Lives on the vast territory of Russia big number peoples Many of them are distinguished by belligerence and rebellion, strength and courage. In the history of their country, they have proven themselves worthily, defending the borders, honor and glory of Russia. Let's list these peoples.


The Russian people led a large number of wars, and the names of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Brusilov, Zhukov are known throughout the world. German generals who fought against Russian Empire to the First world war, noted the extraordinary courage of the Russian soldiers who went on the attack, even on the battlefield they were facing inevitable defeat. With the words: “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland,” they attacked the enemy, not paying attention to the fire from opposite side, and your losses. The high combat capability and courage of the Russians was appreciated by German military leaders during the Second World War. Thus, Gunther Blumentritt admired their ability to endure hardships without flinching. difficult situations and survive to the end. “We developed respect for such a Russian soldier,” the general wrote in his memoirs.

Researcher Nikolai Shefov in his books about military history provided statistics on military operations involving Russia from the 18th to the 20th centuries. According to the scientist, the Russian army won 31 wars out of 34 that happened, as well as 279 battles out of 392, while in most cases the Russian army was quantitatively smaller than its opponents. And finally, I would like to remind you of the emperor’s quote Alexandra III A peacemaker who was present on the battlefields and knew what war was: “The Russian soldier is brave, steadfast and patient, and therefore invincible.”


The Varangians, also known as the Vikings, inhabited the territory of what is now Scandinavia in ancient times, but they also settled on the northern borders Old Russian state. Those more or less familiar with history have heard about the military adventures of the Varangians. The very word "Viking" is already associated with strength, courage, axes and war. Many western lands felt the attacks of the northerners, and especially the Christian churches, which were repeatedly robbed by these powerful people.

The fame of the Varangians thundered throughout Europe, so they were often recruited into the service of the Old Russian princes and emperors of Byzantium. Historians report that during the period of the 9th-12th centuries, neither in Europe nor in Asia, no one could create formations equal to the Scandinavians in terms of militancy.

Baltic Germans

In the 13th century, German crusaders captured the city of Yuryev in the Baltic, founded by Yaroslav the Wise, after which on these lands they founded the Livonian Order, which caused a lot of trouble for the Russians, in particular, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who fought with the Germans for quite a long time.

Baltic nobles (descendants of the knights of the Teutonic Order) actively served in the Russian army, in particular, their military training and discipline were highly appreciated by Paul I.

Many Baltic Germans, for their impeccable service in the army, were promoted to senior officials. For example, Kutuzov’s comrade-in-arms Barclay de Tolly, so strongly criticized by the nobles for his constant retreat deep into Russia from Napoleon’s armies, but it was precisely this tactics of the military leader that contributed to the defeat of the formidable Frenchman. Such generals became famous on the fronts of the First World War German origin, like Rennenkampf, Miller, Budberg, von Sternberg and others.


According to historians, the Tatars were one of the largest Mongol tribes that managed to subjugate Genghis Khan. The cavalry of the Tatars during the campaigns of the “Shaker of the Universe” was a formidable and terrible force that everyone feared.

Tatar archers left a significant mark on history. Chronicles report that on the battlefields they used successful maneuvering tactics, as well as bombarding their enemies with clouds of arrows. In addition, the Tatars knew how to set up ambushes and carry out quick attacks when the enemy was completely unaware of it, which ultimately led to the victory of the Tatars.

Many Tatar nobles went into the service of Russian princes and tsars, accepting Orthodox faith and fighting on the side of Russia. For example, Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey helped Ivan III in his “Standing on the Ugra” against Khan Akhmat in that he opposed the ally of the Great Horde - Lithuania.


During the war of 1941-1945. Tuvans were also drafted into the Red Army to fight against the Germans. Representatives of this people showed resilience and courage. In the Wehrmacht they were called the “Black Death” (Der Schwarze Tod).

The Tuvan cavalry became especially famous on the battlefields thanks to its appearance: dressed in national costumes, incomprehensible to the Germans, with similar amulets-amulets, they seemed to the enemy to be the ancient soldiers of the barbarians of Attila.

Over the past few years, Irish featherweight fighter Conor McGregor (16-2 MMA, 4-0 UFC) made a splash in his division not only thanks to his fighting qualities, but also his ability to express his thoughts a la Chael Sonnen. Having appeared in the UFC last year, McGregor managed to become the No. 1 contender in his weight class in less than 12 months. In his last fight, the Irishman managed to effortlessly stop division threat Dustin Poirier. The Irish fighter, who became a star overnight, established himself as an excellent “speaker” from his first appearance in the UFC organization. The editors of the site invite you to familiarize yourself with the most chic phrases of the Irish superstar.

We present to your attention the 10 most striking phrases of Conor McGregor:

#10: After defeating Dustin Poirier at UFC 178, the fighter's trainer John Kavanagh awarded him a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, despite the fact that the fight never went to the ground. No wonder the Irishman thinks he's very good!

“I didn’t even fight to get my brown belt! I must be the best brown belt on Earth!”

#9: McGregor may be walking around in bespoke suits now, but when he debuted in the UFC, he only had a splurge in his pocket.

#8: Injuries are part of the sport, so McGregor was willing to do anything to win his fight against Max Holloway.

“I couldn’t get out of my head for a few seconds, but remembering the past, I just should have pulled my knee out of my leg and hit him with it.” .

#7: McGregor's trash talk is truly epic and he had to use his entire vocabulary before his fight with Dustin Poirier.

“He’s a quiet little hillbilly from some unknown hole. I guess his cousin's name is Cletus."

#6: Looks like someone watched the movie "Strangers Among Us" before the press conference.

“There are two things I love to do: kick ass and look good. I'm doing one of them right now, and on Saturday night I'm doing the other one."

#5: You can't make 500 million friends without making an enemy in Cole Miller.

“Eighteen or seventeen fights in the UFC, I don’t even know. This son of a bitch couldn't even get off Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg called him and tried to get him out of there. Nobody cares about him."

#4: You can bet with anyone that in the future this statement by the Irish fighter will be included in the golden fund of motivational quotes.

“I am bold in my forecasts. I'm always confident in my preparation, but I'm always humble after winning or losing."

#3: Everyone knows that the Irish are a very warlike people. This time McGregor made it clear that one Irishman in the field is not a warrior!

“If one of us goes to war, we all go to war!”

#2: Conor loves making money almost as much as making it. Who else would buy $5,000 suits and Rolex watches?

“These bespoke suits are not cheap. This gold watch... three people died making it. I need to get people out of my way. I need big fights. Very soon I will find myself in debt."

#1: As mentioned earlier, the Irish have war in their blood, war and only war.

Details 21 Sep 18 - 09:46 Details

The champion of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov, promised to crush the Irishman Conor McGregor in the title fight. The Russian fighter stated this at a press conference.

“I’ll just crush him,” Nurmagomedov said. “His wrestling is no good, it doesn’t meet any standards. I’ll just calmly go out and break his face. And then he can return to boxing.”

The press conference took place on Thursday in New York. In April of this year, a conflict occurred between the athletes, during which McGregor attacked a bus with athletes, where Nurmagomedov was also present. The Irishman later appeared in court and was sentenced to community service.

McGregor is one of the most popular UFC fighters; he has fought 24 fights in mixed martial arts, winning 21 (18 early) and suffering three defeats; he won his first UFC title in 2015. McGregor was the first UFC fighter in history to hold two titles in different weight categories (featherweight and lightweight) at the same time, but on November 27 last year it was announced that the Irishman was stripped of the UFC featherweight title. In January of this year, McGregor was also stripped of his lightweight belt for passivity (he has not fought since 2016).

I adore Putin, he's a cool guy. I know that the Russians - strong people, they can smell a scam a mile away. Putin senses this too, which is why he runs his country. I also know that he is a big fan of MMA and martial arts, so Russia is one of the leading countries in the world, if not the leading one.


“You need to be able to lose” - you should gradually accustom your enemies to this thought.


If people like you, you are good. If they hate you, you are the best.

Never lower your bar because someone else cannot rise to it.

At the end of the day, I respect everyone. But I am moving along my path and there is only room in it for one thing.

Every fight I have is a fight with myself, there is no opponent.

(the battle)

Start big, achieve even more, and never look back.

(goal, path to victory)

I'm a hungry bastard who doesn't care who gets in his way. I see only a lot of tears, whining children in this game.

There are three secrets successful people: Self-confidence, positive mental attitude, honest and hard work. Many people know these three principles, but few can put them into practice.


The most amazing feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and you carefully lead him to make a mistake.

Nobody wants to get up at 4am and go for a run when it's still completely dark, but it's necessary. The only reason I'm doing it so early is because I believe that no one else is doing it. And this gives me a small advantage.

(Way to victory)

A person must dream. Always. Regardless of how incredible and unfulfillable your dreams may seem to others, continue to dream and strive to realize your desires.


Winners are focused on winning. Losers focus on winners.

(victory, winner)

When you enter a room, you must be polite to everyone. But you should always have a plan to kill each of them.

A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.

I don't work, I live... I don't have a job, I just have a life.

I'm not trying to hype fights, I just say what I think, and the hype skyrockets on its own - an oil painting right there.

Regardless of whether you like me or not, you are still waiting for my fight. Those who like me expect spectacle and show from me, and those who don’t like me dream of me being knocked out.

I don't care what weight the fight is at or what belt is on the line because I created my own title. I have my own championship belt. It doesn’t matter if it’s featherweight, lightweight, or welterweight. This is McGregor's title, and I defend my own championship belt every time, regardless of weight class.

The only weight I care about is the weight of my checks. And they are my super heavyweights.

I once walked around the capital,
Two passers-by were accidentally hit.
Vladimir Vysotsky

Russians are the most aggressive people in the world. How else could the largest territory in the world appear? I don’t have the opportunity to make a comparison with the Zulus, but I think they would be in a lot of trouble if they lived next to us. This statement may cause you to protest sharply - after all, Russians love to talk about themselves, how kind, meek and fluffy we are. However, the facts indicate the opposite. This feeling of aggression is especially acute when returning home from a trip abroad, especially from a Buddhist country. In many countries you can walk through a crowd of young people and not feel any aggression, and in most countries no one would ever think of being afraid of the police. In the Republic of Sri Lanka, traffic is completely crazy, but I have not seen any showdowns or accidents. It is also worth remembering that we managed to create one of the most brutal states in the world.
On Radio C, Anna Romanova presented the results of a survey of foreigners living in our country for at least two years. To the question: “What do you dislike most about Russia?”, the answer turned out to be: Teenagers, policemen, drivers.

Aggression is primarily directed at its own people (Vladimir Tarasov owns the phrase: Russians are a nation with increased intraspecific aggression). We are all one family, but very quarrelsome. The simplest and most obvious way to get rid of illusions is to watch traffic, take a closer look at the dominant driving style. We have approximately 30 thousand people killed in road accidents every year (13 thousand people died in Afghanistan during the entire period of hostilities), for comparison - in France there are 300 people a year. Moreover, than better roads, the more he dies more people. Of course, you can blame everything here on the authorities, infidels and Freemasons, but rather this is a style of attitude towards oneself and others.

Somehow I came across an interesting, albeit amateurish, study of the behavior of our drivers on the road. Approximately 40% of drivers are law-abiding. 30% break the rules, but are sane, you can talk to them, you can convince them. Another 30% are scumbags, nothing works on them, it’s impossible to come to an agreement with them.
It seems to me that this relationship exists not only when driving a car. If you are driving down a one-way street and a car is coming towards you, try saying something to the driver.

Traces of aggression appear both in daily reports and in statistics. In Russia, 7,000 children die annually from assault by drunken and mentally unstable parents. And hundreds of thousands of children are fleeing their families. Every year, 15,000 women die from family fights with men. And 4,000 men are killed by women in such fights.
The level of violence in Russia, according to the World Health Organization rating, was the highest among the 53 countries in which the study was conducted. In our country, 15.85 out of 100 thousand young people die as a result of murder. Moreover, almost half of all deaths in Russia (in age group from 10 to 29 years old) died from stab wounds. Albania is in second place - 11.2 per 100 thousand people. Kazakhstan is in third place - 10.66 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The lowest mortality rate among adolescents and young people from violent causes is in Germany - 0.47 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Armenia - 0.5 and Austria - 0.54. This is stated in the report “Preventing weapon-related violence and crime among adolescents and young people” prepared by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The authors of the study believe that the most common reason for a stabbing is interpersonal conflicts. It is noted that 9 out of 10 murders registered in Europe occur in the Russian Federation.

When faced with a refusal or a ban, a significant part of Russians do not control themselves and are capable of anything. When getting involved in a showdown, you should always remember the likelihood that your opponent will take out a weapon.

A stowaway who jumped over a turnstile at Moscow's Yaroslavsky railway station injured a private security company employee who tried to detain him.
“At the moment of detention, the stowaway took out a traumatic pistol and opened fire. As a result, a private security company employee born in 1978 received a dangerous wound in the chest and was hospitalized.” When police officers arrived, the attacker was detained; he turned out to be a 32-year-old resident of the Moscow region.

“In a Moscow metro car, a quarrel arose between two groups of young people, during which the girl pulled out a knife and wounded four passengers - three men and one woman. The girl and her companion were detained, they are now in the police department, where they are being investigated and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided,” noted a representative of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

According to a source in Moscow law enforcement agencies, on Saturday morning on the Garden Ring near Kursky Station, a traffic police officer stopped a foreign car to check documents, the driver of which had obvious signs of alcohol intoxication. “The man refused to undergo a medical examination and did not allow the traffic police officer to draw up a report on the administrative offense. After that, he hit the traffic inspector several times in the face, but was detained by the policeman’s colleagues,” the source said. The offender was taken to the Tagansky police station. The source also said that the detainee had documents identifying himself as an FSB officer.

Aggression is not only direct violence, aggression also manifests itself in a categorical inability to negotiate with each other, preventing each other from developing normally.
In New York, there are five city English-language newspapers, of which one, the NYT, is in fact national. At the same time, there are approximately 20 low-level Russian-language newspapers in the city. (Let me not compare the number of English- and Russian-speaking residents of the metropolis). In the nineties Sverdlovsk region Eight television studios were organized and fought for the advertising budget, while in reality this budget was enough for the normal operation of two or three studios.

A common practice in the country is a situation where an employee, leaving a company, takes his client base with him, and the manager to whom you instructed to create an enterprise creates a similar one nearby. Most Russians do not strive to expand and continue what they have already begun, but to create their own again, making the same mistakes, stepping on the same rake.
The basis of aggression is our attitude towards each other. A foreign journalist who has worked in Russia for a long time says: “I never ask people in Russia for their opinion about their colleagues.” Abroad, we are not happy to meet our fellow citizens and avoid such meetings because we want to take a break from the manner of communication accepted at home. You can easily be labeled a bastard and a scumbag simply based on your job title or where you work.
The policeman goes to see his grandmother, who is waiting for the train. - So your basket is full of toadstools. You'll get poisoned! - No, son, don’t be afraid, I’m for sale! Do you think I'm telling lies? In the Sverdlovsk region there is the concept of “Sumziki” - red-headed mushrooms (as boletus mushrooms are called in the Urals), collected on the dumps of the Sredneuralsk copper smelter for sale; they are never wormy.

An aggressive style of behavior is inherent in all layers of society. Here is the text of the announcement at the entrance to the territory where the construction of an Orthodox church is underway: “For the stupid and for the cool - parking is prohibited here - entry to the construction site!” Aggression is all cases when a person does what is convenient for him, without caring about the convenience and safety of others: talking on the phone while driving, trying to jump the line.

The opposition is even more aggressive than the authorities - they are hungry, we must fight our way. She willingly spreads any unverified information, whipping up passions.

Our foreign policy is a continuation of our features. Russia is constantly focused on expansion and conquest, being a constant source of tension in the world. We constantly oppose ourselves to the whole world and constantly try to measure ourselves with our biceps. Another thing is that blaming us for this is the same as blaming a cat for catching mice - this is our purpose.

Of course, constantly living in such conditions, people have developed some mechanisms to mitigate the problem. If in the Caucasus the way to restrain aggression is blood feud, then in Rus' it is complete forgiveness. It would seem that a person cannot be forgiven under any circumstances, but at some point they forgive and everything stops. Another well-known mechanism is addressing by first name and patronymic. In this case, two more people are invisibly present during communication, helping to keep the situation within limits.