This presentation is intended for literacy lessons in 1st grade in any educational system. Contains a verification test on previously studied topics, illustrations on the topic of the lesson, sound-letter analysis of words with the letter being studied.



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Slide captions:

Solid sign

What do we say and hear? letter sounds

Which sound encounters obstacles during pronunciation? consonant vowel

How many vowel sounds are there in Russian? 10 6

How are sounds indicated in writing? numbers letters

What vowel letters represent two sounds? I yo yu e a o u e and s

I am a soft sign, not a simple one, but an amazing one - a dividing one, Before E, E, I, Y, I I stand in words, friends! b

Solid sign

The door is broken! Oh no no no! Hammer and nails A hard sign will help us. It’s very easy to make!

It's not easy for us to drink water from a bucket: We need a ladle - a firm sign, so as not to wet ourselves.


The firm sign said with offense: Where has this been seen? There is a soft sign in the rules, And I’m sitting, sad. It’s wrong to teach like that, I won’t allow it. I’ll write the poems myself, I’ll learn them with myself. Look for me after the consonant. They put me there before a special vowel. There are four special ones: I, e, e and yu. There are no such ones in the whole world: I, e, e and yu, ъ

What common? Name - separators. Separate the consonant from the vowel E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

We also need a solid sign, Without it we won’t be able to say: Congress, edible, explanation, entrance, and announcement. Kommersant

Find a picture whose title has one sound less than the title of the picture. Click on the selected picture. FIRE

Choose a picture whose title has 5 sounds. Click on the selected picture. EYES BOOK

MBOU "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 24"

What he did was what he was called


The secret of a solid sign

Work completed

1st grade student "b"

Samokhvalova Anastasia

Head Reshetnikova Yu.V.


PURPOSE: to explore the role of the letter Ъ in the Russian alphabet.

TASKS: 1. Observe the sounds in words.

2. Find out if there is an error on the building sign.

3. Conduct a survey of classmates.

4. Study the necessary literature and draw conclusions.

HYPOTHESIS: If the letter b denotes the softness of a consonant, then b denotes the hardness of a consonant.

METHODOLOGY: observation, survey of friends, literature analysis.



    Sound analysis of words.

    Interview with friends.

    Studying literature.


No need to shake grandma:

“Read, please read!
No need to beg your sister;
“Well, read another page!”
No need to call, no need to wait,
Or you can pick it up and read it!

I did so. And I learned to read back in kindergarten. When we started studying letters in first grade, I walked around proud because I thought that I already knew everything about letters. But then the fun began.

I learned that there are letters that are “hard workers,” and there are those that don’t really like to work.

For example, in the word WOODPECKER, the letter I performs two jobs: it makes the consonant sound [d] soft and denotes the sound [a]. And in the word APPLE it means two sounds [ya]. Now let's look at the letter I in the word MACHINE. The consonant sound [sh] is always hard. The letter I performs only one job in this word: it denotes the sound [s]. I liked two letters the most. These are hard and soft signs. I called them “empty letters” because they do not represent any sounds. Why the letter ь was called a “soft sign” is understandable. After all, he has such a job. In the word “bathhouse” the letter ь softens the sound [n]. In the word “coal” the sound [l] is softened. Everything was clear to me, and I, joyful, told everyone that I had revealed all the secrets of the letters.

But why was the letter ъ called a “hard sign”? It is written only after consonants to indicate the sound [th]. In the word EATED, after the sound [s] the sounds [ye] follow. She has no other job.

But one day, walking around the city, I saw a sign “Gostiny Dvor”. I was sure there was a mistake on the sign! I know for sure that the sound [r] is hard in this word. “Why is it here?” I thought.

I decided to ask my classmates. Interviewed 25 people.

As you can see from the diagram, no one answered my question exactly.

Then I decided to figure it out myself. On the Internet, I found out what the expression “gostiny dvor” means.

Gostiny Dvor - in the old days this was the name of the complex of buildings for and residence of traders.

Now all that remains is to deal with Kommersant. I had to look in the reference book. And here's what I found out.

The letter er (ъ), the so-called hard sign, is now considered a useful letter. It always does the same job: it separates the consonant of the prefix from the vowel (rise, detour). And for 100 years, a hard sign was written at the end of words after hard consonants, for example son, coal, honey, nose. As many times as they called him: “idler”, “idler”, “parasite”! In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, before the language reform, there were 115 thousand idler letters on its pages. And if all the letters er were collected in one place and printed in a row at the end of the last volume, they would take up more than 70 pages. How much time, paper and ink was spent on it! This bum letter was the most expensive letter in the world.

Then they decided that there was no point in writing this letter at the end of words. If not soft sign. And so it is clear that the consonant is hard. So the letter ъ (er) lost its main work, because of which it got its name. There is no work, but the name remains. And the expression “gostiny dvor” is a very old expression, just from that time.

So there is no mistake, and the secret of the letter is revealed.

That's really true. What he did was what he was called.

You may ask why the hard sign was kept on the sign?

Yes, because Sarapul is an ancient merchant city, and the sign symbolizes this. By the way, such a sign is not the only one in our city. I also found “One Hundred Poods Pancake House”.

Conclusion. My hypothesis was not confirmed. In the old days, the letter Ъ really meant the hardness of a consonant and stood at the end of many words. Nowadays, this letter separates a consonant from a vowel and is not written at the end of a word.

Class: 1

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce the letter “ъ” and its role in words.
  2. Develop phonemic hearing and speech.
  3. Cultivate love for native language, to works of oral folk art.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Snow flies and sparkles
In the golden light of the day,
Like it's falling down
All roads and houses.
It's pouring, pouring snow - snowball,
Let's start our lesson.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

1. Introductory conversation.

What kind of children are in our class?

(On the board there are letters a, b, c, d, z, k, l, s, t, y, h. The teacher points to the letter, the children name words starting with this letter.)

A - neat.
B – cheerful.
B – cheerful.
D - kind.
Z – healthy.
K – beautiful.
L – inquisitive.
S – strong.
T – hardworking.
U - smart.
H - honest.

Let's show the guests that we really are like that: neat, hardworking, and smart.

People say: “Sharpen your mind - learn proverbs and sayings,” and they also say: “A proverb is a helper for all corners.” Today proverbs and sayings will help you understand what we will do in class. Our lesson consists of three parts. But everything is in order. Because “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

2. Repetition.

- “Repetition is the mother of learning” is the name of the first part of the lesson.

Explain the meaning of this proverb. (We repeat the material covered so as not to lose our knowledge, but to consolidate it.)

1) Individually.

Let's go back to the letters with which you named the words that characterize the children of our class. Remember these words, what are they called? (Signs.)(The person who answers receives a card.)

What questions do the words - signs answer? (To the person who answered, a card.)

What question do the words - signs answer? R.? m.r.? With. R.? pl. h.? (To the person who answered, a card.)

What question do words - objects answer? (To the person who answered, a card.)

What is the difference between items that answer the question who? So what? (To the person who answered, a card.)

It works with a “cognitive moment”...

2) Frontal.

I suggest everyone else demonstrate their knowledge of the material covered by answering the test questions. (Slides 1-18)

3) Checking individual work (partially: what topic was repeated, rules on this topic).

We have repeated everything that is necessary for further work and can rest, it’s not for nothing that they say “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk.”

Physical education minute “Healing sounds”.

Our language has letters whose sounds help us stay healthy. I'll tell you about some. Show the letter B. (Children show). It turns out that if you pronounce the sound [v] for a long time, you can get rid of a runny nose. Show F if you pronounce the sound for a long time - for coughing. R – relieves fatigue. C – helps you relax.

III. New material.

1. Introductory conversation.

Let's move on to the second part of our lesson. Read its title. (“Without learning there is no skill.”)

Explain the meaning of the saying. (We always have to learn something in order to be able to do something.)

Now we are learning to read and write. The lesson is called “Teaching literacy.” Have we studied all the letters? (No.)

You will find out which letter we will meet today if you decipher the entry correctly (we read the words by the first letters). (Slide 19)

Name the topic of the lesson. (b)(Slide 20)

Today we will get acquainted with the letter “ъ”. Let's find out in what cases this letter is written in words.

2. Introducing the letter.

Silent solid sign
It can't be pronounced!
But many words need it.
You will have to learn it:
Whether you want it or not
It's in the alphabet!

This is the letter “ъ” (show on the poster).

What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

  • Entry.
  • Entrance.
  • Departure.
  • Detour.

Read the words.

What are these words called? (Same root.)

Prove it. (General value and the same root.)

What root?

What is the part of a word before the root called? (Console.)

Name the prefix in the 1st word; in the 2nd; in the 3rd; in the 4th.

Conclude why “ъ” is called dividing? (Separates prefix and root.)

But! A second column of words appears on the slide:

  • Departure.
  • Moving.
  • Directions
  • Arrival.

Read the words. Can they be called related to the first column of words?

Name the root.

Are there consoles? Which?

What happens: there is a prefix, there is a root, but there is no “ъ”? Problem?

To solve it, compare the prefixes of the first and second columns. What did you notice?

Draw a conclusion.

Listen to what “Y” told about himself. (Slide 24)

The same rule is in the textbook. Find it. It's not finished. Finish. (Children color the “sound” blue.)

Find in the textbook and read the words in which “ъ” separates the prefix from the letter Е.

Words in which “ъ” separates the prefix from the letter Я.

Words in which “ъ” separates the prefix from the letter E.

Are there any words with roots starting with the letter Y?

This will be your homework: think with your parents whether such words are found in Russian.

Let's go back to the title of this part of the lesson (the teacher points to the title of the second part of the lesson, which is written on the board). Try to explain the saying by applying it to the topic of our lesson. (If they didn’t recognize the letter “ъ”, they wouldn’t be able to write words with it.)

It’s true what they say: “Learning to read and write is always useful.”

A physical exercise for the eyes.

IV. Consolidation.

Let's move on to the third part of the lesson. Read its title. (“Skill will find application everywhere.”)

Explain the meaning of the proverb.

1. Working with tongue twisters.

On the desk:

At the hill of Yegorka
He burned the wolf. (Written on the board).

Read it. What letter is missing? Why?

Why is the word Egorka with capital letter written?

What unfamiliar word did you see?

Guess what it means?

Let's check the assumptions. (“Educational moments” – the student tells.)

What does it mean to “gouge”?

During serfdom ( serfdom- this is a period of history when the landowner who owned the land also owned the peasants who lived on this land - the so-called “serfs”, whom he could dispose of at his own discretion: punish, sell, buy, exchange for anything, the serf peasant under for fear of punishment he could not go anywhere or leave his landowner) there was one day a year when a serf could move from one landowner to another. It was the day of Yuri (Egory). Luring the serfs to themselves, the landowners promised them all sorts of benefits, and then broke their promises. To deceive with false promises means to cheat.

We read slowly and clearly. Then faster, increasing the pace. (Ask individual students.)

2. Independent work.

Let's see how you understand why “ъ” is needed in words. Place cards with a poem in front of you (for each child).

Everything around is filled with fear.
Enraged Ogre
Announced that he will eat today
Wonderful lunch.

In supernatural alarm
All the beasts are carried away
Even an inedible hedgehog
I cowered in fear too.

Enraged Ogre
He ate a bag of sweets in a flash.
I ate a hearty cookie.
He is a notorious villain.

But he doesn't eat people at all.
And does not harm animals.

(S. Bondarenko)

Read the poem. Find words with a separator “ъ”. Explain in writing why ъ is written. How will you proceed? (Select the prefix, underline the consonant with which the prefix ends and underline the first letter of the root.)

Checking with analysis of word meanings.

Expressive reading of a poem.

What kind of mood does it evoke?

Can the poem be called humorous?

3. Linguistic warm-up.

There are signs with words on the board. Find and read the word I'm talking about:

  1. Disheveled. (Disheveled.)
  2. A quantity used to measure the capacity of something. (Volume.)
  3. Left on some kind of transport. (He drove away.)
  4. The path is from bottom to top. (Climb.)
  5. Foods you can eat. (Edible.)
  6. The process of film production and transmission. (Shooting.)
  7. When moving on something, go down. (Move out.)
  8. A notice about something, printed in a newspaper, magazine, or posted somewhere. (Announcement.)
  9. A crane that lifts various loads. (Lifting.)
  10. The front glass of an optical instrument, such as a camera. (Lens.)

What do these words have in common?

V. Homework.

At home you will return to G. Sapgir’s poem. Learn to read it expressively and explain why it is called “The Joke.”

VI. Bottom line.

Which letter did you meet?

What makes it special?

When is “b” written?

What other letter is used to separate a consonant from a vowel? (“ъ”)

Tomorrow in class we will learn to distinguish words with a separating “ъ” from words with a separating “ь”.

Who found today's topic difficult?

Proverbs and sayings helped us today. This is no accident. Soon we will finish learning the ABCs and in one of the first reading lessons we will talk about oral folk art. I hope that you remember some proverbs and will use them in your speech, as they make speech bright, beautiful, and accurate.

And now “It’s time for business, time for fun.” The lesson is over.