Time travel has been a long-time dream of many people. Unfortunately, modern science has not yet reached this point. Or did you still get there? In this material you will find stories and testimonies of people who claim to have already traveled through time. And they don’t just claim, they show evidence.

Andrew Karlsin.
In 2002, the world was shocked by the news of the arrest of an unusual stock fraudster, Andrew Carlsin. In just two weeks, he made 126 successful trades and increased his fortune from an initial $800 to an unimaginable $350 million. Naturally, such a dizzying success could not but interest the US Securities Market Commission, and then the FBI.

Andrew Carlsin was arrested and charged with criminal conspiracy with managers of companies trading shares and receiving insider information. It is a logical assumption that without accurate knowledge of how stock quotes will fluctuate, it is impossible to carry out transactions so successfully. However, the accused himself completely denied the existence of a conspiracy. According to him, he arrived from the future - from 2256 and already owned all the information about the state of the market.

Hakan Nordqvist.
The time travel of an ordinary Swede named Hakan Nordqvist began extremely routinely and even boringly. One day, when Hakan came home from work, he discovered that the entire floor in the kitchen of his house was flooded with water. Naturally, he immediately took out a tool and reached into the cabinet under the sink to fix the leak. Then, according to the traveler himself, something amazing began. The closet around him began to dissolve, as it were, turning into a kind of tunnel, at the end of which light began to dawn.

Realizing that he had no other options, the Swede crawled towards the light. He crawled out in the same place: from under a cabinet in his own kitchen, only 36 years later. At the same time, I even met my 72-year-old self. Contrary to all Hollywood templates, no break in the time continuum occurred. On the contrary, Hakan even managed to film his current self and his future self together. And to be convincing, they showed identical tattoos in the same place.

The people who foresaw the Bombing of Hamburg.
An extremely mysterious and very unusual story happened in 1932 with two employees of a German newspaper. Reporter J. Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt, on assignment from the editors, went to the Hamburg shipyard to conduct several interviews for their new article. When the work was done and the journalists were about to leave, they suddenly heard the roar of aircraft engines. And looking up, we saw the sky literally filled with military aircraft. The most severe bombing began. Brand managed to take several photographs before they managed to leave the area.

Imagine their surprise when, after developing the film, they did not find any traces of an airstrike on it. The editor accused the guys of drunkenness and refused to publish their article. After this story, Hutton quit and moved to London. It was there, in 1943, that he was surprised to find an article in the local newspaper about how the Royal Air Force had carried out a series of bombings of Hamburg. Under the article were photographs of the shipyard, which looked exactly as he and Brandt had seen it 11 years earlier.

Alfred Bilek.
On October 28, 1943, the so-called “Philadelphia Experiment” was allegedly carried out, during which the destroyer Eldridge with a crew of 181 people allegedly disappeared and then instantly appeared in another place tens of kilometers away. Presumably - because the US Navy still officially denies the very fact of conducting this experiment. But there are quite a few rumors about him. It is believed that the entire crew of the destroyer was killed then, except for one person - Alfred Bilek. It was he who said that during the Philadelphia experiment in 1943 and the Montauk experiment in 1949, he managed to visit the future. Alfred claims that the organizers of these experiments then erased his memory, but over time it returns.

Bilek stated that he lived for six weeks in 2137 and another two years in the distant future - from 2749 to 2751. While in 2137, he was surprised to discover that only 300 million people lived on Earth at that time. When asked where the rest of the billions went, they couldn’t answer him exactly. They only said that there was a third world war, during which the Earth was engulfed by disease, famine and the collapse of states. In addition, then there was an invasion of cannibal aliens who fed on human flesh. Fortunately, the invasion was repelled. In the 28th century, according to Bilek, the world has changed even more, the very appearance of man has changed, people have become more graceful. Wars are a thing of the past; there was no army or police on Earth. The attitude towards religion has changed significantly. It existed, but in a completely different form and a different understanding. People built huge flying cities with houses of 2000 floors.

Father Pellegrino Ernetti.
Benedictine monk Father Pellegrino Ernetti is famous for claiming to have photographed Jesus Christ himself. According to him, he, together with Nobel Prize winner in physics Enrico Fermi and German scientist Wernher von Braun, invented the “chronovisor” - a device that could be tuned to events from the past. Ernetti claimed that he was able to personally witness the last supper and crucifixion of Christ, as well as Napoleon and Cicero.

The team later admitted that they had to destroy the device out of fear that it might have fallen into the wrong hands. When time travelers were criticized, Ernetti presented as evidence a photograph of Christ on the cross, allegedly taken by him using a chronovisor. After the similarity of the provided photograph with the work of Cullo-Valera was noticed, Ernetti had to admit that the photograph was a fake. However, Ernetti continued to insist that the chronovisor was actually built.

Andrew Basiago.
In 2004, a Seattle lawyer named Andrew Basiago publicly stated that, from the ages of 7 to 12, he was a participant in a secret US government program that dealt with issues of teleportation and time travel. These works were the basis on which the Montauk and Philadelphia experiments were subsequently carried out. Although Basiago claims to have tested eight different time travel technologies, most of the time travel was based on technical documents allegedly found in the apartment of the genius mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla after his death in January 1943.

The traveler claims that he went to Ford's Theater five or six times on the night of President Lincoln's assassination. Moreover, each subsequent time he invariably met all his previous “copies” at this time. And each time it influenced the subsequent course of history.

Unknown from the opening of the South Fork Bridge.
Perhaps one of the most famous public time travelers. Despite the fact that neither the name nor the identity of this person could be established. But a photograph of him, among other guests, attending the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas spread all over the world. The photo shows a group of people watching the opening of this picturesque bridge. But one of them clearly stands out from the crowd with its unusual appearance. He looks too modern, no one dressed like that back then. He is taller than average, wearing modern sunglasses, a university T-shirt, a modern sweater, and a camera that is shaped more like a modern one than a 1940 model. Of course, this and other photographs depicting this person were subjected to careful verification and analysis. Experts said they found no signs of photomontage on them.

According to popular legend, in 1943 the US Navy conducted secret experiments based at the Port of Philadelphia designed to put Einstein's unified field theory into practice. While conspiracy theorists debate the authenticity of the Philadelphia Experiment, one of its alleged participants, Alfred Bilek, claims that the real purpose of the Philadelphia Experiment was time travel.

In 1990, Bilek reported that he traveled to two time periods in the future, only to return to the present and tell people his story. This statement marked the beginning of a series of fantastic revelations by time traveler Alfred Bilek.

An unusual child

An unusual child, as Bilek calls himself, was born in 1927 into an ordinary family. He claims that the memory first came to him during a Christmas party when he was only nine months old. That day he discovered that he could fully understand the conversations of the adults who were talking next to him. As Alfred grew older, he became known as a “walking encyclopedia,” which allowed him to establish himself well among his peers.

Navy service

During World War II, Bilek joined the Navy to contribute to the fight against the Nazi regime. During this period he made his first time travel. According to Bilek himself, he was a simple naval officer who served aboard the destroyer USS Eldridge in 1943.

Jump to 2137

In subsequent years, the USS Eldridge became famous for allegedly being the secret site for the Philadelphia experiment. On August 13, 1943, Bilek and his brother witnessed some strange events on board the destroyer. They tried to hide in a safe place and unexpectedly found themselves in 2137.

Stay in a futuristic hospital

According to Bilek, in 2137 he was treated for radiation damage using modern high-tech procedures based on vibration and lighting. The patients' entertainment consisted of watching exclusively educational and news programs - the only choice of programs on television throughout the world.

Planet Earth has changed a lot

When Bilek traveled to the year 2137, he discovered that planet Earth had undergone major geographic changes. In particular, he noted that the coastlines of all continents have changed dramatically. Florida disappeared, except in the Panhandle. The Great Lakes became one Great Lake, and Atlanta was three miles from the Atlantic Ocean.

The United States and Canada are destroyed

In 2137, the infrastructure of Canada and the United States of America was completely destroyed. The central government has lost its power and is a thing of the past. Martial law was imposed on the ruins of the former Canada and the United States.

Population decline

According to Bilek, the United States and Europe have come together to confront the joint Sino-Russian threat.

Billions of people have died as a result of hostilities between opposing blocs. The total world population after the conflict was only 300 million.

Journey to 2749

From 2137, Bilek was sent to 2749, where he stayed for two years before being redirected back to 2137 so he could pick up his brother. In 2749, the world adapted technology to create mobile, floating cities. Government does not exist under any species; A “Synthetic Intelligent Computer System” has been launched, which operates using telepathy.

No wars in 2749

Bilek stated that there were no wars in 2749 because, according to him, they were practically impossible. There were no soldiers, no military, no navy, no air force, and no other branches of the military capable of conducting military operations. For this reason, any conflict between countries was inappropriate.

The triumph of socialism

In 2749, no one needed money because there was no need for it. Each person had his own so-called “loans”, which allowed him to buy whatever he wanted at any time.

Return to the past

So Bilek is sent back from 2749 to 2137 to retrieve his brother. From there, the brothers are transported to 1984, where they are convinced to return to their original time (1943) and stop the experiment in Philadelphia so that it never happens again. The two men went back in time and did their job.

Montauk Project

After his time in the Navy, Bilek received an education in electronics. He soon learned that the American military was actively involved in various experiments related to the development of modern technology and the study of the capabilities of the human psyche. Soon the time traveler was recruited into the Montauk Project.

There are several assumptions regarding the goals of this project. Some believe that the project was aimed at creating psychological weapons, as well as exploring the possibilities of teleportation.

Secret work

Although Bilek worked in California, his importance to the Montauk project was so great that he was given access to a top-secret high-speed train network. This allowed him to work full time during his regular working hours, and then at night to carry out a secret government assignment in Montauk. When the "time tunnel" was perfected, a man could simply teleport from one city to another.

Program Director Position

During the 1970s, Bilek was the director of a program for psychics who worked in Montauk. In this position, he exercised control over the project and had a significant influence on its development. Bilek also went on work trips several times.

Journey to Mars

Bilek traveled to Mars several times. He also has memories of trips to the research station in 100,000 BC. e. and to other planets in order to fill the canisters with light and dark energy.

Bilek's revelations

After Bilek publicly spoke about his unusual adventures, the United States government completely denied the information he provided, but did not prevent the time traveler from communicating with journalists. The reason for this is that it was obvious to most that Alfred Bilek had mental problems, so he was treated with leniency. However, there were people who believed his stories.

Film "The Philadelphia Experiment"

Bilek's stories of mysterious experiments and time travel inspired the film The Philadelphia Experiment, which was released in 1984. The plot centers on the story of several sailors who, while serving aboard the destroyer USS Eldridge, travel back in time.

Admittedly, Bilek's story is significantly different from what was shown in the film, but its very creation suggests that not everyone considers Bilek to be a sick man with a rich imagination.

Death of Bilek

Alfred Bilek died on October 10, 2011 in Guadalajara, Mexico. At the time of his death he was 84 years old. The famous time traveler was buried in a local cemetery in Guadalajara. He has always maintained that his true identity is that of Edward Cameron, the son of a naval officer. Whether this is true or not is not for us to judge. One thing can be said with complete confidence - the life of Alfred Bilek will forever remain a mystery to history.

Former US military man Alfred Bielek, who claims to have been one of the participants in the secret Philadelphia experiment in 1943 and the Montauk experiment in 1949, said that he had the opportunity to time travel to the future. According to Alfred, the organizers of the experiments erased his memory at one time, but over time it returned, albeit partially, writes Paranormics.

The American stated that he lived for six weeks in 2137 and spent two years in the future - from 2749 to 2751. According to him, once in 2137, he ended up in the hospital, where he watched TV. “Televisions at that time were not very different from modern ones. They were attached to the ceiling, you could control the viewing angle and height of the TV above the floor, as well as move it closer to you. The sound came from speakers or headphones, as desired,” describes He.

Alfred noticed that the programs on TV were mainly related to news, history and geography. He doesn't remember there being soap operas as we know them today; they mostly showed educational programs, and there were no entertainment channels.

According to the ex-military, in the future the level of the World Ocean will rise significantly, which will greatly change the shape of the continents. The coastlines of all countries will disappear under water, as will the coastal cities. Some cities will become not a place to live, but a kind of museum. Many lakes will merge into one lake.

Along with these changes, American infrastructure will collapse, and the world will establish something resembling a provisional military government. "Computers were very popular. The banking system had changed a lot. There was still money, but it was very different. Banks no longer had as much power as they do now," Alfred said.

While in 2137, Al learned that at that time there were only 300 million people living on Earth. What happened to those billions of people who live on the planet today, he never received an exact answer. He was only informed that the third world war had occurred between Russia and China on the one hand, and the USA and Europe on the other. Then the Earth was engulfed by disease, famine, the collapse of governments and financial systems, and an invasion of cannibal aliens who enjoyed human flesh. As a result, the aliens were still destroyed.

The American does not remember how he then ended up in 2749. He saw there a very technologically advanced civilization with “weightless cities”, with houses of 2100-2200 floors. At that time, people had already surpassed the barriers of gravity and could build some kind of “anti-gravity platforms”. In such houses these platforms were inserted at certain intervals, and thus cities were built. The city could move from one part of the Earth to another.

Each city was controlled by an "absolute synthetic computer system." It was very radioactive, in crystal form. All individual synthetic minds were connected to others. It was like the World Wide Web. “When I was called for an interview with this synthetic intelligence, I had to put on a protective suit from radiation. The crystal itself was floating in the middle of the room. I was interviewed telepathically, I was called in for more than one interview,” recalls a participant in secret experiments.

According to him, the structure of society at that time was 100 percent socialism. “Everything was free, there were no banks, there was no money. Children could be raised by their parents or the state. All people had to study, receive specialties and fulfill certain roles in society,” says Al.

“There were no wars, wars are a thing of the past. There was no army, there was no police, no navy, no air force. There was no answer regarding the satellite system. When asked about protection from a potential invasion from the outside, the mind answered that there are defense systems every single city, but he’s not supposed to know about them,” says the ex-soldier.

In terms of appearance, the human appearance has changed a lot, in the sense that it has become more graceful. But there is also less variation in the appearance itself. Where Al was, there were only white people. Perhaps there were people of other races in other cities.

According to Alfred, in the 28th century religion no longer existed. People believed in a Supreme living being, but they thought about him differently than today's religions. "This God cannot be reached or known, his level of consciousness surpasses all living beings. They believe that the Divine experiences the material world through us, that is, there is a connection of relationship. Being beyond the physical world, God maintains contact with the physical world through us. This is their worldview,” he says.

Let us recall that the “Philadelphia Experiment” was allegedly conducted at a US naval base on October 28, 1943. During the experiment, the destroyer Eldridge with a crew of 181 people allegedly disappeared and then instantly moved several tens of kilometers in space. Officially, the US Navy denies the experiment, but rumors about it are widespread.

Former American military man Al Bilek, who claims to have taken part in the famous Philadelphia experiment, spoke about his travel in time. According to him, before returning to modern reality, he lived for six weeks in 2137 and another two years in 2749. In the near future, humanity will face radical changes, in all spheres of life - from new medical technologies to the general geopolitical structure.

The time travel did not pass without a trace for Bilek: in 2137 he ended up in a hospital, where he was undergoing treatment for powerful radiation exposure, paranormics.com quotes the story of the ex-military. However, the therapy was quite successful - new vibration and light technologies were used for this. Bilek allegedly learned about everything that happened on the planet over 100 years from news and educational television programs broadcast in the hospital.

The beginning of all changes in the world order was made in the first years of the 21st century, in the period until 2025, says Bilek. There are two reasons for these changes - global warming and contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. In particular, according to the ex-military, in 2137 the level of the World Ocean will rise significantly, which will change the outlines of the continents, causing a reduction in the Earth's population (up to 300 million people) and the mixing of peoples. The American infrastructure will collapse by then, Bilek is sure, and something resembling a provisional military government will be established in the world.

These events will be preceded by contact with aliens and war - between the USA and Europe on the one hand and Russia and China on the other. According to Bilek, the American government collaborated with alien civilizations from 1954 to 2000: it was with the help of aliens that it allegedly managed to establish a new world order and achieve success in the field of technology and engineering. However, all the achievements of American civilization will be destroyed by a war, the exact start date of which Bilek could not predict.

After this, the former military man allegedly ended up in the year 2749 - by this time, the world disorder will disappear, and people will live in prosperity and under socialism in the traditional sense of the word. Every person, Bilek claims, will have everything necessary for life. Countries will not need governments; the entire world order will be monitored by an accurate and independent computer system. Among the achievements of the future that Bilek spoke about are huge floating cities drifting in the oceans.

Proponents of the reality theory of the Philadelphia Experiment claim that in 1943, the American destroyer Eldridge, along with a crew of 181 people, instantly moved several tens of kilometers in space. Many believe that the experiment was organized by the US Navy to study the possibilities of teleportation using powerful electromagnetic fields. However, most of the destroyer crew members who have survived to this day call the experiment a simple invention.

Former military man and participant in the Philadelphia Experiment, Al Bilek, claims to have visited the years 2137 and 2749.

Former American military man Al Bilek, who claims to have taken part in the famous Philadelphia Experiment, told the world about his time travel. He said that before returning to modern reality, he spent six weeks in 2137 and another two years in 2749. According to him, in the near future, humanity will face radical changes in all spheres of life: from medicine to geopolitics.

Alfred Bilek stated that as a result of time travel he ended up in 2137. There he ended up in a hospital, where he was treated for powerful radiation exposure. The man was able to recover thanks to therapy that included new vibration and light technologies. By that time, humanity had allegedly abandoned traditional medicine due to its ineffectiveness.

The military man claims that all this time news and educational programs were shown on TV in the hospital, from where he learned about what happened on the planet over 100 years, writes the Morning RU publication, citing foreign sources.

According to Bilek, the first changes in the world order began already in the period before 2025. This happened due to global warming and contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. So, in 2137, there was a significant increase in the level of the World Ocean, which changed the shape of the continents. The population of the Earth has also decreased to 300 million people, and the peoples inhabiting our planet have mixed with each other. By that time, the American infrastructure will collapse, and a regime resembling a provisional military government will be established in the world.

These events will be preceded by contact with aliens, as well as war between the United States and Europe, and between Russia and China.

At the same time, the American government, according to Bilek, collaborated with aliens in the period from 1954 to 2000, thanks to which they allegedly managed to achieve great success in the field of technology and establish a new world order. Then there will be a war that will destroy all their achievements. However, Bilek could not name the start date.

After this, the former military man was transported to the year 2749. By that time, according to his statements, world disorder will disappear on Earth, and people will live in a society of socialism in the traditional sense of the word. Each person, according to the time traveler, will receive everything they need and will be able to develop as they wish. At the same time, the entire world structure will be monitored by a giant crystalline floating structure with artificial intelligence, with which you can communicate telepathically.

At the same time, among the achievements of the future, Bilek noted soil supports and huge floating cities drifting in the oceans.

Bilek stated that in 2749 his memory was erased. He really didn't remember anything until his memory came back to him over time.

Recall that the Philadelphia Experiment is known as a secret project of the US Navy, conducted on October 28, 1943. During it, the naval destroyer DE 173 Eldridge with 181 people on board moved in space. As a result, most of the crew members died due to severe radiation exposure. At the same time, many people were pressed into the walls of the ship or moved through time. Officially, the US Navy does not confirm the project, calling the information about it a lie.

Many believe that the experiment was organized to study the possibilities of teleportation using powerful electromagnetic fields, but most of the surviving crew members of the destroyer call the experiment a fiction.