Electronic system edu.brsc.ru allows you to solve many different problems that arise during training.

In this article you can learn more about this program: what it is, how to use it.

This online electronic diary is part of the Education program, which operates in Bashkortostan. You can access this program using the official resource of social cards of the republic. It can be found in the section " Educational space RB".

The main task that the service developers had was creating the most convenient, useful and understandable magazine for all its participants(teachers, students and their parents). Another important goal was ensuring transparency of the learning process. All difficulties were overcome, and now this service is popular not only in Bashkiria.

Features of organizing the work of an electronic diary in the AIS "Education"

With the help of this resource, parents can participate in the education process of their students. Moreover, access is available at any time of the day, regardless of the child’s location. To do this, you only need the Internet, an electronic device and login information.

Registration in the Ufa school magazine

It is not yet possible to register in the system on your own; this is done at school. First, you need to call the school to find out more about registration and the employee who will perform the operation.

To register yourself and for your child, you must go through the following steps::

  1. Come to school during working hours.
  2. Ask the employee who is responsible for this system to register an account.
  3. Get his login details.
  4. You can use the received data to log in to the system.

It is advisable to change the password yourself in the settings of your personal page. It should be known only to the owner, it needs to be remembered, or better yet, written down. The password must include english letters, numbers, symbols – at least 8 characters in total.

You can register an account only if your child's school participates in the program. The school director can register the school on the portal educational field republics on the website brsc.ru.

Login methods

You can use all services only after logging into your personal account. To log in to the system, parents can use the following instructions:

  1. Go to the login page at https://edu.brsc.ru.
  2. Enter your login and password.
  3. Click the “Login” button.

There is another easier way to log into your account. To do this, you need to have an account in the State Services portal. Under the “Login” button, click on the corresponding icon. The system will automatically fill in the data and open access to the account. But to do this, you need to link your page to the portal in the settings in advance.

  1. Administration. Monitors all participants, provides assistance and advice.
  2. Teacher. Fills out information in an electronic journal and diary.
  3. Parent. Monitors her child, reviews information, communicates.
  4. Student. Reviews the necessary information and communicates with other participants.

Restoring access to the journal if the password is lost

Recovering your password is not difficult at all. And for this you do not need to visit an educational institution, just go to the login page using the link above. Now, next to the column for entering a password, you need to click "Forgot your password?". Enter your email address and instructions with further steps will be sent there.

If you did not specify an email address in your profile, you cannot recover your password yourself. In this case, you will have to visit the school and seek help from to the class teacher or another employee.

Portal functions edu.brsc.ru

On the official website of the system you can find and use many useful functions, some have already been mentioned above. The service also has the following capabilities:

  • Student grades;
  • Meals at school;
  • Hometasks;
  • Contact the teacher;
  • The time the student appears at school;
  • Comparison of the student's performance with other children.

Student card

The social card for schoolchildren is also part of the Education program. This is the student’s individual identifier on the resource. Using the card, parents can access the following functions::

  • They can find out when the child came to school;
  • They can find out when the child came to the dining room;
  • They can top up the card to pay for lunch in the canteen.

Parents can connect two types of information system: free and paid. If you select the first option, messages about arrival at school or other actions will be sent to your email once a day. And the second option allows you to receive notifications in real time.

In the city of Sterlitamak you can get benefits using this card while traveling on public transport.

How to get a card

The cost of the card in the cities of Khabarovsk is 110 rubles. You can order the production of a card on the website of the registry of social cards of Bashkiria. When filling out the form, you must provide all the required information. The card will be given to the student by the class teacher to the child or his parents.

If the card is lost or broken, you must block it and get a new one. To do this, you need to contact your class teacher or system administrator of this school.

Features of access to the electronic journal by students

All data for parents is also available for students themselves. There is only one small difference: when you select “Student”, the “Email” section is not available. All other functions are the same: logging in and working in your account.

Login to your personal system in complete security. Be sure that the data you and your child enter is completely protected from intruders and third parties.

System security

If we talk about information security, as discussed above, you don’t have to worry about your children, the system protects them. To be completely sure, please review the following measures that the developers are taking:

  • The functioning of the system is monitored daily;
  • They instantly learn about the vulnerability and localize it;
  • Having studied all possible methods of hacking, take the necessary precautions;
  • Store information in secure storage;
  • Rights to services are clearly distributed;
  • It is impossible to get into your account without data by any means;
  • A system for identifying participants has been developed.

Efficiency of the electronic diary

This system is very effective and useful. First everyone educational institutions It was difficult to switch to “new technologies”, but the results were worth it:

  1. Most students missed less lessons and were late for them.
  2. Schoolchildren's grades have improved.
  3. Parents liked it new system control.
  4. Data security has increased.
  5. It is easier for teachers to contact students and parents. Conveniently save information.

Logging in to the website edu.brsc.ru is quite easy. An electronic student diary will allow you to monitor your child’s current progress. But you need to carefully study this portal and all its features.

Electronic journal is an excellent solution for organization educational process. Many regions of the Russian Federation have switched to its use. In Ufa there is also an online service for maintaining a digital version of the magazine.

The BRSC website was created, which unites all educational institutions in the region. Let's list its advantages:

  1. Simple interface.
  2. Many features are available to users.
  3. A laconic design has been created.
  4. You will be able to comfortably work with the site.
  5. The portal edu.brsc.ru is accessible to parents, teachers and students.
  6. The site is gradually updated and gets better over time.
  7. The portal works stably.
  8. All information is securely protected.
  9. Parents don't have to search for their school's website. A common regional portal is available.
  10. You can access the resource both from a computer and from a smartphone.

The site is being improved and additional features are being added. Therefore you should use educational portal, it will be very useful for you.


What functions are available on the BRSC website:

  • Viewing the electronic diary.
  • Maintaining an online journal for teachers.
  • You can receive information on the educational process.
  • View useful materials.
  • Parents can be directly involved in their child's school life.
  • Students will be able to plan their time and properly allocate available resources.

BRSC electronic diary

The electronic diary edu.brsc.ru is an advanced tool for parents. With it you can:

  1. View current ratings.
  2. Find out test results.
  3. Study the class schedule.
  4. Receive information from teachers.
  5. Find out about the latest news and view important announcements.
  6. Monitor homework completion.
  7. Track your attendance at an educational institution.
  8. Receive other information of interest.

AIS education in Ufa: electronic journal

Paper journals have been used by teachers for many years. But now there is a transition to a digital version. Schools are gradually abandoning the use of paper media.

What advantages does the edu.brsc.ru electronic journal have?

  • It is possible to protect personal data.
  • Prevent unauthorized access to information.
  • It is not allowed to change the data by third parties.
  • The electronic journal is easy to learn.
  • You can quickly enter data into the database.
  • Filling is quite easy.
  • All information is quickly uploaded to the server.
  • You can create a hierarchy within the system.
  • It is possible to grant access rights to participants.
  • You can work with the system on different computers.
  • The service is stable and constant access to it is provided.
  • Information can be passed on to parents.
  • It makes it easier to control the educational process.
  • Based on the entered information, you can create reports.


On the website edu.brsc.ru, you can log in to an electronic diary or magazine within a few seconds. After implementing the system, the following results were noted:

  1. Student achievement has increased.
  2. They began to miss classes less often.
  3. It is easier for parents to control the learning process.
  4. Teachers received a convenient service for entering data, storing and processing it.
  5. The system improved the security of information.
  6. It is protected from hacking and is reliable.

edu.brsc.ru: entrance to the electronic diary in Ufa

Logging into edu.brsc.ru allows you to gain access to a full-fledged information and educational system aimed at improving academic performance, simplifying attendance control and managing the educational process. The system differs from its analogues in its expanded functionality and boasts increased level protection. User data is processed using State Services, which is also worth paying additional attention to when exploring the possibilities of the project.

IN this material we'll consider:

  1. main capabilities and features of using the system;
  2. positive and negative aspects identified by real users;
  3. a detailed description of the process of working with the functionality of the diary and journal;
  4. registration and identification;
  5. recovery of lost data;
  6. other features that will simplify working with the educational portal.

Logging into the portal edu.brsc.ru involves dividing users into the following categories:

  • teachers (manage the electronic journal and diary, filling out the necessary information independently);
  • administration (occupied with filling out the general information section, monitoring issues of nutrition and transfer of students);
  • students (have basic access, can view their grades, use the virtual library and conduct continuous communication through the built-in correspondence system);
  • parents (can monitor parents’ academic performance and attendance).

The main section includes:

  1. general information about educational process, changes in Olympiads held at the city, republican and federal levels;
  2. the possibility of remote submission of applications and monitoring the status of their processing (regarding enrollment in educational institutions);
  3. access to an electronic library, including scientific and methodological literature;
  4. schedules of testing, final control, Unified State Examination and other exams.

The rest of the functionality communicates directly with the educational institution:

  • access to an electronic diary and journal, where you can monitor your attendance and progress in detail. Teachers can leave additional notes regarding each student;
  • creating alerts and a news wall that allows you to keep up to date with ongoing events and other events;
  • the opportunity to correspond between parents, students and teachers. This way you can quickly resolve any issues that arise.

Pros and cons of the portal

The functionality of the AIS “Education” Ufa described above is truly impressive. This is confirmed by reviews of system users who talk about the following advantages:

  1. no need to register on several different resources. The project brings together the majority educational institutions Ufa, allowing you to interact with each other;
  2. high degree of protection of personal data, organized by the Unified Identification and Automation system and the presence of additional two-factor authentication;
  3. the site is optimized to work on both computers and mobile devices;
  4. availability of updated electronic library, containing materials that can be used in preparation for classes, olympiads and testing;
  5. The AIS system simplifies the process of filling out an electronic diary and journal, making it possible to quickly receive up-to-date information;
  6. The correspondence system allows you to maintain constant contact with the administration and teaching staff without leaving your personal account.

Some users highlight the complicated registration as a disadvantage, during which the user needs to visit the nearest Gosuslug customer service office.

Registration in the edu.brsc.ru system

As we indicated earlier, adding a user to the educational system database is done through working with State Services. On the official website of the project you can find a visual map showing current service points. You need to provide the specialist with your passport and fill out the proposed form, after which you will be given a login and password for further work.

As an alternative, you can select an “Electronic key”, which is a technical device that is connected to a computer via a USB connector. The system reads a special code and automatically authorizes you on all available services provided by Gosuslugi.

As an exception, schoolchildren under 14 years of age can be identified. They are registered in the user database using a separate algorithm.

Electronic diary of Ufa

The electronic diary edu.brsc.ru is one of the sections of the functional project. Here you can find:

  • assessments and notes left for them;
  • comments and other marks left by the teacher;
  • homework;
  • recommendations for studying additional methodological literature.

Teachers manually update this section with correct information.

Electronic magazine of Ufa

The electronic journal edu.brsc.ru is an expanded version of the diary, where the user can:

  1. get full list grades in the chosen discipline;
  2. select display period (entire academic year, quarter, month);
  3. quickly calculate an individual or collective average score;
  4. compare the results with the results of the whole class;
  5. look at the notes indicating the disciplines required for additional study;
  6. number of absences for valid and unexcused reasons, their dates.

Sign in

Using the system functionality becomes available only after completing the registration and authorization process. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Login to the portal via direct authorization

There is no direct authorization in the Education project. The addition of new users, their management and moderation are handled by State Services. Even though it makes it difficult general process registration, in return you receive a guarantee of maximum data protection and confidentiality.

Login to edu.brsc.ru through State Services

Logging into the project requires you to enter the established login and password. The following can be used as a login:

  • Mobile phone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • SNILS.

Password recovery

If the system writes that you have specified an incorrect password, you can recover it only by directly contacting the nearest State Services service office. Here you need to provide your passport and fill out an application, after which the specialist will give you new data for work.

OJSC "Bashkir Register of Social Cards" was created by decision of the general meeting of founders on December 21, 2007. The company's shareholders are the Open Joint Stock Company "BANK URALSIB" and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan represented by the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The largest and most significant project of the company is the “Social Map of Bashkortostan” project. The project was recognized at the global level: Award at the prestigious international competition"OSCARDS 2009". Victory at the international competition of innovative card products “Cards and Payment Europe Awards 2010” in May 2010. in the category “Best co-branding or joint project” in Madrid (Spain). Winner of the competition “Best 10 IT projects for the public sector” in June 2010. in the category “Best project for the electronic transfer of public services in the field of healthcare.” In the process of implementing the project, the company has accumulated significant experience in the implementation of innovative products at the regional and federal levels. The “Social Map of Bashkortostan” project was taken as one of the basic ones in the construction of the federal project “Universal Electronic Card”. Currently, the company’s strategic vision is the active implementation of innovations in the field of information technologies, taking into account the accumulated experience in the project “Social Map of Bashkortostan”. The highest priority projects at the moment are: Introduction of a universal electronic card (UEC) on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan and further replication of the technology implemented by the company in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Development of UEC applications implemented at the federal and regional levels: identification (including the implementation of digital signatures), banking, transport, medical, educational and other government and commercial services. Development of infrastructure for the provision of public services in electronic form with the help of UEC: creation of a management system for payment and information services of various service providers, development of a network of information and payment terminals, integration of equipment in various organizations to be able to serve citizens when providing UEC, acceptance of UEC on the Internet portals of participants systems. Introduction of new technologies and automation of the activities of government bodies, receipt of government services in electronic form, including using the UEC. Processing services for UEC operations. Currently, OJSC “Bashkir Register of Social Cards” has implemented: AIS “Social Card of Bashkortostan”: - generation of reliable information about residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan who, in accordance with the law, have the right to social assistance; - integration of republican and municipal information resources related to the provision social assistance; - creation of a hardware and software complex for organizing the issuance of cards. Providing the state service “Make an appointment with a doctor” via the Internet and using call centers in the cities of Ufa and Sterlitamak. AIS “Registration of citizens in need of residential premises” on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan: - organization of centralized registration of citizens in need of improved housing conditions; - generation of electronic applications of individuals and their further recording in the AIS; - analysis of citizens' needs for residential premises and forecasting housing construction. Educational application. Electronic diaries, schedules, logs, attendance control, SMS notifications to parents, reporting. Accounting for taxi licenses. Providing a web service that ensures registration of licenses for taxi drivers in accordance with Federal law"About taxi." Loyalty system. Based on the Social Map of Bashkortostan. Accounting for trips on public transport for citizens of privileged categories. Network of information and payment terminals. Providing government and commercial services.