Examination of citizens

upon admission to schools, military educational institutions

100. Citizens who do not perform military service and enter schools and military educational institutions undergo preliminary and final examination. The examination is carried out at the direction of the military commissar.

The military commissariat requests for each citizen:

A) from medical organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms - information about being registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, abuse of narcotic drugs and other toxic substances, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, at dispensary observation for other diseases, indicating the diagnosis and date of registration (observation); a medical record of an outpatient and, if necessary, other medical documents (medical records of inpatients, radiographs, protocols of special research methods, etc.) characterizing the state of his health;

B) from institutions civil service medical and social examination - information about the presence (absence) of disability;

C) from the internal affairs bodies - information about being registered for offenses, vagrancy, alcohol abuse, use (distribution) of drugs, psychotropic and toxic substances, medications for non-medical purposes.

101. For a citizen entering a school, military educational institution, a medical examination card of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction) is issued at the military commissariat before the examination, and the following is carried out:

Fluorographic (x-ray) examination of the chest organs in two projections (if it has not been carried out or there is no information in the medical documents this study within the last 6 months);

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses;

ECG examination at rest and after exercise;

General blood analysis;

Tests for the presence of HIV infection, for narcotic substances and serological reactions to syphilis;

General urine analysis.

In addition, citizens entering the following are additionally provided with:

In schools - examination of stool for helminth eggs and dysentery group, culture of throat and nose for diphtheria;

In military educational institutions that train flight personnel, stool examination for helminth eggs and Giardia cysts.

For citizens entering schools, fluorographic (x-ray) examinations of the chest organs and paranasal sinuses are carried out when they reach the age of 15, and for those who have not reached the age - only for clinical indications.

102. Citizens who are not undergoing military service are sent for examination with the results of the studies specified in paragraph 101 of this Instruction, a medical record of an outpatient, information about the state of their health provided from institutions of the state or municipal health care system, and a medical examination card of a citizen entering military service. school, military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction).

103. Citizens entering schools are not sent for examination if, according to information from institutions of the state and municipal health care systems, they have chronic diseases or obvious physical disabilities that are contraindications for admission to schools in accordance with the appendix to the Regulations on VVE.

104. Citizens with normal color vision, visual acuity of at least 1.0 in each eye without correction, blood pressure not higher than 130/80 and not lower are sent for examination to determine their suitability for admission to military educational institutions that train flight personnel. 105/60 mm Hg, body mass index not less than 19, body weight not more than 90 kg, height not less than 160 cm and not more than 186 cm, leg length not less than 80 cm, arm length not less than 76 cm, height sitting position no less than 80 cm and no more than 97 cm.

105. During the examination process, a citizen entering a school or military educational institution, if necessary, may be subject to repeated laboratory, x-ray and other studies.

A citizen entering a school or military educational institution, according to the conclusion of the Military Medical Institution, to clarify the diagnosis of the disease, may be sent for examination to an institution of the state or municipal health care system, to a military medical institution.

If a disease is identified that prevents admission to school, further examination of the citizen is terminated, a medical specialist draws up a medical examination sheet (Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction), which is inserted into the medical examination card of the citizen entering the school or military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction), and on the basis of the conclusion of a medical specialist, the Military Medical Commission issues a conclusion that the citizen is unfit to enter the school.

106. Citizens studying in schools are sent for examination by the heads of the schools to decide on their fitness to study at the school, and those undergoing treatment in military medical institutions are, in addition, by the heads of these institutions.

107. A serviceman entering a military educational institution for training in full-time, before the examination begins, the military unit issues a medical examination card for a citizen entering a school or military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction), and the studies specified in paragraph 101 of this Instruction are carried out.

108. Military personnel are sent for examination with a medical record, which must reflect the results of annual in-depth and control medical examinations (for officers - at least for the last 3 years), applications for medical care, a medical examination card of a citizen entering a school or military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction), and the results of the studies specified in paragraph 101 of this Instruction.

If the medical record of an officer entering a military educational institution does not contain the results of annual in-depth and control medical examinations for the last 3 years preceding admission to the military educational institution, a conclusion is made on sending him for an inpatient examination with subsequent examination by a hospital IHC.

If a serviceman entering a military educational institution does not have a medical record, an examination is not carried out.

109. During the examination process, laboratory, x-ray and other studies may be repeated for a military personnel entering a military educational institution, if necessary.

According to the conclusion of the Military Medical Commission, to clarify the diagnosis of the disease, the serviceman may be sent for examination to a military medical institution.

110. Examination of officers undergoing military service under a contract and entering faculties of military educational institutions distance learning, is carried out by the garrison or hospital military military commission at the place of their military service, and the conclusion of the military military commission is documented in a certificate (Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction). An examination of their military educational qualifications at a military educational institution is not carried out.

111. Military personnel with a disease for which the schedule of diseases (appendix to the Regulations on VVE) provides for an individual assessment of the category of suitability for military service or temporary unfitness for military service, are considered unfit for admission to a military educational institution.

112. A specialist doctor, based on the results of an examination of a citizen entering a school, issues a conclusion only on the suitability or unsuitability of the citizen for admission to school, and in relation to a citizen entering a military educational institution, a conclusion on the category of suitability for military service and suitability or unfitness for admission to a specific military educational institution (faculty, department). If a disease is identified in which the schedule of diseases (appendix to the Regulations on VVE) provides for limited suitability for military service or unfitness for military service, a conclusion is made about unfitness for admission to a military educational institution and the need for examination and examination at the place of military service ( place of military registration) to determine the category of suitability for military service.

113. The results of the examination and the conclusion of the military medical commission are recorded in the book of minutes of meetings of the military medical commission (Appendix No. 1 (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction), and for the military personnel, in addition, in his medical book. For persons recognized as unfit for admission to the military educational institution, a medical specialist prepares a medical examination sheet (Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction).

114. Medical examination cards of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction) and medical examination sheets (Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction) of citizens declared unfit for admission to a school, military educational institution, The military military commission of a school or military educational institution, no later than 5 days after the end of the examination, is sent to the military military commission of the military district in which the examination was carried out.

The military district military district takes into account the received maps, analyzes the examination results and no later than September 1 of the current year sends them to the military commissariats of the constituent entities Russian Federation, garrison and hospital military military complexes in which the examination was carried out.

The Military Commissariat Military Commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, garrison and hospital Military Commissariat, Military Commissariat Military Commissariat take into account and analyze errors made during the examination and examination of citizens entering schools and military educational institutions, and take measures to eliminate them.

115. The procedure, form and timing for submitting information on the results of examination of citizens entering schools and military educational institutions are established by the Central Military Commission for Military Education.

116. When a citizen appeals to a higher Military Medical Commission (VLK) against his conclusion, the higher Military Medical Commission (VLK) requests from the Military Medical Commission (VLK), which issued the conclusion, an extract from the book of minutes of meetings of the military medical commission (Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction), a medical examination card of a citizen entering a school, military educational institution (Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction), a medical examination sheet (Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction) and other medical documents confirming the established diagnosis and the conclusion made.

The superior VVK (VLK) on the results of studying the submitted documents and the decision taken informs the applicant and the VVK (VLK), whose conclusion was appealed.

Military schools have always stood apart from other educational institutions. Getting into such an educational institution is not easy. Admission to such a school is associated with a number of mandatory conditions and requirements for the applicant - exams, physical and psychological tests, standards.

Types of military schools of the Russian Federation

Currently in Russia there are two types of professional military education - basic and higher. The first category includes:

  • cadet school;
  • Suvorov School;
  • Nakhimov School.

In cadet, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools Male citizens under 18 years of age are accepted.

The duration of study at the school is from 2 to 4 years.

The second type of professional military educational institutions includes:

  • Higher Command School;
  • academies;
  • institutes.

Duration of higher education military school ranges from 2 to 3 years.

Each of these types of educational institutions has its own profile specifics and professional orientation:

  • marine;
  • ground troops;
  • missile forces;
  • airborne troops;
  • railway troops;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military music;
  • military justice.

The main feature of such educational institutions is the combination of theory and practice in the learning process. Such a universal system of mastering the military craft allows one to master the art of war to perfection and train elite command staff of the country's armed forces.

Requirements for candidates

Before enrolling, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing educational institution selection rules. And they are diametrically different from the requirements of other educational institutions for their applicants. Thus, the set of applicants for admission to military school after 11th grade, it is carried out by conscription commissions of local military registration and enlistment offices among civilians without military service experience. In this case, cadet candidates are subject to a preliminary attribution of their suitability for training in a military school.

Among the main requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation,
  • age and level of education,
  • health status,
  • level physical training,
  • professional suitability based on the results of psychological and physiological testing.

Admission to a military school after 9th grade is made only with the written consent of the parents when applying to admissions committee educational institution a special package of documents. In addition, the small applicant is required to pass entrance exams and withstand the physical tests of summer training camps.

At successful completion At all stages of selection, a group of applicants led by an educational officer is placed on the territory of the military school to continue the entrance campaign. Here, applicants live in barracks conditions. If internal regulations and discipline are violated, the applicant may be disqualified.

Documents for admission

What else is needed for admission, besides confidence and a strong desire to become an officer? First of all, this is a package of special documents:

  1. An application addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the full name, date of birth of the applicant, address at the place of registration, the name of the commissariat and its postal code, information about the citizenship and level of education of the applicant, identification details, personal contacts and the name of the specialty for which the applicant is applying.
  2. Autobiography and characteristics from the place of study or work.
  3. Certificate of education or certificate of the student's current academic performance.
  4. A photocopy of the birth certificate, diploma, passport and documents confirming the special rights of candidates upon enrollment in the school.
  5. Three photo cards 4.5x6.

This entire host of documents is formed into the applicant’s personal file.


The next stage of admission is examinations for admission to a military school and testing of knowledge of the general education program.

To enter a military school after 9th grade, you must pass entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics.

For applicants who have completed 11th grade, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Physics.

What exams must be taken when enrolling in the military?additionally, it is necessary to check with each educational institution separately. Depending on the profile of the school, they will be different.


The third and final step of the admissions campaign is passing the mandatory physical fitness tests. There are two options here:

  1. Passing an exam based on the results of excellent grades in physical education and certificates of victories in sports competitions.
  2. Performing examination exercises in physical education.

In the second case, the standards for admission to a military school are passed strictly according to the physical standards of the Ministry of Health and only after examination by a medical commission.

In the physics program training includes:

  • 1000 m cross;
  • 100 m and 3 km run;
  • swim 50-100 m;
  • pull-ups on the bar (from 11 to 17 times).

There is only one attempt for each task without the right to retake it. Exceptions can only be made in unforeseen cases - falling off the crossbar, falling, etc.


With fairly high competition, many applicants are interested in the question: how to enroll in the military without a competition? In this case, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides the whole system benefits and privileges:

  • children without guardianship and orphans;
  • children who have completed secondary school educational institution with honors or medal;
  • graduates preparatory courses at military schools and universities based on the results of final exams;
  • persons who have completed the first year of a civilian university in a specialized specialty at a military school;
  • graduates of other military schools and boarding schools with basic flight training;
  • persons under 20 years of age, whose one of the parents is a disabled person of group I;
  • participants in hostilities.

So the military school is good preparatory school for the younger generation in studying military affairs. However, this is just a base that provides primary knowledge and skills for entering universities.

Hi all!

I present to your attention the second part of the article about preparing for admission to a military university. I remind you that you can read the first part.

To your possible question why a manual for applicants to naval institutes, I answer: the author of the article considers it the most sensible and literate. You can download the manual itself from the link at the end of the article.

General education training

Preparation for the Unified State Exam, as well as for additional exams « increased complexity» You are already leading within school curriculum under the guidance of school teachers, and some even with tutors. Moreover, you need to take your preparation very seriously, even if you are either a criminal or have a legal right to non-competitive admission. The attitude towards cadets in military universities has changed fundamentally over the past five years - if previously they were dragged, as they say, “by the ears,” now they are expelled for poor studies without regret.

The approach is exactly the same as in the general physical training program - not “to study at all,” but to purposefully prepare for admission. For example, you can create a very simple overview table of assessments (the technique is as old as the world, it is described in the “Autobiography” of Benjamin Franklin, who, in turn, refers to Pythagoras; in the given form, its author is Gleb Arkhangelsky).

Subject Current Grades

Russian language 5 5 4 5

Mathematics 4 4

Foreign language 5 4 5

The problem area is immediately obvious: mathematics. What needs to be done to straighten it out? Obviously, get at least three A's. We focus our efforts specifically on this subject, devote more time and effort to mathematics, and actively lend a hand in lessons. We close the problematic area, look around and redirect our efforts to another subject. And so on - we maintain balance, flexibly changing priorities as preparation progresses. The goals are high Unified State Examination points in subjects submitted for entrance examinations, a high average score on the educational document.

Professional and psychological selection

There is no point in demonizing him. Psychological readiness a candidate for training at a military educational institution is determined by specialists from the psychological selection unit based on the study and assessment of military professional orientation, general intellectual development, adaptive abilities and neuropsychic stability candidates.

This is a set of ordinary military registration and enlistment tests - “Questionnaire of military-professional orientation”, methods of “Analogies”, “Number series”, “Visual memory” (“Figures”), “ Creative thinking"("Patterns"), "Arithmetic counting", "Verbal memory", "Establishing patterns", "Selection of words", as well as multi-level personality questionnaire“Adaptability” A.G. Maklakova. All of them are presented on the Internet. In flight, naval, tank and other schools, additional tests are carried out for reaction speed (the light comes on - press the button) and others, depending on the profile of the university.

The main professionally important qualities for an officer are: developed organizational and cognitive abilities, intelligence; clear and intelligible speech; ability to navigate in a complex environment, highlight the main thing and accept right decisions V short term; determination, courage, self-control, initiative, responsibility, exactingness, integrity, independence.

All these qualities can and should be developed, so at the beginning of the 10th grade, ask the school psychologist to test you (explaining to him why this is necessary). Identify underdeveloped psychological qualities and negative character traits, ask a psychologist to recommend the necessary exercises for you and again - practice, practice, practice.

Medical examination

Initially, you need to understand that the medical board does not intend to discriminate or humiliate you. There were many cases when a serviceman simply died during morning physical exercises or a field trip from a load that was too much for him. An autopsy showed heart problems. The unit commander got hemorrhoids all over his head, and he had a completely fair question: where were the medical board looking?

The most serious health requirements are in military educational institutions for the training of pilots and navigators. Restrictions for health reasons are set out in the order of the Russian Ministry of Defense of 1999 No. 455 “Regulations on the medical examination of flight personnel of the aviation of the RF Armed Forces” (the order is available in the reference and legal system “Consultant-Plus”, access to which is available in any regional library). Quote from the order: “Citizens with normal color vision, visual acuity of at least 1.0 in each eye without correction, blood pressure not higher than 130/80 and not lower than 105 are sent for examination to determine their suitability for admission to military educational institutions that train flight personnel. /60 mm Hg, body mass index not less than 19, body weight not more than 90 kg, height not less than 160 cm and not more than 186 cm, leg length not less than 80 cm, arm length not less than 76 cm, height in position sitting no less than 80 cm and no more than 97 cm.”

All other military educational institutions have almost the same health requirements. The only difference is in visual acuity (naval and border guards - 0.8; airborne and tank - 0.6; all others 0.5), and in height: RVVDKU - not lower than 170 cm, border guards - not lower than 155 cm , all others - not lower than 150 cm. A contraindication for admission to naval, border and airborne schools is even a slight curvature of the spine. Watch your posture from childhood! Read more in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” (will come into force on January 1, 2014), and the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, which will be issued in pursuance of this resolution.

Keep in mind right away that you will not be able to deceive the medical board (in the direction of improving your health). In the 21st century, increasingly advanced medical diagnostic methods are used, and even the driver’s commission requires an EEG (electroencephalogram) result. So, having memorized mutual arrangement seven letters (SH, B, M, N, K, Y, I) in Sivtsev’s table, you are unlikely to mislead the ophthalmologist, because there will be no table - the letters are projected randomly onto white wall when you press a button. Having swallowed antihypertensive pills and normalized blood pressure for a short period of time, you will not be able to do anything about the condition of the fundus, and you will hear the verdict - “yes, you have hyperTonia, etc. snake! " Heart problems will be detected by echo-ECG and so on.

In principle, all existing health problems will be revealed during your initial military registration (carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year the youth reaches the age of 17), so you don’t need to wait for illnesses to appear in the military registration and enlistment documents, and it’s better treat everything that can be treated at your age in advance.

Order of priority actions

For possible admission, select four or five military educational institutions, including one - to which the soul lies, and two - closer to home. In a separate notebook in the form of a tablet, write down their addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails (this information is contained on the official website of the Ministry of Defense in the “Education” section (http://ens.mil.ru/education/higher.htm), as well as military rank, last name, first name, patronymic of the boss. Call each phone number and find out when the “Day of open doors" Write these dates on the sign.

Consult with parents and plan trips to selected universities. Be sure to go to open days at all selected universities, and the sooner the better. Firstly, when you arrive directly for admission, you will not poke around like a blind kitten. Secondly, you will be able to personally (albeit superficially) compare different schools with each other. Thirdly, you will be able to personally ask questions that interest you and receive a comprehensive answer to them. Fourthly, you can get teaching materials or, at worst, a reminder for applicants. Fifthly, you can be visually remembered by the persons included in the Admissions Committee.

Be sure to write an e-mail to each (separately!) of the universities you have chosen. Even if you know everything without it. Just don't use your regular email like [email protected] or [email protected]. Strictly and clearly, like the governor: AndrejVorobjev@*****.ru.

« Hello, My name is ____________ (last name, first name, patronymic). In _______ year I will enter ___________ (name of university). Please send me by e-mail the manual for applicants to ________ and the admission rules not for the year 20XX. Sincerely, (date, signature)".

In addition to the fact that you may be sent materials from the original source that are useful for preparing for admission, the members of the Admissions Committee may remember your first and last name. After all, who else does this? Nobody! After receiving a response, be sure to thank them for the materials received.

Some military universities (for example, the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics at the Academy of the FSB of Russia) hold subject Olympiads - take part in them.

Selection committee

Among those who passed professional selection, a competition is held in accordance with the number of points scored as a result of the tests. Candidates who use priority right to admission(including orphans, graduates of Suvorov military schools and cadet corps; children of military personnel who served for more than twenty years; citizens who have completed military service by conscription and are entering training on the recommendations of commanders military units and combat veterans - for a complete list, see parts 7-12 of article 71 Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 “On Education”), secondly – ​​candidates classified as higher professional suitability categories according to the results of professional psychological selection, in the third - those who received higher score in a core subject, fourth - those with higher GPA document on secondary education.

It is also desirable for the applicant to have such military-applied skills as:

  • athletics categories or skiing, one of the types of sports wrestling or boxing, bullet shooting;
  • skydiving (you can jump from 14 years old);
  • primary light diving training (from the same age).

Above the three highlighted italics criteria (category of professional suitability, score in a core subject and average score) it was necessary to work at school. What can you influence when you are called to a meeting of the selection committee, especially if the results entrance examinations Are you in the middle of the list?

At the selection committee meeting, be calm, confident and friendly. The exams are already over and you can no longer change their results. To achieve an adequate state of mind, remember how you took third place at the city judo championship (or some other competition).

So, you will probably be asked what you intend to do if you do not pass the competition. The correct answer is this (memorize it as “Our Father” and practice pronunciation at home): “I’ll return home, go to the military registration and enlistment office, ask to be drafted for military service in the fall, and try to get into ______ (the branch of the military corresponding to the profile of the university). I will serve with dignity and receive a recommendation from the unit command for admission to _______ (name of university). The Unified State Examination result is valid for one year after dismissal from military service.”

Don’t be shy, answer “with feeling, sensibly, thoughtfully” (remember?... clear and intelligible speech, intelligence, ability to navigate in a difficult environment, highlight the main thing and make the right decisions in a short time; self-control, responsibility, independence...). Remember - this is your dream, and only you can realize it yourself.

I’ll tell you one last thing real story on the topic of admission.

One of my friends... one of my friends, not me, remember well...

Twenty years ago I entered the Academy of the Ministry of Bank of the Russian Federation (now it is the FSB Academy). I entered for the second time, from the border troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, sergeant, and did not pass the competition. I made an appointment with the head of the Academy, he was accepted, and the following dialogue took place.

- Comrade General, I am sergeant so-and-so, I’m enrolling for the second time, from the border troops, I passed the exams so-and-so, I passed physical training with an “excellent” mark, I did twenty-five pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but the result was that I didn’t pass the competition. An applicant (last name) entered with me, passed the exams the same way, physical training was barely a C, the result was enrollment. Let me ask you a question: in Russia we now have such bodies state security?

— Comrade Sergeant, what is your last name?

- (stated last name).

39 comments on ““How to prepare for admission to a military university. Part 2""

    Hello. I asked about primary light diving training from training center, you write that from the age of 14, so they answered me that only from the age of 18. Where did you get the information that 14?

    Hello, please advise. Is it possible to, to a simple guy from Siberia (without connections), to enter VIFK? Average abilities (a couple of C's), athletic (there are ranks). And is it possible to apply to two military institutes in one year? Thank you in advance. It's very interesting to read you.

    Hello, I am a contract serviceman enlisting in military academy, secondary vocational education (I didn’t ask for the Unified State Exam), can they be enrolled without Unified State Exam results, but simply with a positive pass in the entrance tests? Thank you in advance.

    Hello! My son dreams of enrolling in a military school, he is an excellent student, studying physics and mathematics, 1st category in boxing, his health was good, but after suffering from a sore throat - chronic tonsillitis, tell me, is it possible to enroll in a military school with such a diagnosis? Thank you in advance.

    Hello, is there any way to bypass the entrance exams? My son is currently serving in the army (conscript) wants to enter a military university, but he is not good at mathematics, he has a high school diploma technical education Could you please tell me what to do in this situation, thanks in advance.

    Hello! I want to enter a military university, but at the time of admission I will be 22 years old, will they accept me, or is it too late? (Did not serve in military service)

    Good afternoon, thank you for your article and answers to our endless questions.

    My son is going to connect his life with the army, I’m trying to collect information for him. Tell me how big the competition is now for universities related to ACS (St. Petersburg). I can’t find the passing USE scores. It’s clear about physical preparation and health, but there is absolutely no information on the Unified State Exam.

    Good afternoon My son really wants to join the military. He is a 4-5 student, an athlete, everything is fine in terms of health, but he stutters, especially when he is nervous. Alexander, tell me from your experience whether it is possible to enroll and how difficult it will be to study with this problem.

    Hello. I have the following question: I served in military service and have a kat on my military ID. suitability b-3. This is a slight scoliosis. When submitting an application to the military registration and enlistment office, they will be able to change my cat number when passing the Military Military Commissariat. validity if I am healthy?? Please answer, there are no answers on the Internet.

    Good day! Please tell me if I can enter the FSB Academy. I am a 9th grade student high school, I have not bad physical abilities, (pull-ups 27 times, run 2 km - 7 min 30 sec,
    60 m - 7.9 sec, 100 m - 12 sec) there are personal prizes from regional competitions from the school.
    I study well at 4-5, I study additionally with a tutor in English.

        • In principle, it’s easy to join any military service, but about the question above - there is a different screening process initially, even BEFORE admission and it’s worth trying to pass, but it’ll be trampled on.

        • Usually psychologists have no complaints. But it’s somehow strange that you’re afraid of them)). There is no need to prepare for anything. The main thing is not to joke with them when answering their tricky questions.

  1. Good day! Please tell me, after graduating from school (2015), can I enter a military university in 2016 on the condition that I will not study or work for a whole year? Unified State Exam results and there is a description, but the description is in the personal file at the military registration and enlistment office last year. Will they demand from me new characteristic, or will they take it from the old personal file? Or is it not necessary at all?

If you talk to flying pilots, sometimes it seems to an outsider that they all walk under the sword of Damocles called VLEK all their lives. VLEK are afraid, they swear at her, complain, someone is trying to deceive... And before submitting documents to a flight school, any applicant will also inevitably have to get acquainted with VLEK - the Medical Flight Expert Commission.

Why are such strict and severe requirements imposed on the health of flight personnel?

This is due to security requirements. Not the people responsible for safety, but the very safety of life, as well as the health of everyone in the aircraft and on the ground. The work of a pilot is associated with heavy loads, due to which the body wears out faster. Therefore, in order for a pilot to be able to work in the sky for as long as possible, at the very beginning of his career he must have impeccable health. Otherwise, he will one day endanger his life, the lives of the crew and passengers. It also matters economic factor: Large amounts of money are invested in pilot training, which must pay off; in addition, endangering expensive aircraft and their cargo is also undesirable.

That is why a separate branch appeared in medicine - aviation medicine. Research is being carried out, based on the results of which a certain set of requirements for the health of pilot candidates and pilots is drawn up. Using accumulated experience together with scientific developments, aviation doctors determine a list of pathologies and diseases, the presence of which closes or limits the path to heaven.

Health requirements

The severity of pilot health requirements is determined by their category and age. Applicants to flight schools, especially military ones, have to undergo the most severe medical examinations. A thorough medical examination is carried out before the start of studies, and then annually.

Applicants, together with cadets of all courses, except graduation, undergo VLEK in the first column. This means the most stringent requirements, in fact, impeccable health. Moreover, it should be remembered that the VLEK passed before admission is only the first of all. If health deteriorates during the year, the cadet may well be expelled from the school, even with excellent grades. Or they will offer to transfer to other specialties not directly related to flights. Even slightly impaired vision or a broken nose in a fight can cause loss of permission to fly.

Final year cadets of a flight school undergo VLEK in the second column, which somewhat reduces the health requirements.

Health defects unacceptable for admission to flight school

A verdict of unfitness is rendered if:

Pregnancy and the postpartum period, as well as chronic cycle disorders, may prevent girls from obtaining a fitness certificate.

An applicant can receive a referral to VLEK if he has received a mark of fitness for military service without restrictions from the military registration and enlistment office. In this case, you will need to issue a medical certificate 086 of the general standard, the results of an examination from local drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries, and present all this to the admissions committee along with a military ID. You should immediately take into account that when applying to Russian flight schools, there are restrictions on height and minimum age:

  • height: from 160 to 190 cm, sitting height - no more than 95 cm
  • age at least 18 years

Before being examined by specialists, you will need to undergo tests, as well as be tested on your level of physical fitness. Only after receiving the results can you go to the doctors. In addition to the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the sinuses, an encephalogram and an ECG.

Then specialists will take on the applicant. The most thorough examinations will have to be done by an ophthalmologist and an ENT doctor. In addition to them, the candidate cadets will be examined and tested:

  • surgeon
  • dermatovenerologist
  • therapist
  • neurologist
  • dentist
  • girls will have to visit a gynecologist

If at least one of the doctors discovers a defect that is incompatible with flight activities, the applicant receives a certificate of unsuitability and further examination is stopped.

If the VLEK renders a “Pass” verdict, after 3 days the applicant will go to a psychologist, and only after a psychological examination can the ordeal be considered completed.

Conditions for passing VLEK

It is not necessary to undergo VLEK directly at the place of admission. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has created a certification system for medical institutions throughout Russia. You can undergo VLEK together with psychological testing in any institution that has a license to carry out medical flight examination activities. Subsequently, the obtained conclusions are approved by the VLEK of the school.

If an applicant has received a conclusion about unsuitability for training in the flying specialty, but does not agree with the medical opinion, he can challenge the decision of the regional VLEK in Central Medical Flight Commission in Moscow.

Terms and cost of passing the commission

As a rule, everything takes about 3 days:

  1. Get tested and take x-rays
  2. Get results
  3. Be examined by medical specialists and wait for the conclusion to be issued

After 3 days, subject to a positive verdict, you can be examined by a psychologist.

The cost depends on local conditions and usually ranges from 1500-8000 thousand rubles.

How to prepare for a medical examination

Many health defects can be corrected if addressed in advance. And if a preliminary examination reveals diseases that do not allow you to enroll in a flying specialty, you can save your own time and not bang your head against the impenetrable wall of an uncompromising VLEK in a vain attempt to convince doctors of your fitness to fly. Instead, it is worth improving your health as much as possible, so that you can then try to get another category, with less strict tolerances. And then, already having certain achievements and experience behind you, make another attempt. VLEK requirements for already flying pilots are somewhat softer than for pilot candidates. In any case, a working pilot will not have to undergo a commission under the most severe 1st column, and 2nd column is not so strict.

In any case, it is worth getting treatment from a dentist in advance, being examined by an ENT specialist, visiting a dermatologist, and then having a cardiogram done. A detailed blood test won't hurt either.

Until recently, the first column required applicants 100% vision without correction, now flight cadets are allowed vision up to 0.8 without correction (1 with correction). You should consult your local VLEK department about the advisability of surgical vision correction.

All health requirements, a list of permissible and disqualifying deviations are specified in the Federal Aviation Rules of Civil Aviation. If medical terminology does not seem like a Chinese diploma, you can understand the intricacies in advance and assess your chances of passing the commission.

How to stay healthy

Pilots are exposed to a variety of hazards. This list includes:

  • nervous tension
  • physical stress and overload during takeoffs and landings
  • exposure to vibration, noise
  • frequent changes in climate and time zones
  • lack of physiologically acceptable diet and rest, night work and long periods of stress

Because of this, health deteriorates noticeably faster than that of “ground” citizens. To maintain excellent health, you must not avoid regular medical appointments and be attentive to your well-being. It is much easier to stop any disease at its very beginning. It is absolutely necessary to play sports and provide yourself with physical training in reasonable quantities. You need to try to eat right, rest well, not deny yourself health treatments and positive emotions. In order not to try to deceive the medical commission, if any ailment appears, the lack of treatment can lead to a catastrophic deterioration of the condition and irreparable damage.