Increasingly, primary school teachers are using mnemonic techniques when working with vocabulary words.

Mnemonics (from the Greek mnзмз - memory and tйchnз - art, skill) - the art of memorization, a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity through the formation of artificial associations, it is a system of internal writing that allows you to consistently record information transformed into the brain in a combination of visual images. Mnemonics uses the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information.

As we mentioned above, the thinking of primary school students is visual and figurative in nature, i.e. it relies on specific ideas and images. In this regard, the majority of them have a correspondingly predominant figurative type of memory.

Successful memorization is facilitated by compliance with certain conditions:

1. Memorization mindset: the student must want to remember what he needs to remember.

2. Interest: it is easier to remember what is interesting.

3. Vividness of perception: everything that is bright, unusual, and that which evokes certain emotions is better remembered.

4. Imagery of imprinting: memorization based on images is much better than mechanical memorization.

The essence of using mnemonics when memorizing vocabulary words is to use an associogram picture, a hint word or a mini-fairy tale to come up with an image so that a word that is difficult to spell is easily remembered, and the children are sure which letter should be written in it. There are many ways to “brighten” a spelling and attract special attention to it. “Strengthening” occurs due to the figurative presentation of the material, by building a memorization storyline, composing original stories, fairy tales, poems, fables, jokes.

Effective techniques for “strengthening” spelling are:

1) writing a memorized letter in a word by analogy with the object itself;

2) compiling puzzles;

3) use of rhymes;

4) learning in a generalized way by composing stories;

5) appeal to the history of the word - etymology.

Below we will consider several methods, which include the above methods of figurative memorization of words.

Etymology is a branch of linguistics that studies the origin of words, as well as the very origin of a word.

Elements of etymological analysis are introduced into work with Russian words that are simple in structure. Frequently used and accessible to students by origin (birch - goes back to the word white, big - to the primordial pain - “strength”, cow - to the common Slavic kor - “horn”, head of cabbage - to the word hummock, frog - to the primordial lyaga from kick - “to kick”, cucumber from cucumber - “unripe”, pie - to the original feast). At this stage, children do not need to be told the source language; the word “in the old days” is enough.

Etymological analysis - elucidation of the previously existing morphological structure of a word, its past word-formation connections, determination of the time and source of the appearance of the word, establishment of the method of its formation from the corresponding generating stem

Etymological analysis is an effective technique for enriching the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren. This technique can serve as an important means of explaining the meanings of incomprehensible words related to natural history, moral and aesthetic concepts in Russian language and reading lessons.

Based on the fact that spelling skill is formed in the process of speech activity and has a substantive and operational side, we can distinguish four stages that contribute to a qualitative change in the skill of spelling unverifiable and difficult to verify words.

1. Preparatory stage.

The goal of this stage is to equip students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that make up the content side of the skill of spelling vocabulary words.

2. Indicative stage.

The object is an unverifiable word, and the goal is the correctness and awareness of its spelling.

3. Consolidating stage.

A variety of creative tasks are used that develop the mind, activate the imagination and fantasy of children.

4. Stage of control and self-control.

At this stage, dictations, presentations and games of entertaining grammar should be carried out.

According to A.N. Tikhonova, knowledge of the etymology of a word, the rules of word formation, the ability to divide a word into its component components, determine the role and meaning of parts of a word helps to avoid many mistakes, helps to improve literacy and speech culture.

So, the use of etymological analysis in Russian language lessons when working with words with unverifiable spellings puts teaching spelling on a scientific basis. In this case, the child’s consciousness is involved, due to which vocabulary and spelling work becomes more effective. When using etymological analysis in lessons, it is necessary to clearly distinguish it from morphemic analysis in order to avoid incorrect morphemic division of words. Etymological analysis in elementary school should be used as an auxiliary technique for spelling, lexical and other practical purposes and carried out by the teacher, taking into account the age characteristics of students. In this case, etymological certificates are available to younger schoolchildren and are perceived with great interest. At the same time, the explained words are acquired by schoolchildren both in meaning and in terms of spelling.

Unfortunately, etymological analysis is rarely used in elementary school for spelling purposes. The reason is that schools are insufficiently equipped with material specifically focused on such analysis. Therefore, the types of work presented below will help students consolidate their acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of vocabulary work based on etymology.

1. Stories about the origin of words.

2. Etymological dictionaries “To the origins of the word”, compiled by students based on materials from the words they have studied.

3. The game “Is it true?”, developed by O.N. Levushkina.

4. Etymological crosswords.

5. Dictation with justification.

For example, (soldo) soldier, (tetra) notebook, (kara) pencil, (slave) work, (cucumber) cucumber.

6. Self-dictation.

For example: remember and write down as many words as possible that contain a historical root - kol - (from kolo) with the meaning "circle".

(Wheel, stroller, ring, chain mail, about, outskirts, bun, etc.)

7. Auction of “difficult” words.

Done orally. The winner is the one who is the last to name a word with the characteristic specified in the task.

Name words that contain the consonant -oro-.

(City, peas, sparrow, frost, vegetable garden, road, crow, cow, good, etc.)

Based on knowledge of etymology, such work develops students’ attention, since children do not have to repeat words already named.

8. Miniature essay.

Students are asked to choose one from the proposed list of studied words and write a short essay on the topic: “Why is this word called that?”

9. Etymological exercises.

1) Tell me from what words the words hare, car, work are formed.

2) Determine what feature of the object its name indicates.

Birch, sparrow, cabbage, strawberries, shovel, pencil case, notebook.

The described types of work contribute to consolidating the knowledge acquired by schoolchildren about the etymology of words, the ability to divide words into morphemes both in modern and historical terms, the skill of comparing consonant words by meaning (and deducing the meaning of a word from its origin), knowledge about the spelling of dictionary words.

Scientists-psychologists - Matyugin Igor Yuryevich, Chakaberiya Elena Isakovna, Rybnikova Irina Konstantinovna and Slonenko Tatyana Borisovna, have developed an original scientific methodology that uses simple and effective methods of memorizing vocabulary words:

1. Method of graphic associations.

2. Method of sound (phonetic) associations.

3. Combined method.

4. Generalization method.

This technique has been tested for many years in the “school of Eidetics.”

Eidos is “image” in Greek, and eidetism is a type of figurative memory, expressed in the preservation of bright, visual images of objects for a long time.

Eidetics is the doctrine of subjective visual images observed in children and adolescents in a certain phase of their development, and also sometimes preserved, mostly as an exception, in adults.

Eidetics includes a system of gaming exercises that are aimed at developing memory, attention, and imagination. Games and exercises use the inherent ability of every child to imagine. While externally entertaining, the exercises are based on modern scientific ideas about the structure of attention and memory. Eidetics techniques can be used directly in the classroom. This is why there are games: “What does a letter look like”, “Transformations of words”, “How words are formed”, “Complete the letter”, “Change one letter - the word will change”. Riddles, crosswords, charades, and puzzles teach children to think figuratively, compare, find differences, and transform one object into another. Thus, they become acquainted with the simplest techniques of eidetics and mnemonics, and most importantly, learn to think creatively, that is, outside the box, outside the box.

Graphic association method Children like it more than others. Its essence is that the child, in order to remember the word, makes drawings on letters that cause difficulty in writing. The memorized letter can be large or small, printed or written, in any font.

R A KETA ( A- rocket),


FOREST T NICE ( T- ladder)

Z A VOD ( A- plant pipe)

Behind I ts ( I- bunny)

G O roh ( O- pea)

Vocabulary words with pictures for quick memorization are presented in a very diverse manner in the book by O. D. Ushakova. “Write the dictation without mistakes!” .

Sound method(phonetic) associations.

The method of sound associations was used in the compilation of quatrains by the author of the book “Dictionary in Verses” E.Z. Soldatova.

Difficult words to learn

The game helps us.

Pe Tuha was called “ Pe cha”-

Pe He loves it at dawn.

A honey because, on the contrary.

Doesn't like to sing, loves honey.

So as not to be offended O rowa

And it didn’t turn sour O l O co,

We are both of these friendly words,

Let's write at the root with the letter ABOUT.

Look, children,

Cancer flies to cancer yeah.

Once Nata is in the room A she came in

And the letter A she found.

There's a letter there A was captured

Between the letter T and the letter N.

You can also use humorous questions and riddles.

In what words spruce"growing"? (teaches spruce, potato)

The following technique is used when there is a successful consonance between the phrase and the dictionary word.

For example, the word breakfast. The word that is consonant with it is cancer. If you combine these two words in one phrase, you get:

For tomorrow cancer - cancer.

You can also use the following phrases:

Kos you in braid Tyume, and Pa led to pa lto.

By memorizing such phrases, students practically do not make mistakes in these vocabulary words.

The disadvantage of this method is the accumulation of phrases when selecting consonances for words with two or more untestable letters. In which case is it recommended to use a combined method.

Combined method- this is the use of both graphic and phonetic associations simultaneously when memorizing a vocabulary word if this word contains several unverifiable letters.

Etc And vetl And V O(2 And- outstretched palms for greeting).

Hello in in Ron in roars.

Generalization method.

When using this method, students are asked to:

1. Imagine objects, phenomena or actions that words mean.

2. Combine words into groups.

3. “Revive” groups of words by composing sentences.

Cla ss

Su bb ota

RU ss cue

At our classroom ss and in su bb where was ru ss cue language.



Katya's apartment A mercury to A artina, on to A mouth to A rand A shom drawn art A can.

WITH O tank

With O rock

apple O To O

Shameless with O baka stole from O rocky apple O To O.

Psychologists say that information supported by emotions is recorded in memory better. And the more students use experience, supported by vivid memories, when coming up with the plot of pictures, the better the result will be.

We have proposed another method of memorizing vocabulary words - method of using fingerprint gestures.

Dactyls are gestures that represent the letters of a verbal language.

The Russian dactylic alphabet is an auxiliary system of Russian sign language, in which each gesture of one hand corresponds to a letter of the Russian language. There are 33 letters in the Russian language - accordingly, there are the same number of dactyls. Pronunciation is carried out according to the rules of Russian spelling.

To enhance memorization and emphasize the “difficult place” in a vocabulary word, we propose to show a gesture indicating a letter that corresponds to an unchecked spelling.

Analyzing non-traditional methods and techniques for studying vocabulary words, we came to the conclusion that the use of figurative memorization, etymological analysis, and the use of the sign alphabet will arouse a keen interest in the learning process among students, diversify Russian language lessons, fill extracurricular activities with creativity, and also serve as a way to develop all mental processes of students in general.

Conclusions for Chapter 1

Based on the linguistic foundations of developing literate writing skills

among younger schoolchildren, as well as the age characteristics of children 9 - 10 years old and their consideration in the development of literate writing skills and analysis of traditional programs in 3rd grade, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Formation of competent writing skills is one of the most important and difficult tasks in a modern school.

2. When working on the development of spelling skills in students, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of the basic principles of spelling at school, as well as take into account the age and psychological characteristics of children.

3. The variety of rules of Russian spelling is explained, on the one hand, by the peculiarities of the phonetic and grammatical structure of the Russian language, the specifics of its development, and on the other hand, by interaction with other languages, both Slavic and non-Slavic. The result of the latter is a large number of words of non-Russian origin, the spelling of which has to be memorized.

4. Primary school age is a period favorable and receptive to any information coming from the outside; it is an important stage of learning, at which the foundations of language learning as a whole are laid.

Primary school students have great potential for the development of cognitive processes, which makes it possible to manage the learning process based on the psychophysiological characteristics of children of this age.

5. When conducting the educational process, for more productive learning by students, it is necessary to take into account the leading channel of perception of each student in the class and, based on this, if possible, present information in such a way that the children can see, hear and feel it.

6. The use of traditional and non-traditional methods of getting to know vocabulary words develops children’s attention, memory, thinking, and imagination. Non-traditional methods make the work of memorizing words with unverifiable spellings not only lively, exciting and easy, but also make it possible to expand both the vocabulary of students and the range of their literate writing, cultivating in them a love for words and language.

7. An analysis of traditional training programs for third-graders shows that insufficient time and space are allocated in the context of the lesson and in the annual plan for teaching spelling of words with untestable spellings. Therefore, in many ways, the quality of students’ mastery of vocabulary words will depend on the skill and creative approach to the teacher’s education process.

8. One of the main tasks of a primary school teacher is to correctly assess the individual characteristics of the development of speech, thinking, memory, imagination and perception of each student, to use them most fully in the learning process, to awaken interest in learning and knowledge, to come up with methods and techniques that will help overcome learning difficulties for children, form in students a sustainable interest in the learning process, relieve tension and constraint, help develop learning skills and create conditions under which the learning process will be interesting, exciting, fruitful and effective.

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Vocabulary work - this is not an episode in the work of a teacher, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically appropriately structured work related to all sections of the Russian language course.

In order for learning to be successful, interesting, and exciting, at different stages of Russian language lessons, teachers use entertaining tasks that encourage children to think, search and find the correct solution to grammatical problems. A problematic situation arises when the question arises of how to help students become literate, how to master the spelling of untestable words.

The work is carried out in several stages:

Presentation of a new word:

a) reading a riddle, students guessing it;

b) looking at a picture (of an object, from the “picture dictionary” set or on a slide);

c) description of the characteristics of an object or presentation of a synonym word.

1. Work on the auditory image of the word.

Students pronounce the word in chorus correctly orthographically, then one by one, without highlighting the syllables, identify the “dangerous place” in it.

2. Write a word with a “window”.

After children have identified stressed and unstressed syllables, they write down the vocabulary word in a notebook and dictionary.

3. Work on the visual image of the word, communication by the teacher or students of etymological information, a brief schematic recording of it on the board, in notebooks or dictionaries, for example: village - from the word “tree”; a place cleared of trees; peasant village. Similar root words: wooden, rustic, etc. Strawberry - from the word “earth”; earth berry. Rooster - from the word “sing”; using the suffix -uh. Rowan - from the word “pockmarked” - variegated, covered with spots of a different color. Similar words: pockmarked, hazel grouse, mountain ash (thicket of rowan bushes). Students receive an answer to the question posed (about the required letter) by turning to a spelling dictionary. An element of etymological analysis can also be used.

4. Selection and recording of words with the same root.

When working with dictionary words, the use of crossword puzzles makes it possible to once again fix in memory the correct spelling of the words being studied.

There are no rules for writing dictionary words. It is not possible to check them with related words. Since elementary school students have a very vivid and imaginative memory, you can take advantage of this and invite students to come up with their own rules for vocabulary words - “wrong” ones. If you do this with the help of associations, then the child’s emotionally figurative memory will actively work. Let’s connect our word with another, “testing”, but not the same root, where an unstressed, unverified sound becomes stressed. A dictionary word has an “adopted relative” that helps you accurately remember the required spelling. The solution to such a problematic situation is expressed in children creating drawings that the whole class can use.

“Adoptive relatives” should not be confused with real related words; they are too distant in meaning. The process of composing and drawing is interesting and fascinating for children, and the whole work as a whole gives a high-quality result of learning vocabulary words. I help children intuitively grasp the algorithm for forming associative connections. This algorithm helps the student quickly and firmly assimilate a wide variety of information, and not only in Russian language lessons.

Etymological information about dictionary words does not always contain the reference spelling. In such cases, the difficult spelling of a dictionary word is associated with a vivid associative image, which is remembered when writing this dictionary word, helping to write the spelling correctly. You can come up with several associative images for the same word, and then choose the most successful one.

Requirements for an associative image:

a) the associative image must be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature;

b) the associative image must have its own spelling, an undoubted letter, which is doubtful in a given dictionary word.

An associative connection can be identified by a number of characteristics: color, quantity, action, sound, purpose, location, shape, material, taste, weight, etc.

Work on creating an associative image includes the following stages:

  1. Write down the vocabulary word and put the emphasis;
  2. Highlight the syllable that causes difficulties (doubt) when writing;
  3. Write down separately the syllable that causes doubt, highlighting the dubious spelling in color;
  4. Find an associative image associated with a vocabulary word and write it down opposite the vocabulary word;
  5. Depict a vocabulary word combined with an associative image (drawing);

Read a dictionary word, clearly reproduce out loud the found associative image, imagining their combination and the connecting dubious spelling. The use of associations in vocabulary work is supposed to begin in the second year of primary school, when students have sufficiently mastered the skills of selecting words of the same root and confidently distinguish a related word from an associative image.

The value of this method of work is that each student has his own associative image with general requirements: a given spelling and associative connection. At the initial stage of work using the associative image technique, the teacher himself shows and creates images. In the future, a joint analysis of vocabulary words is already underway, the teacher performs only the role of an assistant. And only then the students complete these tasks independently. (A folder with student drawings is attached).

3. Stage II. Practical implementation of the project.

4. Speech development in Russian language development lessons.

5. Psychodiagnostics in Russian language lessons.

6. "About the love of spelling rules..."

7. Development of spelling intuition in Russian language lessons.

8. Associative algorithm for memorizing dictionary words.

Associative algorithm for memorizing dictionary words

For a child from his first steps in educational activities in the Russian language textbook by O.L. Soboleva offers three alternative paths, three ways to master literate writing: meaningful application of the rule, appeal to spelling intuition and memorization.

Memorizing the spelling image of a word on a conscious level is one of the effective ways to master literacy. The author simultaneously solves two problems: to help the child remember how specific words are written, and much more important - to promote the intensive development of brain structures, and not just memory.

In the textbooks of O.L. Soboleva has virtually no mechanical memorization. It is no secret that in large doses it can lead to dulling of abilities and a decrease in the creative potential of the child. In addition, such memorization does not at all contribute to increasing interest in the subject. Therefore, it becomes natural and necessary to turn to the child’s vivid emotional-figurative memory, to the enormous possibilities inherent in the associative way of thinking.

A godsend in this regard was the associative method of memorizing and assimilating information developed by Vasily Agafonov, the author of the original textbooks “Wrong Rules”, “Completely Wrong Rules”, “Count in Rhyme” and many others. His wonderful fairy tales and poems, in which an associative memorization algorithm is implemented, became the basis for dictionary work when creating the textbook.

The memorization algorithm that the author offers the child in textbooks is extended primarily to words with unchecked spellings, that is, to dictionary words. However, any word whose spelling follows a rule, of course, can also be remembered. Thus, in relation to any word, children can choose between the rule, spelling intuition and their own memory. Among other things, this works to develop the child’s alternative thinking and develops his ability for introspection: he learns to understand himself and listen to himself. It is very important.

The essence of the algorithm is to find a clue, an associative thread, a bridge between the word you want to remember and another word in which the “stubborn” letter is heard clearly and clearly.

At the first stage, the associative “hook” is included in the emotional and figurative context of the fairy tale or poem. In addition to the text, in which the image of the letter necessary for memorization is repeated in various ways, there are also drawings. There are many additional threads in the drawings, secondary “clues” that enhance the memorization effect. A visual metaphor excites the child’s emotional memory, activates his attention to the object of memorization, and ensures the selective focus of this attention. The organic combination of verbal and graphic images creates a solid foundation for non-violent, active and long-term memorization. Here's how it could be:


Once upon a time there lived a baka. She knew how to bark, wag her tail, guard the house and loved to howl at the round moon, which looks a little like the letter "ABOUT". And bite a bagel that looks like a letter "ABOUT". She also loved to look at the round cloud and the round sun, which looked like the letter "ABOUT", loved autumn, which begins with the letter “O”. In general, of course, you guessed that she fell in love with the letter itself "ABOUT". And when I fell in love, I wanted to be written with this letter.

“Okay,” they told her, “we’ll write you.” "sides".

No, I don't want that! From what other side?! - Baka was offended. - I don’t want to be called that! I just want to pee with "ABOUT".

And they began to write it with "ABOUT".Like this: with "ABOUT» tank. And then simply: dog. That's how they still write.

(V. Agafonov)

As you can see, there are many threads, and they permeate the entire text of the fairy tale: these are words where “O” is stressed, and words that begin with this letter, and playing with its shape - focusing on real objects that resemble this letter in shape: round moon, donut-shaped letter "ABOUT", round cloud, round sun.

There is also a subtext, working with which, according to neurophysiologists, activates thought processes and is a powerful factor in the development of a child’s brain structures.

And finally, there is a drawing. You will be able to see on it the written image of the letter “O”, and an abundance of round objects that the child eagerly and very quickly finds: a window in the house, a plate, etc. The color, the major energy of the drawing, its features, which take into account the holistic and at the same time discrete perception of the child, help to remember.

In each case, the magic strings, as we call them with children, are different. So, in order to remember how to spell birch, it was enough to just read four lines with the children once:

The birch was so white

What is the letter "E" from the word "white"

I quietly walked over to her

And I didn’t want to leave.

(V. Agafonov)

As soon as a child “enters” the picture, gets used to it (and this happens in a few seconds) and looks closely at the expression on the face of the birch tree and especially the letter itself, so reverently and tenderly clinging to the trunk - and it is simply impossible to write a birch with a letter "AND".

By the way, I asked the children what line the artist drew, and I always heard the answer: the fourth, “and didn’t want to leave”. After whatever time this word appears in the dictation, the image perceived from the drawing and text will instantly and involuntarily appear in the child’s mind - and there will be no mistake.

However, poems and fairy tales, a spacious context for an associative “hook” at the next stage of mastering the algorithm are no longer necessary. A simple image is enough. For example, to remember the word cucumber, you can imagine a huge, huge cucumber and say to yourself: “Wow! Wow, what a cucumber! Huge, good! And he himself looks like the letter “O”. It starts with the letter “O”!” That's all!

It turned out that a child is much easier than an adult to invent his own strings and attach words to them, “like balloons.” I find that the very word “stubborn” helps my students. “They lacked this word, just as they lacked the verb invent instead of compose. They just want to redirect the “stubborn” words and write them correctly, without error.” Perhaps, in fact, the semantics of the word stubborn evokes certain emotional impulses, the motivation to memorize, the motivation to search for specific techniques that can help “re-stubborn” the word are enhanced.

Later, the author only offers his version of the associative “hook”, letting the child understand that this is exactly an option. You can do it, for example, like this. We place three vocabulary words in a scarlet frame: wheel, page and scarf. A metaphor is introduced into the task: “Try to tie each stubborn word to another word...”. And just below:

Does the wheel have spokes?

Is the page strange?

Did they make a dress for Thumbelina from a scarf?

Look for the magic threads!

In fact, this is how you imagine a bicycle wheel, from which sharp spokes stick out and are prickly. They are To ABOUT are pouring, That's why To ABOUT forest!

Interesting fact! Children do not confuse helper words that they find by association and related words. In their minds this is clearly separated, and no special effort is required for this: only once, once and for all, separate these concepts. With question marks, we seem to be telling the child: “This is what we came up with, but maybe you have another option? Another image? You can use ours, or you can use yours.”

And it is very important that a child already at the age of seven understands that everyone has their own associations, although they can sometimes coincide in different people. It is very important to teach a child to involuntarily find the image that suits him best and makes it easier for him to remember, and to trust himself in this regard.

The very image of magic strings (both verbal and in drawing) also works. Threads, knots, bindings, hooks, bridges - all these words, when a child hears or reads them, stimulate associative thinking and contribute to the involuntary emergence of images and associative chains.

The skill of associative work is formed in younger schoolchildren so quickly that by the end of the first grade they are far ahead of their parents, and often their teachers. And most importantly, they like to remember this way.


Once upon a time there was a cat. He didn't like winter, but he loved summer!

I loved it so much that I started traveling around the world to catch up with summer. The cat became famous, and they began to call him Cutlet.

The Summer Cat was an excellent cook. He invented various meat dishes. One day he took minced meat, added onions, eggs, salt, pepper, mixed and made small round cakes. Summer Cat fried them in a frying pan. Everyone liked the new dish. People went to the cat Kot-leta for a recipe. He opened a restaurant where the specialty was minced meat cakes. Everyone loved this dish and named this flatbread in honor of the cat Kot-leta - CUTLET. Since then, everyone knows cutlets!


Once upon a time there were two letters - "AND" And "Y". They were very similar to each other, although slightly different. U "Y" there was a bow, and "AND" He was absent. The first graders confused them all the time. Instead of "AND" wrote "Y" or vice versa.

One night the letters conferred and came up with a way to help the children. They asked for a syllable "Not" settle between them. and a proposal appeared on the board "I - not Y!"

In the morning the children saw him and were happy. The letters helped them a lot. And the teacher said: “What a beautiful word is silver on our board!"And the children read the word in chorus "FROST". From that day on, they forever remembered how to spell this beautiful word.

And one girl drew a whole visual aid that helps you remember how to spell the word precipitation. She drew a huge cloud on a large piece of paper and wrote CLOUD next to it. Then I drew rain and snow coming from this cloud and wrote: PRECIPITATION. And she connected these two words with an arrow: precipitation - because from the cloud. Great!

But the point is not to remember thirty, or forty, or even two hundred specific words, and not even to learn to remember the spelling of any word in this way. The most important thing is that the children extrapolate the associative memorization algorithm to any educational information in general - in mathematics, natural history, in any subjects. However, this is probably not even the most important thing, but the fact that this algorithm develops, that it imparts the necessary impulse to associative processes in brain activity, and increases the creative potential of children. Well, it’s simple - it makes life in the classroom more interesting and emotional. The associative technique is not the only one with which the author helps children remember the image of a word. There are many other techniques: playing with type, saturating the text with a certain letter and sound, etymological discoveries that we make. However, the associative line remains leading. It even passes through etymological analysis. An active need for a metaphor that carries information is formed in the child; not only the skill of assimilating such a metaphor is developed, but also the skill of creating it.

When working with a metaphor (both someone else’s and your own), emotional memory is activated, memorization and assimilation become fast and strong. It must be said that the associative technique, and in particular those of its techniques that work on memorization, help to coordinate different channels of perception: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, and this is one of its advantages. Let there be another poem in this article about the “stubborn” word. My children and I continue to learn to remember!

Little painter

Once I painted a ball

A very small painter.

The painter was small in stature,

He fell off the stepladder.

Fell down from the stepladder

I hit the letter "A" with my hand.

The hand got stuck in the letter "A"

And grief is not enough for him:

“So what if I fell?

So what if he’s short?

But I painted the ball,

Because I'm a painter!"

(V. Agafonov)

Positive effects:

Children write vocabulary words almost without errors. And the algorithm for memorizing vocabulary words has become the children’s favorite “equipment” for training their imagination and memory. They often offer their associations, ideas, images, come up with fairy tales and even write poetry.

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Memorizing vocabulary words using the association method Teacher: Derkach S.V.

Purpose of the study: to find out how to better and faster remember the spelling of words that do not obey spelling rules.

Problem Many years of experience have shown that despite the painstaking work of memorizing vocabulary words, students continue to make mistakes. The question has repeatedly arisen, how to achieve a good result in a short period of time, that is, with the least effort, teach you to memorize vocabulary words for a long time, firmly, thoroughly?

Problematic questions Scientists about human memory What is “eidetics”? Methods of associative memorization Experimental research Practical recommendations and conclusions

Scientists about memory Memory is the ability of the nervous system (brain) to perceive the surrounding reality, imprint it in nerve cells, store the perceived information, and then, as necessary, reproduce it.

What is eidetics? Eidos (Greek) – “image” Eidetism is a type of figurative memory.

The school of eidetics follows an original scientific methodology developed by psychologists and tested in practice. This school offers simple and original techniques based on fantasy and imagination, which turn memorizing vocabulary words into an exciting activity.

Method of graphic associations When memorizing the spelling of a vocabulary word, you need to make a drawing indicating the word itself and play with the memorized letter in it. It can be large or small, printed or written, in any font.

Sound (phonetic) associations Preferred in cases where a phrase from consonance and a vocabulary word is especially successful. tomorrow cancer For breakfast cancer and

Combined method This is the use of both graphic and phonetic associations simultaneously when memorizing a vocabulary word, if this word contains several unverifiable letters

Method of associative memorization of vocabulary words Problem: school-age children make mistakes when writing vocabulary words. Goal: to teach how to write vocabulary words correctly. Remedy: using the method of vivid associations. The essence of the method: a difficult spelling is associated with a vivid associative image, which is remembered when writing a given vocabulary word, helping to write the spelling correctly.

Methodology is not a dogma, but a source of creativity

Requirements for an associative image An associative image must be associated with a dictionary word by some common feature. The associative connection can be based on: Color ini- snow, white Shape of basket oval Place of water pipe Sound of relay - “Hey!” Action st a kansta vlu Purpose k a pusta- za yats Material g a zeta- bum a ga The associative image must have in its writing an undoubted letter, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

Experimental studies

Practical recommendations and conclusions The use of the associative method contributes to the successful memorization of vocabulary words. Interest in learning increases, students are in constant search, the creative process brings joyful emotions and pleasure from work. Most importantly, the children began to study well.

The associative method has a number of limitations: You cannot impose adult associations on a child You cannot overload your memory with associations

References Rozhdestvensky N.S. Teaching spelling at school. - M.: Vlados, 1992. - 218 p. Soboleva O.L. Methodological recommendations for the textbook “Russian language - 1st grade” Matyugin I.Yu. How to remember words - D.: Stalker, 1997.- 448 p. Matyugin I.Yu. How to develop good memory - D.: Stalker, 2003. Shulgina V.P. Methodical piggy bank for primary school teachers - R-on-D.: Phoenix, 2002.

Schoolchildren with “innate literacy” have a much easier time in general education. Such people can write without a single mistake, without memorizing the rules - they write words intuitively, without thinking. Some people find it very difficult to remember spelling, and almost every sentence causes difficulty.

Spelling with pictures

To remember a simple word, you can use the graphic association method. This method turns learning into a kind of game, so children study with pleasure, and the results are almost always positive.

You need to draw an object that reflects the “problem word” and express emphasis on the specific letter that causes difficulty. However, this method is not suitable for images with abstract concepts. It is better to use this technique only for memorizing words that can be depicted.

To use the graphic method, you need to play with the problematic letter. For example, to remember the word “apple” you need to draw this fruit with the letter “O”. Your child will learn to write correctly faster if you use these tricks to write without spelling errors.

A huge advantage in this method is that it does not require any specific artistic skills to draw. The drawings are made schematically, there is no need to accurately and beautifully depict objects, the main thing is to remember the correct spelling.

For example, to successfully memorize the word “pig,” you need to draw the animal itself and highlight its nose in the drawing. The shape of the patch resembles the letter “O”, with which errors are often encountered. Concentrate on the fact that the design depicts a word with two "O's" by drawing two holes on the coin.

Advantages of the graphical method

Subsequently, to remember how to spell a word, it is enough to imagine a drawn picture. Psychologists approve of this method of memorization, because when you independently depict objects, it is much easier to reproduce the correct spelling in memory.

All children of primary school age love to learn spelling by drawing objects on paper. The child simultaneously develops his artistic skills and remembers the correct spelling without tedious memorization of rules. At first, you need to supervise learning, and later the child will be able to cope without the help of adults.

Disadvantage of using pictures for proper writing

But still, this method has one drawback - it creates an attitude towards memorizing all words, without exception, only using the graphic method, and the habit of searching for images in memory for correct spelling.

With the help of research, it was found that they quickly get used to “searching for a picture with their eyes”; students remember spelling using this method, even if there are clear rules.