The topic “Square trinomial and its roots” is studied in the 9th grade algebra course. Like any other mathematics lesson, a lesson on this topic requires special teaching tools and methods. Visibility is necessary. One of these is this video tutorial, which was designed specifically to make the teacher’s work easier.

This lesson lasts 6:36 minutes. During this time, the author manages to reveal the topic completely. The teacher will only have to select tasks on the topic to reinforce the material.

The lesson begins by showing examples of polynomials with one variable. Then the definition of the root of the polynomial appears on the screen. This definition is supported by an example where it is necessary to find the roots of a polynomial. Having solved the equation, the author obtains the roots of the polynomial.

The following is a remark that quadratic trinomials also include those polynomials of the second degree in which the second, third, or both coefficients, except the leading one, are equal to zero. This information is supported by an example where the free coefficient is zero.

The author then explains how to find the roots of a quadratic trinomial. To do this, you need to solve a quadratic equation. And the author suggests checking this using an example where a quadratic trinomial is given. We need to find its roots. The solution is constructed based on the solution to the quadratic equation obtained from the given quadratic trinomial. The solution is written on the screen in detail, clearly and understandably. In the course of the decision this example the author remembers how to solve a quadratic equation, writes down the formulas, and gets the result. The answer is recorded on the screen.

The author explained finding the roots of a square trinomial based on an example. When students understand the essence, they can move on to more general points, which is what the author does. Therefore, he further summarizes all of the above. In general terms In mathematical language, the author writes down the rule for finding the roots of a square trinomial.

The following is a remark that in some problems it is more convenient to write the quadratic trinomial a little differently. This entry is shown on the screen. That is, it turns out that from a square trinomial one can extract the square of a binomial. It is proposed to consider such a transformation with an example. The solution to this example is shown on the screen. As in the previous example, the solution is constructed in detail with all the necessary explanations. The author then considers a problem that uses the information just given. This is a geometric proof problem. The solution contains an illustration in the form of a drawing. The solution to the problem is described in detail and clearly.

This concludes the lesson. But the teacher can select tasks based on the students’ abilities that will correspond to the given topic.

This video lesson can be used as an explanation of new material in algebra lessons. It's perfect for self-study students for the lesson.

Lesson topic:

The purpose of the lesson:

    Systematize students’ knowledge and skills in applying formulas for factoring a quadratic trinomial. Learn to use formulas when reducing fractions;

    Promote the development of observation, the ability to analyze, compare and draw conclusions;

    Encourage students to self-control and self-analysis educational activities.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, training cards, assessment sheets, hearts, answer sheets, tests.

Lesson epigraph:

    Three paths lead to knowledge:

    The path of reflection is the noblest path;

    The path of imitation is the easiest path;

    The path of experience is the most bitter path.


Lesson plan:

    Organizational stage.


    Score sheets

    Epigraph of the lesson

    Lesson Plan

    Updating basic knowledge:

A) glossary: ​​What terms have you come across in last lesson?

Square trinomial...

Decomposition of a square trinomial into factors... (we will write the formula for the decomposition of a square trinomial on the board).

IN) Oral work:

We write down only the answers on the answer sheets.

1. What is it equal to Square root numbers:

2. Indicate the coefficients of the trinomial

Square trinomial

3у 2 – 5у + 1

    Reduce a fraction: a) (x + 6)(x – 1) b) X 2 + 3x + 2

X 2 – 5x + 6 x + 1

(Let's check the work, give ourselves a grade for the oral work).

Which task did you have difficulty solving?

Students' answer (the last task, it was necessary to factorize)

This leads to the topic of the lesson: Factoring a quadratic trinomial.

Now each of you will set the goal of the lesson.

Student answers.

In the notebooks they wrote down the date, class work, and topic of the lesson.

3. Consolidation stage:

1) Working with the textbook

Find level B. No. 235 (1 and 2) on page 79. Read the task. How will we decide? (Disassemble completely). We do it ourselves. We write in a notebook, observing the rule of recording decisions.

Now we exchanged notebooks and check the correctness of the solution with the solution on the board.

Square trinomial


Roots of a quadratic trinomial

Factoring a quadratic trinomial

6x 2 – 5x + 1

x = ½, x = 1/3

6x 2 – 5x +1 =6(x-1/2)(x-1/3)

x = - 1/5, x = 1

5x 2 + 4x +1-5(x + 1/5) (x – 1)

Let's rate our neighbor and write our full name next to it.

2) Physical exercise (voluntary movements to the beat of music).

3) Work in groups. (Divide into groups based on the color of the hearts).

In front of each of you are training cards of multi-level tasks.

Explore. Complete the tasks, following the algorithm for factoring a quadratic trinomial (we do it, starting with the easiest, moving to a more complex level, helping each other)).

Completed and checked with the answers on the board. We rated each group member together.

4) work in groups. No. 237 (1-2). We do it quickly. Right. Beautiful.

The first person to complete writes on the board. What property are we using?

(The main property of a fraction.)

We give ratings together.

And now everyone quickly sat down.

    Lesson summary:

The show game “Taxi” will help us summarize the lesson. All students participate.

Rules of the game: You have 2 lives and two clues.

If you make two mistakes, you do not receive a grade for the lesson.

Two tips:

1 hint “Help from a classmate”

Tip 2 “Teacher Help”

Tests in front of you (3 min).

We exchanged sheets of paper. We checked our neighbor's answers.

We will give a rating to our neighbor on the score sheet. Answers on the board.


Now everyone will give themselves a grade for the lesson based on the evaluation sheet (show the arithmetic average of the grades on the evaluation sheet). And give the sheets to me.

6.D/Z №235 (3-4), 237(4-6)

7. Reflection. Answer the questions. Questions on the board

    What did you take from the lesson?

    What did you secure?

    What is a quadratic function7

What to study for the next lesson.

And now everyone will give themselves a grade for the lesson according to the evaluation sheet (derive the arithmetic average of the grades for the lesson). And give the sheets to me.

Student evaluation sheet ___


Name _______________

Lesson topic: “Square trinomial. Factoring a quadratic trinomial."

The purpose of the lesson: consolidate students' knowledge of applying the formula for factoring a quadratic trinomial.



Full name student who gave the grade

Oral work

Group work

according to training cards

For activity

For correctness

For activity

For correctness

Final grade for the lesson

Test for 8th grade.

Full name student(s)_____________________

Subject: Square trinomial. Factoring a quadratic trinomial.

The purpose of the lesson: test students' knowledge of applying the formula for factoring a quadratic trinomial.

Underline the correct answer.


    A square trinomial is called...

A. ...a monomial of the form ax 2, where x is a variable, a, a coefficient.

IN....a polynomial of the form ax 2 + inx + c, where x is a variable, a, b, c, coefficients, and a≠0

WITH. ...a polynomial of the form ax 2 + inx + c, where x is a variable, a, b, c, coefficients, and a = 0

D... equation that can be factorized

    If a quadratic trinomial has roots, then... is factorized.

IN. ...then it cannot be factorized.

WITH. ... then it has one root.

D. ... then it is a polynomial.

3) If a square trinomial can be factorized, then...

A. has one root.

IN. ...that is a monomial.

WITH. ... then it has roots.

D. ... then it is a polynomial.


    Factor the quadratic trinomial x 2 – 4x + 3

A. (x – 3)(x + 1)

IN. (x – 5)(x - 1)

WITH. (x – 3)(x - 1)

D. (x + 3)(x + 1)

    Which numbers are the roots of a square trinomial

x 2 + 2x – 3

A. x 1 = 1; x 2 = 4

IN. x 1 = 2; x 2 = -3

WITH. x 1 = -1; x 2 = 3

D. x 1 = 1; x 2 = -3

3) Reduce the fraction: X 2 + x - 42

A. x – 6 IN. x - 6 WITH. x + 7 D. x + 7

2 Lesson Objectives: Generalization of properties quadratic function Establishing connections with the most difficult questions of theory (solving inequalities, equations containing a module, parameter) Show examples of using the studied material in solving tasks Test knowledge and skills using a test

“The path to truth is difficult, and therefore daring courage is needed in pure thinking no less than in mountain climbers.” Stage 1 plan. History of quadratic equations. Stage 1. History of quadratic equations. Stage 2. Reproduction of repeated material. Stage 2. Reproduction of repeated material. Stage 3. Systematization and generalization of previously studied. Stage 3. Systematization and generalization of previously studied. Stage 4. Deepening and expanding knowledge. Stage 4. Deepening and expanding knowledge. 3

History of Quadratic Equations The general method for solving quadratic equations was discovered by Indian mathematicians. So, in the 12th century AD. Indian mathematician Bhaskara for general equation ax 2 +bx+c=0 found a solution in the form: X= Moreover negative roots he didn't take it into account.

Stage 2. Reproduction of the material covered 1. Factor the square trinomial: 2x 2 -x-1, we get: a) 2(x-0.5)(x+1); b) (x+0.5)(x-1); c) (2x+1)(x-1); d) (x-0.5)(x+1); e) (2x+1)(2x-2). 2. Let us denote by x 1 and x 2 the larger and smaller roots of the equation 108x 2 -21x+1=0, respectively. Then x 1 - x 2 is equal to: e) 1/12; g) 5/12; h) 1/36; i) 36; j) The graph of the function y=-x 2 -4 is located in the coordinate quarters: o) 1 and 2; n) 2; p) 3 and 4; c) 1 and The vertex of the parabola y=-x 2 -4x+1 is the point with coordinates: k) (2;-5); l) (-4;1); n) (-2;5). 5. Solve the inequality: -x 2 +7x-120 о) (-;3] U р) (-;-4] U [-3;+) 8 CORRECT

Stage 3. Systematization and generalization of previously studied. 1. Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the parabola y=5x 2 +10x+7 with the coordinate axes and the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola. 3. Find highest value expressions 3-(5+x) 2 4. Create a quadratic equation whose roots are twice as large as the roots of the equation x 2 +x+2=0 2. Calculate the value of the expression x 2 -36x+63 at x=37.

Answers: The Ox axis does not intersect; Oy axis at point (0;7). Vertex coordinates (-1;2) The required equation cannot be compiled, since the original one has no roots.

All lessons for 8th grade

Lesson No. 63

Subject. Final lesson on the topic “Square trinomial.

Solving equations that reduce to quadratic equations and their use for solving word problems"

Goal: to repeat, systematize and generalize the knowledge and skills of students regarding the possibility and methods of using solving a quadratic equation to decompose a quadratic trinomial into linear factors, solving biquadratic and fractional rational equations, as well as text problems of physical and geometric meaning.

Lesson type: systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills.

Visualization and equipment: supporting notes.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage


Checking homework

To save time, only exercises that apply the algorithm learned in the previous lesson are subject to careful testing.

III. Formulation of objectives and lesson objectives, motivation of students’ learning activities Main didactic purpose

and the tasks for the lesson quite logically follow from the place of the lesson in the topic - since the lesson is the last, final one, the question of repetition, generalization and systematization of the knowledge and skills acquired by students during the study of the topic is important. This formulation of the goal creates appropriate motivation for students’ activities.

@ Depending on the level of students’ preparation, the teacher can organize their work in different ways: either independent work with theoretical material (for example, using a textbook or summary of theoretical material, repeat the content of the main concepts of the topic, or draw up a diagram reflecting the logical connection between the main concepts of the topic, etc.), or traditionally conduct a survey (in the form of an interactive exercise) with basic questions Topics.

Performing oral exercises

1. Which polynomial is called a quadratic trinomial? Give examples.

2. Name the coefficients of the quadratic trinomial.

3. What is called the root of a square trinomial?

4. How many roots does a square trinomial have if its discriminants are:

a) greater than zero; b) equal to zero; c) less than zero?

5. Give examples of equations that reduce to quadratic equations.

6. What is the plan for solving the equation:

a) x4 - 3x2 + 2 = 0; b) (x - 3)2 + 2(x - 3) + 1 = 0; V) .

7. What plan is used to solve the problem of composing an equation?

V. Repetition and systematization of skills

@ Usually this stage of the lesson is carried out in the form group work, the goal of which is for students to formulate and experience a generalized pattern of actions that they must adhere to in solving typical tasks, the likes of which will be submitted to control.

For example, typical problems on the topic “Square trinomial. Solving equations that reduce to quadratic equations and their use for solving word problems” problems:

· find the roots of a quadratic trinomial and factor the quadratic trinomial using the formula;

· reduce a rational fraction, the numerator and (or) denominator of which contains quadratic trinomials, having first factored them according to the formula;

· solve biquadratic (fractional-rational, higher degree equations), which reduces to quadratic according to a certain algorithm;

· compose and solve, in accordance with the conditions of the text problem, the equation is reduced to a quadratic one.

After compiling a list of the main types of problems, the teacher unites students into working groups (according to the number of types of tasks) and the tasks of each group are formulated as “Create an algorithm for solving the problem...” (each of the groups receives an individual task). Each group is given a certain amount of time to compile an algorithm, during which the group members must create an algorithm, write it down in the form of successive steps, and prepare a presentation of their work. At the end, there is a presentation of the completed work of each group. After the presentation, there is a mandatory test of the algorithms: it is desirable that the groups exchange algorithms and test their application not on one, but on several problems. After the test - mandatory correction and summing up.

VI. Lesson summary

The result of a lesson in generalizing and systematizing the knowledge and skills of students is, firstly, generalized schemes of actions drawn up by the students themselves when solving typical problems, secondly, the implementation by students of the necessary part of conscious mental activity - reflection - reflection of each student’s personal perception of success, and most importantly - problems that still need to be worked on.

VII. Homework

1. Study the algorithms compiled in class.

2. Using the compiled algorithms, complete the home test assignments.

Home test

1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 20 cm. Find its sides if its area is 24 cm2.

2. The tourist must cover the path from point A to point B, which is 20 km, in a certain time. However, he was delayed in leaving for 1 hour, so he was forced to increase his speed by 1 km/h in order to eliminate the delay. From what initial speed should the tourist move?

3. Solve the equation:

a) 9x4 - 37x2 + 4 = 0;

b) (x2 - 2x)2 - 3(x2 - 2x) - 4 = 0;

c) (x - 4)(x - 3)(x - 2)(x - 1) = 24;

G) ; e)* x2 - 7|x| + 6 = 0.

4. Through one pipe you can fill the pool 9 hours faster than through the second to empty the pool. If you turn on both pipes at the same time, the pool will fill in 40 hours. In how many hours can the first pipe fill and the second drain the pool?