On the forehead is written

We now turn to the consideration of the person himself - the "front of the man's head", as indicated in the dictionaries. Let's start on top and, consistently going down, consider all his features. So, we have forehead in turn.

For a long time and everywhere it is believed that the form and size of the forehead indicate a mental ability, although certain discrepancies have specific interpretations.

So, Aristotle wrote: "If people have big flashers, then they are slow, if they have wide foreheads, it is necessary to fear madness, the foreheads are rounded or convex testify to beoles."

Other physiognomic techniques are formulated somewhat differently, but if you think about it, there are no special contradictions here: the low forehead, outstanding, marks the mind, not inclined to generalizations and analysis; The forehead, ranked in width and height, is a comprehensive mind.

In predictory plan, this is often interpreted as follows: a high-headed person is often unpleasant in practical issues, while a low forehead person can succeed in any matters.

And here it is also not surprised. As life experience shows, an intellectual person immersed in his thoughts, by and large, does not inclined to pay serious attention to household trivia, and a person with a reasonable concrete, narrowed, easily copes with everyday problems. How not to remember the classic example: the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates had an unsurpassed intellect, but was not happy in everyday life and in his personal life, that is, in areas in which his less wise contemporaries easily succeeded!

Here are some more physiognomic observations relating to the forehead learned from the practice of different times and peoples.

High, smooth forehead - sign of giftedness.

High and convex forehead - a sign of true wisdom; After all, it is not for nothing about the sage say that "he is seven spans in the forehead."

Low forehead is a testimony of closures and frost. If such a forehead is also flat, we are dealing with tugodum.

The forehead is wide and convex in the corners - a rich fantasy, painful imagination.

The forehead in the form of the overturned pyramid testifies to the character of a petty, false, selfish, perhaps about the tendency to break.

The forehead is narrow and straight - straightforward, kindness.

Quantitarian forehead - generosity.

The forehead is unnaturally big - tacious.

The forehead is unnaturally convex - a sign of a vengeful nature.

The forehead is unnaturally wide - a sign of arrogance.

The forehead, hanging over the nose, testifies to good memory and taiga to new knowledge.

The forehead with baldness, especially early, is a sign of curiosity that will continue to deep old age. The owner of such a feature is waiting for a restless, but saturated life, with many takeoffs and falls.

According to Tibetan tradition, it is proposed to divide the forehead into two physiognomic zones. Its upper part, and the most extent - the area of \u200b\u200bthe roots of the hair, reflects the connection of a person with his parents. Uneven, with spots, the skin in this place indicates a cool relationship with them and, as a result, about anxious childhood. Dark strip (especially if it stretches through the entire forehead) - a sign of evil fate. Demanding leather - the sign of failure of all hopes and aspirations. If the forehead roots have a shridin (which, fortunately, is observed extremely rarely), we are dealing with a very disturbing sign.

In the center of the forehead is the so-called "Honor Zone". Bright, shiny skin on this site is a sign that a person will soon receive a promotion, a dark or dim tint - his official position is under threat.

Special attention in physiognomy as analytical and descriptive, at all times they have accepted wrinkles on the forehead. After all, we frown and in thought, and in anger, and in irritation, and in impatience, and in confusion, and in indecision, and in surprise, and in many other states and moods - we will not list everything. Naturally, the traces that remain on the forehead, that is, wrinkles can be analyzed and studied that many many centuries ago. It is impossible to deny the possibilities and prognostic value of such knowledge. So what do the wrinkles testify?

The forehead is smooth, without wrinkles - carelessness, cheerful character; The absence of wrinkles also testifies to indifference, human coldness.

The forehead with horizontal wrinkles, close to the eyebrows, is a deep mind.

The forehead with perpendicular wrinkles directed to the base of the nose is a deep mind.

The forehead with horizontal wrinkles, close to the hair, is pride, inner coldness.

The forehead with deep wrinkles in the form of folds is the mind mediocre, lazy.

Horizontal wrinkles, divergent in all directions across the entire width of the forehead, is a sign of eccentricity, originality of thinking and reactions. In addition, such wrinkles are peculiar to people prudent and good-natured. But keep in mind: if the long horizontal wrinkles are intermittent, composed of individual segments, this means the inability of their owner to complete the cases and a tendency to gossip.

The forehead with deep, zigzag wrinkles - failures in affairs.

The forehead with deep, broken wrinkles, diverging in all directions, is sharpness, failure, increasing.

Wrinkles forming small horizontal lines over the external edge of eyebrows - honesty and devotion.

Two angular wrinkles over eyebrows - a sign of increased anxiety.

Two angular wrinkles over eyebrows with more acute angles, and nearby are a few of the same wrinkles, less sizes, indicate the aggressiveness of the owner.

With a special care, the ancient-tempered system of "reading" wrinkles on the forehead was developed. It developed during the Middle Ages, and a lot later was adapted by European predictors and physiognomists. It is in this east-west version that we give a number of its basic provisions. First we will talk a little about transverse wrinkles.

A straight wrist in the center of the forehead is a sign of luck.

Several wavy wrinkles - a sign that you threaten danger from water; Bathing, do not swim far and do not go to sea travel.

Wrinkles going at an angle to the abnormal arcs - a sign of unhappy fate.

Wrinkles, going at an angle over the left eye, mean a tendency to violence.

A bundle of short wrinkles over the bridge makes it possible at first glance to determine that their owner is a sailor.

Cross wrinkles in the middle of the forehead - wake up the evil rock.

Wrinkles forming something like the letter "T" - we can go on the injuries of the head.

The wrinkle, curved like the letter "C", is to be afraid of poisoning.

The question of longitudinal wrinkles also did not remain in ancient Mongolia outside the consideration. And here were the conclusions, too, of course, adapted by European physiognomy.

The upper wrinkle on the forehead, located at the very edge of the hair, is called the wrinkle of Saturn. If it is bent in the form of a bow, then its owner is ambulance and seeks to leave a good memory about himself. His life proceeds exactly, old age will be calm and secured.

The winding shape of the wrinkle of Saturn testifies that its owner will seek fame with any means and achieve it, ensuring not only herself, but also its descendants for many years.

If the bridge of Saturn is deep and intermittent is a sign of irrepressible sexual temperament of a person. He often does not even know how much children he has. The old age of such a person is often overshadowed by a nervous disorder.

Learned the wrinkles of Saturn, the wrist of Jupiter runs. This is a line of beliefs, abstract concepts, general principles. Its smoothly curved form indicates that a person will not come out with his eyes even in trifles. The zigzag wrist of Jupiter, on the contrary, is a sign of great flexibility and impermanence: such a person is ready for a compromise in the most fundamental issues. However, it will always be able to justify themselves before himself. It is not surprising that the winner of Jupiter's zigzag wrinkle to old age keeps good health and is usually happy in life.

The only break in the center of the wrinkle of Jupiter is a sign of a huge spiritual power.

If there is no other on the forehead of the man, in addition to the wrinkle of Jupiter, and it is a completely straight line, the observer can easily recognize the traveler in it.

Next, the Marses are located - a sign of aggressive inclinations and will to victory. Continuous and well-durable wrist - a sign of undoubted winners; Intermittent evidence of some disadvantage of will. In the latter case, a person should not be involved in protracted conflicts: if the victory is not achieved right away, it is better to recognize their defeat and retreat.

Below the wrinkles of Mars should be the wrinkle of the Sun - a sign of careerism and official growth. If it is pronounced and continuous, its owner will reach high ranks. Intermittent and weakly-static wrist testifies that a person is not able to fully focus on his career and, therefore, foreshadows failures in motion on the service staircase.

Below is the wrist of Venus. This is a happy wrist: its owner knows how to take care of itself and in time to understand what is useful for him, and what is harmful. It acts in circumstances and does not build long-term plans; He is always ready to abandon the continuation of the case that went into a dead end, and support any enterprise that promises success. Therefore, Mongolian gadels call the wrinkle of Venus "The Sign of the Authority and God's England": its owners often reach life vertices and will be heard by lucky.

The option is particularly considered when in the middle of the forehead, in the field of Venus wrinkles, there are five equal over the length of wrinkles. This is a certificate of great mind, openness and principle. Moreover, these qualities are manifested in both family life and in the service. Such a person will live saturated, but most likely a short life, which is likely to be torn off by an accident.

Then, Mercury's wrist is followed, indicating susceptibility to disease and suffering. The one who has been pronounced brightly, usually takes care of their health and the health of their loved ones. The slightest indisposition can plunge it into panic and make extraordinary measures. Such a person is very sensitive to reports of human disasters and suffering; As a rule, it is not too happy in life and will not reach large heights.

Almost close to the abnormal arcs there is a moon's wrist. Her owner is looking for love and knows how to love. However, only the straight and deep wrist of the moon testifies to the depths of the senses; Weakly designated or intermittent - that feelings are shallow and changeable.

If a person over the eyebrows are located two equal deep wrinkles - it means that he is talented, diversified. The presence above the eyebrows of many small and fine wrinkles indicates a bad forecast regarding health.

So we reached, looking at the face, to the eyebrows. And this means that it is time to move to the next section. This text is a familiarization fragment.

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Everywhere it is believed that the form and height of the forehead indicates mental abilities. The forehead is low and fed, marks the weak races ...

Baldling from the forehead (especially early) speaks of curiosity that will continue to deep old age. The owner of such signs is waiting for a restless and disheartal life with a variety of takeoffs and falls.

Wrinkles on the forehead - signs of life worries. The more noticeable wrinkles, the greater the human items for concern. Their character can be determined by the ancient-Mongolian wrinkle reading system (however, this technique requires additional inspection and adaptation):

The highest, Saturn's star, located at the hair edge, suggests that the person is most concerned about the descendants think about him. If it is bent in the form of a bow, then its owner is ambulance and does everything to leave a good memory. His life is flat, old age is calm and messenger. The winding shape of this wrinkle indicates that its owner will achieve glory by any means and sets its descendants to the most favorable places. If it is deep and torn, then the owner is distinguished by irrepressible sexual temperament and often does not know how many descendants he has. However, he is very consformed that he cannot arrange their life and achieve their respect; It can be said that the children are his "sore theme". The sunset of his life is often accompanied by a nervous disorder.

The next down, the wrist of Jupiter, speaks of spiritual values \u200b\u200b(religious and political beliefs, abstract ideas, principles, etc.). The curved form indicates that a person values \u200b\u200bhis reputation and does not come in principles even in trifles. The winding form, on the contrary, testifies to the great flexibility of the principles and beliefs: such a person "does not go to the principles" only in words, but in fact it constantly moves away from them. However, it will always be able to justify themselves before himself. Such a person is distinguished by hard health and is usually happy in life.

If there is a break in the center of the wrinkle of Jupiter, then this indicates a huge spiritual power of man. One-single straight wrinkle of Jupiter (in the absence of other wrinkles) is characteristic of travelers.

In the middle of the forehead is Marsa's wrist - a sign of aggressive inclinations and will to victory. It is very good for military and athletes and is not too useful for representatives of other professions. Continuous and well-stricken wrist - the sign of the winners; Talked indicates a lack of will. In the latter case, a person should not get involved in protracted conflicts; If the victory is not achieved right away, it is better to recognize their position and retreat.

Below it should be the wrinkle of the sun - a sign of careerism and sinovation. A man endowed with such a wrinkle is always torn to the bosses and often reaches high ranks. The broken and weakly-parated wrist foreshadows failures in such enterprises, as it indicates that its owner cannot focus on his career.

Even below - the wrinkle of Venus. This is a happy wrist: its owner knows how to take care of itself and in time to understand what is useful for him, and what is harmful. It acts in circumstances and does not build long-term plans; He is always ready to abandon the continuation of the case that went into a dead end, and support any enterprise that promises success. Therefore, the Mongolian gadels call the wrinkle of Venus "the sign of power and Godbragurance": its owners often reach life vertices and hear "lucky".

Then, Mercury's wrist is followed, indicating susceptibility to disease and suffering. The one who has been pronounced brightly, usually takes care of their health and the health of their loved ones. The slightest indisposition can plunge it into panic and make extraordinary measures. Such a person is very sensitive to reports of human disasters and suffering; As a rule, it is not too happy in life and does not reach big heights.

At the very bottom, almost close to the abnormal arcs, the moon's wrist is located. Her owner is looking for love and knows how to love. However, only a straight and deep wringer testify to the depths of feelings; The wrinkle of a weakly designated yrazyman says that feelings are shallow and changeable.

If a person over the eyebrows are located two equal deep wrinkles - this suggests that he is talented, diversified. The presence above the eyebrows of many small and fine wrinkles indicates poor human health.

If there are five equal in the length of the forehead, it is indicated that this man is a big mind, open and principled, both at home and at work. It will live saturated, but most likely a short life that will be torn off by an accident.

Transverse wrinkles are interpreted as follows:

Direct in the center of the forehead - success;

Wavy - danger from; water:

Oblique on the forehead - unhappy fate;

Oblique over the left eye-rope to violence,

"Fountain" over the nose-discharge of the sailor;

Cross in the middle of his forehead - evil rock;

Letter T - Fuck injuries of the head;

Letter C - Fear and poisoning.

Three important physiognomic zones are located along the central axis of the forehead. The area of \u200b\u200bhair roots reflects the connection of a person with his parents. Uneven, poured novel spots the surface on this site indicates unloved parents and, perhaps, about anxious childhood. Dark strip (especially if it stretches through the entire forehead) - a sign of evil fate. Loading eternal leather - the sign of failure of all hopes and aspirations. The deepened portion near the roots of the hair is quite rare and is a sign of extremely unhappy fate.

In the center of the forehead - the so-called "place of honor". It indicates the prospects for obtaining and retention of official provisions, especially in the government. Rady, reddish yellow shade on this site is a very favorable coloring, a sign that a person or is good to get up, or will soon receive an increase. Dark or dull skin color on this site is a sign that its position is under threat.

The area between eyebrows above the bridge is the so-called "place of stamp". On him, judge whether a person is destined to achieve a high social situation and prosperity. A good sign is considered if this site is wide (at least three and a half centimeters), the meatist and is marked by deep vertical grooves, testifying to the vast life strength and will to power. Celers and distortions say that a person is hardly conceived; Smooth shiny leather - about the successes in family life and artistic dating. "The bump" (the raised area) in the "Plaque" indicates outstanding mental abilities. Defects of skin coloring talk about predisposition to diseases: bluish color - kidney disease, reddish - heart disease.

Moles on the forehead are definitely interpreted as a sign of wealth and success, and in women - a sign of fertility. It should also be added that the Kroner considers "happy" only moles in the right half of his forehead. Rodini in the left half, in his opinion, indicate that "Extravagan man, but is heard, it is most likely awaiting disappointment." It is also known that the Mountain in the "Place of Stamps" is a sign of chronic diseases.

An easy task to explain to the girl is a teenager that it is already necessary to take care of how to preserve the youth of the face. It is especially difficult to do when the peers in vain boasts overwhelmed with cosmetic bags was mined and died in mothers and grandmothers arsenal of cosmetics. Girlfriends are already sliced \u200b\u200bevery day, inflicting an inconceivable number of shadows and lippers on the gentle and young skin of the face, and as a result of wrinkles, adolescents appear as adult women.

Teenagers do not convince anything that their "combat coloring" looks vulgar. But if the harm from poor-quality cosmetics can be shown on the example of the "faded" lips, the authorities, pores in the form of the ages of the eaves, then explain that the people's youth depends not only on external factors, but also from the inner state of the body, much more difficult.

Wood cheeks, spots and rashes, rare eyelashes, dull look, bags and bruises under the eyes, wrinkles, second chin and much more impartial sight - the result of the wrong and late care of their health. Therefore, without deepening in the debris of the human anatomy and the functional activity of the entire body, in conversations with adolescents it is necessary to allocate the main aspects of the concept of "face care" and convey them to our children at an early stage of their mature.

Hygiene teenager

It lies in the elementary daily washness of the face with conventional water and with detergent, and when the eases appears - wiping with special means. Not bad after the adoption of the bathroom, sparkled skin to clean the soft scrub, while without stretching it.

Balanced diet

This topic is filled with this topic. A special impression produces visual benefits in the form of photos of people suffering from obesity, anorexia or various types of allergies. Cereals, fruits and vegetables must be present in the daily diet necessarily.

Mode - Mandatory alternation and distribution of mental and physical exertion and recreation. Muscles should always be in a tone. Sleep - necessarily at least 8 hours - the body is obliged to "reboot".

And, of course, it is necessary to survive the period of puberty, when the hormones begin their active work and their entire activity is displayed on the face, therefore it is important to maintain a good mood and do not fall into the despondency, because the facial wrinkles in adolescent are forever distort her face.

All aspects to cover in one conversation with a teenager is impossible. It should be brief unobtrusive conversations on the topic of injuries (about the need to shy away from possible injuries of the head and face), and on the topic of the defeat with helminths (about the dangers of habits, nails, lick the fingers, there are unwashed hands and fruits, which then "pours" Person in the form of acne), and many other topics. But you still need to be ready for teenage objections, to their denials by virtue of age. Therefore, before proceeding to conversations about the hygiene of the face, it is necessary to stock up the arsenal of unshakable axioms and non-light patience.

Parents of boys - adolescents are often mistakenly believe that there is no need to pay attention to the hygiene of the face of their Chad. But when the problem comes out in the literal sense, "outward" often happens to fix something problematic. And not because the procedures for cleaning the face in the cosmetology office are not seeking, and because they did not have time to instill a culture of facial care.

The boys begin to shy their appearance, suffer from lost attention from the opposite sex, closes in themselves, and uncertainty pulls themselves much more seriously in the future. If the wrinkles in adolescent boys do not cause any problems, then acne is a real problem. Although it is necessary to fight with all negative manifestations. Therefore, it is impossible not to take into account this line of education of the younger generation.

Moles on the head. Spot of wisdom

  • Devil label or gift from God?
  • The meaning of moles on the head

If the tooth of wisdom for a modern man has become a useless body in which he does not need, what can I say about the mole on my head? Pretty much the same. The birthmark on the head is defenseless, even if nature hid it in the thick hair of the owner. There is always a risk of involvement, even the usual comb can be an enemy number one. Nevertheless, Moles continue to appear on gray heads, on the population of adolescents, and even scare mothers of newborns.

Dermatologists do not advise the surgical removal of head birthplace spots. They argue that the stain on any part of the body is a coping of melanocyte - cells overcrowded by pigment. In astrologers about non-unfortunate opinions.

Devil label or gift from God?

A man with a mole on his head can not have a mediocre burden for knowledge - gaining new knowledge for him the need. He is cut off from the material. Often between the person and his surroundings gone the abyss of misunderstanding and non-recognition. As in that poem, "Some will say, a loser, and others will say - genius." The owner of the breeding spot on the head goes through the way and the other.

As for large dark birthplace spots, especially on the theme, several points of view were formed. On the one hand, the big mole on the head is exalted to a special mark of a talented and expressive discoverer, the thinker "from God". For example, Gorbachev, President of the USSR also wore such a mole. But at the same time, it is considered a powerful mystical sign that chaos carries, evil, discord and war.

In any case, the Mountain on the Dathmea is not just like that. The man is endowed with special energy and abilities, but he himself decides whether they will work for the benefit of mankind or satisfying his selfish aspirations.

What if the speech looks rather a dark point, and was noticed by chance? It means that his influence on the fate and character of a person is not so significant. If you know for sure that you have no moles on your head or a loved one, but over the years she appeared and its growth progresses, this indicates a life hardened, acquiring inaccessible knowledge, receiving special life experience.

If the spot is a light and correct form, according to astrologers, it "calls" the owner of creative thoughts and ideas. Specifies the positive warehouse of thinking. A special and rare sign is a birthmark in the form of numbers or letters. Such "tags" occur infrequently and cause a mystical horror, although their importance varies within a wide range.

Is it hiding whether the mole is hiding under the chapel of the owner or is it located so that everyone is noticeable? It is believed that a stain that is not visible, gives a person with positive characteristics, which cannot be said about Nesus at the base of the neck, on the temple, on the forehead. Some sources talk about it as the insactivity of the carrier of the mole, his inclination to subordination, the inability to dispose of time, property, etc.

The meaning of moles on the head

Mountain on the head is in close proximity to the brain. Therefore, from a medical point of view, the need to control it is indisputable. From the point of view of Moleosophy, this is an obvious symbolism of outstanding thinking abilities. However, the location of the Molenia deserves paramount attention. It does not always determine the mole as a positive sign.

Temple zone

If a man has a mole on a temple, he is able to see and feel beautiful. It will not necessarily create it, but sensitivity to the aesthetic space will allow him to lead ensembles, creative circles, groups. Decorating the things around him is normal. Talented and creative Florists women, sentimental and sensitive men are owners of moles on the temple.

Some attribute to them mystical significance and advise hiding from human eyes. As far as the truth is, it is unknown.

A favorable sign is a birthmark located on a "successful" temple. The man is the right temple, the woman is left.


The birthmark on the back of the head is usually hidden from the eyes, even if his owner prefers shave his head naked. This is about many things. Most likely, you have a deep and interesting person, which prefers to keep his personal life outside of universal review.

With such people it is difficult to communicate, because they do not disclose completely in communication. Their insincerity is a professional habit. You will feel the alienation of a person, will see his polite indifference, followed by an active mental process right at this moment. You suspect it, but you can't catch a person. As a result, you fill your dialogue with high-level sauce, and prefer to avoid a person.

It is not easy for owners of the birthplace spots on the back of the back. They wise, they have something to say, they even love to speak, like all philosophers. But not with anyone. You also need to have a mole on the back of the head to evaluate the living, continuous thinking of this person.

The lower from the tempa, there is a mole, the more her owner. He really has something to hide. Mountain on the left on the head of a woman speaks of the treasures, on the right on the head of the man - about non-resident actions. But it is no more than the assumptions of astrologers, therefore it is not worth it to give them an axiomatic status.


Mountain on the theme is a special mark. Her mysterious owner will avoid people, but knows more about them than themselves. Often, with the parent stain in the field of the pavement, the person appears extrasensory abilities. The theme is a powerful energy point, and the nature label on it turned out to be no accident. The trouble is that many are exchanged for everyday thoughts and actions, without trying to take advantage of their potential, which languishes from idleness.

Front of the head

The birthmark on the head in front of the head of a bold figure, custodia and the "Soul of the Company". This charismatic person has a strong will. Maybe without much effort to concentrate on the workflow, leaving entertainment. Take yourself in hand and take a step towards meet. Or forward. Especially forward - the owner of the mole on the head seeks success in his career and in any case for which it takes. This merit is not fortune, but its real enthusiasm to the process of achieving the goal.

Mountain on his forehead happens in a captivating girl with languid manners. For men, this is a sign of weak will and character.

The meaning of the mole on the head is not a call to its removal. The birthmark is not so dangerous as the convex mole. The main thing is to always remember it and hygienic procedures are delicately and carefully. There are many energy points on the head, so the moles have a strong energy. Use it for good or to harm - a personal choice of each.

The first zone in the Chinese art of reading person is considered to be the celestial region. It reflects the intellect of man, his ability to logical thinking as a divine gift. How does an individual redeems this gift - this will determine his further fate.

The second zone is the human region. Here life leaves his traces, that is, interpreters can see that a person acquired as a result of the upbringing and experience, which morality hesitated.

The third zone is the earthly region. It reflects the intuition acquired as a result of experience. For these zones, you can get information for different periods of life: the Heavenly region represents 30 years, the human region is the period between 30 and 60 and the Earth region - the last phase of life.

After 30 years, as a rule, first wrinkles appear. They are also important signs. For example, in Chinese interpretation, two or three horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are indicators of happiness. The only wrinkle, located quite high, indicates a habit of mental work. The fold below is interpreted as a sign of limited mental activity.

But even more important than the overall balance of these zones. They can be smooth and smooth or well-pronounced and convex. The ideal form of the forehead speak in the event that it is even, evenly convex in all three zones, as well as high and wide. Such a forehead testifies to the excellent condition of the body and spirit, and this is already a considerable capital.

Along with individual forehead forms, the most characteristic forms of hair growth lines are presented below, since this line affects the form of the forehead. Xiang Min points to an infinite number of hair growth lines. Let us dwell on the most common options.

Broad forehead

Wide forehead indicates a high intelligence. A person who possess them can calmly open the forehead. His sharp mind is always ready to answer a challenge.

People with a wide forehead have ideals, they tend to have spiritual capital. These are fighters for their own and other people's rights. They know how to light up to any new situation. If you need to get to the truth, they develop wild energy, are not afraid of failure. However, even in the heat of Azart, they do not forget about good manners who were trained.

Wide forehead with a low hair growth line is worthy of special study. In this case, before us theorist, which only in exceptional cases is able to use its knowledge for practical purposes. In extreme situations, this person can be confused and will look lazy, inenergistic and even stupid. Sometimes such people have no idea of \u200b\u200bjustice.

The family becomes a yoke for them, as it requires spiritual and financial support. Unjust, as it seems to them, requirements often make them embittered. Maybe the reason for this lies in the impassableness of a similar personality, the negative impression of which is enhanced by the painful distrust inherent in this type of persons.

Even worse when the low-positioned hair growth line is combined with a wide, but low forehead. Then, insensitiveness and greed are often added to the already mentioned negative features.

However, do not think that a sad fate is designed to each person with a low-lying line of hair growth. Among them are many people who are practical. Possessing congenital skill in the craft, they can win lasting position in life.

Narrow forehead

According to Xiang Min, this form of the forehead indicates extremely unfavorable features. The narrow forehead indicates limitations and pessimism. It seems that the trend towards chaos in thoughts and emotions is laid in this stupid man from the cradle.

It is not able to logically think, therefore performs inappropriate actions. Such people, of course, themselves suffer from their nature. The position changes dramatically if there is a highly located hair growth line with a narrowing left. In this case, the person has an intelligence that is hidden under the ovoid shape of the skull. Such people in life are helping humor and charm.

Such a forehead in the most favorable case has a highly located hair growth line. It seems smooth and well-molded. Looking at a person with such a forehead, it is usually possible to conclude about its high intelligence, the ability to carefully analyze and decisively act. At this forehead of the thinker often hides an outstanding mind. Such form of forehead can be observed among science figures.

People with such a forehead, as a rule, make a decision only after mature reflection. Their ability to ignore secondary things allows them to almost always take the only right decision. People with a high forehead sometimes seem to be extremely counseled, but they differ responsiveness and great tolerance towards their loved ones.

Low forehead indicates huge years of childhood and youth. For these people, it is important to realize as early as possible that they should not count on someone else's help. They, as a rule, conservative and blindly adhere to traditions. Therefore, it is difficult for gak to take a new one. People with such forehead avoid talking about their feelings, so very often they inform them in writing. The positive qualities of this type of personality can be considered unattoping and the ability to choose the best of the specified conditions, taking into account their capabilities. The feeling of reality eliminates them from deep disappointments.

Flat or concave forehead

People with a flat forehead with difficulty make decisions. But these slowness, nevertheless, tend to get involved in an independent business, which carries a high degree of risk. They are poorly launched with the bosses. Their constant struggle for their rights and inclination in all interfere often turn them into single wrestlers.

In addition, people with a flat or concave forehead have very unstable ideas about morality. These negative qualities do not allow to consider the piercing of particularly worthy of love.

Gifted creative fantasy, they often embody their ideas in practice. In this case, success them is provided.

Loaded or round forehead

Chinese interpreters consider a smooth or rounded forehead with the most favorable form. People with such forehead distinguish clear thinking, mind and ability to decide. They possess special talent always to be at the right time in the right place. This is a fairly flexible character who can adapt, without wasteing itself to unacceptable compromises. However, these people can be blinded by their own magnificence, which gives them some subtleship.

Both in personal life, and in work, they should not silently demolish failures. They can be confident in supporting friends and loved ones.

Due to the flexibility of character, they are open to all new, so success is guaranteed. Another barcode - these people do not tend to rest on the laurels.

Arched shape of hair growth line on the forehead

The hair growth line in the form of the arch allows you to make a conclusion about a combination of excellent qualities. A characteristic feature of such a person is a focus exclusively on the economy. Thanks to its analytical abilities and solid morals, he often occupies a guiding station in the field of economics. People with a hair growth line in the form of the arch often enjoy glory (sometimes bad). Basically, they achieve success. However, usually indifferent to it or at least make such a species as they seek to pick up new ideas. Their calm character allows them to show respect and goodwill to close and subordinate.

This applies to both men and women. Women with such a form of forehead can also be found in senior positions. They also see the disclosure of professional independence.

V-shaped hair growth line on the forehead

Loyalty to traditions, dexterity, instinct, due to heredity dominates in the nature of a person's V-shaped hair growth line. Thanks to the tradition of this upbringing, they easily fit into the hierarchical structure of society, which allows them to achieve authority in some areas of life and profession.

A person with such character is able to easily dilute money because he is inconsistent and deals with several things at once.

Women with such a form of forehead are the hardest way to bring their goals and feelings to harmony. Maybe therefore they are almost always conflicted at work. Without a doubt, men and women have great eroticism and sensuality. Passion fluids from them are forced to assume certain qualities in this regard.

Men with a V-shaped hair growth line are often somewhat coquettes, which does not in any way reduce their inner masculinity.

According to Xiang Min, the first two years of the married life for women of this type can leak like a horror movie. They are raised in traditional style, but the role of his wife does not satisfy them when it comes to the matter. If this period is overcome without serious mental losses, then the relationship becomes especially strong.

M-shaped hair growth line on the forehead

In senior positions, people with such a form of forehead are found in extremely rare cases. They implement their abilities, as a rule, in creativity. If these people make a career in art, becoming actors, sculptors or writers, then they are obliged to be a success of a sharp mind and a tendency to philosophy.

In addition, their sensual, gentle and soft character makes them great lovers.

Three-line hair growth line on forehead

This shape of the hair growth line is not very common. It may be for the better, as Chinese interpreters attribute adverse predictions to the owners of such an forehead. People with a three-time hair growth line are needed great efforts and iron disciplines in relation to themselves to achieve at least satisfactory success. There is also a chance of a deterioration in health after 30 years due to the need to earn a living by severe physical labor.

Rectangular shape of hair growth line on the forehead

A similar line of hair growth is found primarily in men, women are extremely rare.

This nature is characteristic of reliability and foundation, as well as a large attachment to his family.

At work, he instinctively prefers to punctually perform instructions. By nature, the performer, he rarely makes a career. If this happens against the expectation, then in the soul he is always waiting for promotion. For such people, it is very important to see the recognition of their merit, otherwise their energy easily turns into depression. People with a rectangular shape of the hair growth line should be heard to the old Chinese Council: change its hairstyle - and then fate will change for the better.

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