In the international classification of disease MKB-10.which now enjoy all doctors, an ordinary alcohol intoxication is even assigned to his cipher F 10.1 And it is made to the section of mental disorders and violations of behavior.

But it turns out that alcohol intoxication can leak normally or pathologically.

"Normal"Alcohol intoxication is a natural reaction of a healthy organism to enter into alcohol.

"Pathological"Alcoholic intoxication is an abnormal reaction to alcohol, as a rule, as a consequence of the presence of mental disorders, overwork or diseases of the internal organs.

The mental state in normal alcoholic intoxication changes and proceeds in the form of the phase spirit (stages):

    Euphoria. Manifests itself with increased mood, feeling comfort, pleasant dizziness, the desire to communicate (or sing, dance, etc.). Usually no more than 2-3 hours.

    Fall asleep. After the pericing of the excitation phase, braking occurs, which is manifested by a deep sleep.

The stage of intoxication

According to the severity of intoxication, the doctors sing out several stages. Below in the table we present the corresponding alcohol levels in the blood and the main symptoms (signs).

Normally leaking intoxication is characteristic of physically healthy people without mental disorders.

Pathological alcoholic intoxication is an atypical, painful response of the body to alcohol intake. It should not be confused with alcoholism. It is often observed with alcohol dependence, but it may be happening and not alcoholics.

Causes of the pathological form of alcoholic intoxication

  • mental disorders (depression, neurosis, personality disorders, organic lesions nervous system, schizophrenia, etc.);
  • neurological diseases (strokes, brain neoplasms, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Encephalopathy, etc.);
  • internal diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypotension, rickets, etc.);
  • infections;
  • overwork and many other factors.

Pathological intoxication can develop after "normal", in some cases immediately after entering the inside of alcohol. Usually last from half an hour to 2 hours, but sometimes longer.

Forensic psychiatric experts equate to mental disorder with a decrease in person's ability to pay a report and lead their actions.

Forms of pathological intoxication

Pathological intoxication can occur in the form of several forms (we give the most common):
  1. Dysphoric alcoholic intoxication. There is an aggressiveness, a wish, a vicious mood, a desire to punish, a sharpened sense of justice, general arousal. As a rule, in such a state, the intoxane does not sit in place, but to strive to go somewhere, to something to do something, get involved in the "adventure". It may end with the illegal actions with entering the police or a psychiatric (or drug-based) clinic. Partially or for the entire period of such intoxication can "turn off the memory" when the outflow can not be remembered. If there is a danger to others or for itself, involuntary hospitalization can be used.
  2. Depressive alcoholic intoxication. Instead of improving the mood, it decreases. Plach begins, the ideas of their own guilt and sinfulness are expressed, sometimes even suicidal conclusions. Tears are accompanied by a cry, throwing, "Hand Hands", can reach self-injunations.
  3. Amnesian form of alcoholic intoxication. Manifested by turning off the memory into a part or the entire period of intoxication.
  4. Inxication in the form of "anesthesia". It is characteristic of a rapid falling asleep with the transition to the oppression of the nervous system with the development of the soporous state and even coma with the loss of all kinds of sensitivity. The most life-threatening form of intoxication.
  5. Dead (Paranoid) Form of Alcohol. It is manifested by the appearance of false beliefs that are not dedicable (nonsense) and determining behavior: in the ideas of exposure or surveillance can, for example, disassemble the devices and furniture in search of "bugs" and "listening devices", throw out the seemingly poisoned things, etc.

Pathological variants of alcohol intoxication are always potentially dangerous for the patient and its environmental environment, so you should not leave such people alone and organize an inspection by their specialist psychiatrist or a narcologist psychiatrist.

Severe form of conventional intoxication is also a state requiring urgent medical carewhich comes down to carrying out disintellation (decrease in blood alcohol concentration).

How to behave and where to contact in such cases.

Section 3.

Diseases of dependent behavior, the concept of chemical and non-mercy.

Dependent behavior disease (non-chemical addiction) - Chronic psychogenic non-psychotic disorder of personality and behavior. It lies in the phase pathological development of the individual, which leads to the emergence, consolidation and transformation of the pathological need for repeated difficult-or uncontrolled behavioral acts (the episodes of insurmount of traction). The motives of their commitment do not have clear rationalization, cause damage (medical, psychological, social, material and \\ or legal) to the patient, his family and close (co-dependent), third parties and society as a whole. Having a primary psychogenic nature, this mental disorder over time is subject to non-composite endogenization and transformation and acquires a specific progressive course. Powerfulness is seen in the emergence and deepening of the signs of peculiar cloak of the individual and the displacement of the physiological equivalent of pathological activities, such as regulatory sexuality,

pathological behavior.

"Disease of dependent behavior" (chemical addiction or drug management, alcoholism, toxicizing) - denotes chronic mental illness caused by non-medical application psychoactive substances (Pav) who can artificially change the mental state of a person: cause fun (euphoria), soothing (sedation), excitation and increase in activity (stimulation), hallucinations and other mental disorders. In the occurrence of chemical dependence, the mental, physical and social functioning of the patient directly depends on the reception of the appropriate substance: outside intoxication it is sharply difficult, narrows. The state of comfort both mental and physical is possible only in the presence in the body. narcotic substance.

BZP classification:

Forms of the disease of dependent behavior associated with the use of psychoactive chemical substances (Chemical dependence - BZPH):

· BZPH associated with alcohol consumption,

· BZPH associated with the consumption of sedative plant and synthetic chemicals,

· BZPH associated with consumption of stimulating plant and synthetic chemical

· Substances

· BZPH associated with the consumption of plant and synthetic chemical psychodislets.

Forms of the disease of dependent behavior associated with non-chemical addiction (BZPH):

1.BZPH related to the pathology of attraction to food - corresponds to the F50 MKB-10 section:

· Nervous anorexia - corresponds to a taxon F50.0 ICD-10,

· Nervous bulimia - corresponds to a taxon F50.2 MKB-10.

2. BSRs associated with the pathology of sexual inclination, complies with the section F65 ICD10:

· Fetishism - corresponds to a taxon F65.0 MKB-10,

· Fetishian transvestism - corresponds to a taxon F65.1 MKB-10,

· Exhibitionism - corresponds to a taxon F65.2 MKB-10,

· Voyeurism - corresponds to a taxa F65.3 MKB-10,

· Pedophilia, partEnophilia - correspond to a taxa F65.4 MKB-10

· Sadism, masochism, sadomasochism - correspond to a taxa F65.5 MKB-10

· Sexual asphyxia syndrome - correspond to a taxa F65.8 MKB-10,

· Gerontophilia - corresponds to a taxon F65.8 MKB-10,

· Zoophilia - corresponds to a taxon F65.8 MKB-10,

· FRROTTAZH - corresponds to a taxon F65.8 MKB-10.

3. BZPH, associated with other pathological entrepreneurs - corresponds to the section F63 ICD-10 ::

· Pathological attraction to gambling (pathological gembling) - corresponds to a taxon F63.0 MKB-10,

· Pathological attraction to arson (pyromania) - corresponds to a taxon F63.1 MKB-10,

· Pathological attraction to theft (kleptomania) - corresponds to a taxon F63.2 MKB 10,

· Trichothylomania, trichothyl alphagia, onicofagi - correspond to taxa F63.3 and 63.8 μb-10,

· Pathological attraction to the Internet (Internet addiction, care to virtual reality) - corresponds to a taxon F63.8 MKB-10,

· Pathological attraction to purchases (onomania, shopogolism) - corresponds to a taxa F63.8 MKB-10.

Acute alcoholic intoxication: the stages of alcohol intoxication, atypical alcohol intoxication, pathological intoxication is a clinical picture, general student and social importance.

Acute alcoholic intoxication (alcohol intoxication of symptom complexes of mental, vertetic and neurological disorders due to the action of alcohol. Its manifestations depend on many factors - the amount of drinking alcohol, the activity of the splitting alcohol of enzyme systems, such as identity, mental and physical condition of a person, as well as those or other society forms of behavior in the use of alcoholic beverages, etc.

Classification of forms of acute alcoholic intoxication

1. Simple alcoholic intoxication.

· Light degree

· Middle degree

· Heavy degree

· Alcoholism

2. Atypical forms of simple alcoholic intoxication intoxication

· Disporic

· Paranoid

· Hysterical

· Depressive

· Gebifrenic

· Epilenia

· Somnolent

· With impulsive actions

· Exposive

3. Pathoral intoxication

· Epileptoid form

· Paranoid form

Simple alcohol intoxication The most frequent type of acute alcohol intoxication. The degree of severity and form of mental. Neurological and vegetative disorders depends on the dose of accepted alcohol, gender, age, somatic concreteness. The pleasure features of the person, its emotional state, the beverage fortress and the forms of its reception.

Separate 3 severity of alcoholic intoxication:

Easy degreesimposhosolno intoxication occurs at the concentration of alcool in blood from 20 to 100 mmol / l (20100 MR Alcoral per 100 mr blood) and is characterized by a decrease in actively inhibition. Psychic and physical comfort appear. The mood rises. Louds are tested by MHORO to row, feel cheerful and tide of strength. Social contacts break. The personalities of shy. Mixing in this state of Lerych will raise samples with strangers, joking, laugh. The troubles are experiencing lech. calmer. Subjectively, a person in a state of intoxication feels the rise of working capacity, but this feeling is deceptive, since attention does not concentrate, lerto is distracted, the tempo of thinking is accelerated, 110 associations are superficial. The critical assessment of the cessurance, the volume and quality of the work being performed is reduced, the number of errors is increasing. The simultative disorders appear: hyperemia, tachycardia, bulimia, hypersensum. Usually people in the learn degree of intoxication do not commit

what amorous or criminal actions. After a few hours, signs of intoxication disappear, some appear, I have drowsiness, weakness. Memory for the entire period of intoxication is preserved.

Middle degreeit occurs at the concentration of alcool in the blood from 100 to 250 mmol / l and is characterized by a decrease in the excitation process. Changes the mood from euphorious to irritable, dissatisfied. Excessive sample appear, HE satisfaction that is happening, which determines the statement and acts drio. It is reduced the opportunity to correctly evaluate what is happening, it leads often to non-resident, and sometimes illegal action. The process of thinking slows down, the judgments become flat, the speech is lubricated with the peases, inxinlessly difficult to select words, dysarthria appears. The threshold of auditory perception increases, so it becomes loud. Caution It is difficult to switch, the handwriting is roughly broken, an ataxia occurs, the movements become non-coordinated, painful and temperature sensitivity weakened. Finemia is replaced by cyanosis, pallhery. Some have nausea, vomiting. The average degree of intoxication is replaced by a deep sleep, after which the performance decreases, weakness, irritability or inhibition of mood appear. The appetite, dry mouth, the severity in the head, the unpleasant feeling in the heart. Some events occurring in a state of intoxication are remembered in unclearly.

Heavy degree . It develops at a concentration of alcohol in the blood from 250 to 400 mmol / l and is manifested by the oppression of consciousness from the stupidity, the somnolence to the coma. Nearby violations, ataxia, muscular atony, dysarthria, amymia are expressed. Vestibular disorders arise: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, feeling of the ring in the ears. The acuity of sight is reduced, orientation is violated. Psychosensory disorders appear, illusions. Heat cardiac activity, blood pressure, body temperature decreases. Lose interest in others. Anxane looks drowy and soon falls asleep with a narcotic sleep, which is, in uncomfortable poses and unsuitable places. During sleep, involuntary urination and defecation occur. At the concentration of alcohol in the blood to 700 mmol / l may occur from the respiratory paralysis. The next day, after a severe degree of intoxication, post-cancerous phenomena is more pronounced and more durable than after a moderate degree. Heavy degree intoxication is accompanied by complete amnesia. The time required to fully restore normal well-being increases with the age of the patient and the abuse of alcohol. In some cases, well-being remains poor up to 2 days after drinking.

Atypical forms:

Dysphoric form.

Instead of Euphoria, evilness, irritability, alentability, gloomy mood, with conflict and aggressiveness, appear. Inxainst is a sense of discomfort, hyperesthesia appears. An angry applies to all the surrounding, accompanied by pickup, ulcer, searching for the sorry. Such a state can persist for several days. This form of intoxication is usually developing with organic brain pathology.

Paranate form

It is characterized by the appearance of suspicion, disasonability, cavity. Inadvertently, inadequately evaluate the words and acts of others as the desire to humiliate, deceive, ridicule. Motor and speech excitement is enhanced, drunk shout separate phrases or words that indicate the risk of danger.

This form of intoxication is often accompanied by aggression in relation to the environments, independent of their words and actions. Paranoid form develops in primitive personalities, paranoid and epileptoid psychopaths.

Hysterical form

The behavior of the mayor is designed for the audience. Movement of theatrical (stormy scenes of despair, throwing, hands-off), which is an element of Puerylism. The statements are pathetic with various accusations against friends, self-praise or exaggerated self-use. Hepelly committed demonstrative suicidal actions. This form of intoxication is usually developing in persons with hysterical features.

Depressive form

Instead of euphoria, the depressed mood prevails.

Tears appear, unpleasant memories, pity for themselves, progress of tears, longing, self-evaluation ideas and suicidal thoughts. The risk of suicidal attempts in

this case is high.

Manical form

Increased mood prevails with carelessness, charging, accompanied by inappropriate jokes, various "mischievous" actions. Behavior of some "

inxainst manifests itself to foolishness, stereotypes, reverence, echolalia. Such forms are characteristic of adolescents and boys.

Epileptoid form

It is characterized by a moving excitation with irritability, increasing when counteracting from those surrounding. Inxiously aggressive at first in

the attitude of those who make the remark to them, or the YCLOVA, and then the alarms apply to all who accidentally turned out to be near. However, even at the height of the episode

not observed full of reality from reality. Mental violations are rewarded critically followed by a dream. Often, the excitation period is amnea.

Somnyna form

After a short euphoria, soon after taking the alcool, it comes a swearing sleep, passing otherwise in the opposure or to whom.

Exposive form

The state of the euphoria under the influence of minor external factors is replaced by sharp discontent, irritability, angry. These outbreaks are usually small

residents alternate with rest periods, but repeatedly repeated against the background of intoxication. Simple alcohol intoxication, including Eroh atypical forms, retains the main signs of acute alcoal intoxication, while there are no productive (psychotic) form of disorder of consciousness. Diverse

actions and statements drunkenly have a selective orientation. The presence of persons capable of providing consent with unpleasant consequences affects ERO behavior. Inxainsts always persist

the possibility of contact with others.

Pathological intoxication It differs from typical alcoholic psychosis. It occurs rarely does not depend on the preceding abuse of alcoholic beverages. Since the likelihood of pathological intoxication does not depend on the amount of drinking alcohol, typical signs of intoxication (violation of coordination, speech disorder) are not mandatory. Pathological intoxication arises suddenly. The person who had obvious signs of intoxication, after the occurrence of pathological intoxication, they pass. He loses contact with the surrounding, looks strange, unusual, often does not respond to

appeals to it. Prerequisites that contribute to the occurrence of pathological

intoxication is insomnia, fatigue, experiences about conflict situations. Pathological intoxication is considered as a painful state.

There are 2 main variants of pathological intoxication - epileptiform and paranoid.

Epileptiform option Suddenly develops a sharp motor arousal with

intense, meaningless, chaotic aggressive actions, performed with incredible cruelty, maliciousness, often have the character of automatism and stereotypes. Motor excitement and aggressive actions are determined by fear, anger, they are not related to reality. In the twilight state of consciousness not u6ose, and with anger and rage attack on imaginary enemies

more often silently, sometimes with a cry or vague mutation. Exconsideration ends suddenly with the transition to a state of relaxation, low-speed, in the following comes a dream, after which complete amnesia of all perfect.

With paranoid variant

It is characterized by the sudden appearance of delusional ideas, the YRPA contact with reality, psychomotor excitation with fear, anger, meaningless, impulsive

Stereotypical movements. Hellovinations and nonsense is quenching for a matter of character. Being in their authority, such persons can make a number of complex and ordered actions. Sometimes they can come into contact with others, warn about danger, but their speech is usually fraction in the form of individual words, phrases, always clear, local, having the nature of orders, urpoz and their content reflecting painfully distorted perception of reality.

In the diagnosis of pathological intoxication, it should be considered not every symptom separately (no violations of motor skills, partial or complete amnesia, Tempinal sleep, availability of automatism and stereotypes, disorientation, non-motiveness of the crime), and the totality of most of them, which makes it necessary to believe that the state developing after admission Alcohol is psychotic.

In the development of pathological intoxication a major role play Factors temporarily weakening organism (recycling, non-drying, malnutrition, high temperature ambient), in combination with the residual symptoms of organic pathology of the brain, accompanied by liquor hypertension.

The atypical picture of intoxication is developing in some types of phosphates (personality disorders), after those transferred in the past in the past cranial injuries, brain infections, neuroinoxications, in mental illness, some chronic somatic diseases. Atypical intoxication promoted forced insomnia, strong emotional stress, as well as a combination of alcohol with other toxic and drugs.

Dysphoric intoxication. It occurs when exposive and epileptoid psychopathies and accentuations of character, after the crank-brain injuries, with epilepsy with identity changes. The resistant state of tension, accompanied by displeasure, sullen, dislike or maliciousness. Almost in all cases you can reveal a decreased-dusty affect. Dislike and evil applied to all visible and audible: oxane becomes picky, stinging, depicting, looking for a reason for quarrels. Often detected a feeling of somatic discomfort and hyperesthesia. The above violations may be observed within a few days after alcohol excesses.

Depressive intoxication.It is characterized by an depressed mood, the experience of the sense of hopelessness, self-vacation. Usually euphoria initial period or absent or short. In relatively light cases, there is a subdepressive affect with tears, unpleasant memories, pity to itself. In heavier - longing, the feeling of hopelessness, anxiety, which is accompanied by self-suicide and suicidal thoughts. Due to the lack of motor braking in this state, the likelihood of suicidal attempts is large. Usually, a similar form of intoxication is an expression of psychogenic or endogenous depression and exposes existing affective disorders.

Somnoleent intoxication.It is found in asthenic and weakened subjects, with a rapid suction of alcohol when used in combination with carbonated drinks, as well as when it combines with tranquilizers or clofelin. After a short and weakly pronounced period of Euphoria, there is a condition of drowsiness, quickly turning into a dream. Its depth and duration depend on the degree of intoxication, it is possible to transition to the sopolls and to whom.

Hysterical intoxication. There arises from personalities with hysterical features of character. The behavior of the oxane is always designed for the viewer. Dependence and theatricality of behavior, the desire to cause sympathy or admiration for others, resorting to the stories about the various episodes of their lives. Often in statements that differ in Patatoch, various accusations against others, self-praise or, on the contrary, exaggerated self-absorption is often observed fantasy. Demonstrative suicidal attempts may be observed.

Exposive variant of the changed simple alcohol intoxication. The state of the euphoria is expressed weakly and easily spontaneously or influenced by external insignificant circumstances with transient outbreaks of sharp discontent, irritation or malice. Accordingly, the content of statements and behavior changes. Usually these outbreaks are short, alternate with relative soothing and even complacent, but during intoxication repeated repeatedly.

Modified simple alcoholic intoxication with impulsive actionsAs a rule, it is observed in schizophrenia patients and is usually accompanied by sexual perversions - homosexual acts, exhibitionism, flare. Pyromania and kleptomania are much less common.

Manician intoxication.It is manifested by increased mood with carelessness and complacency, short-lighted outbreaks of irritation, various "mischievous" actions, annoying budding, inappropriate jokes, loud laughter, increased response to the surrounding. The picture of intoxication can resemble the manic state of organic genesis, less often - gebifrenic excitation.

With all the listed forms of the changed simple alcohol intoxication, the symptoms of conventional intoxication are always observed: deterioration of motility, articulation, change behavior, depending on the environment conditions, the saved orientation.

Pathological intoxication

Pathological intoxication is super-end transient psychosis caused by alcohol intake.

The criteria for diagnosing pathological intoxication are considered:

The sudden start and sudden end of the psychotic state;

The occurrence of a psychotic state soon after drinking alcohol in the range of 10-15 minutes. Up to 1 h, regardless of the dose of drinking alcohol;

Duration from a few minutes to several hours;

Lack of external signs of intoxication;

Total or partial amnesia after the exit of pathological intoxication against the background of residual asthenia.

The predisposing factors are: injuries of the brain, latently occurring epilepsy, vascular disease of the brain, transferred infections and intoxication. The provoking moments may be strong excitement, fright, fear, anger, insomnia and overwork.

Twilight pathological intoxication (epileptoid version). After receiving a relatively small amount of alcohol, the twilight permanent of consciousness is suddenly developing. There is an extension from the surrounding, accompanied by disorientation of all kinds, but the usual automated deeds are preserved, in particular the ability to move on foot or in transport.

The transformation of the clinical picture is determined by the rapidly increasing motor excitation with affects of irritation or malice in relation to others. The state is deepened under the influence of countering and becomes complicated by aggressive violent actions. Initially, aggression is usually election and aimed at persons directly related to the behavior of oxane. As motor excite increases, aggressive deeds apply to all who are near. The previously observed violations of the coordination of motion are usually reduced or completely disappeared. At the height of the excitation, motor disorders and statements can become stereotypical, but always preserves a sense relationship with the situation of the initial period of intoxication. Moreover, the intensity of the timing excitation and associated aggressive actions are subject to certain oscillations depending on verbal reactions of others. At the height of the episode, there is no complete separation of an inxiner from the actual situation. Mental disorders disappear critically followed by drowsiness or sleep. Frequently often observed amnesia of the period of pronounced arousal.

This type of pathological intoxication more often occurs in persons who have undergone crank-brain injuries, patients with epilepsy or with epileptoid psychopathy.

Paranoid pathological intoxication. It is distinguished by a sudden, like an insight, crazy interpretation of what is happening around. Illusion, less often auditory and visual hallucinations can be connected with it. Usually the fear is dominated: they believe that they are surrounded by gangsters, terrorists, that they want to kill, etc. Relostly prevails relationships or impact. The content of delusional experiences is often connected with the previously seen or from someone heard and made a big impression. Aggressive actions are usually differentiated, taking into account the situation, change depending on the words and actions of others. It is characterized by a decrease and even the disappearance of disorders coordination of movements and dysarthritia. The statements of oxaneous usually are somehow connected with the specific events occurring around, they do not reflect the internal state and therefore it is more correct to designate as instigated. Mental symptoms of intoxication disappear usually lithuanically, in 2/3 cases there is amnesia intoxication.

Forensic psychiatric examination of pathological intoxication qualifies as a state of insaneness, in connection with which persons who have committed socially dangerous activities in this state are exempt from criminal liability.

Factors predisposing to the development of atypical forms of simple alcoholic intoxication are different. These may be residual organic brain lesions, early age The start of drinking alcohol, combined reception different species Alcoholic beverages, simultaneous intake of alcohol and drugs, a somatic disease, accompanied by asthenia, lack of sleep, malnutrition, overwork, psychogenation. At the same time, there is an excessive strengthening or weakening of disorders accompanying intoxication, or the change in their dynamics, as well as the appearance of symptoms that are not peculiar to intoxication. The greatest changes undergo mental signs of easy intoxication.

Dysphoric form of alcoholic intoxication.

Instead of Euphoria, maliciousness, irritability, alentability, a gloomy mood, leading to conflict and, appear. Inxainst is a sense of discomfort, hyperesthesia appears. An angry applies to everything around, accompanied by pickup, ulcer, searching for the sorry. Such a state can persist for several days. This form of intoxication is usually developing with organic brain pathology.

Paranoid form of alcoholic intoxication.

It is characterized by the appearance of suspicion, disasonability, cavity. Inadvertently, inadequately evaluate the words and acts of others as the desire to humiliate, deceive, ridicule. Engine and speech excitement increases, drunk shout separate phrases or words indicating the danger threatening. This form of intoxication is often accompanied by aggression in relation to others, independent of their words and actions. Paranoid form of intoxication develops in primitive personalities, paranoid and epileptoid psychopaths.

Hysterical shape of simple alcoholic intoxication .

The behavior of the oxane is designed for the audience. Movement of theatrical (stormy scenes of despair, throwing, hand-held) sometimes with an element of pourylism. The statements are pathetic with various accusations against others, self-ability or exaggerated self-use. Also committed demonstrative. This form of intoxication is usually developing in persons with hysterical features.

Depressive shape of simple alcoholic intoxication.

Instead of euphoria, the depressed mood prevails. Tears, unpleasant memories, pity, feeling, longing, self-evidence, and suicidal thoughts appear. The risk of suicidal attempts in this case is high.

Manic form of simple alcoholic intoxication.

Increased mood prevails with carelessness, the complacency, accompanied by inappropriate jokes, various "mischievous" actions. The behavior of some oxanese is manifested by foolishness, stereotypes, reverence, echolalia. Such forms are characteristic of adolescents and boys.

Epileptoid form of simple alcoholic intoxication.

It is characterized by motor excitation with irritability, increasing when counteracting from those surrounding. Inxiously aggressive initially in relation to those who make a remark or trying to calm down, and then aggression extends to all who accidentally turned out to be near. However, even at the height of the episode, there is no complete separation from reality. Reducing critically followed by a dream. Often, the excitation period is amnea.

A somnolent form of simple alcoholic intoxication.

After a short euphoria, shortly after taking alcohol, an in-depth sleep comes, sometimes in the opposite or who.

Exposive form of simple alcohol intoxication.

The state of the euphoria under the influence of minor external factors is replaced by sharp discontent, irritability, angry. These outbreaks are usually short, alternate with rest periods, but repeatedly repeated against the background of intoxication.

Simple alcoholic intoxication, including its atypical forms, retains the main signs of acute alcohol intoxication, while there are no productive (psychotic) form of disorder of consciousness. A variety of deeds and drunk statements have a selective orientation. The presence of persons who can have resistance with unpleasant consequences affects his behavior. Inxainst always retains the possibility of contact with others.

Diagnosis of the degree of alcohol intoxication. Pathological alcohol intoxication, diagnosis and forensic psychiatric assessment. The condition arising immediately after alcohol is used, referred to as alcohol intoxication, or acute alcoholic intoxication. Its manifestations depend on many factors - the amount of drinking alcohol, the activity of the splitting alcohol of enzyme systems, such as the personality, mental and physical condition of the person, as well as the forms of behavior in the use of alcoholic beverages and other society violates the ability to adequate reality perception. , Reduces the amount of perceived information, slows the speed of information processing and is particularly negative about such higher mental processes as decision making and planning actions. In many cases, the euphorizing effect of alcohol is also expressed. These general features The effects of alcohol are mediated by the properties of the person of a drinking. So, excitable personalities in a state of intoxication often become irritable and aggressive; Anxious I. pedantic people Complete and experience the need for communication; Persons with hysterical features of character seek to be the center of attention, resort to this self-ability and sometimes make unusual actions; In persons with a tendency to depressive reactions, intoxication can cause an depressed mood, gloomy thoughts and a feeling of hopelessness. In the case of a typical version of simple alcohol intoxication, his influence on the psyche is two-phase: first manifests the stimulation of psyche and euphoria, and then the oppression of the mood. With an atypical version of simple alcohol intoxication, the initial euphoric period is absent. There may also be absent and increasing activity. Instead, over the course of intoxication, a pronounced oppression of the mental state is dominated. The degree of alcohol intoxication: lightweight - feeling of heat, skin hyperthermia, pulse, strengthening appetite. The mood increases, a sense of vigor appears. Mental comfort, desire to speak, striving for activities. Speech is louder, the movements are impustable. Attention is easily distracted, thinking is accelerated. Violation of coordination of movements. Fun can change irritability, offended. Motor activity - relaxation. Memories remain. The average degree of movement is unsure, it falls the ability to make simple coordinated actions. Mimica scanty. Dysarthria. Slowing the associative process. Reducing the ability of a critical assessment of actions. Disgust. Sleep. Heavy waste. Memories are vague later. A severe degree - the emergence of states of disturbance, right up to coma. Involuntary defecation and urine. Full falling out of the memory of the period of intoxication -nricultic amnesia. After intoxication - ataxia, dysarthria, adamiya. The diagnosis of the state of intoxication is carried out using clinical examination and biochemical techniques. The behavior of the subject, its facial expansion, articulation, coordination of movements, the presence of smell of alcohol, etc. is clinically estimated. Biochemical express methods are based on determining the presence of alcohol in exhaled air (samples of Rappoport and Mokhov-Shinkarenko). More accurate is the quantitative determination of alcohol in the blood, urine, in the contents of the stomach. For this, gas-liquid chromatography and spectrometry are used. There is a certain correlation between the blood alcohol content and the clinical manifestation of intoxication. Thus, the state of light intoxication corresponds to 0.5-1.5 g / l of alcohol in the blood, moderate severity - 1.5-3 g / l, heavily intoxication - 3-5 g / l. The content of alcohol in the blood is more than 6 g / l can lead to death. When taking a small amount of alcohol (less than 0.3 g / l of blood alcohol), signs of intoxication are not clinically not determined, however, by many years of observations, such doses of alcohol worsen the sharpness of the driver's reactions and increase the risk of road traffic accidents. Pathological intoxication differs from typical alcoholic psychosis. It is rare and does not depend on the preceding abuse of alcoholic beverages. Since the likelihood of pathological intoxication does not depend on the amount of drinking alcohol, typical signs of intoxication (violation of coordination, speech disorder) are not mandatory. Pathological intoxication arises suddenly. The person who had obvious signs of intoxication, after the occurrence of pathological intoxication, they pass. He loses contact with others, looks strange, unusual, often does not respond to appeals to it. Prerequisites that contribute to the emergence of pathological intoxication are insomnia, fatigue, experiences about conflict situations. Pathological intoxication is considered as a painful state. Pathological intoxication ends with a dream as suddenly, as it begins, amnesia develops after awakening or a vague memories of what happened. Cases of true pathological intoxication are rarely observed. Unlike a simple intoxication, the forensic psychiatric examination recognizes the persons who have committed a crime in question, and forced medical measures are usually applied to them, they allocate the 2 main variants of pathological intoxication - epileptiform and paranoid. The epileptiform variant of pathological intoxication proceeds with a twilight disorder of consciousness, an affect of fear, anger and aggressive behavior. The exit from the psychotic state is usually sudden. According to the minimization of psychosis, pronounced exhaustion occurs (sometimes sleep) and complete amnesia is observed. With a paranoid version of pathological intoxication in the clinical picture, a delusional assessment of the surrounding, manifested in threatening statements prevailing. Often there are hallucinatory experiences. According to the minimization of this psychosis, separate fragmentary memories of the transferred state are possible.