To improve the legal knowledge of university students, a training program for law students was organized...

Founded back in the 35th year of the last century, the FSB Institute was one of the branches of the state security department of the NKVD of the USSR. Its graduates have always shown brilliant results and received many state awards and medals.

About studying at the Novosibirsk FSB Institute

To improve the legal knowledge of university students, a law training program was organized for students. Training plans were also reviewed and adjustments made accordingly. On the territory of the Institute there is a training center for employees of the federal security service. By improving knowledge, the quality of work and the effectiveness of the methods used by employees improves.

The institute has everything necessary for teaching students. The presence of a sports complex ensures good physical training for students. Continuous training and martial arts training is carried out. Competitions and competitions are held among students in certain sports.

The presence of a huge number of clubs can tell you about studying at the Novosibirsk FSB Institute. There are clubs in some basic sciences and subjects, as well as in creative disciplines. There is a cultural center and an amateur creative club.

Students are provided with a dormitory and everything necessary for a comfortable stay. At the same time, this becomes a very important factor for admission among nonresidents. Since there are always enough rooms here to provide all students with housing. Training is carried out both in general education disciplines and in special subjects.

Among these items are:

1. Cryptography.

2. Computer security.

3. Lessons for the investigative department.

4. Training for FSB border services.

After completing the course, all students receive a state certificate. Those students who have demonstrated brilliant abilities and knowledge during their studies are awarded diplomas and can participate in grants. Highly qualified teaching staff will help students master all the necessary sciences. Extensive experience in training has allowed us to find the most effective teaching methods, which, in combination with an existing program, give the best results.


On August 10, 1935, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR signed order No. 00306 “On the organization and recruitment of 1 set of 10 inter-regional schools for the training of UGB operational personnel.” The order prescribed the formation of special educational institutions for the training of operational personnel for the planned replenishment of the bodies of the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR. One of these schools was opened in Novosibirsk, its official opening took place on October 15, 1935.
The Novosibirsk school was organizationally subordinate to the head of the NKVD Directorate for the West Siberian Territory (since 1937 - Novosibirsk Region).
In 1940, a new building for the Chekist school was put into operation on Krasny Prospect; the educational institution of the Russian special services is still located in this building.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Novosibirsk Interregional School organized the early graduation of cadets and students from the pre-war intake, many of whom were immediately sent to military counterintelligence agencies. On July 1, 1941, a number of school teachers were also seconded to the Third Directorate of the NKOSSSR.
To provide staffing and solve complex problems in the field of intelligence and operational work, at the beginning of July 1941, on the basis of the Novosibirsk Interregional School of the NKGB of the USSR, the Third Department of the Siberian Military District (SibVO) created short-term (training period - one month) courses for training operational personnel for military counterintelligence. Organizational work was assigned to the Third Department of the SibVO, and educational and methodological work was assigned to the management and teaching staff of the interregional school.
The first intake included 306 cadets. The courses were attended by political workers and commanders of the Red Army and Navy called up from the reserve. The selection of candidates for study was carried out by the Third Departments of the country's internal military districts.
At the end of July 1941, on the basis of the Novosibirsk Interregional School of the NKVD of the USSR, the second intake of students was held for short-term training courses for operational officers for the Special Departments of the NKVD - a total of 500 people. The selection of candidates for study was carried out by special departments of military districts from among military personnel of military units of the Siberian Military District, as well as persons recommended by party and Komsomol organizations of the Novosibirsk region.
Due to the dominance of short-term training courses for operational personnel for special departments of the NKVD in Novosibirsk in the fall of 1941, the local interregional NKVD school, where before the war mainly employees of territorial security agencies were trained, was closed.
Its teachers were mainly sent to operational work, and only a few were sent to work on short-term courses of special departments of the NKVD of the Siberian Military District, which began to function independently. The former head of the Novosibirsk interregional school of the NKVD, S. Vashunin, was appointed head of the course.
In August 1941, the third enrollment was held for the courses of the Special Departments of the NKVD of the Siberian Military District in the amount of 478 people.
Enrolled in the study were mainly workers of regional, regional and district party committees called up for service, as well as political workers from Red Army units.
Until November 1941, the courses were located in the building of the interregional school of the GUGB NKVD of the USSR, and then were transferred to the premises of one of the secondary schools in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk. The school building on Krasny Prospekt was transferred to the USSR NKVD school, which was evacuated from the town of Babushkin, Moscow Region.
From the summer of 1942, the duration of the courses was increased to three months.
From 350 to 500 people were simultaneously studying in military counterintelligence courses. After their completion, all graduates, as a rule, were sent to the active army.
In April 1943, the State Defense Committee recognized the need to reorganize the NKVD of the USSR. The People's Commissariat for State Security of the USSR and its local bodies were formed. Military counterintelligence bodies were transferred to the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR, where, accordingly, the Main Counterintelligence Directorate of the NPO Smersh and the Counterintelligence Directorate of the NKVMF Smersh were organized.
In order to further improve the system for training qualified operational personnel of military counterintelligence, the Soviet government decided to create an appropriate system of educational institutions.
In June 1943, People's Commissar of Defense Stalin ordered the organization of four permanent schools for the training and retraining of the operational personnel of the Smersh bodies, as well as four-month courses in Novosibirsk and Sverdlovsk with a number of students of 200 people each. S.B. was appointed head of the GUKR courses for the NPO “Smersh” in Novosibirsk. Karafelov.
In November 1943, the Novosibirsk courses for training operational personnel were reorganized into the GUKR NKO Smersh school with a contingent of 400 students and a six-month, and later a year, training period. A.P. was appointed head of the school of the GUKR NPO “Smersh”. Troyanovsky.
The first set of students at the school consisted of participants in the Great Patriotic War, battle-hardened commanders and political workers. The set consisted of 290 people who had secondary and incomplete secondary education. Classes began in the second half of January 1944.
In July 1944, the first graduation of students from the Novosibirsk school of the GUKR NPO “Smersh” took place and 289 people were sent to the front.
In August 1944, the school received a second intake of students - 264 people, who, after completing their training, were also sent to military counterintelligence agencies for further service.
In 1944, the work of the Novosibirsk school for training employees of territorial state security agencies was resumed in a building on Krasny Prospekt.
On April 29, 1945, in accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 27, 1944, the Novosibirsk school of the Main Counterintelligence Directorate of the NPO “Smersh” was awarded the Red Banner.
At the end of December 1945, the interregional school hosted the first post-war graduation of young security officers, who were in great need of city and regional state security departments.
In total, during the war years in Novosibirsk, more than two thousand military counterintelligence officers were trained at short-term courses and at the GUKR SMERSH school.
In 1946, the reform of state security agencies began. The USSR MGB decided to merge two Novosibirsk educational institutions of state security agencies.
In October 1947, the Novosibirsk school was transformed into the Novosibirsk school for retraining operational personnel of the USSR Ministry of State Security. She was given educational materials, teaching aids, as well as part of the teaching staff of the Novosibirsk Counterintelligence School (SMERSH), which completed its work in 1948.
In 1951, the Novosibirsk School of the USSR Ministry of State Security for the retraining of operational personnel was transformed into the Novosibirsk School of Training of Operational Personnel of the USSR Ministry of State Security with the main purpose of training personnel for military counterintelligence agencies.
In April 1952, the Novosibirsk school was renamed School No. 311 of the USSR Ministry of State Security, and in December 1952 - into School No. 311 of Military Counterintelligence of the USSR Ministry of State Security.
In connection with the decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Soviet government adopted in 1952 to improve legal education in the country, the duration of schooling was determined to be two years, during which, along with KGB training, it was also planned to master the secondary legal education program.
In March 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to form the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Since April 1954, the educational institution became known as secondary specialized school No. 311 of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
In 1957, the school switched to training specialists from among reserve officers and career officers of the SA and Navy who already had higher education.
In 1960, retraining courses for operational personnel were created with a 5-month training period.
In 1974, by order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Andropov Yu.V. Secondary special school No. 311 was transformed into the Higher Courses of Military Counterintelligence of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (VKVK).
Higher courses were required to be staffed by officers who, as a rule, graduated from higher military educational institutions and had military service experience upon graduation.
In 1976, retraining courses for management personnel were created with a 2-month training period.
On June 14, 1977, departments of special disciplines were formed (No. 1, No. 3,
No. 6, etc.).
In 1979, training courses for operational personnel were created with a 5-month training period.
In 1985, the educational institution celebrated its half-century anniversary. For services in training highly qualified personnel for the country's security agencies, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Higher Courses of Military Counterintelligence were awarded the Order of the Red Star with the presentation of the Battle Banner of the unit as a symbol of military honor, valor and glory.
In 1988, by decision of the KGB of the USSR, VKVK switched to new training programs designed for 1.5 years. Upon completion of training, students received an officer diploma with higher specialized education.
Graduates of the school showed their best qualities in combat. More than 300 of them were awarded for direct participation in hostilities in Afghanistan alone.
A landmark event in the life of the educational institution was its transformation, by order of the Russian Government in February 1995, into the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Employees of the Federal Grid Company of Russia (since April 1995 - FSB of Russia).
The institute was given the status of a state military educational institution of higher professional education.
The institute began training in a higher professional education program in the specialty “Jurisprudence”. Along with the training of military counterintelligence officers, training of specialists for territorial authorities, as well as for the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, began.
In 1999, the Institute was licensed, and in December 2000 received a certificate of state accreditation, giving the right to implement educational programs of higher and additional professional education.
In October 2007, in accordance with the order of the FSB of Russia, the name of our educational institution was changed: the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of FSB of Russia employees became known as the Institute of the FSB of Russia (Novosibirsk).
Over the long period of its activity, the Institute of the FSB of Russia has trained several thousand employees for domestic security agencies.
They proved themselves to be high-class specialists who conscientiously fulfill their official duty, both in peaceful and combat situations. Over one hundred and fifty of them received the rank of general. Many graduates of the educational institution were awarded military orders and medals, and were awarded the high titles of Hero of the Soviet Union.
For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of official and military duty, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded to Admiral German Ugryumov, Lieutenant General Grigory Khoperskov, Major General Oleg Dukanov and Colonel Alexander Shulyakov.
Currently, the head of the FSB Institute is Major General V.M. Polezhaev.
In March 2010, on the basis of the veteran organization of the institute, the Novosibirsk city public organization of veterans in unit 44261 “Assistance” was created. While on their well-deserved retirement, military counterintelligence veterans take an active life position and take part in educational work with students. Their experience, knowledge and capabilities are used to enhance the authority of security agencies.
The Novosibirsk FSB Institute has become a real forge for training personnel for state security agencies of the Russian Federation.

May 22, 1942
In order to create a reserve of operational security personnel of the NKVD Organization
I order:
1. Organize, at the NKVD PA of the Siberian Military District, training courses for the reserve of operational security personnel for the NKVD PA for one intake with a student population of 300 people.
2. The management and organization and placement of courses shall be entrusted to the NKVD OO of the Siberian Military District.
3. The selection of candidates shall be made from among verified members and candidates for membership of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and members of the Komsomol selected through the schools of the Siberian Military District.
4. Those selected must be between the ages of 19 and 38, have an education of at least 7 years of secondary school and, due to health reasons, be suitable for service in the NKVD.
5. The training period for the courses is set to 2 months, classes begin on June 1, 1942.
6.Use operational workers of the NKVD SibVO and UNKVD in the Novosibirsk region as lecturers and teaching staff.
7. Conduct a full special check on selected candidates.
8. Cadets are provided with a stipend of 400 rubles and free meals.
9. The curriculum of the courses should be developed on site and approved by the head of the NKVD Siberian Military District.
10. The head of the Central Federal Educational Institution of the NKVD of the USSR should be provided with NKVD training courses.
SibVO financing.

Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Senior Major of State Security Obruchnikov.

Order of NGOs on the organization of schools and courses of the State Educational Institution "Smersh"
Top secret
"" June 1943 city. Moscow
CONTENTS: On the organization of schools and courses of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence of the NPO "SMERSH" and the creation of a reserve of operational personnel at the Directorates and departments of fronts and military districts
1. To train and retrain the operational staff of the SMERSH bodies, organize 4 permanent schools at the Main Counterintelligence Directorate SMERSH: 1st Moscow - for 600 people, 2nd Moscow - for 200 people, Tashkent - for 300 people. , Khabarovsk - for 250 people. *with a training period of 6 to 9 months* and courses with a 4-month training period in Novosibirsk – for 200 people. and Sverdlovsk - for 200 people.
2. For students of schools and courses, establish a salary:
a) persons of middle and senior management in previously held positions;
b) for private and junior commanding officers a stipend in the amount of 400 rubles per month.
3. To the Head of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army, Colonel General of the Quartermaster Service, Comrade. KHRULEV to provide schools and courses with all types of allowances.
4. To staff the SMERSH counterintelligence agencies with new formations and replenish the loss of operational personnel, create a permanent personnel reserve of **50-100** people at the SMERSH Main Counterintelligence Directorate, Directorates and departments of fronts and military districts.
The reserve will be replenished through new recruitment from among the junior and middle command and political personnel of the army.
The reserve personnel should be supported at the expense of the general shortage of SMERSH counterintelligence and paid at the rates established for positions in the operational staff of SMERSH bodies.

People's Commissar of Defense I. STALIN

1. RUBIN Ilya Zusevich (12/10/1935-06/26/1937), senior lieutenant of the State Security Service;
2. UDALOV S.S. (16.06.1937-15.09.1937), Lieutenant GB, Vreed;
3. BARKOV Nikanor Alekseevich (1937-1939), senior lieutenant of the State Security Service;
4. VASHUNIN Stepan Stepanovich (06.1939-12.1941), senior lieutenant of the State Security Service;
6. KAMINSKY Demyan Fedorovich (May 1944-1949), colonel;
7. OSIPOV Valentin Mikhailovich (1949-July 1960), colonel;
8. VORONOV Viktor Ivanovich (July 1960-September 1972), colonel;
9. BABUSHKIN A.V. (1972-1973), acting;
10. FELDSHEROV Ivan Alekseevich (March 1973-May 22, 1977), major general;
11. KABLUKOV Evgeniy Stepanovich (in 1977), colonel, acting;
12. SHEYKIN Mikhail Sergeevich (October 14, 1977-1981), major general;
13. LIPATOV Gennady Kirillovich (May 1981-1986), major general;
14. STEPANOV Yuri Nikolaevich (February 1986-1993), major general;
15. SYSOEV Evgeniy Sergeevich (1993-November 2009), major general;
16. POLEZHAEV Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (from December 2009 to the present), major general.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 16:00

general information

Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Education "Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk)"


No. 02552 valid indefinitely from 03/02/2017


No. 02572 is valid from 04/19/2017 to 05/07/2020

About the Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation

The history of the organization of the FSB Institute in Novosibirsk begins on August 10, 1935, when the corresponding order was signed. One of several higher schools in the country for training operational personnel to replenish the state security bodies under the NKVD of the USSR was opened in the city. The interregional school provided training both during the Great Patriotic War and in peacetime. In 1995, the educational institution was reformed into the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training for Employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and in 2007 - into the Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Several thousand employees who received education within the walls of the educational institution have become a reliable support for the country's Armed Forces. The university has passed the state licensing procedure (perpetual license), in addition, the educational institution has an accreditation certificate that allows it to implement educational programs of higher professional education, as well as additional areas of study.

Training at the university is carried out in the specialty “Jurisprudence” (bachelor’s degree), you can master the educational program in 4 years. The specialty “Legal support of national security” (specialty) is also available, the duration of training is 5 years. During the training, cadets not only receive qualifications and the right to conduct professional activities, but also develop a range of useful applied skills necessary for all law enforcement and military personnel. Students lead an active life, taking part in competitions and festivals, including at civilian universities.

Today, the Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation in Novosibirsk is a specialized higher educational institution, which is one of the leading universities of the Russian security agencies. Training here is carried out in two directions: according to the program of higher professional education and the program of additional education, with the aim of improving skills and professional retraining.

October 15, 2015 marked the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Institute.

Among the university graduates there are officers awarded the title of Hero of Russia and Hero of the Soviet Union. Many former students were awarded military orders and medals. More than 150 university graduates were awarded general ranks.

Based on license No. 2552 dated March 2, 2017, the Institute operates under educational programs of higher and additional professional education.

Students of the Institute who have successfully completed the educational program of higher education and passed the state final certification receive a state diploma on the basis of state accreditation certificate No. 2572 dated April 19, 2017.

Speciality: jurisprudence.

Faculties and institutes
  • "Jurisprudence" (in absentia);
  • “Legal support of national security” (in absentia);
  • "Medicine";
  • “Medical and preventive care”;
  • "Dentistry".

The material and technical base of the Institute meets modern standards. Auditoriums, specialized and computer classes are equipped with the latest technical teaching aids.

To prepare for classes and exams, students are provided with access to various information resources.

Increased requirements for the physical fitness of students are ensured by appropriate opportunities: team sports halls, a hand-to-hand combat hall, and a strength training gym are provided for classes and training.

The creative abilities of students find their application in the cultural work of the Institute. By participating in various competitions, they have the opportunity to demonstrate their vocal, dancing and acting talents. During the training period, students get acquainted with the sights of Novosibirsk, visit museums and theaters. The best creative groups of the city perform concerts at the Institute.

During the training, students are provided with a dormitory. Their food and medical care are provided.