Grechkin Alexey Alexandrovich. Novorossiysk 75 years ago. Soviet military leader, Major General Grechkin was born on March 14, 1893 in the village of Karpenka, now Samara region. After graduating from teacher's school in 1910, he worked as a teacher. Since 1941 he served in the Russian imperial army. He was a cadet at the 3rd Petrograd School of Ensigns and a staff captain. Participant of the First World War, battalion commander. In the Red Army since June 1918. In the years Civil War As part of the 9th Army, Grechkin fought on the Southern Front as commander of a rifle battalion. During the interwar period, from October 1920, Alexey Alexandrovich served in the North Caucasus Military District in the 37th Separate Rifle Brigade, as an assistant brigade commander. In 1926, he graduated from the RKKA (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) RKKA (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) commander improvement courses "Shot". Since 1926, commander of the 9th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd rifle division. In April 1931, commanding a regiment, he took part in the fight against the Basmachi in Turkestan. On November 26, 1935, Grechkin was awarded the rank of brigade commander. In 1939 he graduated from the Advanced Training Course for Senior Commanders at the General Staff Academy. Since April 1939, brigade commander Grechkin was the commander of the 1st Infantry Division of the Finnish people's army. Participant Soviet-Finnish War. In the period from August 3 to September 4, 1941, Grechkin was the temporary commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District. In October 1941, he was appointed commander of the operational group of the 56th separate army of the Southern Front, which participated in the Rostov defensive operation, subsequently liberating the city. In February 1943, A. A. Grechkin commanded the army’s operational group for the formation, preparation and landing amphibious assault consisting of two rifle corps, two rifle divisions and other army units in the Novorossiysk region. Since March 26, 1943 - commander of the landing group of troops of the 18th Army of the Transcaucasian Front. From June 20, 1943 - commander of the 9th Army North Caucasus Front, which took part in the Novorossiysk-Taman offensive operation. On October 9, 1943, Grechkin was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. From May 20, 1944, he took part in the Pskov-Ostrov, Tartu and Riga offensive operations. Coordinating the actions of corps and armies, Grechkin showed himself to be a strong-willed and brave general, perfectly understanding the nature of modern combat and operations, firmly controlling the troops entrusted to him. On October 16, 1944, Grechkin was placed at the disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate people's commissariat defense After the war, he was the commander of a rifle corps, assistant to the head of the higher rifle-tactical advanced training courses for the command staff of the Red Army "Vystrel" and also the head of the special faculty of accelerated training of the military institute foreign languages. Retired since 1954. Died in Moscow on August 30, 1964. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, 5 Orders of the Red Banner, and the Order of Kutuzov. The material was prepared jointly with the Novorossiysk Historical Museum.

Soviet military leader, Major General Grechkin was born on March 14, 1893 in the village of Karpenka, now Samara region.

After graduating from teacher's school in 1910, he worked as a teacher.

Since 1941 he served in the Russian Imperial Army. He was a cadet at the 3rd Petrograd School of Ensigns and a staff captain. Participant of the First World War, battalion commander.
In the Red Army since June 1918. During the Civil War, as part of the 9th Army, Grechkin fought on the Southern Front as the commander of a rifle battalion.

During the interwar period, from October 1920, Alexey Alexandrovich served in the North Caucasus Military District in the 37th Separate Rifle Brigade, as an assistant brigade commander. In 1926, he graduated from the RKKA (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) RKKA (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) commander improvement courses "Shot". Since 1926, commander of the 9th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division. In April 1931, commanding a regiment, he took part in the fight against the Basmachi in Turkestan. On November 26, 1935, Grechkin was awarded the rank of brigade commander. In 1939 he graduated from the Advanced Training Course for Senior Commanders at the Academy of the General Staff. Since April 1939, brigade commander Grechkin has been the commander of the 1st Infantry Division of the Finnish People's Army. Participant of the Soviet-Finnish War. In the period from August 3 to September 4, 1941, Grechkin was the temporary commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District.

In October 1941, he was appointed commander of the operational group of the 56th separate army of the Southern Front, which participated in the Rostov defensive operation, subsequently liberating the city.
In February 1943, A. A. Grechkin commanded an army operational group for the formation, preparation and landing of an amphibious assault consisting of two rifle corps, two rifle divisions and other army units in the Novorossiysk area.

Since March 26, 1943 - commander of the landing group of troops of the 18th Army of the Transcaucasian Front.

Since June 20, 1943 - commander of the 9th Army of the North Caucasus Front, which took part in the Novorossiysk-Taman offensive operation. On October 9, 1943, Grechkin was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

From May 20, 1944, he took part in the Pskov-Ostrov, Tartu and Riga offensive operations. Coordinating the actions of corps and armies, Grechkin showed himself to be a strong-willed and brave general, perfectly understanding the nature of modern combat and operations, firmly controlling the troops entrusted to him. On October 16, 1944, Grechkin was placed at the disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

After the war, he was the commander of a rifle corps, assistant to the head of the higher rifle-tactical advanced training courses for the commanders of the Red Army "Vystrel" and also the head of the special faculty of accelerated training at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. Retired since 1954. Died in Moscow on August 30, 1964.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, 5 Orders of the Red Banner, and the Order of Kutuzov.

The material was prepared jointly with the Novorossiysk Historical Museum.

News on Notepad-Novorossiysk Biography

GRECHKIN Aleksey Aleksandrovich , Soviet military leader, Lieutenant General (1943).

After graduating from a teacher's school in the village in 1910. Dyakovka of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province worked as a teacher. In 1914 he was mobilized into the army and enlisted in the reserve battalion of the Life Guards. Izmailovsky Regiment. At the end of May 1915 he was sent to study at the 3rd Petrograd School of Ensigns. After graduating from school in August of the same year, he was promoted to warrant officer and sent to Western Front. Enlisted in the 228th Zadonsk Infantry Regiment of the 57th Infantry Division, which at that time was fighting heavy battles in the area of ​​the Osovets fortress. Then he left with the regiment for the Romanian Front. Later, as part of the regiment, he fought in Southwestern Front in the area of ​​the river Stokhod: company commander, battalion commander (elected), staff captain. In 1917 he was a member of the regimental committee. After demobilization he again worked as a teacher.

In August 1918, he voluntarily joined the Red Army and was appointed assistant commissar of the headquarters of the Soviet Don Republic. Later he fought on the Southern Front: battalion commander, chief of defense of Morshansky district, commander of the reserve regiment of the 9th Kuban Army. Participated in battles with units of the 4th Don Cavalry Corps of General K.K. Mamontov, in the liquidation of the Ulagaevsky landing, fought against banditry in the Kuban. After the end of the war A.A. Grechkin commanded a regiment, led a divisional school, and commanded the Rostov separate guard battalion. After graduating in 1926 from the rifle-tactical advanced training courses for the command staff of the Red Army "Vystrel" named after. Comintern was sent to the Central Asian Military District, where he was appointed commander of the 9th Turkestan Rifle Regiment of the 3rd Turkestan Rifle Division.

In April - July 1931, at the head of the regiment, he took part in battles with the Basmachis of Ibrahim Beg. From January 1932 - assistant commander, and from July 1935 - commander of the 15th Sivash Rifle Division, brigade commander. November 26, 1935 with the introduction of personal military ranks The commanding staff of the Red Army, A. A. Grechkin, was awarded the rank of brigade commander. In March 1936 he was appointed head of the department military training students of the Kyiv Military District. In 1939 he graduated from KUVNAS at the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army, and in September of the same year he participated in the Red Army’s campaign in Western Ukraine. At the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. by order of the head of the Red Army Personnel Directorate E.A. Shchadenko Grechkin formed the 1st Division of the Finnish People's Army and fought with it on the Karelian Isthmus, participated in the capture of Vyborg. On June 4, 1940, after the establishment of general ranks in the Red Army, A.A. Grechkin was awarded the rank of major general. At the end of hostilities in July 1940, he was appointed assistant to the commander of the North Caucasus Military District (NCMD) for universities.

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, Major General A.A. Grechkin, remaining in his previous position, supervised the creation of the Mius defensive line, defensive contours around the city of Rostov-on-Don. From August 3 to September 4, 1941, he temporarily served as commander of the North Caucasian Military District. In October of the same year, he was appointed commander of the operational group of the 56th separate army of the Southern Front, which participated in the Rostov defensive and then the Rostov offensive operations. During the Rostov offensive operation, the troops of the army and its army operational group of General A.A. Grechkin, in cooperation with the 9th Army of the Southern Front, liberated the city of Rostov-on-Don. Since June 1942 - Deputy Commander of the 24th Army. Since August 1942 - commander of the 318th Infantry Division.

From December of the same year, he commanded the 16th Rifle Corps, then the landing group of troops of the 18th Army of the Transcaucasian Front. In February 1943 A.A. Grechkin commanded the army’s operational group for the formation, preparation and landing of amphibious assault forces south of Novorossiysk. Since June 1943 - commander of the 9th Army of the North Caucasus Front. In September-October of the same year, she took part in the Novorossiysk-Taman offensive operation. In October 1943, he was awarded the military rank of lieutenant general. Since November 1943, Lieutenant General A.A. Grechkin commanded the 28th Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front, which participated first in the Nikopol-Krivoy Rog, then as part of the 3rd Ukrainian Front in the Bereznegovato-Snigirevskaya offensive operations. In May 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the 3rd Baltic Front and in this position took part in the Pskov-Ostrov, Tartu and Riga offensive operations. After the disbandment of the 3rd Baltic Front in October 1944, A.A. Grechkin was placed at the disposal of the GUK NKO, and from April 1945 he was at the disposal of the Military Council of the 1st Ukrainian Front. At the very end of the war, he was appointed commander of the 48th Rifle Corps of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

After the war, Lieutenant General A.A. Grechkin continued to command this corps in the Lviv Military District. From May 1946 he commanded the 73rd Silesian Rifle Corps in the Carpathian Military District. Since October 1946 - assistant chief for tactical training of the Higher Rifle and Tactical Courses for Advanced Training of Infantry Commanders "Vystrel" named after. B.M. Shaposhnikova. Since February 1951 - head of the special faculty of accelerated training at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. In June 1954 he was dismissed.

Awarded: Order of Lenin, 5 Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Kutuzov 1st class, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st class, Suvorov 2nd class, medals.

Alexey Alexandrovich Grechkin(March 27, 1893 - August 30, 1964) - Soviet military leader, lieutenant general (1943).


Born in the village of Karpenka, now Samara region.

Served in the Russian Imperial Army since 1914, cadet - 3rd Petrograd School of Ensigns, staff captain. Participant in the First World War, battalion commander.

In the Red Army since June 1918. During the Civil War, as part of the 9th Army, A. A. Grechkin fought on the Southern Front as the commander of a rifle battalion, a reserve rifle regiment.

During the interwar period, from October 1920, A. A. Grechkin served in the North Caucasus Military District in the 37th separate rifle brigade, assistant brigade commander, commander of the 111th rifle regiment. From June 1922 - assistant commander of the 37th Infantry Regiment of the 13th Infantry Division of the same district, from July 1923 - commander of the Rostov separate guard battalion. Since June 1924 - assistant commander and acting commander of the 64th Infantry Regiment of the 22nd Infantry Division. In 1926 he graduated from the Comintern rifle-tactical advanced training courses for the command staff of the Red Army "Vystrel". Since 1926 - commander of the 9th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division. In April-July 1931, commanding a regiment, he took part in the fight against the Basmachi in Turkestan. Since December 1932 - assistant commander and acting commander of the 15th Infantry Division. On November 26, 1935, with the introduction of personal military ranks for the commanding staff of the Red Army, A. A. Grechkin was awarded the rank of “brigade commander”. Since March 1936 - head of the department of military training of students in the Kiev Military District. Since September 1938 - assistant commander of the 13th Rifle Corps. In 1939 he graduated from the Advanced Training Course for Senior Commanders at the Academy of the General Staff. Since April 1939, brigade commander Grechkin has been the commander of the 1st Infantry Division of the Finnish People's Army.

Participant of the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940). On June 4, 1940, after the establishment of general ranks in the Red Army, A.A. Grechkin was awarded the rank of Major General. Since July 1940 - assistant to the commander of the North Caucasus Military District for universities.

Participation in the Great Patriotic War

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, while remaining in this position, A. A. Grechkin headed the management of work on the creation of the Mius defensive line, defensive contours around the city of Rostov-on-Don.

In the period from August 3 to September 4, 1941, A. A. Grechkin was the temporary commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District.

In October, he was appointed commander of the operational group of the 56th separate army of the Southern Front, which participated in the Rostov defensive operation. Following it, the Rostov offensive operation began with the goal of defeating the German 1st tank army, whose troops captured a significant part of Donbass and reached the approaches to Rostov. This created a threat to the enemy North Caucasus. The 56th separate army was tasked with firmly holding the area of ​​the cities of Novocherkassk and Rostov-on-Don, and with a successful offensive by the troops of the Southern Front, striking northwest direction. Due to the large width of the army’s defense zone (up to 140 km), the army task force under the command of A. A. Grechkin had to maneuver in the most difficult conditions of a defensive battle and conduct fierce battles with the enemy groups that had broken through in the Rostov direction. The task force units fought particularly difficult defensive battles on November 17-21, when the enemy managed to capture the city at the cost of heavy losses, and the army troops were forced to retreat to the left bank of the Don River. On November 23, the 56th Army was included in the Transcaucasian Front. In the Rostov offensive operation, army troops and its army task force under the command of A. A. Grechkin, in cooperation with the 9th Army of the Southern Front, liberated Rostov-on-Don.

After being promoted to the rank of warrant officer, Grechkin was assigned to the Western Front in the 228th Zadonsk Regiment of the 57th Infantry Division, which at that time was fighting the hardest battles in the area of ​​the Osovets fortress (“Immortal Garrison,” “VPK” No. 31, 2015). Then the regiment was transferred to the Romanian Front, and later to the Southwestern Front. Military career former teacher was successful - at first he was appointed company commander, and after the election of commanders was introduced in the army, the soldiers were elected as a battalion commander and a member of the regimental committee.

In October 1917, Staff Captain Grechkin took off his overcoat and returned to his peaceful profession. But the “fighting year of the eighteenth” broke out, and the teacher joined the Red Army. He was the chief of defense of the Morshansky district. The soldiers entrusted to him successfully fought with the most combat-ready part of the 4th Don Cavalry Corps of General Mamontov, and participated in the liquidation of the Ulagaevsky landing. The contribution of Kraskom to the elimination of banditry in the Kuban is significant.

In April-July 1931, regiment commander Grechkin participated in the fight against the Basmachi of Ibrahim Bey, who were terrorizing the left bank of the Vakhsh. In 1935, he was appointed commander of the 15th Sivash Rifle Division. On November 26, 1935, after the introduction of personal military ranks for the commanding staff of the Red Army, he became a brigade commander. In September 1939, he participated in the liberation campaign of the Red Army in Western Ukraine.

The war with the White Finns occupies a special place in the commander’s biography. By order of the head of the personnel department of the Red Army, Grechkin formed the 1st division of the Finnish People's Army. He fought on the Karelian Isthmus and took part in the capture of Vyborg.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, he managed to become the deputy commander of the North Caucasian Military District for universities, and rose to the rank of major general. After the Nazi invasion, he led the creation of the Mius line, defensive lines around Rostov-on-Don. As the commander of the operational group, he became a co-author of the first significant victory since the beginning of the war - together with the commanders of the 56th separate and 9th armies, Fedor Remezov and Fedor Kharitonov. The role of the task force headed by Grechkin was paramount. Given the wide width of the army's defense line - up to 140 kilometers - it had to maneuver and conduct fierce battles with enemy groups that had broken through. On November 17-21, the Nazis, at the cost of heavy losses, managed to capture the city, and the army troops were forced to retreat to the left bank of the Don, but not for long. In a history textbook you can read: “In the battles near Rostov-on-Don, the troops that made up the main impact force Wehrmacht in the Southern direction. For the first time in the war, the Red Army switched from defense to offensive... The liberation of Rostov-on-Don is a major success Soviet troops in the harsh autumn of 1941. It was the prologue to the victory near Moscow. Having drawn off significant enemy forces, the Rostovites were among the most active helpers of those who defended the capital.”

“As commander of the army’s operational group, the general was involved in preparing the landing force and seizing a bridgehead in the Myskhako area near Novorossiysk.”

From the end of 1942 to June 1943 - service in the 18th Army. Grechkin commands the corps, special groups, holds the position of deputy commander. On Malaya Zemlya, the soldiers and officers of the 18th Army covered themselves with unfading glory.

As commander of the army's operational group, General Grechkin was involved in preparing the landing force and seizing a bridgehead in the Myskhako area near Novorossiysk. The first group landed in early February 43rd. Brigade commander Fyodor Monastyrsky recalled: “... the Myskhako garrison was growing. The Soviet command took measures to quickly liberate Novorossiysk. In mid-February, by order of the commander of the Black Sea Group of Forces, the 18th Army was transformed into the 18th Airborne Force. She received the task of conducting an offensive simultaneously northeast of Novorossiysk and on Myskhako. Somewhat later, an airborne group of troops of the 18th Army was formed on Malaya Zemlya. It was headed by Deputy Army Commander, Major General A. A. Grechkin. He arrived on Malaya Zemlya and, together with the headquarters of the 20th Airborne Corps, was located east of the Myskhako state farm in the caponier of a battery that had previously stood here coastal defense" General Grechkin was the soul of the defense of Malaya Zemlya.

In June 43rd he led the 9th Army. The then chief of staff of the North Caucasus Front, Lieutenant General Ivan Laskin, many years later recalled the first meeting: “I had already had the opportunity to speak on the phone with General Grechkin more than once, and I knew that it was very easy to resolve any issues with him, since we understood each other without words. And now I saw in him the very simplicity, the very spontaneity. Alexey Alexandrovich had neither vanity nor pride, but a lot of spiritual kindness... This man went through the fire of three wars and forever retained simplicity, modesty and soldier’s valor.”

The 9th Army, under the command of Major General Grechkin, delivered the main attacks on the village of Kurchanskaya and Temryuk during the Novorossiysk-Taman strategic offensive operation. Laskin describes the further course of events as follows: “Commander Grechkin decisively said: “We must put an end to Temryuk. The Germans are afraid of the night and our flank attacks. We will organize a surprise assault on the enemy.” The plan was implemented, and the Nazis suffered serious damage. A star was added to the military commander's shoulder straps.

November 43, Lieutenant General Grechkin met the commander of the 28th Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front. The task of capturing the Nikopol bridgehead was completely completed. As part of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Grechkin’s army recaptured the Dnieper right bank. The operations to liberate Berislav, Nikolaev, and Kherson were brilliant in concept and execution.

In May-October 1944, the general served as deputy commander of the 3rd Baltic Front. In a stubborn struggle, the back of the vaunted 18th Army of the Nazis was broken. The seemingly impregnable Pskov-Ostrovsky fortified area was conquered. The Marienburg line is broken.

The names of Army General Ivan Maslennikov, Lieutenant General Alexander Grechkin, commander of the 3rd Baltic Front and his deputy, are written in golden letters in the history of the liberation of Latvia and Estonia from the Nazis. But in both republics the feat of these people was forgotten.

After the war, Alexey Alexandrovich served for nine years and retired in 1954. Died August 30, 1964.
Warlord awarded with orders Lenin, five - the Red Banner, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky (both - 1st degree), Suvorov (2nd degree).

, Doctor of Historical Sciences