perceive speech only by ear. This is especially true for those children whose visual memory is better developed than auditory memory. That's why reading is so important.

Reading is one of the most important types of communicative cognitive activity students. This activity is aimed at extracting information from written text. Reading performs various functions: it serves for practical mastery of a foreign language, is a means of studying language and culture, a means of information and educational activities and a means of self-education. As you know, reading contributes to the development of other types communicative activities. It is reading that provides the greatest opportunities for the education and comprehensive development of schoolchildren through the means of a foreign language.

When learning to read at the initial stage, it is important to teach the student to read correctly, that is, to teach him to voice graphemes, extract thoughts, that is, to understand, evaluate, and use text information. These skills depend on the speed at which the child reads. By reading technique we mean not only the quick and accurate correlation of sounds and letters, but also the correlation of the sound-letter connection with the semantic meaning of what the child is reading. Exactly high level mastering reading techniques allows you to achieve the result of the reading process itself - quick and high-quality extraction of information. However, this is impossible if the student does not have sufficient command of language means, cannot reproduce sounds or reproduces them incorrectly.

So, teaching the technique of reading aloud at the initial stage is both the goal and the means of teaching reading, since it allows you to control the formation of reading mechanisms through an external form, and makes it possible to strengthen the pronunciation base that underlies all types of speech activity.

The formation of reading skills and abilities is one of the most important components of the process of learning a foreign language at all its stages. Reading belongs to the receptive types of speech activity, is included in the sphere of communicative and social activity of people and provides written form communication.

The initial stage of learning to read is aimed at developing in students reading techniques in a foreign language and, in particular, such abilities as:

o quick establishment of sound-letter correspondences;

o correct pronunciation of the graphic image of the word and correlating it with the meaning, i.e. understanding/comprehension of what is read;

o reading by syntagm, combining words into certain semantic groups;

o reading in natural pace texts based on familiar language material;

o expressive reading of texts aloud, with correct accent and intonation.

You can effectively solve the assigned tasks using modern teaching technologies that take into account the needs of junior schoolchildren, their psychological age capabilities in organizing the learning process.

Let's consider some psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

Junior school age covers the period from 6 to 10 years. In the psychological studies of Leontiev A.N., Elkonin D.B., Vygotsky L.S., Mukhina T.K. and others, it is noted that at this time the course of students’ mental processes changes radically. There is a change in the leading type of activity: educational activities are replacing gaming, although play activity still continues to play an important role. A positive attitude towards learning is formed, and cognitive motives for learning are strengthened.

Are developing cognitive processes. Perception acquires a controlled character, becomes more accurate, dissected, intentional, the relationship between analysis and synthesis is clearly distributed. The share of voluntary attention increases, it becomes more stable. There is a development of intellectual operations: comparisons, generalizations of orientation, classification, coding, the transition from visual-figurative to verbal, critical thinking. The share of productive thinking actions increases. Mnemonic activity becomes more perfect. Memory capacity increases. Logical memory is formed, productive ways memorization.

Based on the above features of the mental processes of junior students school age, it is possible to formulate pedagogical requirements for organizing the process of teaching reading in a foreign language in primary school.

1. Practical orientation of the learning process:

o formulating specific communicatively motivated tasks and questions aimed at solving practical tasks and problems, allowing not only to master new knowledge and skills, but also to understand the content and meaning of what is being read;

o mandatory highlighting of the loud-speech (D.B. Elkonin’s term) stage of reading in the system of teaching reading techniques in a foreign language, which helps to consolidate the skills of articulation and intonation, phonetically correct speech and “inner hearing”.

2. Differentiated approach to training:

o taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of students, individual styles of their cognitive activity when communicating new knowledge and developing skills and abilities;

o the use of analytical and synthetic exercises, tasks differentiated by degree of difficulty, depending on the individual abilities of students; choosing adequate methods for teaching reading aloud and silently.

3. Integrated and functional approach to training:

o building reading instruction based on oral advance, i.e. children read texts containing language material that they have already acquired in oral speech; at the alphabetic stage, mastery of new letters, letter combinations, and reading rules is carried out in accordance with the sequence of introducing new lexical units and speech patterns in oral speech.

4. Taking into account features native language:

o use of positive transfer of reading skills developed or already developed in the students’ native language;

o maximum reduction of the interfering influence of native language reading skills associated with the peculiarities of the Russian language (phonemic writing and syllabic reading), through explanation, comparison, demonstration of methods of action and plenty of practice in reading.

5. Accessibility, feasibility and awareness of learning.

6. An integrated approach to the formation of motivation:

o attention in class a lot of attention implementation game tasks, action in problematic situations of a communicative nature;

o use various types visibility, stimulating the comprehension of new material, the creation of associative connections, supports that contribute to better assimilation of reading rules, graphic images of words, intonation patterns of phrases.

In addition to compliance with the listed pedagogical requirements, the success of organizing training also depends on the level of professional literacy of the teacher, the degree of his methodological competence, and the ability to use effective techniques and forms of work that are adequate to the stated learning goal.

Let's look at some examples of communicatively-oriented problem tasks and exercises for teaching reading techniques, which allow children to act in situations that are close to real communication situations. And this, in turn, helps to increase learning motivation and its effectiveness.

Depending on the degree of penetration into the content of the text and depending on communicative needs, there are viewing, searching (viewing-search), introductory and studying reading.

When teaching reading to junior high school students, these types of reading must be mastered, and their features and relationships must be taken into account.

Introductory reading involves extracting basic information from the text, obtaining a general idea of ​​the main content, and understanding the main idea of ​​the text.

Study reading is characterized by an accurate and complete understanding of the content of the text, reproduction of the information received in a retelling, abstract, etc.

By 5th grade, students can:

Understand a text based mainly on familiar speech material; guess the meaning of individual unfamiliar words;

Determine your attitude to what you read; use the extracted information in other types of speech activity.

In accordance with the program requirements, in the 5th grade the formation of the technique of reading aloud and silently is completed. Work with the dictionary is intensified, as well as on the development of language guessing mechanisms by relying on knowledge of the rules of word formation. Various strategies are practiced in teaching reading: with full understanding (study reading), with understanding of the main content ( introductory reading). As for skimming reading, preparation for this type of reading involves special tasks: find the necessary information in the text, read it out loud, underline it, write it down.

Reading on English language- a rather specific process, in fact, this also applies to spelling. M. Müller, a famous philologist whose dictionaries are still used today, called English spelling “a disaster of a national scale.” The pronunciation can differ so much from the spelling. As a result, reading in English raises many questions and difficulties.

At the initial stage, in working with children of preschool and primary school age, teaching reading occupies one of the most leading positions. As a rule, this process is fraught with great difficulties, since not every tutorial can help any child with different abilities master reading skills in English. Of course, various reading simulators and reading aids come to the rescue, which can be actively used in working with children. Many manuals are written in Russian and with comments; accordingly, they can be useful to parents who help their children and work with them on their own.

Here are some books for learning to read:

Reading trainer

The simulator is a textbook and workbook at the same time, consists of 30 lessons, after completing which the child will know letters and sounds and remember a lot everyday words, learn to read words in transcription and master the basic rules of reading English. The benefit is designed for children aged 7-10 years.

Learn to read English

This book will help parents teach their child to read English easily and without stress, especially if your child has already encountered the first difficulties in reading. The guide can also be used for individual lessons, and in the group.

Learning to read, learning to write

Lands and Friends. Learning to read, learning to write. Granovskaya G.I., 2008
This manual is intended for teaching reading to very young children, kindergarteners and elementary school students. The book has a lot of funny texts, songs and poems. There are many drawings on each spread. The drawings are black and white, but very nice. The rules of reading are well laid out, there are many different tasks: labyrinths, crosswords, copybooks, teawords.

Personally, I really like “Easy Steps To Reading” by Harry Hattyar. I often use this book in classes with children as a reading trainer, especially if the child has major problems with reading. The simulator is freely available in pdf format for downloading, consists of 36 step-lessons, with detailed methodological recommendations.

English teacher: Yulia Aleksandrovna Tikhonova

MAOU secondary school No. 2, Troitsk, Moscow

Effective teaching of reading in English.

Reading is independent species speech activity associated with the perception and understanding of information encoded by graphic signs. IN primary school the foundations of this important type of speech activity are laid.

Teaching reading in a foreign language at the initial stage contributes to the earlier familiarization of younger schoolchildren with something new for them. linguistic world, forms in children a readiness to communicate in a foreign language and a positive attitude towards further study. It allows younger schoolchildren to become acquainted with the world of their foreign peers, with foreign song, poetry and fairy tale folklore, and with examples of children’s playgrounds accessible to children. fiction in the foreign language being studied. The process of learning to read allows us to form some universal linguistic concepts observed in native and foreign languages, thereby developing intellectual, speech and cognitive abilities students.

At primary school age, students do not yet develop psychological barrier when learning a foreign language. And students master the necessary skills much faster.

They learn to correctly pronounce and distinguish sounds, words, phrases and sentences of a foreign language by ear, and to observe the intonation of the main types of sentences. Children gain an understanding of the basic grammatical categories the language being studied, recognize the studied vocabulary and grammar when reading and listening, and use them in oral communication, master the technique of reading aloud, read educational and lightweight authentic texts to themselves, using the techniques of introductory and study reading.

The success of learning and the attitude of students to the subject largely depends on how interesting and emotional the teacher conducts the lessons. Of course, in the process of teaching primary school children to read a foreign language, play plays an important role. The more game techniques and visuals the teacher uses, the more interesting the lessons are, the more firmly the material is learned.

According to the program foreign languages in the field of teaching reading, the teacher is tasked with teaching schoolchildren to read texts, understand and comprehend their content with different levels of penetration into the information contained in them. Ideally, reading in a foreign language should be independent, not forced, but accompanied by interest on the part of the children. However, practice shows that interest in this type of speech activity among schoolchildren is very low. This type of speech activity is not a means for schoolchildren to obtain information, improve their cultural level, or simply a source of pleasure, but is considered by them as a purely educational task.

In order for reading in a foreign language to contribute to the development of students’ cognitive interest, it is necessary to take into account the cognitive needs, age and individual psychological characteristics of children (and for this it is necessary to diversify educational materials: texts and assignments for them); include schoolchildren in active creative activities through the use of active teaching methods; give them the opportunity to exercise independence and initiative; teach to overcome difficulties in educational activities.It's no secret to any of you that mastering reading in English presents great difficulties for primary schoolchildren, often caused by the graphic and spelling features of the English language. Especially reading vowels, combinations of vowels and some consonants, which are read differently depending on their position in the word. Some students do not remember well the rules for reading letters and letter combinations, and read words incorrectly, replacing them with another reading rule. Difficulties often arise related to psychological characteristics There are not enough children of this age good development memory, attention, thinking.

When perceiving the material, younger schoolchildren tend to pay attention to the bright presentation of the material, clarity, emotional coloring. So, to ensure that teaching reading rules is not boring and tedious for primary school students, you can use color pictures. For example, to introduce the reading of vowel letters under stress, you can use the image of a butterfly with multi-colored wings, each color of which denotes a specific rule. Students use the same colors when emphasizing the spelling of words.

However, from time to time we are faced with a problem when there are not enough tasks in textbooks forconsolidation of reading rules.

In connection with the introduction of a new standard of training for the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and the start of studying a foreign language in secondary schools from the second grade, problems are identified when using familiar educational and methodological complexes. The methods of teaching a foreign language in the second and fifth grades are significantly different, so the authors of textbooks try to reorient the content to the perception of an eight-year-old child. However, until now the main difficulty, especially for young teachers, is teaching reading in the second grade.

There is no generally accepted strategy for teaching reading, so young teachers seek support from experienced teachers or follow the teaching methods of reading from the authors of the textbooks they use for training.

Using the analysis of educational and methodological complexes approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the main strategies for teaching reading were identified:

  1. transcription training individual words(M.V. Verbitskaya, O.V. Oralova);
  2. training in sentence transcription (V.P. Kuzovlev);
  3. training in memorizing the graphic form of new words and their oral reproduction (N.I. Bukova, D. Dooley, S.I. Azarova).

Each strategy has its pros and cons. When learning transcription, students experience difficulties in distinguishing letters and signs denoting sounds; for a second grader, these sign systems merge. When memorizing the graphic form of a word and reproducing it orally, students read familiar words well, but often cannot read new, unstudied words.

Thus, learning to read in the country of the target language is of interest. In the UK and USA one of effective techniques teaching reading is the Jolly Phonics method. This technique is aimed at a child who is a native speaker of the language at the age of five or six years; it is a course designed to learn one letter or combination per lesson. A child of five and eight years old (the age of second-graders) has developed skills and interests, so it is not possible to fully use this technique.

A description of the technique and a guide to working with the technique are available on the Internet. Learning to read begins immediately with learning the alphabet. However, the letters are not taught in alphabetical order. The order of learning letters is according to the frequency of use in the English language. The study begins with the letter Ss. During training we see the system:

  1. study of letters (name, graphic form);
  2. studying the sound a letter makes;
  3. reading unfamiliar words containing a new letter/combination and previously learned letters;
  4. recording unfamiliar words containing a new letter/combination and previously learned letters.

Thus, having studied the first three letters - Ss, Aa, Tt - we can form the words sat, at, read them and write them. When learning a new letter, more and more combinations appear for reading training, students repeat the letters they have learned and easily remember new ones. In addition, each letter is accompanied by a movement, which helps memorize the sound.

When adapting this technique to modern lesson English language in the second grade, the following provisions were briefly summarized:

  • Each lesson covers 3 letters of the alphabet (not in order) and textbook material that does not require reading skills;
  • In the lesson, after learning new letters, students are asked to write down words consisting of familiar letters and letters learned in the lesson on the board and in a notebook;
  • Each child is given a reading sheet (words made up of the letters covered), which is used in class and for practice at home;
  • The reading sheet is accompanied by audio material, which is used by parents for control;
  • After completing the alphabet, letter combinations and other reading rules are learned, supported by writing and reading practice.

You can also use the reading cards proposed by the method to increase motivation. In view of their developmental characteristics, second-graders prefer not just to read from a sheet, but to sort through the cards with their hands, choose their favorite color; the TPR method is also seen here.

The only problem is with words that are not read according to the rules. The teacher helps the students with these words and gives examples of associations that help them remember the sound and written form of the word.


1. English language. 2nd grade: textbook / [N.I. Bykova, J. Dooley, M.D. Pospelova, V. Evans]. M.: Education, 2013. 152 p.

2. English language. 2nd grade: textbook / [M.V. Verbitskaya, O.V. Oralova, B. Ebbs and others]. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2012. 80 p.

3. English language. 2nd grade: textbook / [V.P. Kuzovlev, E.Sh. Peregudova, S.A. Pastukhova and others]. M.: Education, 2013. 128 p.

4.English: Millie / Millie: textbook /. Obninsk: Title, 2007. 128 p.

5. Jolly Learning (Educational Publisher)

Learning to read English out loud

from the experience of an English teacher

CHOU Secondary School No. 48 “JSC Russian Railways” Olga Viktorovna Afonina

At the initial stage The main form of reading is reading aloud; as for reading silently, this is where its foundations are only laid. At the middle stage both forms are presented in the same volume, in senior The main form of reading is silent reading, but reading aloud also takes place; it should occupy a small volume compared to silent reading, but is carried out in each lesson on one or two paragraphs of text.

When learning to read aloud at the initial stage, we can roughly distinguish pretextual And text periods. Teaching reading techniques in the pre-text period should be carried out on well-known lexical material, already acquired in oral speech. And this is achieved as a result of an oral introductory course, oral advance. The essence of oral advance comes down to the fact that students begin reading when they have mastered the articulation of sounds, syllables, words, and even small phrases.

  • do not put emphasis on the function word;
  • do not pause between the article and the following word, between the preposition and the word related to it.

Find my name"(letters and transcription symbols are written on the board in advance, children must connect the letter with the transcription and read the transcription)

A game “Find a pair”: The student must find a pair of letters - capital and small.

"Neighboring letters"

The children take turns playing. I name any letter. The student names the letter in the alphabet that comes before the one named, and the letter that comes after the one named.

The one who completes the task names the letter for his friend. The game continues along the chain.

"Short Alphabet"

Any letter is called. The student recites the alphabet, starting with the named letter.

"Consonantal" alphabet

Students pronounce the English alphabet in chorus or one by one, without naming the vowels, replacing them by clapping their hands.

Lesson - competition

The ABC party”, where I offer tasks to test knowledge of letters, sounds, and the alphabet. At the end of the competition, students receive certificates.

"Come up with a proposal"

Students receive cards with the words they are mastering. Everyone must make sentences with “their” word.

“Who will continue?”

On the cards that are distributed to students are written unfinished sentences that the children must continue.

Reading words in a chain on cards (the teacher holds the cards. Upon completion of the chain, one of the students is asked to read 7-8 words in a row)

"Pair card"- work with mutual verification on the card. The first student reads the words, and the second checks the transcription. The first trains reading words, and the second trains reading transcriptions.

Reading "ladder" takes place in the form of a competition: who can read it better and faster.

his big pink pig

His big pink pig sits still.


The purpose of this game, which takes place in the form of a competition, is to teach how to form words. It allows you to involve in active educational activities the whole class.

1. Divide the class into pairs.

2. Distribute envelopes with letters.

3. Ask the children to make up as many words as possible on a certain topic, for example, “Animals.” Limit time (5 minutes).

4. Then ask each pair to spell the words in turn.

5. If other pairs have the same words, then they turn over the cards with letters so as not to read this word again.

You can offer the children the following tasks:

Students choose from a number of words those that are not read according to the rule ( lake, plane, have, Mike, give, nine);

Students read words in pairs, which they often confuse ( cold- could, form- from, come- some);

Students must name the letters that distinguish these words from each other ( though- thought, heard- near, since- science, country- county);

Students take turns reading words written in a column, where the first word is the key word;

From a number of words, students choose those words that contain graphemes oo, ow, ea, th etc.

With the advent of simple but related texts comes text period. The goal of the text-based read-aloud period is to lead students to simultaneously comprehend and understand the text. When implementing it, the following modes are used, which together make up the subsystem of teaching reading aloud.

1 mode: Read aloud based on a standard.

2 mode: Reading aloud without a standard, but with preparation in time.

3 mode: Reading without a standard and preliminary preparation.

  • The teacher should always monitor pronunciation and work on how sounds are pronounced.
  • Parse the text for meaning. Ask the student about the heroes of the work. It is very important how the reader “presents” it. When reading aloud, we must convey the mood of the characters in the text. In subsequent classes, expressive reading in primary school can be made more interesting for children. For example, invite the children to read the text as their favorite cartoon character would do it. Don't forget to praise the student.

  • Identifying key words in a text that should be emphasized while reading can be difficult for younger students. To help them with this, the text needs to be analyzed sentence by sentence, highlighting the main words in each phrase.
  • The best test of expressive reading is a small theater performance in the classroom. The teacher chooses an interesting play or poem that the children can role-play. Involve all students in this game, let them try different roles. The result of the production will be the consolidation of reading skills and a lot of fun.

  • For me, I always read aloud with my students at all stages of learning. It’s just that the tasks at different stages are different.
  • I work with high school students in the following mode:
  • 1) I select the text with voice acting on CD
  • 2) Listened to the sentence, paused, read, imitating the speaker’s pronunciation.
  • 3) Listened to the sentence, paused, repeated after the speaker without relying on the printed text.



Bevz Elena Viktorovna

MBOU "Secondary School No. 37",

English teacher


I have been working as a teacher at MBOU “Secondary School No. 37” on this topic for several years. One of the important tasks in your work with children is to make the lessons interesting and exciting. To a large extent, this depends on the teacher, his ability to captivate children, to provide everyone with the opportunity to fully express themselves and realize their abilities.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that there are problems in mastering reading techniques in English in primary school, that many children do not know how to read in English and do not learn sounds and letters.

Reading is the main skill of a person in life, without which he cannot comprehend the world, this is an independent type of speech activity associated with the perception and extraction of the necessary information encoded by graphic signs (Passov E.I.)

A student needs reading not only for practical mastery of a foreign language and discovery of another culture, but it is also a means of self-education and creative activity.

The formation of reading skills and abilities is one of the most important components of the process of learning a foreign language at all its stages. Link to Internet source)

Mastering reading in English presents great difficulties for primary school students, often caused by the graphic and spelling features of the English language. This is the reading of vowels, combinations of vowels and some consonants, which are read depending on their position in the word. Many children do not remember well the rules for reading letters and letter combinations and read words incorrectly. Difficulties often arise related to the psychological characteristics of children, insufficient development of memory, attention, and thinking.

Starting education from the second grade, it is very important that the processes of education and development of students follow modern methods. At the same time, the ability to competently teach communication in a foreign language to younger schoolchildren who do not yet fully master communication skills in their native language is a very difficult and responsible task.

The problem is that when reading, the student experiences a very strong influence of his native language. This is where various types of errors arise. The teacher’s task at this stage is not only to help students master a new symbol system, but also to prevent their possible mistakes.

And this is due to many reasons: the English alphabet consists of 26 letters, 146 graphemes and 46 phonemes. Accordingly, 26 pairs block letters make up 52 characters, with: 4 similar to the characters of the Russian alphabet (K, k, M, T); 33 letters are completely new symbols for students (b, D, d, F, f, G, g, h, I, i, J, j, L, l, m, N, n, Q, q, R, r, S, s, t, U, u, V, v, W, w, Y, Z, z); 15 letters (A, a, B, C, c, E, e, H, O, o, P, p, Y, X, x) are found in both languages, but are read differently. The greatest difficulty is represented by precisely those letters that are found in both Russian and English languages, but give completely different sounds. For example, children very often read the letter “H” as the Russian sound [Н].

The success of learning also depends largely on how interesting and the teacher conducts the lessons. In the process of teaching primary school children to read a foreign language, play plays an important role. The more game techniques and visualization the teacher uses, the more interesting the lessons are, the more firmly the material is learned.

When perceiving the material, students junior classes pay attention to the bright presentation of the material, clarity, emotional coloring. So, to ensure that teaching reading rules is not boring and tedious for primary school students, you can use color pictures.

In many textbooks, teaching reading in English in the early grades follows a standard principle: first, children learn letters, then the textbooks give rules for reading open and closed syllables and it is assumed that students will immediately begin to read quickly, fluently and without errors. Of course, children must know the alphabet in order to see the letters when reading.

With experience, you begin to understand that this is simply impossible to do. Students know the alphabet but not the sounds. They find it difficult to read transcriptions. In addition, there are so many exceptions in the English language that even in high school it is difficult to do without a dictionary. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that learning to read should begin with getting to know English sounds. You can try to write down English sounds in Russian letters for a very long time, but sooner or later everyone comes to the conclusion that it is unsuccessful. Need to know English transcription. This makes it easy to read and correctly pronounce unfamiliar words. English word independently, without outside help

How to make learning not only interesting, but also effective? There are many methods for teaching reading in English. These are the methods of G.V. Rogova, I.N. Vereshchagina, M. West and others. One of the leading modern methodologists is E.I. Passov. In my work I use only his general recommendations and use a mixed method (sound and alphabetical).

Let's look at how I overcome challenges and improve reading instruction for 2nd grade students.

Stage I. Introduction to the alphabet.

A child’s knowledge of the alphabet song gives a lot:

He gets acquainted with the styles of letters and begins to associate the styles with names.

1. He remembers the names of letters and their sequence. The student will not yet be able to independently name or show any letter, but he will know the names of the letters.

    They will remember the order of letters in the alphabet.

    Knowledge of the sequence of letters of the alphabet will be used in the future to maintain paper dictionaries, to write down a word dictated by letter.

    It will be useful to him when studying open and closed syllables of vowel sounds, since in an open syllable the vowels are read as in the alphabet.

There are many ways to learn the alphabet. You can learn a song, a poem, play a game, etc. (for example: I raise my hand up - we pronounce the letters of the alphabet in order (A, B, C, D...), I direct my hand horizontally - we pronounce the same letter (S, S, S....."), my hand down - in reverse order (Z, Y, X, W), etc.

Drawing and coloring letters help a lot.

Stage II. Introducing sounds and letter combinations.

I introduce students to sounds rather than letter names. To read, I select words whose meanings are already familiar to the child. This is how you can dial lexicon simultaneously with the study of sounds.

I introduce students to English sounds. Each sound is introduced in poetic form or using phonetic exercises, for example, showing children a picture with images and saying: - A woodpecker knocks on a tree: [t][t][t][d][d][d]; - We push out the air: [p],[p],[p],b],[b],[b].

Thus, during the lesson I introduce up to 7-10 sounds, and the children easily remember them, because poetic form and phonetic exercises will help you quickly remember and assimilate this sound

At this stage, students in my class create cards on which letters are written on one side, and on the other side of the card there is a transcription of the sound and how it is pronounced in Russian. You can play with cards and at the same time remember what letters look like that make certain sounds. The pronunciation of vowel sounds depends on many factors. It is influenced by the place of the letter in the word, neighboring vowels and consonants, and whether the vowel is in an open or closed syllable. There is a way to correctly pronounce English letters and sounds, this is transcription. You need to turn to it when you have doubts about how to read or pronounce a word.

I try to explain to the children why I pay so much attention to transcription signs and show how the signs help with independent work.

Many students do not always complete their homework or make flashcards. To teach all children to read, I use sound and letter combination cards in my lessons, where strong children teach weak children using cards. Child teachers really enjoy teaching and supervising each other.

There are many different ways, which encourage children to learn sounds. But I think the most effective thing at this stage is the game. For example:

a) invite several children to draw letters in the air, and the rest will guess the sounds and name the word.

b) children stand in a circle. Music is playing. Students pass the ball around in a circle. When the music stops, the child who remains with the ball in his hands chooses a card with a letter and names the sound.

Many other games can be used. Now there are many of them. Games are used from collections or from Internet resources. I remake them myself in my own way and to suit a certain theme.

Stage III. Reading words.

At this stage, many of my students become frustrated and confused when they begin to read the words. Children experience fear when they see letter combinations. So that the children do not worry, I preparing children for the fact that most letters English alphabet can be read differently. Children gradually get used to it. When they begin to cope with the minimum, their curiosity and interest in reading awakens. Here you can also use games to help children learn to read.

For example, children are divided into two groups, I offer one group a word that they must depict using their own bodies, and the other group reads the word, and vice versa.

Students can be given the game “Broken Phone” to play. Students are divided into two teams. I lay out the pictures on the table in one pile, and the cards with words in another pile. Students line up. The student standing in front takes the top picture, whispers the name of the picture to the next one, etc. until the last student. The last student chooses a word for the picture, shows it and reads it. Then, he selects the next picture, whispers a word to the person in front, etc. You can use pictures and cards on different topics.

In order to develop reading speed, I use cards with words written on them. I hold the card with the picture word towards me, then quickly show it to the students and turn it back towards me. Children guess and name the word.

Also offer a competition for speed and correct reading of words.

Stage IV. Reading phrases and connected sentences, texts.

At this stage, children read primarily poems and songs with familiar words that have been studied through the current lesson topics. It is not necessary to learn poetry - it is just an aid for better mastery and memorization.

How can you ensure that students love reading lessons? In accordance with the methodology of teaching reading in a foreign language, Solovova E.N. This can be achieved if several conditions are met:

1. Monitor the size of the text offered to students. Texts that are too long will bore children, and some will simply be scared. And children will not read such text. The text may include drawings and diagrams. Sometimes they are even more informative.

2. It is necessary to select the text, paying attention to the location of the main idea in it. It has already been proven that children perceive text better when the main idea is at the beginning or end of the text.

3. It is important that the topic of the text corresponds to the child’s developmental level.

4. It is necessary to take into account the issues that the text addresses. After all, by reading the text and discussing it in class, students draw conclusions about the actions of the main character and put themselves in his place.

During the second and third quarters of this year in 2nd grade, with regular use of this technique, I was able to teach most children to read meaningfully, as well as improve the quality and speed of reading, which is clearly demonstrated in the diagrams (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).


1. Always read out loud.

2. Spend at least 30 minutes of your time a day reading.

4. Always check your reading in the dictionary (especially at the initial stage)!

This is called practice. By reading aloud, students hear themselves and practice their pronunciation.

The English reading rules contain many exceptions. We talk about them separately with the children.

Currently, there is a search for new technologies of training and education, the purpose of which should be to create conditions for maximum disclosure creative potential each individual student.

I see my task as inducing cognitive interest in my students, using a variety of forms and methods of work that are suitable for my children and which will ultimately give good result.

Used Books:

    Rakhmanova I.V., Mirolyubova A.A., Tsetlin V.S. General technique teaching foreign languages ​​in high school. /. M., 1967.

    N.A. Bonk. English for the little ones./ M. 2006

    Sharova T.M. “We teach by teaching” // Primary School 2002 №12

    Sazhneva M.A. “Game as a way to develop interest in learning a foreign language” // Institute of Languages ​​and Sciences 2001 No. 6

    Vygotsky L.S. The game and its role in psychological development child / Questions of psychology: -1966.- No. 6

    N. I. Gez, M. V. Lyakhovitsky, A. A. Mirolyubov, S. K. Folomkina, S. F. Shatilov. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school: Textbook. -M.: Higher. school, 373 p.. 1982

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