An introvert is a person whose energy is directed inward. He is not bored with himself. He is calm and reasonable, attentive to details and careful in decisions.

Introverts sometimes seem gloomy, withdrawn and completely antisocial. But at heart they are sweethearts. It’s just that social contacts take away their energy.

In the inner circle of an introvert there are two or three people. Reticent with strangers, he is ready to discuss for hours interesting topics with those he loves.

Loneliness for an introvert is a lack of involvement in someone's life. He can feel lonely even in a crowd. An evening with or a contemplative walk - here The best way for an introvert to regain strength.

Who are extroverts?

An extrovert is a person whose energy is directed towards the outside world. He is sociable, open and active. He looks at everything with optimism. Not afraid to take initiative and be a leader.

Because of their impulsiveness, extroverts sometimes seem like dummies. But don't confuse emotionality with superficiality.

Extroverts find energy in communication. Loneliness for an extrovert is when there is not a soul around, no one to exchange a word with. They have many friends and acquaintances.

Extroverts are fun to be around. In order not to get bogged down in routine and to rekindle their inner fire, they will go to a club or invite guests.

What does Carl Gustav Jung have to do with it?

In 1921, Carl Gustav Jung's book Psychological Types was published. In it he introduced the concepts of extraversion and introversion. Jung viewed extroverts and introverts through the prism of the prevailing mental function- thinking or feeling, sensation or intuition.

Many scientists have turned and still turn to the fundamental work of Carl Jung. The extroverted-introverted typology formed the basis of the Myers-Briggs theory, the Big Five personality model and the Raymond Cattell 16-factor questionnaire.

In the 1960s, Jung's ideas were taken up by British psychologist Hans Eysenck. He interpreted extraversion and introversion through the processes of excitation and inhibition. Introverts feel uncomfortable in noisy, crowded places because their brains process more information per unit of time.

Are introverts really smarter?

Many psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists around the world are trying to figure this out. So far no success. But the more research is done, the more it becomes clear that extroverts and introverts work differently.

The dividing line is dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain and is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction. During a scientific experiment, it was found that extroverts in a state of excitement exhibit strong activity in the tonsils and nucleus accumbens. The former are responsible for the process of emotional stimulation, and the nucleus is part of the dopamine system (pleasure center).

Extroverts and introverts produce dopamine in the same way, but the reward system responds to it differently. For extroverts, the process of processing stimuli takes less time. They are less sensitive to dopamine. To get their “dose of happiness”, they need it along with adrenaline.

Introverts, on the other hand, are overly sensitive to dopamine. Their stimuli travel a long and complex path through areas of the brain. Another neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, plays a major role in their reward system. It helps you reflect, concentrate on the task at hand, work productively for a long time and feel good during internal dialogue.

How to understand who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To determine Jung's type, Gray-Wheelwright tests and the Jung Type Index (JTI) questionnaire are usually used. Psychologists also use the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. At the everyday level, you can go through more or analyze your behavior.

Neither one nor the other suits me. Who am I?

According to Carl Jung, introversion and extroversion do not exist in their pure form. “Such a person would be in a madhouse,” he said. The author of the popular book "" Susan Cain agrees with him.

Every person has traits of an extrovert and an introvert. Signs of one or the other may predominate depending on age, environment and even mood.

People who are in the middle of the introversion-extroversion scale most of the time are called ambiverts (or diverts).

Ambiverts are not the leaders, but can enthusiastically participate in what they enjoy. Activity gives way to passivity and vice versa: the soul of the company can easily become a shy quiet person. In some situations, ambiverts chatter uncontrollably, in others they have to drag words out of them with pincers. Sometimes they work well in a team, but they prefer to solve some problems alone.

How can introverts and extroverts interact?

The first step to effective interaction is respecting individual differences.
If your friend is an introvert If your friend is an extrovert
  • Don't expect an immediate reaction. Introverts need time to process information.
  • To bring something important to his attention, write him a letter or message.
  • At a party, don’t pester him with questions: “Why are you silent? Are you bored?". Let him get comfortable.
  • Don't invade his personal space. Let him be alone if he wants. Never take an introvert's quietness and withdrawal personally.
  • Be patient - let him talk. The more attentively you listen, the faster you will find a rational grain.
  • Don't be offended that he ignores written messages. If you expect action from him, call. In between, be sure to ask how things are going.
  • At the party, do not leave him unattended; direct his energy in a constructive direction.
  • To please an extrovert, just agree to his next adventure.

All people, according to their mental characteristics, are divided into introverts and extroverts. A person belonging to one type or another is distinguished by behavioral characteristics and the direction of internal energy. Who are introverts? What are their characteristics and how can they get along with extroverts?

Introvert - who is it?

Most people in our world are extroverts. They are open to communication, easily come into contact with others, love noisy companies and new experiences. However, there are also people of a different mental make-up to whom the concept of “introvert” is applicable. Who are they and how do they differ from extroverts?

Introverts are people whose energy is directed inward. They are not prone to open expression of emotions, are secretive, and do not share their thoughts and experiences with others. Introverts have difficulty withstanding society and feel uncomfortable in large companies, especially strangers. They are not the first to make contact, and even close friends do not always know them well.

In a world where most people are not like them, introverts have it pretty hard. Very often they experience severe mental anguish, worry and become fixated on certain situations. At the same time, the anxieties of introverts are not noticeable to others, and accordingly, no one seeks to help them psychological assistance and support.

Peculiarities of introvert behavior

Determining that you are an introvert is not always easy. Very often such people try to “put on the mask of an extrovert.” In appearance, they seem sociable and sociable. However, in conversation they in every possible way avoid talking about themselves, their opinions about certain things. Introverts will easily chat about distant topics, but as soon as the conversation turns to them personally, they will try in every possible way to avoid answering. Such people have very few friends, and to those who do, they rarely open up completely.

The peculiarity of introverts is that they find it difficult to tolerate any company. Such people are most comfortable alone with themselves. They tend to engage in introspection, delve into their inner world, deal with sensations and experiences.

Introverts are always calm in appearance. It is difficult to piss them off, just as it is difficult to make them laugh. Introverts listen more than they talk. They will think several times before saying something, and will evaluate the consequences of their words before doing so. By appearance It is difficult for introverts to understand what their mood is now. All their emotions are hidden deep inside and are inaccessible to the interlocutor.

Introverts are very punctual people. They are almost never late. Such people will approach any work with maximum responsibility, doing everything clearly and in accordance with the rules. An introvert's day is usually clearly planned. They do not like spontaneous actions and adventures. If something does not go according to plan, they begin to get nervous and worry.

Main types of introverts

All introverts can be divided into two large subgroups: sensory and intuitive. They have their own characteristics in behavior and worldview. Each of these two types of introverts also has its own subtypes.

A sensory introvert loves precision everywhere and in everything. He is not satisfied with vague answers to questions and uncertainty. He lives in the present, rarely thinks about the future and remembers the past. At work, sensory introverts concentrate on only one task and always complete it. He needs clear instructions and directions; only in this case will he cope with the task. People belonging to this type of introvert are very fond of order at home and at work. They need everything to be in its place. One more characteristic feature sensory introverts is the ability to clearly see individual details, but at the same time full picture what is happening is not perceived by them.

Intuitive introverts, unlike sensory introverts, can multitask. They easily switch from one activity to another. In an attempt to find himself, an intuitive introvert can try many different professions. Such people do not like to understand small details; they consider it boring and uninteresting. They often think about the future, sometimes forgetting that they live here and now.

Ethical-sensory type of introverts

People of this type value beauty and harmony. They have a keen sense of nature and other people. The world of emotions is extremely important for ethical-sensory introverts. They have good taste and always dress stylishly and unusually.

In a conversation, an ethical-sensory introvert can easily adapt to the interlocutor. In appearance he seems to be a very sociable and pleasant person, but he can only be frank with close people. This type of introvert tries to avoid conflicts, cannot stand criticism, and has a hard time with jealousy and mistrust. Such people do not strive to be leaders.

In work, an ethical-sensory introvert loves logic and orderliness. Does not accept confusing explanations or conflicting information. Such people do not like to be late; they try to be on time everywhere and always. They can work productively only in comfortable physical and emotional conditions.

Ethical-intuitive type of introverts

Ethical-intuitive introvert - who is he? The behavior of these people is always dominated by emotions. They make decisions based solely on their feelings, and sometimes completely forget about common sense. Such people have many hobbies and often switch from one activity to another. At work, they need strict control and regulation of the working day, since they cannot independently plan their time correctly.

Ethical-intuitive introverts always look good and know how to make a positive impression on others. These people are pleasant and friendly, endowed with a sense of humor, but their mood can change dramatically, so they seem unpredictable. Ethical-intuitive introverts periodically need solitude. They love to think and deal with their emotions.

Sensory-logical introvert

A person belonging to this type of introvert is endowed with a strong logical thinking. He has a practical approach to everything. The sensory-logical introvert loves power and strives to occupy high positions. Career is very important for such people.

Sensory-logical introverts love order and observe it in everything. Every thing should be in its place. Such people value home comfort and make every effort to create it.

In relationships with people, sensory-logical introverts try to behave correctly and politely, even if they do not like the person. At the same time, they are quite distrustful and suspicious, and therefore extremely careful with strangers.

Logical-intuitive type of introverts

Logical-intuitive introvert - who is he? People of this type can be called theorists. They carefully analyze all the events that happen to them, they like to develop and think about new ideas, but in practice they are not able to implement them. All actions of these introverts have a logical basis. They are accustomed to objectively assessing both situations and people.

Logical-intuitive introverts are very trusting and friendly. They strive to help others, are ready to listen and support. However, such people practically do not show emotions in communication, and therefore they are often considered indifferent and callous.

The work must be of interest to a logical-intuitive introvert. Otherwise he will not be able to carry it out. People of this type greatly value comfort, but cannot create it themselves, so they need a caring life partner. Suitable for them emotional people, which can give them a charge of positive energy.

The most suitable professions for introverts

The choice of profession is undoubtedly very important for a person. In the same field, an extrovert and an introvert can achieve completely different results. To prevent work from turning into hell, you need to understand yourself and determine what type of introvert you are. Right choice profession will determine how much successful person you will become.

Basically, all introverts try to find a job where contact with people is minimized. However, some people choose a creative profession, while others are interested in exact sciences. Thus, logical introverts will feel comfortable in the position of programmer or accountant. Their personality traits will help them cope with such work perfectly. Sensory and intuitive introverts are more suited to creative professions such as designer or florist.

Extreme degrees of introversion

As a rule, every person contains traits of both an introvert and an extrovert. Depending on situations and mood, we can be sociable and cheerful, or, conversely, withdraw into ourselves.

Even those people who have predominant traits of introverts, as a rule, exist in society without problems. They have friends, family, a favorite job, they go to parties and are practically no different from extroverts. It’s just that sometimes they need solitude and don’t open up to everyone.

However, there are also people in whom introversion takes extreme forms. They develop social phobia. Such introverts try to completely avoid communicating with people. They stop attending parties, making acquaintances, going on dates, and are very afraid to change jobs.

A person suffering from social phobia has low self-esteem and believes that both his appearance and his character are terrible. An introvert with an extreme form of manifestation is afraid of negative evaluation from others. It seems to him that in crowded places everyone looks at him with condemnation.

Social phobia is a disease that requires specialized treatment. A person cannot cope with it on his own.

Interactions between introverts and extroverts

As you know, in our world there are many more extroverts than introverts. Accordingly, the latter have to adapt to difficult conditions for them. This process is described in detail in the book The Invincible Introvert.

It all starts back in school years, when introverts often get lower grades due to the fact that they are afraid or do not want to answer the teacher’s questions, although they know the answer. Parents invade the personal space of their introverted child, not allowing him to be alone and sending him outside to play with other children.

In adulthood, introverts may have problems at work, especially in cases where their position involves interacting with people. They find it difficult to participate in discussions, attend corporate events, make phone calls and negotiate. It can be extremely difficult for introverts to adapt to extroverts, especially in cases where they do not want or try to understand them.

How to approach introverts

Extroverts can also find it very difficult to establish relationships with introverts. These two types of people think completely differently, so it is not easy for them to understand each other. Extroverts may want to read The Invincible Introvert to better understand what they are like.

To make your communication with introverts productive, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, the meeting must be arranged in advance. You cannot unexpectedly intrude on an introvert, as he needs time to prepare. Secondly, in a conversation you should not rush your interlocutor. He cannot instantly formulate an answer and give it out. Pauses when talking with an introvert are normal. Thirdly, remember that introverts are very vulnerable. They react painfully to inattention.

If you manage to gain the trust of an introvert, he will reveal his unique personality to you. inner world and will become your best friend.

Introvert, extrovert, who is it?

Everyone has at least once wondered: “Who is an introvert and an extrovert?” or “how to determine who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?”, now we will try to sort everything out for you.


In 1921, a Swiss psychiatrist Charles GustavJung in his work “Psychological Types” he identified two psychotypes that are absolutely opposite to each other and proposed dividing all people into introverts And extroverts, about each, now in more detail.

Let's look at each type separately.

Who is an Introvert?

An introvert is a person whose psychological energy is directed inward. He feels comfortable only alone with himself, or with people very close to him. A way out of the comfort zone for an introvert is any interaction with people unfamiliar to him, any public performance, all this causes stress for an introvert and thus he spends large quantities your emotional energy.

Therefore, rest for such people is more of a lonely evening with a mug of tea than a noisy party or going to any shopping mall where there is a large crowd of people, in other words this means a closed, uncommunicative person.

Pros and cons of being an introvert


  • It is very difficult for introverts to make new friends, thereby acquiring useful acquaintances, which greatly helps in life.
  • Each new job, any courses are a huge stress.
  • For an introvert, making phone calls is comparable to live communication; therefore, calling a hairdresser, a restaurant, or a university is torture for them.


  • Introverts feel comfortable alone, which makes them self-sufficient and independent from other people.
  • Often introverts are very smart, well-read people, since they prefer a book to a party, so their introversion does not particularly bother them.

Who is an extrovert?

An extrovert is a person whose psychological energy is directed outward to the outside world. They are comfortable being in society, in a crowd of people, be it a class, a queue, a concert. Alone they feel lonely and sad.

Extroverts usually have many friends and acquaintances, they are very sociable, often they are company leaders. This type of people is always positive and gives it to others.

They prefer to relax - in noisy companies, these are clubs, parties, concerts; for an extrovert, communication is the main element of relaxation, because from it he draws his emotional energy.

Pros and cons of being an extrovert


  • Extroverts feel very bad alone; they vitally need communication with other people, which makes them dependent on society.
  • Extroverts are often frivolous and can be led into any adventure, which most likely will lead to problems.


  • Extroverts easily make new acquaintances, which is very helpful both in their personal lives and in their careers.
  • Quickly adapt to new teams.
  • Often they just do public speaking.

How to understand who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To get to know yourself better, try to relate yourself to this table.

In which column you found more matches, you are more of a psychological type, whether you are an introverted person or an extroverted one. Pure psychotypes are extremely rare, because at a certain period of life, a person can feel both an introvert and an extrovert, depending on the events that happened in his life.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Once upon a time, the concept of “psychotype” was the domain of psychology and psychologists. Now we hear from all sides (from every iron) words from this area and most often such as “introvert” or “extrovert” (I don’t even say).

It is clear that this is some kind of designation of people of a certain group, but who are they? Are you interested to know if you, for example, are the kind of person who can be called an introvert? In general, is this good or bad? Maybe we should strive to be a charming extrovert? Or the best option- ambivert?

In this small publication I will try to talk about all this in simple words, and at the end you will be able to pass small test on a personality’s psychotype in order to understand whether you are lucky or not to be born the person you would like to be.

The main psychotypes are introverts, extroverts and ambiverts

People are all different and they can be divided into many groups according to a great variety of criteria. One such principle used to determine a person’s psychotype is his attitude to the world around him and his own inner world.

Because of how a person interacts with the world around him and where he directs energy more (outward or inward), we can draw a conclusion about who he is - introvert, extrovert or ambivert(middle to half).

Let extroverts not be offended, but from the point of view of the rationality of the time they use, they are far from ideal and it will be more difficult for them to realize their potential. But you can’t run away from your psychotype. If you are an extrovert, then you will definitely need communication, travel, music, a working TV and any other type of movement that creates a feeling of life.

An extrovert is a person who is “always with people”

An introvert lives “within himself,” occasionally experiencing a desire to learn something from the outside (from communicating with other people). An extrovert lives “outside”. He thinks of himself only as part of society. He easily makes contacts, knows how to win people over (or thinks he can). Also, people of this psychotype very easily and naturally express their emotions in public (they do not hide their feelings).

And he has been like this since childhood. Communicating is as easy for him as breathing. True, such people talk a lot more than they listen, but this is precisely their essence. It is very difficult for him to keep his emotions to himself, because they literally tear him apart. And all this has a real physiological basis.

Extroverts' brains are wired a little differently.. Speech centers, centers for rapid information processing, and higher emotional sensitivity are more developed (they are brighter and more expansive). All this brain chemistry is perfectly illustrated in the first half of this video:

An extrovert can only succeed as a person in the eyes of society, which is why such people have...

This is completely a “man of the crowd,” which means he must be able to follow its laws - be in trend, dress well, know how to present himself, be moderately generous and responsive. Their main feature is skill to work in team, which is extremely difficult for their opponents (introverts). Working in a team (where you can make a career) or working with people is the best area to use their natural sociability and initiative.

Naturally, among people of this psychotype there are different subtypes. These are cheerful optimists who love life and make the most of it. These are careerists who, by establishing relationships, achieve better position and various benefits. These are also romantics who need communication like air to maintain a positive emotional background (like Adamych from the Old New Year).

Who is better to be - an introvert or an extrovert?

In my opinion, being an introvert is easier and more profitable. You don't have to waste a lot of time. But an extrovert will object to me that he will achieve it in no time best result easily and simply agree with whoever you need about what you need. And he will be right. Such people are attracted to sales, managers and other professions where the ability to communicate is more important than internal content.

In fact, Every person tends to idealize his own psychotype. Extroverts consider introverts to be shy, boring, incomprehensible, cloudy and uncool. The latter quite sincerely do not understand how you can spend so much time on a stupid drive (there is an intersection with), communication and other endless and catastrophically stupid movement.

Each of the representatives of these extreme psychotypes does not understand “how you can live like this” (sit alone for hours or, conversely, endlessly interact with the surrounding reality). There is no right or no right here. Each of them your own method of understanding the environment. Introverts study it, comprehending it within themselves, and extroverts try everything to their teeth.

The origins of this division lie in our history. The genes living in our cells go back millions of years. It cannot be said unequivocally that a person is a pronounced herd animal, like, for example, a wolf. At the same time, we are dimly expressed loners, like, say, a bear. There are, of course, more wolves (herd keepers) among us, but there are also enough bears, to some extent self-sufficient individuals, among us.

According to Jung's classical theory, each of these two extremes (extroverts and introverts) can be divided into 4 subgroups. And this additional classification psychological types personality allows understand the essence of a person even more and the niche they occupy:

We are different, often we do not understand each other, because our interests are mutually exclusive. Most extroverts consider the interests of introverts to be terribly boring, and consider the latest hobbies of the former to be a waste of time and, moreover, also cause them to be really tired.

And that's okay. Any of these extreme psychotypes has shown its viability over thousands of generations. Both types of personalities are perfectly suited for life.(as well as their golden mean - ambiverts) and, most likely, this will continue. It’s enough just to be more tolerant of each other, although we differ in behavioral preferences, like people from different planets.

An ambivert is a person who has a changeable psychotype

You can also say this. An introvert is an outside observer (of life). An extrovert is always an active participant. And here ambivert is the one, who, depending on the state of the internal switch, can be either one or the other. If he suddenly became the ringleader in some particular case, this does not mean that he will act in exactly the same way in another similar situation.

An ambivert, as a rule, alternates between states inherent in one of the extreme psychotypes and then in another. Let's say that right now it may be good for him to be alone, but after a while this will begin to put pressure on him, which will ultimately force him to change the vector to some form of communication or another type of activity.

If he is in an active phase, he can happily attend some party, but this does not mean that he will do this regularly. Thus, some may know him as a “funny guy”, and others as a “quiet guy”. Sometimes such transformations can even happen literally before our eyes.

In general, these ambiverts are such fickle people. By the way, they can They work well in a team, but they are also quite capable of individual work. As I mentioned above, this is a universal psychotype that allows a person to adapt to almost any situation with less mental effort.

On the other hand, this duality and inconstancy often creates problems both for the ambivert himself and for the people around him. But, as I already said, any psychotype is good, because it has passed the sieve of natural selection over millions of years.

Psychotype test - are you an introvert or an extrovert?

To understand exactly what psychotype your personality belongs to, psychologists have developed a lot of different tests. The more questions they contain and the more sincerely you answer them, the more accurately you will recognize your predisposition to a particular psychotype.

From my point of view, this is not at all a useless activity (like a test - this is for blondes). Why? Well, because mistakenly believing that you are not who you really are, you can waste your efforts and even ruin your life trying to “go the wrong way.”

If you are an introvert, then self-development training will not help you. leadership qualities or the ability to casually strike up a conversation with any person you don’t know. And if you have an active psychotype, then again, tedious individual work, not tied to communication and team tactics, will be “like a bone in your throat.”

But many people mistakenly believe that you can change yourself and become something you are not. Such violence against a person will most likely end in a nervous breakdown (do not go to a fortune teller). Be yourself and everything will be OK (exactly). All that remains is to find out who you are.

Actually, tests on the subject “Introvert - Extrovert” There are a great many, but I will give only one (very simple), but quite working. Answer the questions below honestly with “yes” or “no”, then add up the positive answers and look at the test result:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Introversion - extroversion- a common basis in psychology for categorizing or measuring personality traits. The most famous are two slightly different concepts of introversion-extroversion, belonging to Carl Gustav Jung and Hans Jürgen Eysenck.

According to Jung, extraversion is manifested in the direction of a person’s libido towards the outside world, in the fact that the extrovert prefers the social and practical aspects of life to immersion in the world of imagination and reflection. An introvert, on the contrary, prefers thinking and imagination to operations with real external objects.

Psychology knows two fundamentally different personality types: extroverts and introverts.

Extroverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is oriented in its manifestations outward, towards others.

Introverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is inward or self-oriented.

Extroverts are characterized by behavior in which a person strives to:

  • to communicate with people,
  • attention from others,
  • participation in public speaking,
  • participation in crowded events and parties.

An extrovert can be an excellent toastmaster, organizer (often on a voluntary basis), official, manager of people, artist or entertainer.

Introverts are characterized by behavior that is more related to comfortable solitude, internal reflections and experiences, creativity, or observation of the process. An introvert can be an excellent scientist, researcher, observer, writer, or self-employed entrepreneur. If an extrovert needs the presence of other people for comfort, then an introvert is comfortable working alone.

Over time, Jung significantly revised his views on extraversion-introversion. Firstly, he identified a number of independent factors (psychological functions), which he previously included in the composition of extraversion-introversion: thinking, feeling (experience), sensation, intuition. Secondly, starting with his programmatic work “Psychological Types” (1920), he spoke not about extroverts and introverts, but about extraversion or introversion of the dominant function. That is, he wrote that in the psyche of an individual a person can be dominated by one of the functions - extraverted or introverted thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition, while in the psyche there was a place for other functions that played an auxiliary role or were repressed into the unconscious.

Eysenck, borrowing these concepts from Jung, fills them with a slightly different content - for Eysenck these concepts are the poles of a superfactor - a complex of personality traits that correlate with each other, which is determined genetically. A typical extrovert, according to Eysenck, is sociable, optimistic, impulsive, has a wide circle of acquaintances and poor control over emotions and feelings. On the contrary, a typical introvert is calm, shy, distant from everyone except close people, plans his actions in advance, likes order in everything and keeps his feelings under strict control.

In psychiatry, the typology of Leonhard is widespread, who borrowed the earliest interpretation of this term according to Jung and reinterpreted it: according to Leonhard, an extrovert is a weak-willed person, subject to influence from the outside, an introvert is a strong-willed person. At the same time, Leonhard's typology is psychiatric, not psychological, and relates primarily to pathologies. If we are not talking about pathologies, then close to Leonhard’s (but not Jung’s) interpretation of this term are such psychological terms as locus of control (internal and external), externalism and internalism (Ackoff and Emery), etc.

The terms “extroversion” and “introversion” are also used in the Myers-Briggs typology, in socionics, in psychosophy, in the NEO-PI-R test and a number of others modern questionnaires And diagnostic techniques, where their interpretation has its own specifics.

At its core, introversion is a type of temperament. This is not at all like shyness or aloofness; it is not a pathology. In addition, this personality trait cannot be changed, even if you really want to. But you can teach him to work with him, not against him.

The most important characteristic of introverts is their source of energy: introverts draw energy from their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. They conserve energy. The outside world quickly puts them into a state of overstimulation, and they have an unpleasant feeling when there is “too much” of something. This can manifest itself in twitchiness or, conversely, in apathy. In any case, they need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely devastated. However, introverts need to supplement their alone time with time in the outside world, otherwise they may lose their sense of perspective and connection with others. Introverts who can balance their energy needs have resilience and tenacity, can see things independently, focus deeply, and work creatively.

What are the most characteristic qualities of extroverts? They are charged with energy from the outside world - from actions, people, places and things. They are energy wasters. Long periods of inactivity, inner contemplation, or loneliness, or communication with only one person deprive them of a sense of meaning in life. However, extroverts need to supplement the time they spend in action with intervals of just being, otherwise they will get lost in the whirlpool of frantic activity. Extroverts have a lot to offer our society: they express themselves easily, are focused on results, and love crowds and action.

Introverts are like an electric battery that needs to be recharged. They need to periodically stop, stop wasting energy and rest in order to recharge again. It is the opportunity to recharge that provides introverts with a less stimulating environment. In it they restore energy. This is their natural ecological niche.

Extroverts are like solar panels. For them, being alone or being inside is like being under heavy, dense clouds. Solar panels need the sun to recharge - extroverts need to be in public for this. Like introversion, extroversion is a temperament with a constant pattern of action. It cannot be changed. You can work with it, but not against it.

Introvert or extrovert - who is it? Introvert or extrovert - how to know who I am?

Sometimes a person thinks about who he is - an introvert or an extrovert. What are these concepts? To understand, you need to know some terms generally accepted in psychology.

How can you tell if a person is an introvert or an extrovert? Who is this?

A person’s character is a set of actions, habits and skills. Its traits are certain habits and specific skills. And they are the ones who dictate what a person should do in a given situation. But, in addition to the habits and skills formed during life, character can be attributed to one of the psychological types that also influence his actions. Introvert and extrovert - who they are, what character traits they have, psychologists can say more accurately.


The terms “extrovert” and “introvert” have been known for a long time, but they were firmly introduced into everyday use by Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century. These are two completely opposite personality types. It is believed that every person has traits of both types, but one predominates.

An extrovert is a person who loves to communicate. He may have a rich inner world, but he does not pay much attention to it, but only if it is necessary to achieve some goal.

An introvert is a person who is self-absorbed. And yet, if necessary, he can communicate with people, but only as much as necessary. The definition of a personality type is based on a combination of qualities such as ambition, activity, assertiveness, sociability and talkativeness. To answer the question: “Are you an introvert or an extrovert?”, we need to take a closer look at each type separately. And only then can we draw any conclusions.


An extrovert is a person who strives to communicate with people. He likes the attention of others. He easily makes new acquaintances, participates in public events, and often speaks to the public. He is friendly, has many friends, is very ambitious and assertive. These are the words that can describe an extrovert.

These people cannot stand loneliness, they are very dependent on the opinions of others, which is why they are easy to influence. An extrovert can become an excellent toastmaster, artist, politician or official. But he must keep his aggressiveness under control, try to limit his risk-taking and the desire to act on the spur of the moment.


An introvert is a person who is pessimistic, withdrawn, and always keeps his emotions under control. He is shy and reserved. He likes to be quiet and alone. An introvert prefers books to society. He rarely makes new acquaintances, and if he does become someone’s friend, then it is the most reliable one for life. He never acts contrary to his beliefs, but if this suddenly happens, the introvert will suffer and worry for a long time. For better or worse, such people are practically not influenced by others and always have their own point of view. One of the most valuable qualities of this type of personality is that a person rarely transgresses generally established norms of behavior.

Introverts make excellent scientists, researchers, writers or entrepreneurs. After all, for them creative process more important than the end result. Introverted children are quiet and excellent students who can never stand up for themselves and fight back. And all because they are very kind, even too much. Many people use this, especially when they want to cheat on a test. Introverted men become henpecked, but women of this type feel much more comfortable in marriage than extroverts.

Where and why did such differences between people appear?

Carl Jung suggested that everything is connected to the source of energy, which determines the type of person (i.e., whether he is an introvert or an extrovert). Its restoration plays a big role in the well-being and functioning of everyone. This usually happens during sleep when physical body rests, and the mental one simply experiences the thoughts and sensations that a person experienced during the day. The human biofield can also receive a portion of energy through nutrition and breathing, but it is not as significant as that restored during sleep. This energy generation scenario is only suitable for introverts. In the morning they feel cheerful and rested.

Extroverts, on the other hand, need additional energy replenishment to function fully, since they simply do not have enough energy restored during the night. Where can I get it? Only in the outside world. That’s why they so often need attention and try with all their might to attract it to themselves and get their share of energy from other people. This is what the concept of “energy vampirism” is associated with. This is a category of extroverts who gain energy by causing harm to others, provoking people into scandals and quarrels, during which a huge release of energy occurs.

This is why many people who have been attacked feel empty and tired. Fortunately, there are significantly fewer such extroverts than representatives of the other category, who are energized by doing good and helping people. They like to be useful and at the same time, thanks to their good deeds, be the center of attention.

Who finds it easier to live in our world?

Many people think about who adapts more easily in life - an introvert or an extrovert. After some observations, we can say with confidence that it is still easier for an extrovert to adapt.

After all, the attention of most people in society is focused on the world around us. And yet, by creating all the necessary conditions for himself - solitude and silence, an introvert can fully reveal his potential, just as an extrovert will bring great benefits to society, working in the best conditions for his type.

Who is better to be?

It is impossible to say who is worse - an introvert or an extrovert. This is simply impossible. Each personality type has both positive and negative traits. Best example an introvert is a balanced, calm person who looks at the essence of things, while an extrovert can take them completely lightly. As the complete antipode of a positive introvert, you can imagine a loser nerd or a programmer in torn jeans, whose hair is tousled, and whose thoughts are hovering somewhere far from the surrounding reality.

Two types of communication

Very often these two types cannot understand each other due to the fact that they may have different reactions to the same events. And it confuses both of them. Introverts do not like to take initiatives. At their core, they are reinsurers, which greatly hinders them in a team where speed of decision-making is valued. At the same time, they are excellent strategists. Extroverts are impulsive and ready for battle here and now. They are interested in tactics and immediate victory.

And cautious introverts in the team only hinder them. And it doesn’t matter that the latter can see the situation more deeply and predict its outcome in the distant future. In fact, introverts are eminence grises who prefer to observe what is happening from the sidelines, while extroverts crave to be in the center of events.

Sooner or later, every person asks the question: “How do I know if I’m an introvert or an extrovert?” And he begins to look for answers in books on psychology. Having passed many tests, the results of which are quite contradictory, he is finally lost in a sea of ​​information and terms. But the easiest way to start is to make comparison table, which will clearly show whether this user is an introvert or an extrovert. It should describe all your character traits and compare them with data found in books or, for example, in this article.


And it doesn’t matter who you are - an introvert or an extrovert. This is not a sentence. Knowing about positive qualities your psychological type, you can purposefully reveal them and achieve stunning success in your chosen field. In addition, every person, regardless of whether they are an introvert or an extrovert (we have already described in detail who they are), who is familiar with these concepts and the character traits inherent in each of these types, can communicate perfectly with everyone, easily finding the key to them .

What is an introvert

Igor nemaltsev

An introvert is someone who “turns everything around” within himself. Well, that is, he generally views everything through his own prism, looking for mechanisms of relationships with the outside world (with other people) in his internal reserves. Based on their own views. An extrovert is the one who “turns” all events and relationships, trying to fit in with society, “towards society., - that’s how it’s accepted” “that’s how it’s supposed to be”, he’s more focused not on his own world, but on the world. These are rather superficial definitions (introvert, extrovert), popularization, very simplified, but generally true. Generally speaking, these words, these personal psychological characteristics - introvert and extrovert, most often in everyday life and are used in these superficial meanings, rather amateurishly. Simply because these terms are used in a very truncated, conditional manner, well, approximately like in horoscopes, I am Cancer... or Aquarius, etc. There is no need to delve into the meanings of these psychological types. In fact... these are very capacious and complex concepts. This scientific works psychologists of the level of Jung, - (a value equal to Freud_)... everything is much more complicated there.


Introversion - extraversion is a common basis in psychology for categorizing or measuring personality traits. The most famous are two slightly different concepts of introversion - extraversion, belonging to Carl Gustav Jung and Hans Jurgen Eysenck.

Very good conversationalist;)

An introvert is
personality. Main
can serve
person's attention to
inner world more
than to the external one.
For example, a person
I like it better
feel your emotions
feelings, sensations,
understand them than
manifestations of external
peace. And therefore
introverts sometimes
are assessed as
closed silent
people who love
to be in
alone. Actually
in fact it's just
attention between
internal and external
side of the world.
(The philosopher gave/gave
meaning of the word
Introvert is one
from mental
type characteristics
personality who
person from the outside
world and environment.
Example from the literature
- famous
Chekhov's character
story "Man in
The opposite
of this personality type
is an extrovert
which is opposite
directed outward.
(The botanist student gave/
gave the meaning of the word

Who is an introvert? Who is an extrovert?

Who is an introvert?

Who is an extrovert?

How to distinguish an introvert from an extrovert?

Semyon Viktorov

Of all the theory and practice of psychology, these are the two most easily distinguishable categories.

In simple words: introvert - directed inward, into oneself; extrovert - outward, towards people.

The most basic test: how can a person find his way in an unfamiliar city? An introvert will follow the map himself, an extrovert will ask those around him for directions.

But the information is more complex: it is believed that introverts are theoreticians, extroverts are practitioners. home driving force scientific and technological progress - introverts, scientists, “nerdy nerds”. And extroverts are the embodiment of their ideas. And the most dangerous thing in human society is when extroverts, traditionally slightly despising introverts, begin to promote their own ideas. They try to pretend to be “great thinkers” and begin to implement their own plans. What comes of this is known from the history of human civilization. Lots of examples.

Quiet, modest, and inconspicuous introverts should not be underestimated. These are ours brain...

An extrovert is focused on the external environment and the people around him. Introvert - on himself (his thoughts, his experiences). Therefore, extroverts are more relaxed, more sociable, and it is important for them to be among people. But introverts do not need constant communication and are burdened by large companies. Privacy is preferable for them. They are absolutely not bored with themselves.

But even with this information, you cannot immediately determine whether the person in front of you is an introvert or an extrovert. Only a long acquaintance with a person will help you understand who he really is.


An introvert is a person who is closed to himself, touchy, suspicious, distrustful - these are melancholics and phlegmatic people, and an extrovert is, on the contrary, a person who is constantly in everyone's sight, with an open mouth and a huge internal and external world - these are choleric and sanguine people.