Non-standard verification forms homework

One of the most important tasks of a comprehensive school is to increase student responsibility for the quality of studies and compliance with academic and work discipline. As one of the forms of organizing education at school, homework has great educational and educational significance. Working at home, students not only consolidate the knowledge acquired in class, improve skills and abilities, but also acquire the skills of independent work, cultivate organization, hard work, accuracy, and responsibility for the assigned work. The role of homework is practically devalued if it is not checked. As a result of systematic checking of assignments, students receive the necessary advice and assessment of completed assignments in a timely manner, which is very important in educational terms. The teacher has the opportunity to find out how deeply the material has been mastered and to what extent students are ready to acquire new knowledge. How can we ensure that checking homework does not turn into a standard requirement, into a banal, continuous reading by the student of words or sentences written down at home “in a chain”? How to use homework and control over its implementation to develop the mental activity of students, self-analysis and self-esteem of children? Non-standard forms of checking homework are aimed at achieving these goals, promoting the development of inquisitiveness, curiosity, and a creative attitude to the task.

"Active Listening" Techniqueconsists in the fact that while one student is answering, the rest of the students summarize what has been said, filling out a friend’s answer card, putting pros or cons in it. Then the teacher collects the cards " active listening” and sees students’ problems on the topic based on them. This technique increases not only the activity of students, but also the effectiveness of checking homework.

"Blitz survey along the chain."The first student puts short question second. Second to third, and so on until the last student. Response time is a few seconds. The teacher has the right to remove a question that does not correspond to the topic or is not correct enough. Each student has the right to refuse to participate in a blitz tournament, therefore, to prevent the procedure from being disrupted, the teacher finds out in advance which of the students would like to take part in this action.

As an option for checking homework or during a general lesson, you can suggest organizing a competition between the rows against the clock, that is, which of the groups, without breaking the chain, will answer the questions correctly and faster than others. In this case, it is necessary to select referees who will control the correctness of answers and the time in which students complete the task.

“I believe it, I don’t believe it” - This technique can be used at any stage of the lesson. Each question begins with the words: “Do you believe that...” Students must agree or disagree with this statement.

Example. In the word “health” it is written “z”, because “d” is voiced, and “z” itself is a prefix. This statement is incorrect because the letter "z" is part of the root.

"Not really"- This is a universal game that children really like. The teacher makes a wish for something

(item, literary character etc.). Students try to find the answer by asking questions. The teacher answers these questions with the words “yes” - “no”, “yes and no”. The question must be posed in such a way as to narrow the search. The advantages of the technique are that it teaches you to systematize known information, connect individual facts into an overall picture, and teaches you to listen carefully and analyze questions. In high school, students are involved in composing questions. The main thing in this technique is to teach how to develop a search strategy, and not bombard the teacher with countless questions.

"Dictation for a spy."This methodological technique allows you to develop visual memory, trains attention and responsibility for the final result. It works well in philological lessons, mathematics and geography lessons.

The class is divided into 5-6 teams. The dictation text is also divided into the same number of parts. Sheets with text are attached to the walls away from the team for which they are intended. Each team member becomes a “spy.” He approaches the text (as many times as necessary), reads it, memorizes it, returns to the team and dictates his part to them. Teams compete; the group that finishes the job earlier and makes no mistakes (or makes fewer mistakes) wins.

"Intellectual warm-up" -These are 2-3 not very difficult questions for warming up. The main purpose of such a warm-up is to get the child ready for work.

Technique “Pencil notes in the margins”(“L” - easy, “T” - difficult, “S” - doubt, made by the student at home in the margins of the notebook while doing homework) helps the teacher quickly see the problems of each student before the start of the lesson, and teaches the student reflection. In the future, the content of the lesson is adjusted taking into account the identified problems.

"Find the mistake." Option 1 . If the material being tested is well known to the students, then this methodological technique provokes the emergence of a situation of success in the lesson. And if the material is new, then successful searches for errors, flavored with praise and admiration from the teacher, allow children to feel like researchers and experts. The teacher makes mistakes in his message that need to be found, or texts are distributed in which information is clearly distorted, definitions are confused, other people's thoughts and actions are attributed to the characters, and incorrect interpretations of events and processes are given. Teacher, please find errors in the proposed text; you can indicate the number of errors.

Option 2. The same method can be used as a team game. Each team prepares a text with errors on a certain topic at home (or in class) and offers it to the other team. To save time, you can exchange texts that were prepared in advance. The benefit is double and mutual - whose team will hide their mistakes better and who will find more and faster.

"Ping pong". Option 1 . 2 students come to the board and take turns asking each other questions about their homework. In this game you can use a small bright ball. The student says a question and throws the ball to his opponent. The teacher evaluates their answers.

Option 2. One of the students prepared questions for homework. The answers to them should be monosyllabic. He goes to the board, throws the ball to any of the students in the class and at the same time asks him a question. The answer sounds and the ball returns to the first student. The teacher evaluates the quality and originality of the questions and the correct answers.

"Knight Tournament".The student comes to the board and, on the topic covered, poses pre-prepared questions to the teacher to which he would like to receive an answer. In turn, the teacher asks a question to the student. The entire action lasts no more than 5 minutes. The tournament is announced in advance. Questions should be concise, answers short and to the point. The referee may remove a non-specific question. Students evaluate the actions of the student and teacher by clapping or raising their hands (or marking a sheet).

"Snowball". Just as a snowball grows, this methodological technique attracts more and more students to active work. The algorithm of this technique can be briefly described as follows: Word - sentence - question - answer.

Option 1. The teacher points to the student and says: “Word!” He says a word that relates to the topic of the lesson. Points to another student and says: “Proposal!” The second student makes a sentence with this word. The third student offers questions to this sentence, the fourth student answers it.

Option 2. Each student adds his own literary “masterpiece” to the first phrase in such a way that a continuous chain of certain grammatical categories is formed.

Example. Russian language. Topic: Participial Circumstances.

Teacher. In the summer, on the street, I met a man wearing a coat.

1st student. In a coat turned inside out with fur.

2nd student. Fur, sticking out flaps.

3rd student. Flaps like a clown's hair.

"Traffic light". A very simple but effective method. Having prepared the material once, you will reap the fruits of your hard work for a long time. A traffic light is a long strip of cardboard (9 cm long, 4 cm wide), covered with red paper on one side and green on the other. The traffic light “works” very simply: when conducting an oral survey, all students signal to the teacher whether they know the answer to the question (green side - ready to answer, red side - not ready). The positive thing about this situation is that passivity is unacceptable during the survey. Whether you like it or not, you need to raise a card and say if you know this question. The teacher explains to the students that by holding up a red card and declaring ignorance, the student refuses to answer. Showed green - please answer.

When conducting an oral survey, you can do this: invite two or three (not necessarily strong, but responsible) students to the board and assign them the role of teacher assistants. Assistants should be given sheets of paper in advance on which the names of the students are written and the table is outlined. The role of the assistants is to mark the work of a particular student on a sheet, i.e. the number of green (+) or red (-) cards raised. The intrigue is that the class does not know whose names are written on the sheets, everyone works that way. After 5 minutes of conducting an oral survey, the teacher, firstly, has a clear idea of ​​what the children learned well from what was proposed in the previous lesson, and what should be addressed again. Secondly, the assistants hand over to the teacher tables that already summarize the number of correct answers, and the teacher honestly and reasonably assigns several grades for the oral survey.

"Memory and attentiveness training."This is enough interesting technique, it is especially effective when students are ready to work with it. Warn them in advance to read the home paragraph carefully. The teacher gives the students a sheet of paper with text in the middle, part of a verse. The task is for students to be able to write the necessary text above and below the existing phrase, or try to express it orally - what should precede the phrase and how it should end.

"Get to know me." In a lesson in history, geography, chemistry, literature, you can invite students to speak on behalf of a famous person (scientist, literary or historical hero), without naming her, but describing actions, discoveries, reasoning.

Reception “Educational dialogue with the author of the textbook”- an excellent tool that puts the student in the position of a subject of learning and their own development. Students are encouraged to independently study the explanatory text of the textbook with new material at home. After reading it independently, students write down questions that arise along the way, addressed to the author. Then, during the lesson, one group of students reads them out loud, and the other group acts as the author, trying to find the answer on the pages of the textbook, and if there is no direct answer, then the suggested answers are heard. This technique allows dialogue to become a means of learning and feedback, as a result of which they decide learning objectives and problems, the technique teaches you to analyze, compare, argue or agree with the author of the textbook, and makes it possible to provide feedback.

"Chain of Words" allows for quick frontal verification of the definition of concepts, formulation of rules, theorems (reproductive level). Its essence is that students, in a chain, name only one word from the definitions of concepts or facts being tested, and then one of them pronounces the wording in full. This technique can be carried out in the form of competitions in rows, and 2-3 students act as a jury, who record the answers of their comrades.

"Crew"- The class is divided into 4-5 groups. Each member of the group receives a “position”: captain, 1st mate, 2nd mate, boatswain, sailors. 4-5 minutes are allotted for preparation, and then a survey is conducted by lot - whoever gets the question answers, the score is given to the whole team. In addition, there is also the choice “Everyone answers” ​​and students especially like it when they get “Trust”, in this case the team is exempt from answering and everyone receives a positive mark.

The use of such methods of monitoring homework completion helps to develop a number of key competencies of students:

  • Motivate students to carefully study the topic;
  • Develops intellectual competencies: analysis, synthesis, comparison, highlighting the main thing;
  • The creative nature of tasks allows you to develop creative thinking;
  • The student learns to correctly formulate questions, offering possible answers, that is, to communicate through reflective dialogue with the intended interlocutor;
  • Helps self-expression of the student’s personality (personal competencies).

And finally, the most important thing is that students who know that in every lesson the teacher, using his arsenal of methods and techniques, will definitely check the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of each student, begin to systematically prepare for lessons and gain self-confidence.


  1. Golub B.P. Means of activating the mental activity of students. - M., Pedagogy, 1998.
  2. Deykina A.V. About homework in the Russian language. - Magazine “Russian Language at School”. 1984, no. 6.
  3. Kulnevich S.V. Modern lesson. Part 1.- Rostov-n/D, Teacher, 2005.
  4. Sadkina V.I. Checking homework. Methodological techniques. - IG "Osnova", 2009
  5. Tekuchev A.V. Methods of the Russian language in secondary school. - M., Education, 19980.
  6. Shevchenko S.D. How to teach everyone. - M., Education, 1981.

Today, the problem of organizing homework is quite relevant. Often it is ill-conceived and random, preparation for its implementation is poorly carried out, and the check is built formally. As a result of unsatisfactory planning, preparation and organization of homework, students are overloaded with homework tasks, which negatively affects their performance, activity and interest in learning.

Pedagogical laws and centuries-old practice prove that homework is necessary, since knowledge acquired in class is quickly forgotten without consolidation. If independent homework is not carried out, the level of educational motivation, quality of training.

Stages of checking homework completion

Among the new approaches to modern lesson there are several stages of comprehensive verification completing homework:

  1. The didactic task of the stage involves establishing the correctness and awareness of homework by all students; eliminating gaps in knowledge that were discovered during the test, which leads to the improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.
  2. The content of the stage assumes that the teacher’s goal is to find out how much the students have mastered the material assigned at home; determine what are the typical deficiencies in acquired knowledge and what are the reasons for their occurrence; eliminate the identified deficiencies.
  3. The condition for achieving positive results is the use of a system of techniques that will allow the teacher to determine the completion of the homework assignment for all students in the class.
  4. An indicator that the didactic task of the lesson has been completed is the opportunity set the level of knowledge most of the students in a short period of time (about 5-7 minutes), while identifying typical deficiencies; the opportunity, when checking homework, to correct and update basic concepts and eliminate the causes of identified deficiencies.
  5. When the requirements are optimal, individual and age characteristics children, preference is given to tasks of a problem-based and search nature.
  6. When using various methods and forms of control, the mental activity of students is activated, preference is given to individual, creative, search tasks.
  7. Errors made during implementation (uniformity of lessons, questioning methods, lack of comparison of the specifics of the material being studied and the individual characteristics of students) lead to the use of new approaches to solving this issue.

Methods of organizing control

Different forms and types of homework also imply different ways and methods of checking it. In teaching methods, new approaches put the question of organizing its testing at one of the leading places.

The stage of a comprehensive check of homework requires the teacher to control not only the systematicity of its completion by each student, but also the degree of independence of the student in completing the task, the level of mastery of the material when doing homework.

A mandatory element of every school lesson is that the teacher must constantly check homework and connect it with the material being studied. It should be borne in mind that simply going to the board and telling a rule or writing a completed example is a rather boring task for a student. Therefore, nowadays teachers have come to innovative verification methods, among which:

  1. Posing unexpected questions, which are questions formulated differently than the task after the paragraph. If students have done the homework exercises carefully, they will answer them without difficulty.
  2. Review of an oral response - students listen to the answer of their classmate and provide an oral review of it, in which they note the shortcomings and advantages of the answer and complement it.
  3. Dictation for homework. The teacher can prepare a selective, graphic or spelling dictation during a language lesson. The material for it is taken from a home exercise.
  4. Brief written response. The question asked by the teacher sounds extremely specific, so that the answer can be expressed in two words. Such tasks reinforce knowledge and draw students' attention to the main points in a given paragraph. A written answer helps ensure that the learned theory is retained in memory for a long time.
  5. Verification using computer technology. An exercise, example or task is projected on the screen, with the most difficult points highlighted in colored font. Students compare their notes with the image on the screen and correct errors if any.

Forms of control over task completion

The listed methods for checking homework will be effective only if they are applied comprehensively and systematically. It follows from this that forms of control Homework assignments are also different:

  1. Control of written homework during independent work in class: for all students - formally, for individual students - content control.
  2. Indirect control using tests, independent work, dictations, which are compiled on the basis of material identical to the one assigned at home.
  3. Control of oral assignments for individual students, discussion and addition of answers by other students.
  4. Extracurricular checking of notebooks. The teacher can only draw a conclusion about the ability to correctly format assignments and identify the most common mistakes by checking the notebooks.
  5. Indirect control is based on observing the student in class if his activity in the lesson was facilitated by completing homework.
  6. Mutual control of students is carried out by pairwise exchange of notebooks using a reference book or samples.
  7. Self-control of students, when they themselves compare the completed homework with the correct completion shown on the interactive board or written on the board.

Which form to give preference depends on the purpose, type and content of homework, and on the students’ attitude towards it.

According to pedagogical experience, the teacher, before assigning homework, should be sure that he will be able to check it and evaluate. In addition to completing the task itself, you need to pay attention to the completeness, form and correctness of its implementation. Control and evaluation, and then marking homework, motivate students and mobilize their strength. If you do not check homework seriously or do not check it at all, the student will be disappointed that the teacher ignores the work he has done and his achievements. This is especially true for those students who do their homework conscientiously and with full dedication, and the teacher systematically ignores this fact.

The teacher must ensure that students complete homework.

It's much easier to do this if students know that you remember what homework assignment was assigned and then remember to check it. Students should have no doubt about whether your assignment can be completed or whether failure to complete it may go unnoticed. Every task not completed leads to an increase in student irresponsibility.

For the teacher execution result The assigned home task performs a double function. On the one hand, he becomes the object of control of the students’ activities, and on the other, of his own activities in the previous lesson. Homework that is correctly assigned and graded allows the teacher to discover the reserves of his lesson; detect errors and successes in choosing a technique; demonstrate the rapid progress of students. Also, homework is the basis for the next lesson using the results achieved.

  • With the help of constant monitoring, ensure that students have no doubts whether they must complete the homework assigned by you;
  • Use different shapes control, which will depend on the purpose, type and content of homework and the attitude of students to its implementation;
  • Determine what you will evaluate, how you will evaluate it, whether a mark is expected for it, based on the conditions and its educational impact;
  • If students do not complete their homework, look for the reasons for this and ways to eliminate them;
  • If the work is not completed on time, it must be completed later;
  • Checking homework is an inevitable part and necessary addition to a good lesson.

A harmonious combination of different methods and forms submission and checking of homework influence the formation of students’ independence and increase their level of motivation to learn. The most important task of the teacher is to develop a positive attitude towards learning in students when doing homework.

In addition, homework also has an unusually large educational potential. The teacher gives schoolchildren knowledge in order to raise a person who is caring and creative personality, and homework is an indispensable assistant in this matter. If schoolchildren see that the teacher is interested in how homework is done and how it is presented, they will love both the teacher and his subject.

To carry it out, the class must be divided into groups, each of which will defend its position or view of the problem. One point of view may be presented in a textbook or reference book, and another, different from it, may belong to one of the students or the teacher. Students’ reasoning and arguments are important in the discussion, and its result will be a deeper understanding of the essence of the phenomenon being studied.

  • Question to the author (in the form of an interview)

This is an unusual and very interesting way to check homework. The teacher invites the children to come up with several questions for the author of the discovery, invention, or work in order to better understand its meaning. The most prepared students can answer the questions, and the most difficult ones can be answered by the teacher. For example, when checking homework in chemistry, you can address questions of interest to Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, in physics - to Isaac Newton, in geometry - to Pythagoras, in literature - to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  • Themed crossword

Many guys are fond of solving crossword puzzles, showing enviable persistence. To check homework in an interesting way, the teacher needs to create a crossword puzzle on a relevant topic and offer it to students. Children especially love interactive crossword puzzles that can be solved by the whole class. .

  • Unexpected questions

The teacher’s task is to formulate the question differently than in the textbook after the paragraph. If the student has prepared for the lesson in good faith, he will not have any difficulties with the answer, and a certain variety will be introduced into the testing process.

  • Review of oral response

Students are invited to listen to their classmate’s answer, prepare and give an oral review of it (taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, making additions and clarifications).

  • Mutual verification

When checking written homework in chemistry, Russian or English language In mathematics, you can invite students to exchange notebooks with their deskmate, check the completion of assignments, give a grade and talk about mistakes made, discussing controversial issues.

  • Brief written answers

Instead of an oral survey, the teacher asks you to answer simple questions on the topic in writing. In this case, the answer should consist of two or three words. This task helps students better assimilate theoretical knowledge.

  • Checking with the projector

The correct version of homework is displayed by the teacher on the projector screen. Students check it, correct their mistakes, receiving the necessary comments from the teacher or classmates along the way.

Checking homework by surveying students is the traditional and most popular way. It is often used to find gaps or deficiencies in knowledge, forgetting about the main task of the survey - to support the student, provide assistance, teach. We will show you how to implement this in practice.

  • Traffic light survey

In our case, the traffic light is a long strip of cardboard, red on one side and green on the other. The green side facing the teacher indicates that the student is ready to answer the question posed (“I know!”), the red side indicates that the student is not ready to answer (“I don’t know!”). If a student shows the red side to questions at the basic level, this is an alarm for the teacher. This is a bad mark that the student gave himself. You can also ask creative questions, with a red signal meaning “I don’t want to answer!”, and a green signal meaning “I want to answer!”.

  • Solidarity poll

If a student at the blackboard cannot complete a task, he must ask the class for help. Who wants to help? From among those who want to help, the teacher chooses the strongest student and invites him to whisper a hint to a friend. As an option, the student himself chooses the one whose help he needs, and the teacher gives the coach 10-15 minutes to prepare.

  • Mutual survey

The teacher instructs the three most prepared students to conduct a survey of those who prepared at “5”, “4” or “3”. A student who has enrolled in the third group and successfully answered questions in it can try his hand again.

  • Programmable polling

In this case, the student must choose the correct answer from those suggested by the teacher. This form of work during oral questioning is rarely used. And completely in vain. Indeed, in the clash of different opinions of students, misunderstanding “melts.” The teacher may defend the wrong answer to give the students a chance to argue.

  • Silent poll

The teacher talks quietly to one or more students while the whole class does another task.

  • Survey chain
  • "Protection" sheet

Created for unprepared students and always located in the same place. A student who is not ready for the lesson writes his name on the security sheet and can be sure that he will not be asked today. The teacher's task is to keep the situation under control.

An interesting homework check in elementary school

For many teachers, the pressing question is how to avoid monotony when checking homework in primary school. For junior schoolchildren especially relevant and effective game uniform testing acquired knowledge. We offer several practical ideas that will not only allow you to perform an interesting homework test, but will also help to activate the mental activity of students.

  • Game "Draw the answer"

The teacher needs to prepare questions on the covered topic, the answers to which the children can quickly and easily draw. Children should be warned that answers should not be voiced, but drawn on paper.

  • Game "Clap and Stomp"

When checking homework, the teacher asks questions and offers possible answers to them. If the answer is correct, the children’s task is to clap their hands, but if the answer is incorrect, to stomp their feet. This game is a great warm up and good way relieve tension in the classroom.

  • Team game “What and why?”

In created teams, the captain is appointed as a teacher. The task for each team is to come up with questions on the topic studied and answer them one by one. The right of response is granted by the captain. It is important that all team members participate in the discussion.

  • Game "Seven Flowers"

The teacher needs to prepare in advance paper flowers with seven colored petals according to the number of commands. For the correct answer on a covered topic, the team receives one petal. They play until one of the teams collects the entire flower.

  • Game "Catch the ball"

The game is played in a circle. The teacher asks a question and tosses the ball. The student who caught it gives the answer.

Checking students' homework completion is an important and integral stage of any lesson. If the testing system is not established, the role of the student’s independent homework is practically devalued.

Check homework possible in the following ways:

  • call one or more students to the board and question them on the topic;
  • conduct a frontal survey in the classroom (survey from the seat);
  • perform a similar task;
  • use individual cards;
  • conduct a random check of the written assignment;
  • Conduct a self-test or peer-check of a written assignment.

Going to the board and telling a learned rule or copying a solved example from a notebook - many students find such a test a very boring task. Often, for this reason, a student loses any desire to independently prepare at home.

How to check your homework? The secret lies in the teacher’s harmonious combination of traditional and unusual, original, interesting forms and methods of testing, which activate students’ mental activity, increase independence, create and maintain motivation to do homework regularly and efficiently. We bring to the attention of teachers several interesting ideas.

Original ways to check homework

  • Discussion

To carry it out, the class must be divided into groups, each of which will defend its position or view of the problem. One point of view may be presented in a textbook or reference book, and another, different from it, may belong to one of the students or the teacher. Students’ reasoning and arguments are important in the discussion, and its result will be a deeper understanding of the essence of the phenomenon being studied.

  • Question to the author (in the form of an interview)

This is an unusual and very interesting way to check homework. The teacher invites the children to come up with several questions for the author of the discovery, invention, or work in order to better understand its meaning. The most prepared students can answer the questions, and the most difficult ones can be answered by the teacher. For example, when checking homework in chemistry, you can address questions of interest to Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, in physics - to Isaac Newton, in geometry - to Pythagoras, in literature - to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  • Themed crossword

Many guys are fond of solving crossword puzzles, showing enviable persistence. To check homework in an interesting way, the teacher needs to do it on a relevant topic and offer it to students. Children especially love puzzles that can be solved by the whole class. .

  • Unexpected questions

The teacher’s task is to formulate the question differently than in the textbook after the paragraph. If the student has prepared for the lesson in good faith, he will not have any difficulties with the answer, and a certain variety will be introduced into the testing process.

  • Review of oral response

Students are invited to listen to their classmate’s answer, prepare and give an oral review of it (taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, making additions and clarifications).

  • Mutual verification

When checking written homework in chemistry, Russian or English, or mathematics, you can invite students to exchange notebooks with a neighbor at their desk, check the completion of assignments, give a grade and talk about mistakes made, discussing controversial issues.

  • Brief written answers

Instead of an oral survey, the teacher asks you to answer simple questions on the topic in writing. In this case, the answer should consist of two or three words. This task helps students better assimilate theoretical knowledge.

  • Checking with the projector

The correct version of homework is displayed by the teacher on the projector screen. Students check it, correct their mistakes, receiving the necessary comments from the teacher or classmates along the way.

Checking homework by surveying students is the traditional and most popular way. It is often used to find gaps or deficiencies in knowledge, forgetting about the main task of the survey - to support the student, provide assistance, teach. We will show you how to implement this in practice.

  • Traffic light survey

In our case, the traffic light is a long strip of cardboard, red on one side and green on the other. The green side facing the teacher indicates that the student is ready to answer the question posed (“I know!”), the red side indicates that the student is not ready to answer (“I don’t know!”). If a student shows the red side to questions at the basic level, this is an alarm for the teacher. This is a bad mark that the student gave himself. You can also ask creative questions, with a red signal meaning “I don’t want to answer!”, and a green signal meaning “I want to answer!”.

  • Solidarity poll

If a student at the blackboard cannot complete a task, he must ask the class for help. Who wants to help? From among those who want to help, the teacher chooses the strongest student and invites him to whisper a hint to a friend. As an option, the student himself chooses the one whose help he needs, and the teacher gives the coach 10-15 minutes to prepare.

  • Mutual survey

The teacher instructs the three most prepared students to conduct a survey of those who prepared at “5”, “4” or “3”. A student who has enrolled in the third group and successfully answered questions in it can try his hand again.

  • Programmable polling

In this case, the student must choose the correct answer from those suggested by the teacher. This form of work during oral questioning is rarely used. And completely in vain. Indeed, in the clash of different opinions of students, misunderstanding “melts.” The teacher may defend the wrong answer to give the students a chance to argue.

  • Silent poll

The teacher talks quietly to one or more students while the whole class does another task.

  • Survey chain
  • "Protection" sheet

Created for unprepared students and always located in the same place. A student who is not ready for the lesson writes his name on the security sheet and can be sure that he will not be asked today. The teacher's task is to keep the situation under control.

An interesting homework check in elementary school

For many teachers, the pressing question is how to avoid monotony when checking homework in the elementary grades. For younger schoolchildren, a game form of testing acquired knowledge is especially relevant and effective. We offer several practical ideas that will not only allow you to perform an interesting homework check, but will also help to activate the mental activity of students.

  • Game "Draw the answer"

The teacher needs to prepare questions on the covered topic, the answers to which the children can quickly and easily draw. Children should be warned that answers should not be voiced, but drawn on paper.

  • Game "Clap and Stomp"

When checking homework, the teacher asks questions and offers possible answers to them. If the answer is correct, the children’s task is to clap their hands, but if the answer is incorrect, to stomp their feet. This game is a great warm-up and a good way to relieve stress in class.

  • Team game “What and why?”

In created teams, the captain is appointed as a teacher. The task for each team is to come up with questions on the topic studied and answer them one by one. The right of response is granted by the captain. It is important that all team members participate in the discussion.

  • Game "Seven Flowers"

The teacher needs to prepare in advance paper flowers with seven colored petals according to the number of commands. For the correct answer on a covered topic, the team receives one petal. They play until one of the teams collects the entire flower.

  • Game "Catch the ball"

The game is played in a circle. The teacher asks a question and tosses the ball. The student who caught it gives the answer.

Let's sum it up

The degree of effectiveness of students’ homework completion largely depends on how interesting and varied in form and content the test will be. The methods proposed in this article for checking students’ independent homework to achieve results should be used systematically and comprehensively by the teacher.

Today, the problem of organizing homework is quite relevant. Often it is ill-conceived and random, preparation for its implementation is poorly carried out, and the check is built formally. As a result of unsatisfactory planning, preparation and organization of homework, students are overloaded with homework tasks, which negatively affects their performance, activity and interest in learning.

Pedagogical laws and centuries-old practice prove that homework is necessary, since knowledge acquired in class is quickly forgotten without consolidation. If independent homework is not done, the level of educational motivation and the quality of learning decreases.

Stages of checking homework completion

Among the new approaches to the modern lesson, there are several stages of comprehensive verification completing homework:

  1. The didactic task of the stage involves establishing the correctness and awareness of homework by all students; eliminating gaps in knowledge that were discovered during the test, which leads to the improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.
  2. The content of the stage assumes that the teacher’s goal is to find out how much the students have mastered the material assigned at home; determine what are the typical deficiencies in acquired knowledge and what are the reasons for their occurrence; eliminate the identified deficiencies.
  3. The condition for achieving positive results is the use of a system of techniques that will allow the teacher to determine the completion of the homework assignment for all students in the class.
  4. An indicator that the didactic task of the lesson has been completed is the opportunity set the level of knowledge most of the students in a short period of time (about 5-7 minutes), while identifying typical deficiencies; the opportunity, when checking homework, to correct and update basic concepts and eliminate the causes of identified deficiencies.
  5. When the requirements are optimal, the individual and age characteristics of children are taken into account when compiling them; preference is given to tasks of a problem-solving and search nature.
  6. When using various methods and forms of control, the mental activity of students is activated, preference is given to individual, creative, search tasks.
  7. Errors made during implementation (uniformity of lessons, questioning methods, lack of comparison of the specifics of the material being studied and the individual characteristics of students) lead to the use of new approaches to solving this issue.

Methods of organizing control

Different forms and types of homework also imply different ways and methods of checking it. In teaching methods, new approaches put the question of organizing its testing at one of the leading places.

The stage of a comprehensive check of homework requires the teacher to control not only the systematicity of its completion by each student, but also the degree of independence of the student in completing the task, the level of mastery of the material when doing homework.

A mandatory element of every school lesson is that the teacher must constantly check homework and connect it with the material being studied. It should be borne in mind that simply going to the board and telling a rule or writing a completed example is a rather boring task for a student. Therefore, nowadays teachers have come to innovative verification methods, among which:

  1. Posing unexpected questions, which are questions formulated differently than the task after the paragraph. If students have done the homework exercises carefully, they will answer them without difficulty.
  2. Review of an oral response - students listen to the answer of their classmate and provide an oral review of it, in which they note the shortcomings and advantages of the answer and complement it.
  3. Dictation for homework. The teacher can prepare a selective, graphic or spelling dictation during a language lesson. The material for it is taken from a home exercise.
  4. Brief written response. The question asked by the teacher sounds extremely specific, so that the answer can be expressed in two words. Such tasks reinforce knowledge and draw students' attention to the main points in a given paragraph. A written answer helps ensure that the learned theory is retained in memory for a long time.
  5. Verification using computer technology. An exercise, example or task is projected on the screen, with the most difficult points highlighted in colored font. Students compare their notes with the image on the screen and correct errors if any.

Forms of control over task completion

The listed methods for checking homework will be effective only if they are applied comprehensively and systematically. It follows from this that forms of control Homework assignments are also different:

  1. Control of written homework during independent work in class: for all students - formally, for individual students - content control.
  2. Indirect control using tests, independent work, dictations, which are compiled on the basis of material identical to the one assigned at home.
  3. Control of oral assignments for individual students, discussion and addition of answers by other students.
  4. Extracurricular checking of notebooks. The teacher can only draw a conclusion about the ability to correctly format assignments and identify the most common mistakes by checking the notebooks.
  5. Indirect control is based on observing the student in class if his activity in the lesson was facilitated by completing homework.
  6. Mutual control of students is carried out by pairwise exchange of notebooks using a reference book or samples.
  7. Self-control of students, when they themselves compare the completed homework with the correct completion shown on the interactive board or written on the board.

Which form to give preference depends on the purpose, type and content of homework, and on the students’ attitude towards it.

According to pedagogical experience, the teacher, before assigning homework, should be sure that he will be able to check it and evaluate. In addition to completing the task itself, you need to pay attention to the completeness, form and correctness of its implementation. Control and evaluation, and then marking homework, motivate students and mobilize their strength. If you do not check homework seriously or do not check it at all, the student will be disappointed that the teacher ignores the work he has done and his achievements. This is especially true for those students who do their homework conscientiously and with full dedication, and the teacher systematically ignores this fact.

The teacher must ensure that students complete homework.

It's much easier to do this if students know that you remember what homework assignment was assigned and then remember to check it. Students should have no doubt about whether your assignment can be completed or whether failure to complete it may go unnoticed. Every task not completed leads to an increase in student irresponsibility.

For the teacher execution result The assigned home task performs a double function. On the one hand, he becomes the object of control of the students’ activities, and on the other, of his own activities in the previous lesson. Homework that is correctly assigned and graded allows the teacher to discover the reserves of his lesson; detect errors and successes in choosing a technique; demonstrate the rapid progress of students. Also, homework is the basis for the next lesson using the results achieved.

  • With the help of constant monitoring, ensure that students have no doubts whether they must complete the homework assigned by you;
  • Use different forms of control, which will depend on the purpose, type and content of homework and the attitude of students towards its completion;
  • Determine what you will evaluate, how you will evaluate it, whether a mark is expected for it, based on the conditions and its educational impact;
  • If students do not complete their homework, look for the reasons for this and ways to eliminate them;
  • If the work is not completed on time, it must be completed later;
  • Checking homework is an inevitable part and necessary addition to a good lesson.

A harmonious combination of different methods and forms submission and checking of homework influence the formation of students’ independence and increase their level of motivation to learn. The most important task of the teacher is to develop a positive attitude towards learning in students when doing homework.

In addition, homework also has an unusually large educational potential. The teacher gives schoolchildren knowledge in order to raise a person, a caring and creative person, and homework is an indispensable assistant in this matter. If schoolchildren see that the teacher is interested in how homework is done and how it is presented, they will love both the teacher and his subject.