The new methodology for calculating centralized testing points is more objective. This was stated on October 31 at a press conference in Minsk by the director of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control (RIKZ) Yuri Miksyuk, writes BelaPAN .

According to him, the new technique is a mathematical system that completely eliminates the human factor. It has been used all over the world for a long time, and from 2019 it will be used in Belarus. The method is used by more than 6 thousand people. educational institutions in the USA, it is used to evaluate tests for admission to Swedish, Finnish, and German universities, and is used by global companies in assessing IQ tests.

“It involves more complex processing of answers than simply multiplying by some pre-known coefficient,- Miksyuk noted. - The methodology first distributes applicants in percentage terms according to primary scores, and then, in accordance with this percentage distribution, converts the primary results into the final one test score» .

For example, he explained, 10% of applicants received 40 initial points. "It is taken into account statistical distribution, what percentage of applicants received 40 points, how many - 50, and so on. And in accordance with this distribution, the final test score is formed. That is, if a given 40 primary points is almost the maximum result, then it will be, for example, 90 test scores» , - said the head of RIKZ.

When asked why new system better than the traditional one, Miksyuk replied: "It's a classic scientific approach. It allows you to determine the level of knowledge objectively, regardless of the complexity of the test or other aspects".

Up to a certain point, the existing methodology for calculating CT points suited everyone, but then questions arose as to why applicants received such low scores, Miksyuk continued. “What kind of score is this - 12? And no one could answer that 12 points is not a real assessment of the applicant’s knowledge, but a rating score in a specific test,- he noted. “If the test is replaced with another one, then the results for applicants will be completely different.”.

Miksyuk said why simply assigning certain points for tasks of varying complexity is worse than the new methodology. “It's all subjective. One expert believes that this task is not very difficult and sets 3 points, and for another expert the same task will be worth 5 points, for a third - 1 point,- he said. - And all over the world it is accepted that 1 point is given for a test task, and then how much and how is determined by the methodology. Everything is fair here. Those who know worse will not get more than those who know better.".

According to Miksyuk, in the 2019 entrance campaign, with the new calculation method, the minimum threshold points will be higher than in 2018. How much, he found it difficult to answer.

To pass the CT online on the RIKZ website, tests with a new assessment methodology will appear before the end of this year, Miksyuk promised.

Applicants who have high scores in the CT certificates for 2018 do not need to worry, the head of the RIKZ assured. According to him, the new methodology will not in any way affect the results of strong applicants who scored high points using the old calculation method. “After 70-75 points, both the old and the new methods give the same results. The rest may need to try the CT again and get higher scores.”, - he said.

The average test scores of applicants have increased significantly, but not due to knowledge, but due to the translation of primary scores into test scores. This has drawn criticism and outrage from both students and education professionals.

It’s not the CG that has changed, but the counting system

As a famous teacher and tutor in physics and mathematics told Belsat Evgeniy Livyant, the previous system accurately reflected the level of preparedness of schoolchildren. Now you can enter without knowing anything.

“The tasks in the tests are similar to last year’s. But the calculation is done differently. It used to be like this: the simpler the tasks, the fewer points. Now all tasks in Part A cost the same. The same thing in part B, which in itself is unfair. Secondly, the mythical conversion table, which did not exist. For example, if a student scored 1 point, that is, he solved the most simple task in part A, he scores 9 points out of 100. Two problems – 18. And eighteen points are enough to enter the university, since the lowest limit is 15.”

Evgeniy Livyant adds: according to probability theory, everyone has a chance to guess a passing grade.

“If I have 18 problems in Part A, and each task has 5 possible answers, according to probability theory, if you put all ones or twos, the chance of guessing is 4-5 problems. Previously, you could get a maximum of 12 points for this. Now it is 31-36 points. In many universities this is enough to get admitted.”

“F-grade students are pulled to the end”

The changes were adopted last fall. According to the teacher, they did this for one purpose: to artificially increase the scores of weak students, so that later they wouldn’t ask questions about why the students don’t know anything.

“The DH system was a mirror that was difficult for the Ministry of Education to look into, as it accurately reflected the very low level of knowledge of school graduates. Now those who scored 10-20 points receive 30-60. Previously, you could guess by 12 points. But now, without knowing anything, you can guess by 44 points.”

The specialist considers the system hypocritical and insincere, especially regarding good students.

“To get into a university, it’s not enough to score points on the CT. The average score of the certificate is taken into account. Preference was given to those who, by any means, received a high score on the certificate. The system is unfair and discriminatory.

IN last years whatever is done leads to more problems for the responsible students. And those who do nothing had less. My colleagues, university teachers, say that in most institutions the strict requirement is not to expel. Losers are pushed to the end.”

Innovations compromise the entire DH system, Evgeniy Livyant is sure.

“First of all, they discredit the work of the previous leadership of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control (RIKZ). This threatens the country as a whole. Graduates who received a diploma in some unknown way will build, treat, and maintain nuclear power plants. Thanks to the DH, the terrible corruption that flourished in 1980-2000 was broken. I'm afraid we'll see her return."

Experiment at random

Head of the project "People's Textbook" Sergei Olshevsky together with Evgeniy Livyant they tried to prove to the Ministry of Education that the changes were incorrect. In response to criticism, officials responded that they did not see a problem. Then Sergei Olshevsky decided to experiment: using the scientific method, he completed tests in Russian, mathematics, Chinese and physics.

“The Ministry of Education did not hear arguments about the leaky counting system, since Any person on the street can easily score a passing grade. Therefore, we decided to conduct an experiment. The results in the Russian language - 25 points - did not really surprise us: this is a passing grade for the philology department and two and a half times more passing score for other specialties.

A The results of the CT in mathematics were shocking: I got 49 points! And the average score in the country is 50 kopecks. That is, a person with zero in his head can achieve the average score in the country and even claim the budget.”

"Working for a certificate"

“They are even thinking about canceling my results in physics and Chinese, although there is no reason. The lower scores were raised, the upper ones were lowered: this is according to an analysis of dozens of current CT results compared to last year. The certificate plays an important role.

Due to the fact that the upper limit has been lowered, everyone in schools will “work for a certificate.” On the last day of enrollment there will be a mass transfer of documents where you can go. A this information stops updating three hours before the end of the appointment. As Rothschild said, whoever owns information rules the world. AND this information will cost money, because this way you can go on a budget».

Sergei Olshevsky believes that due to innovations, Belarus will face not the most pleasant changes.

“Creating chaos and lawlessness does not work because everyone has access to information. A If you multiply everything by the deferment law, then a huge outflow of guys is expected from the country. I’ll say more: the situation in 2013 was not enough for the Ministry of Defense, when the CT showed that many guys could not get a passing grade and went abroad to study. Later they were looked for through embassies.” experiment

The Belsat editors also decided to “publish” their results in the Central Television. And this is what happened. We assure you: we know neither biology nor physics.

From June 11 to July 1, applicants must pass testing in 17 humanities and science disciplines.

Yesterday registration began for participation in an important event in the lives of today's applicants - centralized testing. It will end on June 1, and ten days later – on June 11 – the children will have their first exam in the Belarusian language. What will the 2019 entrance campaign be like, will the exam tasks and their structure change, how to score the coveted one hundred points, and is it possible to calculate the number of points scored yourself - our readers were able to find out the answers to these questions during the direct line. The editorial guest was the director of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control (RIKZ) Yuri Miksyuk.

Structure and content

– Tell me, will the structure and content of the tests change with the new assessment system?
V. Linkova, Lida

– Of course, the content will change, because the same test cannot be repeated from year to year. The tasks will be new, but the structure of the test, of course, will remain unchanged, because it is determined by the test specification and approved by the Ministry of Education, and is determined by the entrance test program. In addition, and this is invariable, the amount of knowledge that we test corresponds to the materials in the school textbook and school curriculum.

– Will the test tasks become easier this year? Is it true that the material that is included in textbooks “for familiarization” will not be included in the tests?
S. Petrovsky, Baranovichi

– In order to properly and fairly assess the knowledge of applicants, a whole set of tasks of five levels of difficulty is used. Therefore, the structure of the test is preserved: there are tasks of the first, second, third levels of complexity. There are very difficult ones - the fourth and fifth levels. Their number has been preserved. In this regard, compared to last year, everything remains unchanged. The only thing I would like to emphasize is that Full time job on improving test items to eliminate additional questions marked with an asterisk in textbooks. Make sure that even the wording of the test items is close to educational literature. To the extent that the color scheme of cartographic or other illustrative material is familiar to applicants. Comfortable conditions are created so that the applicant can demonstrate his knowledge. If we are talking about mathematics, the numbers should be selected in such a way that the calculations can be easily done in the mind, since calculators can only be used for tests in physics and chemistry.

– How do DH tasks on a reserve day differ from tasks on main days?
A. Ivanov, Minsk

– On this day, the applicant will receive a different version of assignments than on the main days. That is, we are not talking about the fact that tasks will be repeated. But this will be a test of the same structure, corresponding to the school curriculum.

You can register to participate on the reserve day at the registration point in your region, where the commission will consider documented valid reasons. Traditionally, testing will take place at the Belarusian State University. To take part in the CT on this day, the applicant must have a whole list of compelling reasons. Otherwise, you can skip a year.

However, not all applicants register correctly on main days. Don't forget, this year it will last until June 1st. Then the registration database is closed. I would also like to remind you that registration ends with the issuance of a pass to the testing point for a specific subject. Some applicants forget to pay and return with a document certifying this action in order to receive a pass in exchange. Main document To register and pass the CT, this is a passport (residence permit or refugee certificate). In case of loss or theft of your passport - a certificate in the prescribed form from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Do not forget about the validity period of documents. And if it runs out, it’s better to take care in advance. Of course, you will be reminded about this at registration points.

Three we decide, five in our minds

– Is it true that by solving, say, three tasks, you can score 50 points out of a possible 70 or 80?
I. Livnev, Stolin

- No that's not true. For some reason, we stubbornly try to believe in miracles, and the secret to success in testing is hard work. And only those who prepared, studied year after year, systematically repeated educational material, can show good results. An averagely prepared applicant may well score 50 points, but look how many opportunities remain to reach one hundred! I can say that today’s scoring system not only fairly accurately assesses the knowledge of applicants, but also effectively ranks test takers based on their results.

– Is it true that if test scores increase, passing scores will also increase?
A. Ivanitskaya, Pinsk

– We can say that for those specialties where the passing scores were high, they will remain so. An applicant will not score more than one hundred points on the test. In addition, as the comparative assessment showed, both according to the previous method and the new method, the high scores of applicants will be the same. Passing scores may be higher than last year for those specialties where they were low.

– Is it true that with the new assessment method, weak students will win, and excellent students will score the same 70-80 points as with the previous system?
L. Ivleva, Grodno

– This is an established fact. The new assessment system, and this is the most important thing, will more accurately assess knowledge and establish fairness. If a person, for example, has average knowledge, he will receive the 50 points he is entitled to, and not 20, 30 or 40 points, as it could have been before. So, in the area of ​​low and medium values, applicants’ scores will objectively become higher and will correspond to their knowledge. But starting from 70-75 points, the assessments using the old and new methods are almost the same.

– Will it change? maximum amount points that can be scored when passing the CT? If so, how much?
I. Konstantinov, Minsk

Maximum score– a hundred, no other applicant will receive it. The applicant who completes all the tasks and scores the maximum number of initial points will receive the maximum test score – one hundred points. Nothing will change in this regard.

– What can seriously reduce the scores on this year’s CT?
V. Sevko, Mozyr

- Nothing. Only the formula by which these points are calculated changes. On the contrary, this year the applicant will be assessed to the maximum. If previously there were tasks that were evaluated in extreme positions, even if you partially completed them, today we have the opportunity to evaluate such intermediate result, put it into controlled parameters. That is, even if there is one error in the answer, but if the task is partially completed, the new methodology allows such an answer to be counted.

Themselves with a mustache

– Is it possible to roughly calculate the result after participating in this year’s CT?
N. Efremova, Minsk

– The new assessment methodology will be so transparent that the applicant himself, knowing his test scores, will be able to calculate what percentage of the guys wrote the test better than him. In addition, immediately after statistical processing of the results of all subjects, a conversion table of primary scores into test scores will be automatically received and presented to the public on the RIKZ website (a primary score is established for each task), according to which the applicant, without waiting for notification and being sure how many problems he has solved That's right, he can actually calculate his own test score.

- The child has engineering calculator. Is it possible to use this for centralized testing in physics? Or should you protect yourself and buy a simpler device?
G. Kindruk, Minsk

– In accordance with paragraph 60 of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting centralized testing, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 714 of June 6, 2006, when performing tests in physics and chemistry, “the use of a calculator is allowed, which is not a means of storing, receiving and transmitting information.” That is, the use of calculators with a different set of functions, including the so-called engineering or “scientific” ones, is not prohibited, provided that among these functions there is no such as storing, receiving and transmitting information. In this case, we are talking about the presence of a built-in photo or video camera in the calculator, as well as the ability to connect it to other devices using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and others to receive or transmit data. When taking tests, applicants will need to calculate only basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, calculation square root). So a simple calculator model will suffice. The decision on the admission of a specific computing device is made by the organizational commission of the centralized testing point.

Solid advantages

– What are the main advantages of this year’s introductory campaign?
R. Losev, Bobruisk

– Of course, the applicant will receive a more accurate assessment of his knowledge. This is a definite plus. And objectively it will be no less than using the old method. In addition, such a mark will be correctly compared with the school mark. And maybe not for everyone, but for most parents, the question will automatically disappear: why is the test mark so different from the school mark? In addition, it will be more correct to compare the results of CT from different years.

– Starting this year, applicants’ knowledge is assessed using a new assessment methodology. How did she choose from so many others? What are its advantages?
E. Dudin, Minsk

– Firstly, I want to say that the new assessment methodology is not a formula we invented and has a serious basis scientific basis, hundred years of experience in different countries peace. All assessment methods existing today are divided into classical ones, like ours, and the younger IRT theory, which introduces the concept of a mathematically defined measurement of a unit of knowledge. But we made a choice towards the classical direction, since it has proven itself well. Secondly, the advantages of this method in comparison with the ranking carried out by the previous one and which was a type of percentage scale are that now we have the opportunity not only to rank, but also to more accurately measure the knowledge of applicants in absolute values. This approach makes it more correct to compare the result that an applicant shows on testing with his school academic achievements. And this is very important.

– Are there any plans to extend the validity of certificates to 3 or more years?
E. Lazovskaya, Gomel

– Today the certificate is valid for 2 years. That is, if you pass the CT in 2019, the CT certificate will be valid in 2020. This is already a lot. It is not a fact that if a person with an existing certificate did not enroll this year, he will be accepted next year. Maybe you should think about learning and improving your results.

– How do you feel about tutoring? And to what extent, in your opinion, does the result on the CT depend on the tutor?
N. Ivanitskaya, Loev

– Recently, a lot of people have resorted to the services of tutors. But in fact, and this is confirmed by examples of hundred-score students, it is quite possible to prepare for exams without outside help. Many successful guys prepared for the CT on their own. Another thing is that this needs to be done on a systematic basis. And refresh your knowledge for exams. Studying school curriculum, CT collections, by participating in rehearsal testing, remote rehearsal testing on a free basis, where you can not only test your knowledge, but also practice your ability to fill out answer forms. I can say that traditionally the results of those who go through several stages of rehearsal testing, closing knowledge gaps, improve. Hard work is important here, given how high the stakes are. As for the number of participants in the rehearsal testing, we can say that it has stabilized. And this takes into account the fact that the number of school graduates is decreasing - we must not forget about the demographic factor. Over the past two years, we have annually passed up to 330 thousand human tests in rehearsal testing in three stages. I wish success to all applicants!


Is paper provided for working notes (draft paper)?

During centralized testing for all exams in educational institutions, paper for working notes is issued to applicants in the required quantity.

Will a tenth grader be able to pass the CT?

No. A tenth grader does not have the right to participate in centralized testing.

Is it possible to pass the CT without a passport by presenting a notarized copy?

No. During testing, the applicant must have an original identification document (passport, residence permit, refugee certificate).

Is it possible to go to the toilet during CT?

Yes. You are taken to the toilet room. However, the output is a minus of your time allotted for testing.

Does an applicant have the right to make comments (during centralized testing) on ​​the content of the tests?

Applicants' comments on the content of pedagogical tests are included in the protocol for conducting centralized testing in the classroom, indicating the number of the pedagogical test version, the number of the task and the content of the comment (see Chapter 7, paragraph 58 of the Regulations on DT).

Questions from applicants regarding the content of pedagogical tests are not considered in the classroom.

In what language is it held? centralized testing on the history of Belarus?

Applicants have the right to take specialized tests entrance tests in Belarusian or Russian (optional).

Applicants who have not studied the history of Belarus can take the test in world history modern times, except for the profile (direction) of the specialty “historical” (clause 16, chapter 3 of the Rules for admission to universities).

Do half-correct answers count in Russian?
Yes. In the CT for the Russian language, both completely correct and half correct answers are counted. This applies only (!) to tasks from part “A”.
For a correct answer, the applicant receives 100% of the point, for a half-correct answer - 20%.
Tasks where one extra answer is marked or one necessary answer is not marked are considered half-correct.
The correct answers are 2.4. The applicant noted 1,2,4. This is a semi-correct answer, because... there is one error in it: one extra answer is marked (1).
The correct answers are 1,2,4. The applicant noted 1.4. This is a semi-correct answer, because... there is one error in it: one required answer (2) is not marked.
The correct answers are 1,2,4. The applicant marked 2. This is an incorrect answer, because there are two errors in it: two required answers (1 and 4) are not marked.
The correct answers are 1,2,4. The applicant noted 1,3,4. This is the wrong answer because... there are two errors in it: the required answer is not marked (2) and an extra answer is marked (3).
Answers to tasks from part "B" can only be correct or incorrect. If at least one mistake is made in the answer from part “B” (for example, A2B2B3G4 is written instead of A1B2B3G4), such an answer is considered completely incorrect. The same goes for answers with spelling errors (for example, an incorrect suffix instead of a correct suffix).

How is a question that has more than one correct answer scored? (1) if not all correct answer options are given; 2) if correct and incorrect answers are given?)
You probably mean the partially correct answers that we use in tests in Russian and Belarusian languages. Even if you were not able to determine all the correct answers for a particular task, the computer program takes them into account. But you will receive a score slightly lower than if you chose all the correct answer options. The same is true if you chose the correct and incorrect answers.

How are CT scores in the Russian language calculated?
Each task has a difficulty coefficient. This coefficient is determined not by the compilers of the test, but by the applicants. If many applicants completed the task, it has a low difficulty coefficient, and vice versa, tasks that only a small number of applicants managed to complete correctly have a high difficulty coefficient.
Therefore, people with the same number of correctly completed tasks may have different scores. If a person makes mistakes in simple tasks, but completes complex ones correctly, he receives more points.

If an answer in Part B contains a spelling error, will it be counted?
No. The answer (word or phrase) is given in the form (gender, number, case) determined by the condition test task, and in the language chosen for the exam. Spelling errors in the answer are unacceptable.

But The new scoring method brought a lot of stress to the 2019 applicants. Questions about how this system works are already arising among 2020 applicants. We decided to answer all the most exciting questions based on information from official sources.

What is the essence of the new technique? How is it different from the old one?

RIKZ positioned the new method of assessing RT and CT as more loyal to applicants than the previous one. , and in the case of one error, only 0.2 points were awarded in multiple-choice questions. Also, with the old method, the cost of the task depended on its complexity: the more applicants did not complete the task, the more “expensive” it turned out to be. However, applicants and teachers discovered a number of shortcomings in the new system: it became easier to guess the correct answer, and it was more difficult for stronger applicants to get scores above 90.

Now points are reduced due to the fact that a specific task was completed a large number of there will be no applicants. Points are awarded for each correctly completed task.

Yuri Miksyuk, director of RIKZ

In the new scoring method, each RT and CT question has its own value (from 0 to 2 points) depending on the type of task. Some tasks can be completed partially correctly and receive 1 point.

The sum of points is used to create the primary CT score, which is mathematically converted into the final test score. With this technique, the results of RT and CT, according to RIKZ, minimally differ from the average score in the school subject.

Learn more about the new method for calculating RT and CT results

Is the new technique used in RT?

Yes, results rehearsal testingfor all subjects are calculated in a new way.Having visited the first stage of RT, you will receive a result calculated using a new method.

What is the primary score?

The primary score is the sum of points for each correctly completed or partially correctly completed test task.

What is the maximum primary score?

The maximum primary score is the sum of primary scores that an applicant can receive if he solves the entire test correctly. Bynew methodology for assessing DHEach task is worth a maximum of 2 points.For example, in the Russian language test there are 40 tasks, and the maximum initial score is 80.

It turns out that now you can get a maximum of 80 points for the CT in Russian, and 42 points for the CT in mathematics and physics?

No. The maximum score that applicants can earn on the CT is still 100. Do not confuse the initial score with the test score.

What is a test score? How primary points are they transferred to test ones?

Test score is the final result of the RT or CT. Primary scores are converted into test scores using a special formula, which is known only to the RIKZ. After determining the primary scores, a test score is automatically set on a normalized scale N (50; 16.667). A table of correspondence between primary and test scores can be found on the RIKZ website in the CT section. The primary zero corresponds to zero test scores. The maximum primary score is 100 test scores.

How many points is each task now worth?

On RT and CT each task will cost from 0 to 2 primary points. For part A, where you need to choose only one correct answer, the primary score is 0 or 1. In tasks where you need to select several options or establish a match, the applicant receives 0, 1 or 2. In part B, where you need to enter a short answer - 0 or 2 points.

Which answer is considered partially correct? Is there any limit on partially correct answers for one applicant?

The computer will count the answer as partially correct if the applicant made one mistake. For example, when an applicant marked the numbers 1, 3, 5 in the Russian language test, but 1, 3 were required, the task will be counted as partially completed. And if in this case you mark 1, 3, 4, then the answer will be considered incorrect, since there are two errors here (answer 4 was chosen incorrectly and the correct answer, 5, was not chosen). When in Part B you need to compare concepts and definitions (A1B2B4D3), a task with one incorrect number is considered partially correct. There is no limit on such answers.

Is it true that the test scores of the underperformers and average students have increased, while the scores of the excellent students have not actually changed?

This is true. The gap in scores between weak and strong applicants has narrowed. However, this had almost no effect on their ability to enroll in their chosen specialties. The guys with higher scores went through the competition first. But for applicants with average academic performance.

I got 91 points for two wrong answers. This is 59 primary points out of 62. It seems to me that the new methodology is unfair to those students who want to get 85+ points. You have the opportunity to write a CT only for 91, 93, 98 and 100 points; you have no other options in the range of 90-100. You'll have to immediately set yourself up for 100. This method of assigning points is unfair to those who want to get a high result.

Valentina Shcherbakova, graduate of training courses for CT at Adukar. Passed the CT in biology with 91 points

Graphs of ranking points depending on the % of tasks completed. M1 is an old system that softly ranks weak students, not bad - average and hard - the best students. M2 - new system

The maximum score for RT and CT in Russian is 80. It turns out that if I get 40 initial points, this will be 50 test points?

No, the proportion method does not apply here. The final test score depends on the formula by which the primary score is converted into a test score. The translation table can be viewed at RIKZ website.

Knowing the RT test score, you can determine your place in the ranking of last year's applicants.You can compare the result with the scores of last year's applicants. How to do it, .

Will there be any other way to modernize the scoring methodology?

Many applicants and teachers. There is a problem with the high probability of guessing the correct answer. Also, students with high scores were dissatisfied with the small gap in scores between successful applicants and those who did not prepare for the CT. As a result, the average CT score in all subjects reached 50 and the passing scores for universities in less popular specialties increased significantly. Director of RIKZ, which will reduce the likelihood of guessing the correct answer in CT tasks.

Is it true that you can solve 5 tasks out of 30 and get 50 points?

This could happen. We have provided several examples in the screenshots below. But usually such numbers can only be seen in mathematics and physics. In other subjects where the maximum primary score is higher, the number of tasks completed and primary scores will be related differently.

Is it possible to somehow independently calculate how many points you could get using the old method?

Unfortunately this is not possible. To obtain the correct result, many variables are missing (including the weight of the task). .

Will threshold scores increase in 2020? When will they be known?

According to the director of RIKZ Yuri Miksyuk,. Applicants will most likely find out what they will be like in the spring.

In 2019, passing scores for universities have changed significantly. Will the same situation happen in 2020?

As predicted, changed significantly to unpopular specialties. In specialties with high passing scores (closer to 400), there were no fundamental changes. During the 2020 induction campaign, there is no need to be afraid.

Is DH online from Adukar calculated using a new method?

Tests in All subjects are calculated using the new methodology. After completing the exam, you will be able to find out the approximate score that you can count on at the CT at the moment.

And our final advice: don’t get hung up on worries about the new scoring method for the CT. Better concentrate on preparing for entrance exams. The goal of the DT remains the same - to check whether you have the necessary knowledge base for further education in the University. We are confident that if you take your preparation for the CT seriously, you will be able to score high on the tests!

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