Physics lesson notes Shender Valentina Nikolaevna Lesson topic: Pressure. Pressure units Grade: 7th grade Place in topic: 1 lesson. Purpose: to introduce the concept of pressure and its units, to show students the meaning that the pressure of one body on another has in nature, everyday life, and technology. Objectives: 1. Educational:  Create conditions for awareness and comprehension of the difference between the concepts of force and pressure.  As a result of the experiment, to develop practical skills and mastery and understanding of the essence of the method of natural scientific knowledge. 2. Developmental:  Develop the ability to use knowledge and skills in a new, unfamiliar situation.  Achieve correct pronunciation and spelling, interpretation and use of physical terms, systematic replenishment of their stock. 3. Educational:  Aesthetic education visually - demonstration means, epigraph, proverb, riddle.  Moral education will and strong-willed character traits (belief in one’s strength, discipline). Lesson technical equipment: computer, multimedia projector Software: Microsoft PowerPoint Lesson plan I. II. Organizational moment (2 minutes) Learning new material. (Presentation)(25 minutes) III. Fixing the material (10 minutes). IV. Homework(5 minutes) V. Summing up the lesson (3 minutes) Lesson progress Teacher's activities Student activities Formed UUD Organizational moment - Hello. Sit down. Check if you have everything Check your readiness for the lesson. ready for lesson? So let's start today's lesson. Regulatory (self-control) Communicative (planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers) Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson Guys, we are starting to study a new section Students write down the topic and get acquainted with the purpose of the lesson. Communication physics “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases.” (the ability to express thoughts) You will study this large section in Regulatory over the course of several lessons. (planning, And today the goal of our first lesson is to find out what goal setting) is pressure, to determine how to find pressure. Knowledge about pressure is needed by people of many professions, so it will be useful to you in life. Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook: “Pressure. Units of pressure." Mastering new material Imagine that you went on a skiing trip. Communication. Skis glide across the snow, leaving a very (ability to express thoughts) shallow footprint. What happens if you take off your skis? Of course, you will immediately fall into the snow. -A person’s legs will fall into the snow Logical UUD (generalization) Let’s figure out why this happens. The weight, that is, the force with which a person presses on the snow, remains the same. What has changed? - A person’s legs are smaller in area than skis. Right. Only the area of ​​support has changed (compare the soles of boots and skis). This means that we can assume that the result of the force depends not only on the force itself - the point of application, direction, modulus - but also on the area of ​​contact. Therefore, we need physical quantity, taking both factors into account. This quantity is called pressure. Ratio of force F to surface area S at Formulate the definition and write it down in your notebook. Logical UUD provided that the force acts perpendicularly Write down the formula for calculating the pressure. Logical UUD surfaces are called pressure. (independent p = F/S creation of solutions) (analysis) Pressure is a scalar quantity, pressure has no Communication directions.. (ability to express thoughts) Pressure force - any force acting on the body Regulatory perpendicular to the surface, most often it is weight (planning , body. goal setting) Units of pressure are calculated by Write down the unit of pressure in a notebook, its Cognitive formula: 1 N/sq.m = 1 Pa (pascal). The definition unit, as well as multiple and submultiple units (pressure structuring, take the pressure that produces a force of 1 N acting on a surface with an area of ​​1 m², perpendicular to this surface. The unit of pressure is newton per square meter (1 N/m²). In addition to the basic units, prefixes are also used: knowledge) Multiple and submultiple units: 1 kPa = 1000 Pa 1 MPa = 1000000 Pa 1 hPa = 100 Pa 1Pa = 0.001 kPa 1 Pa = 0.000001 MPa 1 Pa = 0.01 hPa Think , do they use the prefixes “milli”? - Probably because “micro” is not used? Why? The pressure unit Pascal was named after Blaise. Oral work in the form of dialogue. Cognitive Pascal (structuring Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) - French mathematician, knowledge) physicist, writer and philosopher. A classic of French Communication literature, one of the founders of mathematical (the ability to conduct a dialogue with analysis, probability theory and projective peers and teacher) geometry, creator of the first examples of calculating technology, author of the basic law of hydrostatics. Blaise Pascal designed (1641, according to other sources - 1642) a summing machine. One of the founders of hydrostatics, established its fundamental law. The action of hydraulic presses and other hydrostatic machines is based on Pascal's law. Let's look at some of the meanings of pressure in Cognitive (search in nature and everyday life, selection of necessary information, structuring of knowledge). Now let's try to find out as much as possible Cognitive (search and change the pressure. First, let's answer the question: what is the purpose of isolating what is necessary? Have you seen what traces of information) are left by heavy machines, tractors on the ground? Regulatory Such deep ruts arise precisely because they offer their own answer options (goal setting, high pressure. This means that in such cases its planning) needs to be reduced. Since pressure depends on the force and communicative area, it can be changed by changing these values. (fundamental Why increase the pressure? Try a blunt collaboration in searching and cutting bread with a knife. How does a dull knife differ from collecting information, a sharp one? Of course, the area of ​​the blade and the created ability to express one’s pressure. Therefore, all cutting and piercing thoughts) tools must be very sharp. It is probably difficult to immediately say in what ways this can be achieved. Let's take a little break from physics and remember mathematics. Tell me in what ways you can Recall from mathematics how to change a fraction Cognitive (modeling) increase and decrease a fraction. To increase the Regulatory fraction, you need to increase the numerator or decrease (goal setting) the denominator. To reduce a fraction, you need to Communicatively reduce the numerator or increase the denominator. (skill with sufficient The formula for calculating pressure is also a fraction with completeness and accuracy. Therefore, in order to express your thoughts) to increase pressure, you need to increase the force of pressure or reduce the area of ​​​​its application. And to reduce the pressure, you need to reduce the pressure force or increase the area of ​​its application. Interesting Facts. Listen to the teacher's story Cognitive Is it possible to stand on light bulbs? Communicative If you take 4 small glass jars from (the ability to conduct a dialogue, mayonnaise, put them on the floor, ask questions in each jar), insert an ordinary incandescent electric lamp with the base down, put plywood on top in the form of a square so that the jars are located in the corners of the plywood / like the legs of a table / and carefully stand in the middle of the plywood, then the light bulbs will not burst! This design can even withstand an adult. A similar experiment can be carried out with one light bulb placed in the middle! Are eggshells strong? If you pour out the contents of the egg and leave the shell for the experiment, you can try to pierce it with a needle from the inside and outside. The inside is lighter, the outside is heavier. The result with the same effort will depend on the shape of the shell: convex or concave. Therefore, a small chicken easily breaks the shell from the inside, and the outside is more securely protected. The property of convex shapes to better withstand loads allows architects to design domed roofs, bridges, ceilings, because... They are stronger than flat ones! Collective discussion of what was heard Consolidation of the material Exercises An example of solving a problem for calculating pressure Write down in notebooks an example of solving a problem Cognitive (statement and solution The DT-75M tracked tractor weighing 6610 kg has problems). the supporting area of ​​both tracks is 1.4 m2. What General educational (the effect of pressure exerted by the tractor on the soil? with symbolic - Given: by symbolic m= 6610 kg means) S= 1.4 m2 Personal (use of p=? new material in Solution: solving everyday problems) p = F/S F=mg Communicative p=mg/S p=(6610 kg∙9.8 N/kg)/(1.4 m^2) = 46270 Pa (learning planning Answer: 46270 Pa cooperation with the teacher and peers, ability with sufficient completeness and accuracy express your thoughts) 2. They pressed on a wooden wall with a force of 200 N. They are trying to solve the problem. They offer answers. first with the palm, then with the same force with an awl. The forces are equal in magnitude, why is the result different? 3. Answer the questions: 1. What will happen if the balls in ballpoint pens are made smaller? Why? Answer questions orally 2. Can a person be as comfortable on a stone bed as on a feather bed? 3. Remember “The Princess and the Pea”, why did she feel uncomfortable lying on the feather bed with peas under it? 4. Why does a storm that knocks down living trees in the summer often fail to knock down a dry tree standing nearby without leaves, if it is not rotten? 4. The figure shows the footprint of an astronaut on the Solve the problem. one student solves on the board, and the surface of the moon. The average weight of an astronaut in a spacesuit alone is 100 kg. If we consider the surface area of ​​the soles to be 0.07 m2, the pressure on the lunar surface will be??? On the Moon, acceleration g= 1.7 m/s2. Reflection - Evaluate our work in class today. - What goal did we set at the beginning of the lesson? - Have we achieved this goal? I analyze my activities, evaluate the degree of general educational mastery of the material. Determine your rating in the overall Regulatory (rating) mass of the class. They mark themselves internally. Personal (degree - Learn pressure, units of pressure, ways of being truthful when finding reflective pressure) - Yes Homework - Now get out your journals and write down your homework. Write down homework in diaries Cognitive (setting and solving  Read paragraphs §§ 33-34 of the problem).  Complete written exercises in a notebook: General education 12 No. 3.4 Literature: Peryshkin A.V. Physics: 7th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. M: Bustard, 2010. Thematic and lesson planning for the textbook by A.V. Peryshkina “Physics 7kl”, E.M. Gutnik and others. M. – Bustard 2009 3. Lukashik V.I. Collection of problems in physics 7-9 grades. M. Education. 2009 4. Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics. Science, 1986 12.

Municipal educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 3 with in-depth study of individual subjects in the city of Kotovo, Kotovsky municipal district, Volgograd region"

Physics lesson summary:

"Pressure. Pressure units"

Prepared by:

Physics teacher

Zakharchenko I.N.

“Rely only on what

what resists"

Blaise Pascal

    Form the concept of pressure, identify its cause, as well as its dependence on force and cross-sectional area.

    Understand the units of measurement and how to increase and decrease pressure.

    Learn to explain experiences and phenomena often encountered in life.

    Expand students' horizons by finding physical phenomena in familiar everyday objects.


    A box of nails on a baking sheet with sand.

    Plasticine with two ropes.

    Buttons, scissors, wire cutters.

    Pictures, cards, problem books.


During the classes.

1. Class organization.

2. Learning new material

1). Preparation for the perception of the material.

a) What associations arise with the word pressure? (arterial)

But the device used to measure pressure is also a physical device.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with pressure as a physical quantity and find out what it depends on.

b) First, let's listen to a fairy tale!

Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. She once went for a walk in the forest, but got lost. Masha began to look for the way home, but couldn’t find it. But she went out into the clearing towards the house. Three bears lived in this house. It was dad, mom and son. She determined this from the footprints that were near the house. Some tracks were strongly pressed in, others were smaller, and others were even smaller. What do you think belongs to whom and why?

2) Studying new material.

Open the textbook on page 66 fig. 81.

A person walks through loose snow with great difficulty, sinking deeply with every step (a). Having put on skis, he can walk through the snow almost without falling through (b). Why?

This means that pressure depends not only on the force, but also on the area of ​​the surface on which it acts.

How does force act on surface area? (perpendicular)

How does pressure depend on force? (in direct ratio)

And from the surface area? (inversely)

This means that in order to increase the pressure, it is necessary either to increase the force or to decrease the surface area and vice versa.

This conclusion is confirmed by another experiment.

Dem.1: board with nails

Why does it fail in case 1, but not in case 2?

So what definition can we give based on these examples? (p.67)

Since it is a physical quantity, it means it can be calculated. Knowing that pressure depends on force and surface area, we can obtain the formula:

What units of measurement does pressure have? If you look at the units of force and surface area, the unit of measurement is:

Biography of Blaise Pascal.

Physical education minute:

How can you quickly double the pressure on the floor?

We did a good job! We need to rest.

The class raises its hands - that's it.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands down - look forward - that's three.

Arms to the sides wider - four.

Pressing them forcefully to your shoulders is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six.

3) Consolidation

a) Work in groups

Group 1: Do the bricks exert the same pressure on the table?

Group 2: Do the bricks exert the same pressure on the table?

Group 3: In which case does the glass produce the greatest and in which the least pressure and why?

Group 4: Plasticine and two ropes. Which rope is easier to cut plasticine and why?

Group 5: How to arrange the books so that they exert the least pressure on the table?

Group 6: In what case does the load exert more pressure on the floor? Why do you have to apply more force in 1 case?

Option 1

1 . In what units is pressure measured?

A.N.B.Pa. V. m 2.

2 . In what position does the block exert the greatest pressure on the support?

A. In position 1.

B. In position 2

B. In position 3.

3 . The... area of ​​the support, the... the pressure produced by the same force on this support.

A. more; less.

B. more; more.

B. less; less.

4 . The pressure of a body on a surface depends on...

A. the modulus of the force and the surface area perpendicular to which the force acts.

B. modulus of force and does not depend on the surface area on which the force acts.

B. the surface area perpendicular to which the force acts.

5 . A machine weighing 12,000 N has a support area of ​​2.5 m 2 . Determine the pressure of the machine on the foundation.

A. 48 Pa. B. 25000Pa. B. 4800 Pa.

Option 2

1 . Express the pressure of 10 kPa in pascals.

A. 10,000 Pa. B. 100 Pa. B. 1000 Pa.

2 . In what position does the block exert the least pressure on the support?

A. In position 1.

B. In position 2.

B. In position 3.

3 . Cutting and stabbing instruments are sharpened in order to..., pressure, since the... the area of ​​support, the... the pressure.

A. increase; more; less.

B. reduce; more; more.

B. increase; less; more.

4 . The quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to the surface to the area of ​​this surface is called...

A. pressure force. B. pressure. B. body weight.

5 . When playing a record, the needle presses on it with a force of 0.3 N. What pressure does the needle exert if the area of ​​its tip is 0.0003 cm 2 ?

A. 1 MPa. B. 10 MPa. B. 100 MPa.

c) Story: Two friends Sasha and Seryozha went to the river to skate. But I must say that Seryozha was not at ease with physics, he believed that it would not be useful to him in life. Seryozha enthusiastically slid along the smooth ice and did not notice how he drove onto thin ice. The ice cracked, and Seryozha fell into the wormwood. He had already managed to escape her captivity, but he immediately got to his feet, and the ice broke again. Sasha shouted at him that he had to crawl out. Tell me why Sasha advised Seryozha to crawl out?

3. Consolidation based on the supporting notes.

4. Homework.

Many pediatricians have a table with blood pressure norms for children by age under glass. Parents are encouraged to photocopy and keep this sign at home. For what? To avoid unnecessary panic or promptly identify deviations from standards when a child is capricious and complains of headaches. Yes, the parents heard right. Children's indicators are much different from the standard 120/80, so it is worth considering what numbers are acceptable for children depending on their age.

Tables of children's norms

The younger the child, the wider the lumen of his arteries, which means lower blood pressure and faster pulse. For example, a one-year-old baby feels great with indicators of 90/50 and a heartbeat of 130. For an adult, such numbers would be a reason for a medical examination for hypotension and tachycardia.

As children grow, blood pressure will increase and heart rate will gradually slow down. Blood pressure in 8-year-old children is normally already 100/60, and the number of heartbeats decreases to 80-90 per minute. Significant difference? That is why all parents should have a table of the relationship between children’s blood pressure and heart rate.

Normal systolic (upper) blood pressure.

Allowable diastolic (lower) pressure

Pulse indicators

0-1 month 60-80 40-70 110-170
1 month – year 80-110 50-70 100-160
1-4 years 100-110 60-70 90-140
4-6 years 100-110 60-70 85-125
6-8 years 100-120 60-70 75-115
8-12 years 100-120 70-80 70-110
12-15 years 110-130 70-85 70-105

It should be noted that the maximum systolic or diastolic arterial value is considered critical. If it persists for a long time, it can become a sign of the development of childhood hypertension. Parents should closely monitor the well-being of their children and immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur:

  • increased fatigue;
  • impaired concentration (schoolchildren's performance falls, and children become restless);
  • causeless nosebleeds;
  • headache;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • problems with coordination;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of skin sensitivity (in severe cases, paresis develops).

The above symptoms are an alarming sign and require immediate consultation with a pediatrician.

Are the measurements correct?

There are several methods for controlling pressure:

  1. Auscultatory. It is still used by doctors, taking measurements using a phonendoscope and a mechanical tonometer.
  2. Oscillometric. It underlies the operation of all electronic devices.
  3. Dopplerography. This type of ultrasound makes it possible to determine systolic pressure in newborns and infants. Not applicable at a later age.

If Doppler ultrasound requires special equipment, then the first 2 methods can be used at home. To obtain reliable results, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Cuff according to age. Using an adult version on a small hand, when it becomes necessary to hold it with your fingers, distorts the result. Baby cuffs can be purchased at most pharmacies or online stores; you just need to indicate the age of the baby.
  2. Comfortable position. Children under 2 years of age are recommended to measure blood pressure while lying down, and those who are older can carry out the procedure while sitting. The main condition: the hand with the cuff is laid relaxed on a flat surface, and the baby should not feel fear or anxiety.

The following may temporarily distort the result:

  • lack of sleep;
  • binge eating;
  • Bad mood;
  • fatigue;
  • more physical activity;
  • weather;
  • fear (at first the baby may be very afraid of an unfamiliar procedure).

A one-time increase or decrease in indicators is not a reason to panic. You should contact your pediatrician if the disturbances persist for 3-4 days or are accompanied by a marked deterioration in well-being.

For example, the norm for blood pressure in 7-year-old children is 100/60, and measurements in the morning show 120/80, but gradually the values ​​decrease during the day to the usual standards. Most likely, the reason is not the disease, but improper sleep conditions. You may need to replace bedding or improve the ventilation of the room.

Why does childhood hypo- and hypertension develop?

Having considered what blood pressure children should have, we can conclude that they are all hypotensive and the younger they are, the lower the blood pressure in the vessels. But in children, as in adults, blood pressure can increase pathologically.

Causes of hypertension

Arterial hypertension in a child’s body is provoked by the following factors:

  • kidney disease;
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • brain pathologies.

Reasons that cause temporary hypertension include changes in hormonal levels during puberty and stressful conditions.

Often, hypertensive syndrome is observed in 7-8 year old children in connection with the start of school. This is due to the fact that the former kindergartener’s lifestyle changes dramatically, new responsibilities and requirements appear.

If a child’s norm is often at the upper limit or exceeds acceptable values, then it is worth undergoing an immediate examination by a doctor for timely detection of pathology.

If the disease is not diagnosed, then it is worth paying attention to physiological causes. Perhaps children don't get enough rest, try too hard to meet adult demands, or don't sleep well.

Parents who enroll their children in various clubs and sections for additional development should remember that excessive stress on the child’s body is dangerous. Lack of proper rest has an adverse effect on health.

Factors provoking hypotension

The following may cause temporary hypotension:

  • plentiful food;
  • staying motionless in stuffy conditions;
  • physical fatigue;
  • mental overload;
  • long-term physical activity;
  • lack of activity;
  • frequent colds;
  • rapid growth. When the skeletal system grows rapidly (usually observed in children 8-9 years old), physiological hypotension temporarily develops, which does not require special treatment.

Prolonged hypotension in childhood almost never occurs. This is due to the fact that as the artery grows, it becomes more elastic, and its lumen gradually narrows, due to which the pressure gradually increases. But still, you should not ignore low blood pressure: if the hypotensive syndrome persists for a long time, then it can become the first sign of developing diseases:

  • heart pathologies (defects, heart failure);
  • diabetes;
  • anemia (in this condition, additional symptoms will be tachycardia and pale skin);
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • head injuries;
  • hypothyroidism

Prolonged hypotension is dangerous because with insufficient blood pressure, body tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, and this can provoke a lag behind peers in mental and physical development.

If the normal blood pressure reading often deviates up or down, then this is a reason for a medical examination. Often, a change in blood pressure is the first sign of the development of serious abnormalities in young patients.

The doctor will prescribe treatment in accordance with the examination data obtained, and parents will be given the following recommendations:

  1. Reducing stressful situations. Of course, it will not be possible to completely protect a child from worries, but it is quite possible to ensure a quiet and calm environment at home.
  2. Normalization of the daily routine. It is necessary to ensure that the child goes to bed on time and rests during the day. Regarding additional activities in clubs or sections, it is better to first consult with a pediatrician.
  3. Limit the use of a computer or TV. It is difficult to take away a computer or tablet from a modern child, and mom and dad will have to show persistence and tact so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition. The best option would be to offer the child an interesting replacement, for example, making cardboard castles or other educational games.
  4. Moderate physical activity. Physical inactivity is no less harmful than excessive exercise, but dosed activity will help stabilize vascular tone and strengthen the immune system. If there are no medical contraindications, then you can go swimming, horse riding, or just walk in the fresh air in the park.
  5. Chips, cola, fast food and other unhealthy foods should completely disappear from children's diets. The menu should include more dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Don't forget about animal protein foods. Meat and fish are necessary for a growing body, but it is recommended to cook them without spices and not fry, but bake in the oven or boil. Of course, it is difficult for children, especially small ones, to explain the need for a diet, but if the whole family switches to healthy eating, then the kids will be happy to follow the example of adults.
  6. Cold and hot shower. Alternating hot and cold water regulates vascular tone well. Children may find dousing unpleasant at first. But, with a little persistence and tact, you can accustom your baby to this procedure.

Children, no less than adults, suffer from fluctuations in blood pressure, but they cannot always formulate their complaints. The task of parents is to promptly notice the deterioration of the child’s condition, and the table of children’s standards will help to detect signs of hypo- and hypertension.

Well, lovers of sports and a healthy lifestyle, have you, like many others, encountered and experienced the fact that physical activity increases blood pressure, and were you even afraid of it? Or maybe they decided to quit sports altogether and protect themselves, who are hypertensive, from any manipulations that affect cardiovascular activity.

And completely in vain! Well, judge for yourself, in the body of a person who is addicted to sports, blood circulation improves, this affects the hypothalamus, adrenal glands and brain. As a result, adrenaline is further released into the blood, heart rate increases, blood flow increases and, as a result, blood pressure increases.

The speed of blood flow directly depends on one or another intensity of physical activity, due to which the activity of the cardiovascular system improves:

  1. Blood begins to circulate better through the blood vessels, affecting all organs and systems of the human body.
  2. The body is abundantly supplied with oxygen.
  3. The walls of blood vessels begin to contract more intensely and tighten, thereby regulating hematopoiesis.
  4. Metabolic processes and hormonal levels in the body improve.

From the above it follows that when blood pressure rises after playing sports, this is considered normal, unless the permissible values ​​are exceeded. After all, overload can negatively affect not only the activity of the cardiovascular system, but also the entire body as a whole.

Indicators for each age category are different, and therefore sports training is recommended to be carried out in such a way as not to harm your own body. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules to help control blood pressure and the activity of the cardiovascular system.

In order not to provoke an increase in blood pressure during or after physical activity, it is necessary:

  • First, visit and listen to medical experts.
  • Secondly, monitor blood pressure levels, that is, measure blood pressure, especially if a person plays sports professionally. You need to take measurements 15 minutes before the start of your workout and 10 minutes after it.
  • Thirdly, during any physical activity it is necessary to wear the correct clothes that do not restrict the body.
  • To better saturate the body with oxygen, it is more advisable to conduct training and sports activities outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  • During physical exercises, it is recommended to absorb up to 2 liters of water per day, and with increasing intensity of exercise - up to 2.5 per day.


It is advisable to stop playing sports in the following cases:

  • If in everyday life a person’s blood pressure is irregular.
  • There is a pathology of cardiac activity, especially along with blood pressure.
  • If a person after training, namely half an hour after it, feels pain in the heart.

Therefore, think ten times before giving up sports and depriving your body of basic health.

Is it possible to quickly lower blood pressure at home?

  1. How to reduce blood pressure at home
  2. Reducing blood pressure with herbal remedies
  3. Drugs that help lower blood pressure
  4. How to reduce blood pressure from 150 to 100?

Many people want to know how to quickly reduce blood pressure at home. Every person has experienced a sharp increase in blood pressure at least once in their life; it would be a misconception that such an illness is encountered only in adulthood and, if you are young, you do not need to know. How can you lower your blood pressure at home?

The disease has become significantly “younger”; increased blood pressure is diagnosed even in adolescents 12-15 years old. It is accompanied by headaches, kidney problems, strokes and heart attacks. If you have diagnosed yourself with increased blood pressure, you should immediately take measures to normalize it.

For middle-aged people, the normal pressure range is 120-140/80-90 mmHg. Art. If the pressure is above 140/90 mm Hg. Doctors classify it as a sign of arterial hypertension and advise how to reduce high blood pressure. In adults, high blood pressure is divided into three degrees:

  1. 1st degree: systolic is 140-160 mm Hg, and diastolic is 90-100 mm Hg;
  2. 2nd degree: 160-180/100-110 mmHg;
  3. 3rd degree: systolic from 180 mm Hg and above, and diastolic over 110 mm Hg.

Indicators high blood pressure Children and adolescents are slightly different. Blood pressure levels fluctuate depending on the age of the child.

So in newborns, the systolic pressure is 70-75 mm Hg. , by the year it grows to 90 mm Hg. By the age of 10, it grows to 100/65 mm Hg, and reaches the usual level of 120/80 only by the age of 12. The normal pressure will be 130/80 mm Hg. in adolescents aged 12-17 years.

How to reduce blood pressure at home

If you have a slight increase in blood pressure, try using the following tips without resorting to taking medicinal herbs and drugs.

Reducing blood pressure with herbal remedies

Despite the fact that these drugs help lower blood pressure, they can only relieve symptoms. A complete cure cannot be achieved with the help of herbs.

Herbs do not always help in the treatment of blood pressure. Then you need to resort to medication. The necessary medications are selected for each patient individually.

When treated with medications great importance has a change in lifestyle and nutrition. The patient needs to quit smoking, adjust their diet, reduce body weight and exercise.

The diet includes avoiding salt, reducing the amount of fluid consumed, and eliminating animal fats. It is necessary to consume foods containing fiber, magnesium and calcium.

When choosing how to quickly reduce blood pressure with pills, remember that with the help of drugs you will achieve a temporary effect. Treatment of high blood pressure is required throughout life every day.

Drugs to lower blood pressure are not cheap; if your financial situation does not allow you to regularly spend money on expensive drugs, you should carefully choose treatment and choose a drug that is optimal in price and quality.

Drugs that help lower blood pressure

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of antihypertensive (BP-lowering) drugs that can normalize blood pressure. They differ in their method of action and strength of influence. There are 4 types of antihypertensive drugs:

  • Neurotropic drugs that reduce increased sympathetic tone nervous system;
  • Inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system;
  • Myotropic vasodilators;
  • Diuretics.

Neurotropic antihypertensive drugs

Blood pressure is lowered by influencing the centers of the sympathetic nervous system, therefore neurotropic drugs are divided into drugs of central and peripheral action.

Centrally acting drugs:

  • Moxonidine;
  • Methyldopa;
  • Guanfacine.

Clonidine is an α2-adrenergic agonist, which is used to effectively stimulate α2A-adrenergic receptors in the medulla oblongata, excite inhibitory neurons and vagal centers (they are the cause of inhibition of the vasomotor center). This remedy is often recommended in case of hypertensive crisis.

Regular use of Clonidine has a sedative effect, which manifests itself in absent-mindedness, depression, impotence, and dry eyes. It must be emphasized that rapid cessation of use is also not recommended, since there is a risk of developing withdrawal syndrome: blood pressure rises and even a hypertensive crisis develops.

Emergency care for a hypertensive crisis - everyone should know.

Moxonidine helps to urgently reduce blood pressure at home and is responsible for reducing the activity of the vasomotor center, reducing vascular tone and cardiac output. Experts recommend it as a means for continuous use.

Methyldopa takes effect 3-4 hours after administration and maintains the result throughout the day.

Guanfacine acts on the body throughout the day and is recommended as a drug against hypertension.

Among the drugs of peripheral action there are:

  • Ganglion blockers, which dilate venous and arterial vessels and also weaken heart contractions;
  • Sympatholytics - can reduce the release of norepinephrine, having a positive effect on reducing pressure (venous and arterial);
  • A-blockers, which are responsible for stimulating innervation activity affecting veins and arteries.

Among the means that can depress the system, attention should be paid to the following:

  • Accupro;
  • Captopril;
  • Capozide;
  • Lisinopril.

No less effective are myotropic antihypertensive drugs, which relax blood vessels and thereby reduce blood pressure. If you are looking for ways to lower your blood pressure at home, the most common medications are:

Before taking any drug, you should first consult with a specialist.

Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of human life, namely the force with which the flow of blood into the vessels presses on the walls. Its level depends on the volume of blood that the heart passes through itself per minute.

For a healthy adult, the absolute norm is 120/80 mm. rt. Art., 130/85 mm. rt. Art. – already slightly elevated and it is better to know in advance how to reduce blood pressure without pills. A slight increase in pressure is not dangerous, it is not even noticeable. But with serious surges, headaches, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, pain in the heart area, and even loss of consciousness occur.

Each person has a number of things that he actively hides, including his own health status. Those who do not want to reveal the presence of hypertension (consistently high blood pressure) during a medical examination can hide it without much difficulty.

The simplest and most unpretentious way to lower your blood pressure before a medical examination is to prepare a breakfast consisting entirely of foods that lower blood pressure. Namely: yogurts, curdled milk, kefir, almonds, spinach, broccoli, celery, dill.

Particular attention should be paid to teas and herbal decoctions, which are absorbed faster and therefore act faster on the body. These include green and black teas, decoctions of chamomile, mint, calendula, fragrant dill and many others.

How to reduce blood pressure from 150 to 100?

Blood pressure, which is without visible reasons rose to the level of 150/100 mm. rt. Art. causes serious discomfort. The first and most common way to reduce blood pressure by 150 to 100 is through medication.

Most often, table vinegar is used, or rather its solution (5-6%). The compress is applied to the feet (no more than 20 minutes) and at the same time the temples and the back of the head are wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution. It is advisable to use water slightly above room temperature.

Mustard plasters also produce a similar effect. They are placed on the shoulders. Lower neck and calf muscle area. Under the influence of temperature, the blood vessels will begin to expand within 10-15 minutes and you will be able to reduce your blood pressure at home.

This method may seem ineffective, but do not be deceived. It helps lower blood pressure without medications at home. The best cure for high blood pressure is calm.

Even when the level is already critical and your head is splitting, you need to relax. First of all, take a comfortable position, sitting or lying down does not matter.

It is advisable to remove all irritating factors and begin breathing exercises, namely - deep breath and on exhalation, a delay of 7-8 seconds. Duration of execution: 3-4 minutes.

If everything is done correctly, you can reduce the pressure with breathing and it will drop by 20-30 units. If necessary, you can repeat after a break of a few minutes.

To maintain normal blood pressure, it is enough to healthy image life, maintain a sleep schedule and eliminate stress, worries and any negative emotions. It’s not for nothing that Tibetan monks say that happy man cannot be sick.

Lesson on the topic "Pressure of solids. Units of pressure." 7th grade

Lesson objectives.

Educational: Knowledge: concept of pressure.

Ability to: solve problems to find pressure; work with devices.

Developmental: development of theoretical thinking.

Educational: culture education educational work.

Lesson type: lessons of learning new material.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson format: conversation, story, independent work.

Student work form: group work, work in pairs, individual work.

Technologies Keywords: ICT, problem-based learning, health-saving technology, differentiated approach.

Lesson structure

Lesson stage

Time, min

Teacher activities

Student activity

1. Organizational

Sets up for a lesson

Psychologically prepare for the lesson

2. Updating knowledge

Crossword puzzle based on the material covered, as a result of which the topic of the lesson appears

Solving a crossword puzzle

3. Learning new material

1. Organizes a heuristic conversation with problematic questions.
2. Shows the presentation

1. Participate in the conversation, draw conclusions, formulate definitions, work on the presentation.
2. Solve problems

4. Frontal experiment

Sets a task

Perform an experiment.
Draw conclusions

5. Homework

Explains the task

Write down tasks

6-7. Consolidation and summary of the lesson

Offers tasks

They draw a conclusion.
Answer questions.

Stage 1. Organizational

Hello, please sit down. Draw the mood with which you came to class.

Stage 2. Updating knowledge

Crossword questions: (slide 1-9)

1. Change in body shape and size. (Deformation)

2. Physical quantity, measure of inertia. (Weight)

3. The force with which the body acts on a support or suspension. (Weight)

4. Measure of interaction between bodies. (Force)

5. A phenomenon that occurs when bodies come into contact and prevents their relative motion. (Friction)

6. Unit of force. (Newton)

7. Device for measuring force. (Dynamometer)

8. The force with which the Earth attracts all bodies. (Gravities)

And so the topic of our lesson is “Pressure. Pressure units” (slide No. 10). We write it down in a notebook.

I ask you to formulate the purpose of the lesson for yourself. The goal should begin with:

"I must learn …."

“I must learn...”. (Slide No. 11) (Students answer)

After everyone has spoken, I’ll summarize:

I must learn:

What is called pressure;

What letter does it represent?

In what units is it measured?

What does pressure depend on?

I have to learn:

Apply the pressure formula to solve problems;

Learn to calculate the pressure exerted different bodies.

(Slide No. 12,13)

Stage 3. Learning new material

At the age of why, children ask a lot of questions. My daughter is no exception.

Once I read her the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea"

(slide 14, appendix 1.)

Is it really possible to identify a girl of noble birth in this way? What do you think ?

Then it was time to get ready for school. (slide 15) And she and I went to the school supply store. It was the briefcase's turn. And here:.

Why not a bear, it’s prettier?

Now my daughter is studying at the institute and knows exactly the answers to these children's questions.

Why? It's time to study new item- physics.

Physics is an experimental science. The experiment can be mental and experimental (laboratory), individual and frontal, demonstration.

Let's start with the first one. THOUGHT EXPERIMENT. (see slide 16)

Let's imagine ourselves in a winter forest. (slide 16) . Deep snowdrifts, white sparkling snow, silence all around, A BOY IN A SNOWGRAVE. Analyze the situation. (slide 16)

WHAT will change if an adult now stands next to the child.

Boy skiing in the winter forest.

WHAT can you say in this situation?

(slide 16)

Pressure - a quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to a surface to the area of ​​that surface.
Designations: p - pressure

S – area (Slide 17)

Per unit pressure the pressure produced by the force in 1 N on the surface area 1m 2 perpendicular to this surface. (Slide 18)

This unit is called pascal.

1 hPa =100 Pa

1 kPa =1,000Pa

1 MPa =1,000,000 Pa

Stage 4. Frontal experiment

“Determination of the pressure of solid bodies.” (Slide No. 19)

Determine the pressure of the block on the table.

    Determine the support area of ​​the block by measuring the length, width and height using a ruler.

    Determine the weight of the block using a dynamometer.

    Calculate the pressure.

Determination of the pressure of the bar on the table (in rows).

Draw a conclusion.

Stage 5. Homemade rear

§ 27, 28; t-t. No. 1,2, 3 pp. 46, No. 3 p. 49, No. 1 p.49, No. 2 p. 51 (Slide No. 20)

Stage 6. Testing knowledge acquisition

Thanks for the lesson, everyone worked quite well today.

Stage 7. Lesson Summary

Let's summarize our lesson.

You set a goal for yourself, I would like to know if you achieved your goal. Start your answers with:

I found out…

I learned… . Slide number 36

GBOU secondary school in the village of Petrovka

Plan – summary of an “open” lesson



The date of the:12/22/2014

Teacher:Kolosova Valentina Mikhailovna

Lesson topic: Pressure. Pressure units

Basic textbook: Physics. 7th grade: textbook. for general education institutions/ A.V. Peryshkin. – 12th ed., add. – M.: Bustard, 2012. – 192 p.: ill.

Lesson type: lesson in the formation of new knowledge, abilities, skills.

Form conducting a lesson: problem lesson.

Goals and objectives of the lesson.


    introduce the concept of pressure, expand and deepen knowledge on this topic,

    give students an idea of ​​the dependence of pressure on the force acting on a surface and the area of ​​this surface

    apply knowledge of pressure to problem solving.


    development of the ability to observe and put forward hypotheses when solving posed questions

    development logical thinking students, development of memory, attention, monologue speech, ability to reason, highlight the main thing, independently acquire knowledge, skills and apply them in practice,

    developing the ability to give objective self-assessment,

    teach to apply familiar formulas in changed conditions,

    broaden your horizons with information from the history of physics.


    fostering a respectful attitude towards classmates,

    formation of independence,

    developing students’ aesthetic taste, accuracy, attentiveness, creating success,

    nurturing interest in physics.


    interactive board,

    tables with tests,

    presentation "Pressure",

    "Pressure" test


    ditches with sand

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.


    Lesson topic: “Pressure. Pressure units"

    Defining Lesson Objectives

    Updating of reference knowledge

    Learning new material

    A minute of rest

    Reinforcing the material learned



    Summing up the lesson

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Mutual greetings between teacher and students, recording absences, checking students’ readiness for the lesson. Write down the number in your notebook.

I listen and forget.

I look and remember.

I do - I understand.

2. Motivation.

Guys, I brought this device (tonometer) to class.

What can I measure with it?(Pressure)

Pay attention to the screen, try to read the entire sentences.(children read)

On the slides:

    The patient's blood levels have increasedPRESSURE .

    AtmosphericPRESSURE falls sharply, precipitation is possible.

    The coach tried to provide psychologicalPRESSURE to the judge.

In all sentences the word is missing: -Pressure.

Often in life we ​​come across this word, only in different situations.

What do you understand this word to mean?

Related to the word pressure is the verb “to press.”

Read what this word means in explanatory dictionary Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. (children read ) “To oppress, to press, to oppress, to oppress, to reap, to squeeze, to press, to press, to squeeze, to squeeze, to oppress, to burden with weight, to press with force”

What does it mean from a physics point of view? (reap by force)

I think you have already guessed what the topic of our lesson is.


Right. Well done.

3. Lesson topic "Pressure. Pressure units"
4. Determining the objectives of the lesson.

So, the topic of the lesson is “Pressure of solids.”

This topic is new for you. We have seen that we often come across this word in life, but what would you like to know about this quantity? To summarize:

and so, today in the lesson we must (children read) get acquainted with the physical quantity - pressure; find out (goals are written on the slide).

5. Updating basic knowledge.

You have weights weighing 100 grams on your tables. Take them in your palm.

How do you feel?(Their action, heaviness, crush)

    Why is this happening?(The loads are affected by the force of gravity from the earth, which is directed downward.)

What force is acting on this load?(Gravity from the Earth)

What formula is used to find the force of gravity acting on a body?

( F = mg )

    What forces act on the load?(Gravity, elastic force)

What is strength?

(Force is a physical quantity that characterizes the action of one body on another)

What determines the result of a force?(From the point of application, from the module, from the direction.)

Does the result of the action of this force depend on which face we place this block on? (The block on the table is large. I show different positions of the block)(Yes, no, I don't know)

So, two points of view emerged.

6. Studying new material.

In physics, what can you use to check the truth of a statement?(Experience, experiment)

Let's test your opinions with experience.

Experience. On your desks there is a block and a box of sand. Lower the block first with the large edge, and then with the small edge. Look at the depth of the mark left by the block.

Does it dependresult of force on the support from the edge?(Yes.)

What addiction?(When we put it with the larger edge it dips a little, the mark is shallow. And when we put it with the narrow edge the mark is deep.)

The result of the force acting on the support is different depending on which face the body lies on the support.

The force acts on the entire area!

The force is distributed over the entire area .

And now the main thing:

The force per unit area is pressure .

Thus, from a physics point of view:

Pressure is a physical quantity that shows the force per unit area.

So, we got to know what pressure is.

It is denoted by the letterR .

What else do we need to know about blood pressure?(formula as modified)

Let's get the formula to calculate pressure using the following experiment. For this I need an assistant.

On my table I have a box of sand, a board with nails driven in and weights.

With the help of this equipment we will establish the relationship between pressure and force.(Assistant demonstrates)

(the greater the force, the greater the pressure)

For the second experience I invite those who wish:

Place the cube on maximum amount 16 nails, fix the depth of immersion. Then we place the cube on 8 nails, then on 4, then on 2. In each case, we fix the immersion depth.

What relationship did we observe?(the larger the area, the lower the immersion depth, i.e. pressure)


Now look at the screen, the pressure will be calculated using this formula.

So, guys, we have experimentally deduced a formula that is a physical law. Let's formulate this law in the language of physics. (children formulate the law)

Now let’s check the truth of the law we formulated by turning to the textbook on page 78.

Pressure is a quantity equal to the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to a surface to the area of ​​this surface.

Since pressure is a physical quantity, it has a unit of measurement. Let's define it.

How is strength measured?(H)

How is area measured?(m 2 )

Fine! Then what would be the unit of pressure?(N/m 2 )

Find in the textbook who introduced this unit and what is it called?(this unit is called Pascal, after the French scientist Blaise Pascal).

7. Minute of rest

8. Consolidation of the studied material.


We learned what pressure is, how it is calculated and what it is measured in, now I suggest you solve the problem.(Student at the blackboard)

What is the pressure exerted on the floor by a carpet weighing 2 N and having an area of ​​4 m 2 (Solving a problem at the blackboard by a student)

Task. What force does the tank exert on the surface if the area of ​​its tracks is 3 m? 2 , its pressure on the surface will be 15,000 Pa.

A man walks through deep snow.

What could you offer him? (skis)

For what purpose?(so as not to fall into the snow)

And in life you may encounter the following situation: a person has fallen through the ice. How can I help him without getting hurt myself?(offer him a rope, a ladder, a stick while moving on the ice while lying down)

You see, guys, knowing and applying this physical law, you can save a person’s life.

9. Homework : §33, exercise 12(1,2)

10. Reflection:

today I found out...

it was interesting…

it was difficult…

I completed tasks...

I realized that...

Now I can…

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned…

I managed …

I was able...

I will try…

I was surprised...

11. Summing up the lesson.

And the lesson ends with the words:

To the heights of knowledge!

There's a steep cliff beyond!

The roads are unfamiliar to eagles.

A man will pass only,

But before opening

Laws of nature and numbers.

The fate of seekers of truths is not easy,

But their shadow will reach the clouds of centuries.

Deputy Director _________________________________ /Petrova M.V./