Guards missile cruiser "Varyag" of project 1164 "Atlant" went on large firing
Anti-aircraft gunners of the Baltic Fleet repelled a massive air attack from a mock enemy during an exercise
Baltic Fleet helicopter pilots improve their flying skills
Floating workshop Black Sea Fleet PM-56 returned to Sevastopol from a long trip

Marines of the Caspian Flotilla are improving their skills in loading equipment onto landing boats

On educational complex Scorpio in Kaspiysk undergoes training in amphibious training with the crews of armored personnel carriers of the Marine Corps units of the Caspian Flotilla.
About 200 military personnel were involved in the training, up to 20 units of weapons, military and special equipment were used.
Marines practice their skills in loading (unloading) combat vehicles onto landing craft at specially equipped training sites, which are full-scale mock-ups of landing boats in service with the Russian Navy.
Also, armored personnel carrier crews improve their skills in deploying into combat formation after landing by performing shooting exercises.
The next stage in the training of Marine Corps units will be a joint naval airborne training with a division of landing boats of the Caspian flotilla.
At the same time, it is planned to practice actions for landing military equipment from landing craft, crossing water obstacles, and reaching unequipped areas of the coast. Special attention will be devoted to preparing combat vehicles for self-extrication, towing and overcoming water obstacles.

Guards missile cruiser "Varyag" performs missile and artillery firing

During the testing of the elements of the second course assignment(K-2) at the naval combat training grounds of the fleet, the crew of the cruiser “Varyag” will perform a complex of anti-aircraft missile and artillery firing. During combat exercises, the crew will work out tasks to repel an air attack from a mock enemy using the ship's anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems. In addition, artillery firing will be carried out at coastal targets and a towed sea shield, simulating firing points and a surface ship of a mock enemy. Firing will be carried out at various ranges in difficult interference conditions.
After completing fire missions, the Varyag crew, in cooperation with the Ka-27 helicopter of the naval aviation of the fleet, will work on anti-submarine defense issues, conduct a number of shipboard exercises - on electronic warfare, NBC protection, survivability control and others.
The course task (K-2) is preparing the ship for its intended use, that is, organizing the combat use of the ship and the use of its weapons. Within its framework, the degree of readiness of the crew and equipment of each ship and boat is assessed to carry out assigned tasks at sea, as well as to conduct a single battle in various operational and tactical situations.

Black Sea Fleet floating workshop PM-56 returned to Sevastopol from a long voyage

The floating workshop of the Black Sea Fleet PM-56 returned to Sevastopol from the Mediterranean Sea.
Since September 2016, the vessel has been part of the permanent operational formation of the Navy in the Mediterranean Sea for the purpose of technical support for its operations in the far sea zone. A ceremony to welcome the floating workshop back from the long voyage took place in Sevastopol.
PM-56, on the basis of a planned rotation in the Mediterranean Sea, replaced the same type of vessel PM-138.

Anti-aircraft gunners of the Baltic Fleet repelled a massive air attack from a mock enemy during an exercise

An exercise with a formation took place in the Kaliningrad region air defense Baltic Fleet (BF), during which combat crews of the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems (AAMS) repelled a massive missile and air strike from a mock enemy.
According to the event plan, military personnel, using radar reconnaissance equipment, practiced detecting an air attack by a mock enemy in the established area of ​​​​responsibility and targeting the S-400 air defense system to hit detected targets. The Triumphs were covered by crews of the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems (ZRPK).
During the exercise, anti-aircraft gunners hit more than 30 mock air targets. After repelling the attack, the crews of the S-400 air defense system marched to a new positional area under the cover of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system to continue fulfilling the assigned combat mission.

For reference:

The air defense unit of the Baltic Fleet is armed with modern S-400 Triumph air defense systems and Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems, capable of resisting all means of aerospace attack, including cruise missiles at all flight altitudes.
ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" is the flagship domestic system Short-range air defense and is designed to protect civilian and military facilities, cover long-range air defense systems S-300 and S-400. The complex of missile and cannon weapons implemented in it makes it possible to fire at air targets throughout the entire depth of the affected area, starting from distant high-altitude targets and ending with suddenly appearing small objects flying at extremely low altitudes. The complex is capable of detecting up to 10 targets simultaneously. The Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system is equipped with a 30 mm cannon, as well as 76 and 90 mm caliber missile launchers. Ammunition - 1.4 thousand cannon shots and 12 missiles.

Military personnel of the special forces units of the Eastern Military District and the Pacific Fleet Marine Corps will make more than 16 thousand parachute jumps this year

Parachute jumps are planned to be performed from Mi-8AMTSh transport helicopters, as well as An-12 military transport aircraft. Airborne training classes will be held simultaneously at six landing sites in the Khabarovsk, Primorsky and Kamchatka territories.
Last year, military personnel for the first time began performing jumps using Arbalet controlled parachute systems.
It is worth noting that the D-10 parachute is mainly used for airborne training of military personnel of the Eastern Military District.
In total, every conscript military units Marines and special forces of the district make more than a dozen parachute jumps during their service.

Marine recruits of the Baltic Fleet began practical parachute jumps
More than 200 servicemen from the air assault and reconnaissance battalions of the Baltic Fleet Marine Corps began parachute training at a training ground in the Kaliningrad region.
Marines of the Baltic Fleet make jumps with standard weapons at various altitudes - from 600 to 1200 meters - from An-26 military transport aircraft and Mi-8 helicopters of the naval aviation of the fleet.
In addition, the landing of an airborne group of up to 30 people is being practiced.
Airborne training of the Baltic Fleet Marine Corps is planned in such a way that each serviceman makes at least two parachute jumps during the training period.

Baltic Fleet helicopter pilots improve their flying skills

The crews of the Mi-24 attack helicopters and Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters of the naval aviation of the Baltic Fleet (BF), based at the military airfield in the village of Donskoye in the Kaliningrad region, carried out scheduled training flights.
Pilots of Mi-24 helicopters practiced take-off and landing, flying into a given square of the sea to reveal the surface situation, as well as striking ground targets with a GSh-23 aircraft cannon and unguided rockets.
The crews of the Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters completed missions to search for, track and destroy a mock enemy submarine.
A special place in the training program for helicopter crews was occupied by flights at night, practicing such elements as instrument approaches, flights over the sea, covering ship and ground forces from the air.
In total, about 10 helicopters of various modifications were involved in the flights.

Ship crews of ships of the Leningrad Naval Base practice combat training tasks at their bases

The crews of warships, boats and support vessels of the Baltic Fleet in Kronstadt began conducting shipboard training and performing the K-1 course mission.
The entire naval personnel of the Leningrad Naval Base (LVMB) of the Baltic Fleet - about 30 crews - takes part in the training events.
They conduct exercises and training to prepare the ship for battle and voyage, combat survivability when moored at the pier, and anti-sabotage defense at the base point.
Upon completion of training and after passing the K-1 course task, the LVMB ships will go to sea ranges in the Gulf of Finland to carry out combat training missions in various operational and tactical situations.

Marines of the Caspian Flotilla began airborne training classes

In the city of Kaspiysk (Dagestan), an airborne training (ADT) training session began with military personnel of the Marine Corps of the Caspian Flotilla. More than 200 marines of airborne assault companies (ASH) from individual marine battalions of the association take part in the training events.
Over the course of a month, the Marines will use the unique simulators of the airborne complex to master the skills of controlling the main and reserve parachutes in the air, strengthen their ankle joints with the help of special exercises, and learn how to group themselves correctly when landing.
After finishing preparatory course military personnel will perform parachute jumps from an AN-26 aircraft and an MI-8 helicopter at altitudes from 600 to 1000 meters.
The Marines will also work out the standards for assembling landing groups at a designated point after landing, make 5- and 10-kilometer marches in full combat gear, and carry out sabotage operations at important targets of the mock enemy.

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BDK "Orsk" again headed for Tartus

Entered the Mediterranean Sea. Interfax reported this on Monday, April 16, with reference to Turkish information resources. According to Istanbul websites, the warship of the Black Sea Fleet "Orsk" is heading to the Syrian port Tartus, where the logistics base of the Russian Navy is located in the Mediterranean Sea. ##P1 It is noted that the Orsk landing craft, judging by its draft, is heavily loaded. Several armored personnel carriers were spotted on the upper deck of the ship...

Modified: 04/16/2018
Route: Home BDK "George the Victorious" is heading to Syria again Tartus

The landing ship "St. George the Victorious", which is heading to Syria with cargo, entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Black Sea straits. RBC reported this on Monday, December 5. According to Istanbul portals, the ship is heading to Tartus, in which the logistics support center of the Russian Navy is located. It is also noted that, judging by the draft of the ship, the "St. George the Victorious" is heavily loaded. ##P1 Photo of a Russian ship that passed through the strait...

Modified: 12/05/2016
Path: Home On the way to Syrian Tartus BDK "Orsk" passed the Black Sea straits

Black Sea straits into the Mediterranean Sea. Interfax reports this with reference to Turkish resources tracking the movements of ships and vessels through the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Presumably the Black Sea Fleet ship is heading to a Syrian port Tartus, where the logistics support center of the Russian Navy is located. Observers noted that the Orsk, judging by its draft, was sailing heavily loaded. Spotted on its upper deck a large number of tilt trucks "KAMAZ",...

Modified: 03/06/2018
Path: Home Ministry of Defense denies the “movement” of the naval base from Syria to Lebanon

The Russian Ministry of Defense called the information that the Navy refused to use the Syrian port a fiction Tartus as a base for resupply and rest for ship crews in favor of the port in Lebanese Beirut. The Russian Ministry of Defense called the information that the Navy refused to use the Syrian port a fiction Tartus as a base for...

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Path: Home / News The General Staff denied reports of sending a Russian ship to Syria

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Modified: 06/18/2012
Path: Home / News Russian Navy ships entered the Syrian port to replenish supplies - Russian Ministry of Defense

A ship carrier group of the Russian Navy, consisting of three warships, a tug and a tanker, made a business call to the port Tartus(Syria) in order to replenish supplies. A ship carrier group of the Russian Navy, consisting of three warships, a tug and a tanker, made a business call to the port Tartus(Syria) in order to replenish supplies, RIA Novosti reported on Sunday...

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Path: Home / News The Russian Navy will be based in Syria on a permanent basis

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Modified: 11/29/2011
Path: Home / News The Russian fleet base in Syria will undergo reconstruction

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The floating workshop of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) PM-138 returned to Sevastopol after completing tasks in the far sea zone. The ship set sail on April 25 of this year, and for 7 months the crew, in collaboration with specialists from the logistics support point of the Black Sea Fleet in the port of Tartus (Syria), ensured the activities of the permanent formation of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. On board the floating workshop, to ensure the safety of the vessel, there was an anti-terrorism unit from separate brigade Black Sea Fleet Marine Corps.
On the occasion of the return of PM-138 from the campaign, a welcoming ceremony took place in Sevastopol. At the moment, in accordance with the planned rotation, the PM-138 in the Mediterranean Sea has been replaced by the floating workshop PM-56, which has taken up a six-month shift.


The floating workshop PM-138 of the Black Sea Fleet left Sevastopol to carry out tasks in the Mediterranean Sea. After completing the transition, the vessel will have to change the floating workshop PM-56 at the logistics point in the Syrian port of Tartus, the crew of which has been ensuring the technical readiness of the permanent formation forces of the Russian Navy performing tasks in this region for more than six months.
The PM-138 is expected to sail into the Aegean Sea today.
PM-56 personnel have already begun preparations for the transition to the main base of the Black Sea Fleet. It is expected that the floating workshop will return to Sevastopol by the end of January.


At the 33rd ship repair plant (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation), dock repairs of the floating workshop PM-82 were completed, within the framework of which work was carried out on the rudder screw group, the hull of the vessel, and the bottom and outboard fittings.
As the press service of JSC USC reported, from November 20 the plant plans to conduct mooring tests of the floating workshop to check compliance with the required level of quality of factory work.
PM is a support vessel designed to repair ships and vessels, weapons and technical equipment in areas remote from the main bases. Floating workshops have the necessary machine tools, lifting devices, welding units, etc.
The most successful and widespread floating workshops of “Polish” construction were the floating workshops of projects 300, 301, 303 and 304. Their construction continued from 1963 to the end of the 1980s at the Szczecin Shipyard in Poland. In total, more than 40 units were built. floating workshops.

The floating workshop of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) PM-138 has joined the permanent formation of ships of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea.
In a few days, the vessel, on the basis of a planned rotation, will replace another PM-56 floating workshop at the logistics support (MTS) point of the fleet in the Syrian port of Tartus, which for six months ensured the technical readiness of ships and vessels of the Russian Navy in the far sea zone.
The PM-56 is scheduled to return to Sevastopol in mid-March.
Press service of the Southern Military District

After combat service in the Mediterranean Sea, the floating workshop PM-138 returned to Sevastopol. In the Syrian port of Tartus, she maintained the constant readiness of ships and vessels of the Russian Navy unit performing tasks in this hot spot.

“ Significant work was carried out on the Smetlivy, the record holder for longevity among two dozen “singing frigates”

After a five-month mission, leaving more than four thousand miles astern, the ship under the command of captain of the second rank of the reserve Vyacheslav Saklakov moored at the Coal Wall. The floating workshop was greeted solemnly, with a military band. There was a traditional loaf of bread, and, of course, wives with flowers, children with colored balls.

The stern crane quickly lowers the gangway. Vyacheslav Saklakov reports to the head of the transport support department of the Black Sea Fleet, Alexander Lytin, about the successful completion of tasks and readiness to go to sea again after replenishing supplies.

The sides of the vessel are stained with red lead and marks from pneumatic fenders - traces of fresh moorings. As it turned out, the crew of the floating workshop on final stage combat service participated in tactical exercises under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

Return to native Sevastopol

In Tartus, the PM-138 was replaced by the Baltic Fleet floating workshop PM-82, the crew of which is headed by retired captain of the second rank Vladimir Khizhnyak. This is a pleasant and long-awaited event. IN Soviet times The Black Sea Fleet had three floating workshops of the same type: PM-9, PM-56, PM-138. Working in three shifts suited the crews quite well. But with collapse Soviet Union and the division of the Black Sea Fleet left only two "peemki" here. For many years they worked in turns. Only sometimes they were replaced, and then only for a short time, by the crew of the KIL-158 kill vessel. Today, the floating workshops have returned to their previous, familiar three-shift working rhythm. And now in their native Sevastopol there are two Black Sea passenger ships standing side by side, as was the case in Soviet times. The PM-56 team provided reception for those returning from Tartus.

Combat service in the Mediterranean Sea was intense, noted the PM-138 captain. “We repaired and maintained ships and vessels of four fleets,” Vyacheslav Saklakov told the Military-Industrial Courier. – Provided technical assistance to 27 naval units. If we talk about the Black Sea crews, significant work was carried out on the patrol ship “Smetlivy”, the record holder for longevity among two dozen “singing frigates”. It has been in service since November 1969, but is still going strong, and the crew is successfully completing its assigned tasks. But on the newest frigates “Admiral Grigorovich” and “Admiral Essen” no significant work was required; in fact, maintenance was carried out. But we are mastering this project too. Our craftsmen did a thorough job on the BOD "Severomorsk", the rescue tug of the Baltic Fleet, and the hospital ship "Irtysh". There were also large ones in service landing ships, tankers... First of all, I would like to note the work of the head of the PM-138 workshop, third-rank reserve captain Yuri Smirnov, his deputy Ignat Znamensky, their subordinates - foreman Igor Shibanov, technician Alexander Radchenko, electric welder Alexander Novikov, rigger Daniil Ukrainsky, turner Leonid Trunov. By the way, this is Smirnov’s third trip to the PM-138. And before that, he worked on the SR-26, and went to Cuba on the large sea tanker Ivan Bubnov. It takes a lot of experience.”

The tasks facing PM-138 specialists were not limited to ship repair. As you know, the anti-sabotage boat “Youth Army of Crimea” was sent to Syria. It became part of the permanent formation of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. “In the far operational zone,” explained the detachment commander, captain of the second rank Alexander Loktionov, “the PDRK is involved in carrying out tasks to protect ships when moored in an unprotected roadstead, as well as to ensure the security of their bases. The boat is equipped with the latest technical equipment and weapons, allowing it to effectively carry out its intended tasks. He replaced two boats of the old design. They needed to be sent to Russia for repairs. But how to load it onto a container ship? PM-138 specialists were involved in the difficult task. And they did it. We adjusted the keel sets to the hulls, marked the installation at the right points for uniform loading, and then, using cranes with pinpoint precision, placed the boats on wooden “beds” and firmly secured them with the help of chain and cable braces and supports. Such a load must be held securely, like a storm.”

It should be noted that the ship repairers worked almost seven days a week. Together with the crew, the hardships of many months of combat service were shared by the anti-terrorist activity group (ATD) under the command of the deputy company commander of a separate Black Sea Fleet marine battalion, senior lieutenant Ivan Pashchenko. As it turned out, all of his subordinates have experience in combat service. The deputy commander of the ATD, Sergeant Dmitry Perekalsky, was called up from Saratov, as was the gunner, Senior Sergeant Roman Degtyarev. Countrymen serve in Marine Corps since summer 2013. Senior sailor Mavlit Khudaygulov and sailor Sergei Pogorolsky wear the same number of black berets. “During our combat service, our group rallied and became a single whole,” the company commander shared with the Military-Industrial Courier. “We carried out our duties not only in the port of Tartus, but also at the anchorage in Limassol, while passing through the straits zone, during exercises in the Mediterranean Sea, held under the flag of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in May - early June.”

PM-138 left Sevastopol and set off for the shores of Syria early in the morning of January 15 for a scheduled changeover of PM-56. Three seasons were captured by sailors during a long voyage and work in Syrian Tartus. Combat service and exercises are behind us. Sailors will be given the opportunity to rest and take their required vacations. And then - preparation for a new campaign.