Vasily Grigorievich Razumovsky(02/01/1930) - doctor pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

Selected scientific works

  • "Creative problems in physics in high school"(1966)
  • "Development creativity students in the process of teaching physics" (1975)

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An excerpt characterizing Razumovsky, Vasily Grigorievich

Rastopchin, without answering a word, stood up and quickly walked into his luxurious, bright living room, walked up to the balcony door, grabbed the handle, left it and moved to the window, from which the whole crowd could be seen more clearly. A tall fellow stood in the front rows and with a stern face, waving his hand, said something. The bloody blacksmith stood next to him with a gloomy look. The hum of voices could be heard through the closed windows.
- Is the crew ready? - said Rastopchin, moving away from the window.
“Ready, your Excellency,” said the adjutant.
Rastopchin again approached the balcony door.
- What do they want? – he asked the police chief.
- Your Excellency, they say that they were going to go against the French on your orders, they shouted something about treason. But a violent crowd, your Excellency. I left by force. Your Excellency, I dare to suggest...
“If you please, go, I know what to do without you,” Rostopchin shouted angrily. He stood at the balcony door, looking out at the crowd. “This is what they did to Russia! This is what they did to me!” - thought Rostopchin, feeling an uncontrollable anger rising in his soul against someone who could be attributed to the cause of everything that happened. As often happens with hot-tempered people, anger was already possessing him, but he was looking for another subject for it. “La voila la populace, la lie du peuple,” he thought, looking at the crowd, “la plebe qu"ils ont soulevee par leur sottise. Il leur faut une victime, [“Here he is, people, these scum of the population, the plebeians, whom they raised with their stupidity! They need a victim."] - it came to his mind, looking at the tall fellow waving his hand. And for the same reason it came to his mind that he himself needed this victim, this object for his anger.

r. 1.2.1930, Vyatka), methodologist-physicist, doctor of pedagogy. Sciences (1973), prof. (1976), acad. RAO (1993; academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. since 1982). Graduated from Kirov Pedagogical University. Institute (1952), physics teacher in Wed. school in the Kirov region. (1952-65). Since 1961 in the APN; in 1972-81 head. Physics Teaching Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of SIMO. Academician-Sec. Department of Didactics and Private Methods (1981-89). and vice president (1989-91). APN USSR. Ch. ed. magazine "Physics at school" (1966-92). Works on methods of teaching physics, didactics, comparative pedagogy. Developed a methodology for organizing creative activity Ch. arr. on problems in physics. In the book. “Creative tasks in physics in high school” (1966), “Development of students’ creative abilities in the process of teaching physics” (1975). suggested cyclic. model uch. knowledge as a sequence of thoughts, operations of information transformation by the student: facts - model of the phenomenon - theoretical. foresight - experiment. According to the stages of training. cognition developed a system of “research” and “design” tasks that stimulate the student to intuition, conjecture, hypotheses, subjectively new discoveries and inventions. R. - national coordinator at international research (1989-91). comparing the quality of knowledge of schoolchildren in 20 countries. The author of the works will compare the history of school content. education.

Works: Development of technology. creativity of students, M., 1961; Physics on Wed. school USA, M., 1973; Methods of teaching physics in schools of the USSR. and GDR, M.-Berlin, 1978; Modern Physics lesson on Wed. school, M., 1983; Fundamentals of methods of teaching physics in Wed. school, M, 1984; Physics and astronomy. Textbook for grades 7-9. Wed Schools, M., 1996.

Creative biography Vasily Grigorievich Razumovsky, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Education of ISMO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education:

  • 1952– graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Kirov State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.I. Lenin;
  • 1952–1955– physics teacher at Tataurovskaya secondary school, Nolinsky district, Kirov region;
  • 1955–1959– graduate student of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.I. Lenin;
  • 1961– senior researcher at the Institute of Educational Systems and Methods (NII SIMO) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences;
  • 1969–1972– Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Institute of SIMO;
  • 1972–1982– Head of the Physics Teaching Laboratory at the Scientific Research Institute of International Relations;
  • 1978– Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR;
  • 1981–1992– Academician-Secretary of the Department of Didactics and Private Methods;
  • 1982– full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR
  • 1989–1992– Vice-President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR;
  • 1992 – present– Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Education of ISMO RAO;
  • 1993– full member of RAO.

At the very beginning of his work at the SIMO Research Institute, Vasily Grigorievich successfully developed a methodological system for the development creative activity schoolchildren when teaching physics. The creative achievements of students of school No. 315 under his leadership are exhibited in the Central Exhibition Hall of Moscow (1968), as well as in the cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Boston, etc. (USA, 1965–1967). The result of his theoretical and experimental work, the book “Creative Problems in Physics,” was awarded an academic prize. In 1972, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The problem of developing students’ creative abilities in the process of teaching physics” and became one of the youngest experts at the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR. In the 70s organizes international joint research by researchers from socialist countries on comparative methodology teaching physics and determining general trends in its development. The results of these studies are published in the form of books in Russian, German and other languages. In 1976, through UNESCO, Vasily Grigorievich underwent an internship at Stockholm and London universities. As a specialist in the field of comparative pedagogy, he takes part in many international conferences and seminars in Berlin, Budapest, Prague, Sofia, Warsaw, Marseille, Trieste, Geneva, Washington, Copenhagen, Los Angeles, Frankfurt am Main, San Francisco, New York, Princeton, Beijing, Tokyo, Istanbul, etc. In 1981, he headed the USSR delegation and was appointed vice-president of the UNESCO International Congress “Scientific and Technical Education and national development"in Paris. While still working at the institute (now the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education) as a chief researcher, he does not give up pedagogical work: teaches at Moscow State Pedagogical University the special course he created, “Modern international trends in the development of teaching physics at school.” For many years, part-time, Vasily Grigorievich led a large community service: was the editor-in-chief of the journal “Physics at School” (1965–1992), leader of the seminar for Moscow teachers “ Modern lesson physics" (70s and 80s), together with academician E.P. Velikhov led the all-Union seminar “Computer and Education” (1985–1992), is a co-founder of the Moscow Children's Fund (since 1991), head of the research team and national coordinator of the International Study on Assessing the Quality of Mathematics and Natural Science Education ( TIMSS) (1989–1991), was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Committee on Science, Culture, Education and Upbringing (1989–1991). The result scientific activity Vasily Grigorievich is the training of over 40 diploma students, candidates and doctoral students, as well as the publication of over 400 scientific works on didactics, methods of teaching physics and comparative pedagogy. Among his graduate and doctoral students are citizens of Germany, Cuba, Egypt, Iraq, Bulgaria and the CIS countries. Achievement recent years is to develop a concept for the development of cognitive and creative independence of students based on the scientific method of cognition. Under his leadership, a team of employees developed an original program, textbooks for grades 7–11, methodological manuals for teachers, monograph “Physics at school. Scientific method knowledge and learning." Vasily Grigorievich was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1981), a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1984), and a gold medal Russian Academy education “For achievements in science” (2007).

With all our hearts we wish Vasily Grigorievich health and long life
and creativity for the benefit of the younger generation!

You are a brilliant teacher and you have wonderful students!

Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Education of ISMO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education.

Vasily Grigorievich Razumovsky was born in Kirov on February 1, 1930 in the family of a teacher, and studied at secondary school No. 32.

Home education successfully instilled in the young man a deep vision of the meaning of education. His father, Grigory Nikolaevich Razumovsky (1902-1989), was a kind, passionate man, an educated intellectual, a teacher of history, and, in essence, of life. The spirit of justice and knowledge reigned in the family. It is no coincidence that Vasily Grigorievich came to the physics department of the Kirov Pedagogical Institute. Later, he strategically, for the rest of his life, wrote: “Improving the public education system is one of the main measures to improve people’s lives” (Development of creative abilities... P. 3).

After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Kirov Pedagogical Institute in 1952, he worked V Tataurovskaya secondary school, Nolinsky district Kirov region physics teacher. Later he wrote about this time: “I went to the village with a romantic mood of asceticism. Then I didn’t think at all about Moscow or even Kirov, or about science, and I didn’t even know anything about the Academy. I wanted to teach children. I was confident that I could do it. My life experience schoolchildren and students told me that teaching can be exciting and interesting...”

At the Tataurovskaya secondary school in the Nolinsky district of the Kirov region, Vasily Grigorievich was able to “see” the line of his life in pedagogical creativity. This is what he said later: “Having started working at the Tataurovskaya secondary school, already in the first month I organized the design activities of students in a business that came to hand. There was no electricity at the school. What should I do? Let's build a wind turbine! Hooray! The joyful enthusiasm of the schoolchildren knew no bounds. This is how the first direction of my creative quest arose. We constructed a wind turbine from scrap materials. The power of the windmill and the speed of the repeller had to be coordinated with the main part we had - the electric generator. For calculations school physics quite enough. I myself was amazed and worried by the accuracy of the coincidence of the practical result with the theoretical calculation, with foresight. My excitement was transmitted to the students, infecting them with creative, educational enthusiasm. However, the unfortunate paradox was that there was often a gap between where creativity led and what was being studied in the lesson at the moment. I began to think about this problem and, fortunately, came across in the memoirs of K. E. Tsiolkovsky the idea-phrase I needed, filled with deep meaning: “First I made discoveries that had long been known to everyone, then not so long ago, and then completely new ones.” " It dawned on me: characteristic features creative activity, such as social significance, value and novelty, prescribed in all encyclopedias and reference books, are subjective. Eureka! Means creative activity you can “provoke” and organize in the area of ​​​​knowledge that is currently being mastered in the lesson! This is how the idea of ​​creating creative assignments, problems and laboratory work was born...”

The experience accumulated at school turned out to be in demand in the country (publications in newspapers, participation in the exhibition of achievements at VDNKh...), which ultimately led V. G. Razumovsky to enter graduate school. And then Moscow life rushed on...

At the very beginning of his work at the SIMO Research Institute (Institute of Content and Methods of Teaching), Vasily Grigorievich successfully developed a methodological system for developing the creative activity of schoolchildren when teaching physics. The creative achievements of students of school No. 315 under his leadership are exhibited in the Central Exhibition Hall of Moscow (1968), as well as in the cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Boston, etc. (USA, 1965-1967). The result of his theoretical and experimental work - the book "Creative Problems in Physics" - was awarded an academic prize. In 1972, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The problem of developing students’ creative abilities in the process of teaching physics” and became one of the youngest experts at the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR.

For many years, Vasily Grigorievich, part-time, did a lot of public work: he was the editor-in-chief of the journal “Physics at School” (1965-1992), the leader of the seminar for Moscow teachers “Modern Physics Lesson” (70s and 80s), together with academician E. P. Velikhov led the all-Union seminar “Computer and Education” (1985-1992), is a co-founder of the Moscow Children's Fund (since 1991), head of the research team and national coordinator of the International Study on Assessing the Quality of Mathematics and Natural Science Education (TIMSS) ) (1989-1991), was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Committee on Science, Culture, Education and Upbringing (1989-1991).

In his favorite journal “Physics at School,” V. G. Razumovsky published 69 articles, the first in 1965. In terms of the fundamental nature of the problems being considered and the proposed solutions, in the end, in terms of the number of publications in the journal, Vasily Grigorievich has no equal. It should be noted that the vast majority of journal publications do not have co-authors. But in necessary cases for the benefit of the matter, he does not withdraw from co-authorship.

The result of Vasily Grigorievich’s scientific activity is the training of over 40 diploma students, candidates and doctoral students, as well as the publication of over 400 scientific works on didactics, methods of teaching physics and comparative pedagogy. Among his graduate and doctoral students are citizens of Germany, Cuba, Egypt, Iraq, Bulgaria and the CIS countries. An achievement of recent years is the development of a concept for the development of cognitive and creative independence of students based on the scientific method of cognition. Under his leadership, a team of employees developed an original program, textbooks for grades 7-11, teaching aids for teachers, and a monograph “Physics at School. Scientific method of cognition and teaching." Vasily Grigorievich was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1981), a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1984), and a gold medal of the Russian Academy of Education “For achievements in science” (2007).

Without will there is no life. And human life is, first of all, always a goal-oriented and volitional activity. As they say in case of luck, it is tense to the point of sweat, labor in its social nature, transformative or cognitive activity. And most importantly, from his institute days to this day, Vasily Grigorievich Razumovsky has been characterized by precisely this kind of activity. And his life motto is well known and we repeat: “Don’t refuse service, don’t ask for service, serve honestly.” But talent is dissolved in deeds - textbooks, manuals, articles, and is manifested in people’s assessments and attitudes... This is a biography. This means that life is hidden behind the titles of articles and books. If we analyze the publications collected in the book as a whole, their social focus is acutely felt. The author not only and not only wants to know (and does know!) this or that methodological feature, but in his main aspiration he wants to actively improve the educational life of schoolchildren, students, teachers, and people. On different stages In the development of our state, there have been different emphases in solving this always urgent problem. And V. G. Razumovsky never ran and does not run from reality. That's why he's so in demand. And this is clearly visible.

List of the most important scientific publications:

  1. Razumovsky V.G. Development technical creativity students. M., Uchpedgiz. 1961.
  2. Razumovsky V.G. Creative problems in physics in high school. M., Enlightenment. 1966.
  3. Razumovsky V.G. Physics in high school in the USA, M., Pedagogy. 1973.
  4. Razumovsky V.G. Development of students' creative abilities in the process of teaching physics. Manual for teachers. M., “Enlightenment”, 1975.
  5. Razumovsky and others. Methods of teaching physics in schools of the USSR and the GDR. M., Education, 1978.
  6. Fundamentals of methods of teaching physics in secondary school/V. G. Razumovsky, A. I. Bugaev, Yu. I. Dick and others. M.: Education, 1984.
  7. Razumovsky V. G. Innovations in teaching physics in schools abroad. Novosibirsk: RID NSU, 2005.
  8. Razumovsky V.G. Physics at school. Scientific method of cognition and training / V.G. Razumovsky, V.V. Mayer. M.: Humanitarian Publishing House. VLADOS center, 2007.
  9. Razumovsky V. G., Mayer V. V., Varaksina E. I. Federal State Educational Standards and the study of physics at school: on scientific literacy and the development of cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren: monograph. M.; St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2014. 208 p.

Vasily Razumovsky: Knowledge of truth in enlightenment...:
biobibliogr. decree. /aut.-state Yu. A. Saurov; ed. N. P. Guryanova;
Kirov. region scientific fuck them. A. I. Herzen. - Kirov: Publishing House "Gerzenka";
LLC “Printing house ‘‘Old Vyatka’’”, 2014. - 156 p.