Welcome to the Russian-Portuguese dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

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Glosbe is home to thousands of dictionaries. We offer not only a Russian - Portuguese dictionary, but also dictionaries for all existing pairs of languages ​​- online and free. Visit our website home page to choose from available languages.

Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translations into Russian or Portuguese: we provide usage examples, showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our memory of translations comes mainly from parallel corpora that were made by people. This kind of sentence translation is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 125,918 translated phrases.

We currently have 5,729,350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Russian - Portuguese dictionary online. Just log in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a joint project and everyone can add (or delete) translations. This makes our Russian Portuguese dictionary real, since it is created by native speakers of languages ​​that use the language every day. You can also be sure that any dictionary error will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you are able to add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what those words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.
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online translation Order free

Portuguese is the fifth most spoken language in the world and the first in the southern hemisphere. At the same time, in Russia, translation services from and into Portuguese are not in great demand and therefore are not offered by every translation company. Due to the fact that there are relatively few professional Russian-speaking Portuguese translators, the cost of these services is higher than the cost of translation services for the main European languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish).

If you need to order a translation from or into Portuguese, you should be more careful when choosing a contractor, since, unfortunately, there are quite a large number of cases of unprofessional translation on the Russian market for this language (most often it is a poorly edited machine translation).

If you need to translate an important specialized text, then the requirements for the performer increase by an order of magnitude. Also, when translating into Portuguese, in some cases it is advisable to use the services of a native Portuguese speaker (translation or proofreading).

Alliance-Alpha Bureau has been specializing in professional translation services from and into Portuguese since 2002. We carefully select experienced, qualified Portuguese translators (including native speakers) with specific specializations, and we have effective order acceptance, fulfillment and quality control processes in place. Many years of experience, a system of effective measures and comprehensive optimization allow us to provide an excellent price/quality ratio with professional-level quality.

Contact our specialists, they will recommend you the most optimal set of services to achieve the desired result at the best price.

Proofreading by a native Portuguese speaker

If the agency staff sees that the quality of the translation provided by the customer for proofreading (editing) is too weak, they will offer to translate the text again. The cost of proofreading is determined by the volume, complexity and quality of the source text. It will amount to 50-100% of the cost of translating a standard page.

Translation from Portuguese with notarization

You can order an apostille and notarized translation of certificates and documents from Portuguese and into Portuguese. We provide notarized translation of corporate and personal documents.

Types of documents for translation from Portuguese

Bureau "Alliance-Alpha" will translate from Portuguese or into Portuguese the following documents:

  • passports
  • certificates
  • evidence
  • work books
  • powers of attorney
  • extracts
  • other documents.

The translation center "Alliance-Alpha" employs highly qualified professional translators and native Portuguese speakers. The goal of the employees’ work is to correctly translate and correctly present the source text material in the target language. We translate technical documentation, accompanying documents, etc.

Technical, legal and economic translations:

1. Technical translation from Portuguese. The specialists of the Alliance-Alfa bureau have accumulated significant experience in translations in the scientific and technical field. We will freely translate complex texts that require the translator to have special knowledge in technical disciplines: instructions, operating manuals, drawings, various documentation. You can order the service in 15 minutes by phone.

2. Translation of legal and commercial documentation. The specialists of the Alliance-Alpha bureau for translation from Portuguese are familiar with jurisprudence. We employ highly professional translators. They will translate tax, financial and customs documentation in accordance with generally accepted international document rules. We guarantee that we will translate laws and agreements, tender and insurance contracts, and loan agreements in a legally correct manner. You will receive a professional translation of statutory and contractual documentation, decisions and orders, registers and constituent documents.

Welcome to the Portuguese-Russian dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

Recent Changes

Glosbe is home to thousands of dictionaries. We offer not only a Portuguese - Russian dictionary, but also dictionaries for all existing pairs of languages ​​- online and free. Visit our website home page to choose from available languages.

Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translations into Portuguese or Russian: we also provide usage examples, showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our memory of translations comes mainly from parallel corpora that were made by people. This kind of sentence translation is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 124,339 translated phrases.

We currently have 5,729,350 sentence translations

Help us in creating the largest Portuguese - Russian dictionary online. Just log in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a joint project and everyone can add (or delete) translations. This makes our Portuguese Russian dictionary real, since it is created by native speakers of languages ​​that use the language every day. You can also be sure that any dictionary error will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you are able to add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

Help us in creating the largest Russian - Portuguese dictionary online. Just log in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a joint project and everyone can add (or delete) translations. This makes our Russian Portuguese dictionary real, since it is created by native speakers of languages ​​that use the language every day. You can also be sure that any dictionary error will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you are able to add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

Online translator Transёr

The free online translator Transеr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input of up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new foreign languages ​​are added. Thanks to this, our Online Translator becomes better every day, copes with its functions more effectively, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

The main advantages of an online translator are ease of use, speed of automatic translation and, of course, free!) To quickly receive a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is incomparable. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that not a single automatic translation system, not a single online translator can translate the text with the same quality as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to provide high-quality and natural translation - a company that has positively proven itself in the market and has an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.

The Russian-Portuguese phrasebook will definitely come in handy for tourists (travelers) who are going to visit beautiful Portugal or countries that speak Portuguese: Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, East Timor, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau. We have collected the most commonly used words and phrases in Portuguese with pronunciation...

Travel phrasebook

The Russian-Portuguese phrasebook will definitely come in handy for tourists (travelers) who are going to visit beautiful Portugal or countries that speak Portuguese: Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau. We have collected the most commonly used words and phrases in Portuguese with pronunciation.

The Republic of Portugal is located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula. Capital – . The area of ​​this country is 92.3 thousand square meters. km. In the south and west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the north and east it is adjacent to. Portugal also includes (Atlantic Ocean) and. Portugal has a rich history, is famous for its excellent wines and cuisine, excellent hotels with perfect service. The country has a low crime rate, a moderately warm climate and an abundance of recreational opportunities. Portugal has the right place for beach lovers, connoisseurs of architectural monuments, lovers of antiquities, admirers of the beauty of the underwater world, nightclub lovers and gourmets.

See also “”, with which you can translate any word or sentence into Portuguese (or vice versa).

Common words and expressions

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Hello Bom dia (until 12:00), Boa tarde (from 12:00 to 18:00), Boa noite (from 18:00) Bon dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite
Hello Ola Ola
My name is Chamo-me... Shamo me...
What is your name? Como se chama o senhor/senhora Who se shama u senyor/a senyor
Nice to meet you Muito prazer em conhece-lo/-la Muytu prazer zy kunese –lu/–la
Goodbye Ate a vista And te avishta
I am from Moscow Eu sou de moscovo Eu so de Moshkovu
This is my first time in Portugal Estou pela primeira ve em portugal Ishto pala primeira your hey purtugal
Do you speak English? O senhor fala ingles? U senor fala english
I don't understand Nao entendo Nau entendu
Repeat please Repita, por favor Repita pur favor
Speak slowly Fale mais devagar Fale maish devagar
Thank you Obrigado/obrigada(Women) Obrigado/obrigada
My pleasure Nao ha de que Nau a de ke
Sorry Disculpe Dishkulpe
Kindly Tenha a bondade Tenya a bondade
Yes Sim Si
No Nao Naw
Agreed De acordo De chord
Today Hoje Auger
Tomorrow Amanha Amanya
Yesterday Ontem Ontay
Now Agora Agora
This morning Esta manha Eshta manya
Tonight Esta noite Eshta noite
Far Longe Longee
Close Perto Pertu


Signs and inscriptions

Extreme situations


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Where is the hotel?.. Onde fica o hotel?.. Onde fika u otel
Do you have rooms available? Ha quartos livres neste hotel? A cuartush livresh neshte otel
I need a number for... person Necessito um apartamento para... pessoas Nesesitu un apartment para pesoas
How much does a room cost per night? Qual e o preco da diaria? Kual e u presu da dyarya
I like the number Eu gusto do quarto Eu gosto do cuarto
Please order a taxi for me Mande-me buscar um taxi, por favor Mande ma bushkar un taxi purfavor
Can you take the luggage to my room? Pode levar a bagagem ao meu quarto? Pode levar a baggage au meu cuartu
Please wake me up at... o'clock Desperte-me por favor as… Dashperte-me, pur favor, ash...
Where can I extend my visa? Onde posso prolongar o visto? Onde posu prolongar u vishtu

Restaurant and cafe

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Breakfast Pecueno-almoco Pakan almos
Dinner Almoco Almos
Dinner Jantar Zhantar
Snack Antepasto Antepashtu
First Primeiro prato Primeiro Prato
Second Segundo prato Segundo Prato
Dessert Sobremesa Sobramez
Red/white wine Vinto tinto/branco I blame the tint/branca
Is there a free table here? Ha aqui uma mesa livre? Aki uma maza pivre
Please give me the menu De-me, por favor, a elementa De-mab pur favor a ementa
Bread Pao Pow
Soup Sopa Sopa
Steak Bife Bife
Salad Salada Salada
Ice cream Gelado Jelado
Black coffee/with milk Cafe puro/com leite Cafe puru/com laite
The check, please A conta, por favor A konta, pur favor


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
What is the name of this street/square? Como se chama esta rua/praca? Komu se shama eshta rua/prasa
We want to buy souvenirs Queremos comprar presentes Keramush comprar presentash
How to get to?.. Como se pode chegar a?.. Komu se pode shegar a
Where is the train stop number?.. Onde fica a paragem do autocarro numero?.. Onde fika a parajei do autokarru numeru
Are you getting off? O senhor/a senhora desce? U senyor/a senyor deshse
We want to visit Queremos visitor?.. Karamush visitor

Post, telegraph and telephone


The shops

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Where can I buy? Onde posso comprar?.. Onde posu comprar
What is the price? Quanto custa?.. Quantu kushta
Can I try it on? Posso provar? Posu broth
It suits me Isso convem-me Isu conway-me
This doesn't suit me Isso nao me fica bem Isu nau me fika bay
Is there another color? Tem isso de outra cor? Tey isu de otra kor
I would like to buy a phrase book, dictionary Desejaria comprar um guia de conversacao, um dicionario Desajaria comprar un gia de conversasau disionariu
I take this Levo isso Levu Isu
Please weigh me half a kilo... Pese, por favor, meio quilo de... Peze pur favor meyu kilu de
A bottle of dry wine, please Uma garrafa de vinho seco, por favor Uma garrafa de vinu seku pur favor
Is there a bank or exchange office nearby? Ha aqui perto um banko ou um posto de cambio de divisas? Aki pertu un banku o un postu de kambiu de visazash
Please exchange money for me Cambie-me, por favor, o dinheiro Cambier-ma pour favor o dineiro
Is it possible to buy a Russian newspaper here? Aqui se pode comprar um jornal russo? Aki se pode comprar un magazine rusu