We learn the names of geometric shapes in English. In English, geometric shapes are 🔊 geometrical shapes ([ʤɪəˈmetrɪkl ʃeɪps]).

English names of geometric figures on a plane

The geometric terms presented below are defined on the plane. Their general name is: 🔊 geometric shapes on a plane.

🔊 Point Dot
🔊Straight line Straight
🔊Intersecting lines[ɪntəˈsektɪŋ laɪnz]Intersecting lines
🔊 Parallel lines[ˈpærəlel laɪnz]Parallel lines
🔊 Perpendicular lines Perpendicular lines
🔊 Triangle[ˈtraɪæŋgl]Triangle
🔊Isosceles triangle Isosceles triangle
🔊 Equilateral triangle[ˈiːkwɪˈlætərəl ˈtraɪæŋgl]Equilateral triangle
🔊 Right angle triangle Right triangle
🔊 The altitude of a triangle[ðiː ˈæltɪtjuːd ɔv ə ˈtraɪæŋgl]Triangle height
🔊 Bisector of a triangle Bisector of a triangle
🔊 Median of a triangle[‘miːdɪən ɔv ə ˈtraɪæŋgl]Median of a triangle
🔊 Diagonal Diagonal
🔊 Square Square
🔊 Pentagon[ˈpentəgən]Pentagon
🔊 Hexagon[ˈheksəgən]Hexagon
🔊 Octagon[ˈɔktəgən]Octagon
🔊 Decagon[‘dekəgən]Decagon
🔊 Vertex[‘vɜːteks]Vertex
🔊 Side Side
🔊 Ellipse[ɪ’lɪps]Ellipse
🔊Hyperbole Hyperbola
🔊 Parabola Parabola

English names of geometric figures in space

There are a number of geometric terms that are defined in space. Summarized: 🔊 geometric shapes in space.

Name of geometric figure (Pronunciation)TranscriptionTranslation
🔊Edge Edge
🔊Face Edge
🔊Plane Plane
🔊Hyperplane Hyperplane
🔊 Collinear lines Collinear lines
🔊 Coplanar lines Coplanar straight lines
🔊 Cube Cube
🔊 Octahedron[‘ɔktə’hiːdr(ə)n]Octahedron (Octahedron)
🔊 Decahedron[ˌdekə’hiːdr(ə)n]Decahedron (Decahedron)
🔊 Dodecahedron[ˌdəudekə’hiːdr(ə)n]Twelve Hedron (Dodecahedron)
🔊 Icosahedron[ɪkəˈsɑːdrən]Twenty-hedron (Icosahedron)
🔊Regular polyhedron[ˈregjʊlə ˌpɔlɪ’hiːdr(ə)n]Regular polygon
🔊 N-dimensional simplex[ən-dɪˈmenʃənl ˈsɪmpleks]N-dimensional simplex
🔊 N-dimensional octahedron[ən-dɪˈmenʃənl ‘ɔktə’hiːdr(ə)n]N-dimensional octahedron (Hyperoctahedron)
🔊 N-dimensional cube[ən-dɪˈmenʃənl kjuːb]N-dimensional cube (Hypercube)
🔊 Sphere Sphere
    Some more useful articles

Geometric shapes are one of the first topics for learning English with kids. English for children is best learned in a playful way, and since the topic “geometric shapes” is well suited for this, children really like studying geometry :)

We have a whole section dedicated to the study of geometry, so stay tuned - more articles will be added.

In the same article, I will share one extremely interesting and exciting creative project called “Plasticine Geometry”, in which we will begin to study geometric shapes in English.

Introduction of material

Listen to the song and study geometric shapes.

Creating a Project

You will need:

  • Plasticine
  • Toothpicks
  • Sheet of paper and pencils

Draw different shapes on a piece of paper and label them.

List of words with Russified transcription:

  • Circle [with e cl] circle
  • Square [skw uh e] square
  • Rectangle [r uh ctangle] rectangle
  • Ova [ O uvl] oval
  • Triangle [tr A yangle] triangle
  • Diamond [d A Yeamand] rhombus
  • Star [sta:] star

Show your child how to make shapes by making the first shape yourself. First, roll the balls and place them in the corners.

Now take toothpicks and make the sides of the shape.

It's best to start with a square or equilateral triangle because all the sides are equal and you'll be using whole toothpicks.

When it comes to figures with different sides (rhombus, rectangle), do not rush to show your child exactly how such figures can be made. Give your child time to think: let him figure out for himself that the toothpick needs to be broken by first measuring the side.

Despite the fact that we learn English with our children in a playful way, there is no need to deprive the child of his sovereign rights to early development - let him think. Let him feel the sweet joy of victory if he can guess :)

Now ask your child how to make a circle and an oval. Do these figures have straight sides? And, in this case, will you need toothpicks?

In the photo you see two options, but in reality there are a lot of them. Wait until the child offers his own option, and then offer yours... For young people, we have the road everywhere... Remember his sovereign rights!


When you sculpt the figures, pronounce their names in English. Place the figures in a visible place for several days, approach them from time to time and repeat their names.

The article offers you methodological and visual material for the English lesson “Geometric Figures”.

Necessary English words on the topic “Geometric shapes” for beginners, children: list with transcription and translation

One of the main topics in learning English is “geometric shapes”. It would seem like a completely meaningless topic that should not be useful in everyday life, but no!

The names of geometric shapes can be useful in the following cases:

  • Descriptions of a person's appearance
  • Descriptions of external features of buildings and natural places
  • Descriptions of toys and objects
  • In cooking (round plate, square shape, etc.)
  • In creativity and science

In fact, shapes and figures are present almost everywhere: at home, on the street, even in descriptions of situations (for example, walking in a circle, love triangle). This vocabulary is difficult to learn and sometimes boring, but with the right approach and choice of teaching methods (saturating lessons with visuals and videos), it is quite possible to interest a child and help him remember important words.


Exercises and tasks in English for children on the topic “Geometric shapes”

Exercises, both oral and written, play an important role in English lessons (especially in this topic). It is important for the student to see images of geometric shapes in front of him and distinguish them by comparing, labeling or highlighting.


  • A simple task for the junior class. In it you need to name each geometric figure, color it and name it correctly.
  • To complete this task, you should prepare colored paper or already cut out different geometric shapes in advance. The task involves creating applique pictures, but when laying out each figure, you should name its shape.
  • Task No. 3: A simple written task that requires the student to list all the geometric shapes that are in the same room with him (rectangle - window, square - table, circle - pillow).

Dialogue in English for children on the topic “Geometric shapes” with translation

An important form of work in English lessons is the practice of oral speaking. To do this, you will need a task such as composing and acting out a dialogue. This topic does not imply that the dialogue will be only on “geometric” topics, because you can take any topic, the main thing is that you use 2-5 words “figures and shapes” there.


Phrases in English for children on the topic “Geometric shapes” with translation

Not only words, but also phrases in the topic “Shapes and Forms” will help you come up with sentences and build dialogues.

Phrases in English:

English Translation
Geometric Figures Geometric figures
Shapes Shapes and forms
Right Angle Right angle
Equilateral Equilateral
V oluminous bodies Volumetric bodies
Straight line Straight line
Curved line Crooked line
Line segment Line segment
To measure To measure
Calculate Calculate
Line Measure with a ruler
Side Side
Diameter Diameter
Flat figure Flat figure

Songs and poems for children in English on the topic “Geometric shapes” with translation

Even such a complex topic in English as “Shapes and Forms” can be made interesting and fun by diluting it with songs and poems.

Cards in English on the topic “Geometric shapes” with translation

Visuals and thematic cards for the lesson “Geometric Shapes” are very important, as they play a significant role - they introduce children to basic shapes.

Card options:

Games in English on the topic “Geometric Shapes”

Even in a lesson like “Geometric Forms” in English, you can introduce a game moment that will not only entertain the child, but also interest him.

For the game, prepare:

  • A sheet of white paper (whatman paper A6 is best)
  • Plasticine or plasticine dough
  • Pack of toothpicks or matches
  • Colored markers

How to play:

  • Explain to your child that using these materials you need to make geometric shapes on a plane.
  • Each side is a toothpick, and they are attached using plasticine.
  • As you create the figures, each one should be named correctly in English.
  • To make the game more intense and give pleasant emotions, ask your child to draw emotions for the resulting figures.

Stages of work:

Riddles in English on the topic “Geometric Figures” with translation

Another playful moment in the lesson is riddles. To make students more enthusiastic about solving them, try to somehow encourage them for this (points for assessment, stickers, bonuses).

Tips for self-studying the topic “Geometric Shapes” in English for children and parents


  • Before you start teaching your child English words (names of shapes), you should check how well he knows the geometric shapes themselves (ask him to voice them in his native language).
  • Make bright visuals with geometric shapes and highlight each with a separate color (to clearly and immediately distinguish them visually).
  • It’s good to have, in addition to visual printouts or pictures, also three-dimensional figures so that the child can touch them and examine them from all sides.
  • If a child doesn’t remember words well, you can find a more consonant word to evoke associations in him (for example: circle is a circle, similar to the Russian word “compass”, and what a compass draws: a circle).
  • Throughout the lesson you should repeat the names of the forms and new vocabulary many times. If you repeat it very often, and also supplement it with gestures (claps, stomping or dancing), memorization will be more effective.
  • The visualization method will also help. To do this, after you say the word, draw a geometric figure in the air.

Video: “Geometric shapes in English”

In everyday life, we constantly use words related to geometry. I don't mean terms like hypotenuse or bisector, and common words, for example: circle, square, length, width, volume. From this collection you will learn the most necessary geometric terms in English and will be able to repeat or learn them using spoken cards.

Basic geometric terms in English

When I was in school, we began our acquaintance with geometry with such elementary concepts as a point (point), straight (straight line), line segment (line segment), Ray (ray), then moved on to geometric shapes (plane shapes) and geometric bodies (solid shapes).

The list and cards below provide these and other key terms. I note that the most insidious are two terms:

  • Angle- corner. Easily confused with corner. But if corner is an angle in the general sense, for example, the corner of a room, then angle– this is an angle as a geometric concept (right angle – right angle).
  • Point- dot. In Russian, any point is called a dot: as if it were a dot in a decimal fraction or the end of a sentence. In English there are several names for different points: point, dot, period, full stop. Here's the difference between them:
    • Point– a point in geometry, in: 3.14 reads as three point one four.
    • Dot– period in website addresses. For example, www.google.com is read as: double u double u double u google dot com. By the way, it’s funny that www is short for world wide web, but the shortened form when read is much longer than the full one.
    • Period(USA) or full stop(Great Britain) – a period at the end of a sentence. There is even an English expression “period” or “full stop”, an analogue of the Russian “point” meaning “the conversation is over, objections are not accepted”: You are not going to the party. Period. -You're not going to the party. Dot.
point dot
line segment line segment
ray Ray
line straight
plane shape geometric figure
solid shape geometric body
volume volume
area square
perimeter perimeter
diagonal diagonal
size size
side side
angle corner
lengh length
width width
height height
depths depth
right angle right angle
obtuse angle obtuse angle
acute angle sharp corner
vertical line vertical line
horizontal line horizontal line
curved line crooked line
broken line broken line
parallel lines parallel lines
perpendicular lines perpendicular lines
radius radius
diameter diameter
base base
vertex vertex
edge edge
convex convex
concave concave

Geometric solids and figures

Let me remind you, geometric figures two-dimensional, and body– voluminous. A square and a triangle are figures, and a cube and a pyramid are bodies. Some difficulties may arise with adjectives formed from the names of bodies and figures, because they are different:

  • using suffixes: rectangle(rectangle) - rectangular(rectangular).
  • are indicated by another word: circle(circle) - round(round).
  • are formed without changing the words: oval(oval) – oval(oval).

From the word circle an adjective is also formed circular- round, but it is usually used when talking about something flat and, as a rule, perfectly round. Round can be applied to flat and three-dimensional objects, this word is much more common in everyday speech: round table - round table, round building - round building. About spherical objects, too, most likely they will say that they round(round ball - round ball), although technically they spherical. But in Russian we don’t call the ball “spherical” either.

circumference circle
square square
circle circle
triangle triangle
rectangle rectangle
rhombus rhombus
trapezium (US – trapezoid) trapezoid
oval oval
cylinder cylinder
cube cube
prism prism
sphere sphere
cone cone
pyramid pyramid
pentagon pentagon
hexagon hexagon
pentagram pentagram
square (adjective) square
round round
triangular triangular
rectangular rectangular
oval (adjective) oval
cubic (-al) (adjective) cubic
spherical spherical