There are many places to study to become an environmental engineer in Moscow. But only one of them will be the only one for the applicant. Where is the best place to study to become an environmental engineer? Let's find out!

Even if a graduate has already decided what he wants to become, it is important which university to study at, what knowledge and professional skills the university will provide.

Moreover, employers also take into account the place of study of their employees. And the place of work, income and even career growth depend on this.

Where to study to become an environmental engineer?

Many higher education institutions provide the opportunity to study to become an environmental engineer. Among them there are state and non-state.

You can enroll in a state university on a budget, or you can pay for it. Non-governmental institutions recruit students only on a paid basis, although there are exceptions. A diploma in environmental engineering can be obtained both through full-time education and through correspondence.

When choosing a university, it is very important that during your studies you receive good not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge.

You need to understand that studying to become an environmental engineer is not the same as, for example, studying to become an economist. The specialty requires more practical training, and only in good universities will it really be at the required level.

Good universities provide serious practical experience. The practice takes place in green areas of the city, parks, embankments, nature reserves or outside the city.

And if you study to become an environmental engineer at the best universities in the country, the student will be even more lucky. The best educational institutions have training grounds for such practices, where students not only study, but often live.

Don’t forget about industrial or pre-graduation internships. They take place directly at enterprises. The choice of where to undergo such an internship lies with the student himself, but some departments themselves direct students to work.

Average universities do not delve much into the places where a student will practice.

And the best educational institutions have accumulated experience and a list of the best employers, so they can offer good options for industrial practice. Therefore, studying to become an environmental engineer at the best universities is much more profitable.

Where to study to become an environmental engineer in Moscow?

The capital is a capital because there are a lot of decent places where you can get an education.

The main state universities where you can study to become an environmental engineer in Moscow:

  • Moscow State University is one of the best universities in the world. The most worthy students study here, there is a lot of competition for budget places, paid tuition is incredibly expensive. The specialty “ecology and environmental management” is offered at several faculties.
  • State University of Land Management (GUZ) - not everyone knows this university, but in vain. It is prestigious to study to become an environmental engineer in Moscow at the State University of Institution. There is a budget and a contract.
  • (RGSU) - better known. There is an environmental department here.
  • State University "Dubna" - Moscow region is also famous for its institutions. One of the best universities where you can study to become an environmental engineer on a budget or contract in the region.
  • RSU Gubkin is a prestigious and popular university. To enter, you need to have a high Unified State Examination score. And the cost of extra-budgetary training is one of the highest. But it's worth it.
  • MSTU im. Bauman is one of the most famous engineering universities in the country. Studying here is difficult; good Unified State Exam results are required for admission.
  • RUDN University is a famous university. The Faculty of Ecology provides training in the specialty “ecology and environmental management”. Acceptable Unified State Examination score for admission. If you don't stick to your budget, the price of training on the market is average. At this university, the study of foreign languages ​​is mandatory. So you can also master the language perfectly.
  • Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" - you can enroll in the specialty "technosphere safety" on a budget or a contract.
  • MAI - here they teach the environmental safety of space activities. An interesting specialty, there is a budget and a contract.
  • Moscow State Regional University (MGOU) – at the Faculty of Geography and Ecology there are many free places in the specialty “geoecology”. There is also a contract department.
  • MADI - this university has an energy and environmental department, where you can study to become an environmental engineer for a fee or on a budget.
  • The Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (RGGRU) is not only a good place where you can study to become an environmental engineer in Moscow, but also a low cost of paid training for those who did not qualify for the budget.

In addition to the above educational institutions, there are others. There are many places in the capital where you can study to become an environmental engineer.

This specialty is in demand by enterprises in the country, has its pros and cons and, of course, career opportunities. Therefore, if you still want to study to become an environmental engineer in Moscow, then without hesitation, choose one of the universities and enroll. It's worth it!

A profession is worth choosing if (1) it is in demand on the labor market, (2) demand for it exceeds supply, (3) it is not in danger of disappearing in the near future. The specialty “ecologist” fits these criteria perfectly. A new type of employment for Russia today has strong demand among employers. This is due to the urgent need to improve the state of the environment, tightening environmental requirements for manufacturing enterprises and the increased need for environmentally friendly consumer goods. The work has an additional “plus”: taking care of the environment is tantamount to saving humanity and all living things from extinction. This is not even a profession - a mission!

How ecologists appeared

To understand this, it is worth tracing the evolution of environmental development. The term “ecology” was first proposed by the German naturalist and philosopher Ernst Haeckel. He combined two Greek words “ekos” - habitat, and “logos” - science. This is how the doctrine of the environment and its relationship with living organisms appeared.

In antiquity, life was perceived as something natural that did not require explanation. Needed where was born. Then patterns were discovered in natural connections. It has been established that climate, atmospheric pressure, temperature, the nature of the terrain, and geographical location influence the development of flora and fauna.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists started talking about the interdependence of organisms. The size of bird and animal populations is influenced not only by natural factors, but also by connections within living communities. So the number of birds depends on the number of insects they feed on.

The era of technological progress has made nature dependent on human activity. The concept of “everything is connected to everything” appeared. Many subsections of ecology have emerged - hydro-, ethno-, landscape, social, information, human ecology and others. Science began to study the relationships between organisms and their habitats.

One of the laws of this field of knowledge is: “Nature knows best.” And there is evidence of this.

Relationships between living organisms that conflict with natural laws lead to disruption of biological balance. They reduce or completely destroy populations of flora and fauna. There are also threats to humanity. In a word, an environmental catastrophe arises.

When the imbalance on Earth has reached its limit, the time has come not only to study ecology, but also to solve the problems associated with it. This is how specialists in this field appeared - ecologists.

What kind of profession is this - ecologist

This specialist analyzes the state of the ecosystem, finds out the reasons for the imbalance and proposes measures to change the situation in a positive direction.

Today, environmentalists are part of many industrial enterprises. Their task is to control production technology in order to avoid harmful emissions into the atmosphere, water bodies, forests and other natural environment objects.

If the ecological balance is already unbalanced as a result of housing or road construction, violation of norms for the exploitation of natural areas, improper extraction of minerals and other resources, specialists determine the cause of the incident and take action.

If violations are detected, environmentalists have the right to contact law enforcement agencies and seek punishment for individuals or legal entities that caused harm to the environment.

In all Federal Districts of Russia there are branches of the environmental police and environmental prosecutor's office that resolve such issues. By the way, environmentalists also work there.

Since the specialty is at the intersection of many sciences, the holder of the profession must have a large amount of knowledge in the field of biology, physics, chemistry, geography, geology, soil science, etc. And of course, without a love for living nature, an ecologist can hardly be considered a professional.

Rating of the TOP 7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

What does an environmental engineer do?

His responsibilities include:

  • conducting environmental monitoring and examinations;
  • organization of laboratory research on the content of pollutants in the atmosphere, soil and water;
  • justification of safety for the biosphere of industrial projects, facilities and production;
  • preparation and approval of environmental documents in permitting authorities;
  • control over production technologies and their compliance with environmental protection standards;
  • drawing up analytical forecasts;
  • control of waste disposal;
  • organization of rescue measures in case of man-made disasters.

Specialties in the field of ecology

This type of activity is developing extremely dynamically, opening up great prospects for its owners. Modern technologies and new directions in science have become the impetus for the emergence of new specialties. Let's list some of them.

Bioecologist. Explores the components of the ecosystem, studies the possibilities of using them for various purposes, deals with issues of nature conservation, and conducts biomonitoring of the state of the environment.

Geoecologist. Studies the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere of the Earth. Conducts survey, design, production and research activities in natural areas. Carries out geoecological monitoring and pollution control.

Environmental development engineer. Designs structures to maintain biological balance, carries out design work for the improvement of populated areas, engages in ecological restoration of natural landscapes, conducts examinations and audits.

Gas and dust analysis laboratory assistant. Analyzes the composition of air. Conducts measurements of the concentration level of foreign particles in production premises. Participates in testing and adjustment of dust collectors, fans and smoke exhausters, gives recommendations for improving their characteristics.

Medical ecologist. Tests the systems of the human body to control the quality of the environment in which it is located. Develops medical and environmental regulatory documentation. Engaged in the rehabilitation of people who suffered as a result of environmental disasters.

Landscape ecologist. Monitors and analyzes the condition of green zones in urban areas. Offers solutions for maintaining ecological balance, landscaping and expanding the habitat of fauna.

Port ecologist. Monitors the environmental safety of port facilities, water areas and the atmosphere within their borders. Monitors the state of plant and animal populations in areas adjacent to the ports.

Environmental Engineer. Monitors its condition, carries out work to minimize and eliminate harmful results of economic activity. Controls the collection, disposal and disposal of industrial waste.

Environmental Design Specialist. Engaged in the creation of environmentally compatible objects for the development of the surrounding space.

Environmental technician. Works to implement clean, low-waste or zero-waste technologies.

Ecoanalyst. Analyzes environmental risks and proposes measures to preserve natural resources.

Experts predict that by 2020 new specialties related to ecology will appear in Russia. Such as an urban ecologist, a specialist in overcoming systemic environmental disasters, an integrated safety auditor, an environmental analyst in the extractive industries and construction, an eco-recycler in metallurgy, an eco-leader, an eco-preacher, an agroecologist and others.

The growing need for environmental specialties affects the growth of income in this field of activity. The salary, for example, of a bioecologist ranges from 35 to 85 thousand rubles. An environmental protection specialist earns the same amount. Engineers for the integrated use of water resources and environmental management can count on 30-500 thousand.

Where do ecologists work?

The scope of work of the holders of this profession is very wide:

  1. Nature protection and environmental management bodies.
  2. Industrial and agricultural enterprises.
  3. Research institutes, environmental and medical laboratories.
  4. Sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological centers.
  5. Reserves, natural parks, nature museums.
  6. Emergency services.
  7. Meteorological centers.
  8. Analytical agencies.
  9. General education and special educational institutions.

"Advantages" of working as an ecologist

  • Wide specialization.
  • Growing demand for specialized personnel.
  • International status of the profession.

"Disadvantages" of the specialty

  • The need to have a significant amount of knowledge in various fields of science.
  • Often harmful working conditions.
  • Responsibility for the life and health of people.

Where to study to become an ecologist and what to take upon admission

Most Russian multidisciplinary universities have faculties of ecology and environmental management. In this specialty you can get both first and second higher education. The list of exams is determined by the university. For example, when entering MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, you need to take geography, mathematics and Russian language. Other universities take exams in chemistry, natural science, and biology.

The environmental movement around the world is changing its orientation from social to professional. Therefore, the specialty “Ecologist” has good, if not rosy, prospects. This means that modern applicants can be sure that the education received today will be in demand and well paid tomorrow. Ecologists of various specialties have more and more opportunities to find decent and interesting work.

The profession "Ecologist" (and similar ones) is undoubtedly attractive. At least because even an ecologist, who is at one of the initial levels in the service hierarchy, receives a very good salary.




Entry barrier



Ecology as a science was formed at the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century. It was preceded by botanical geography. Researcher Alexander von Humboldt is considered the forefather of modern ecology, since he was the first to closely study the relationship of various organisms with the environment.

Around the 60s of the last century, humanity finally came to understand that industrial waste can cause serious harm to the environment and, consequently, to the population. There is a need for highly specialized specialists who understand how to minimize this harm.


The main tasks of a modern ecologist are:

  1. Monitoring the state of the environment.
  2. Prevention of environmental disasters.
  3. In the event of emergencies that result in environmental damage: analysis of the problem, search for optimal solutions.
  4. Establishing cause-and-effect relationships, studying the causes of natural disasters, man-made and environmental disasters.
  5. Development of programs to protect the environmental environment, lobbying for relevant laws, regulations, and public sentiment. Information support of existing problems in the environmental sector.
  6. Development of tools for optimizing production capacity in accordance with the requirements of environmental safety criteria.

Where to study, in what specialties?

There are courses, upon completion of which you will be provided with certificates indicating that you attended them. But it is obvious that the value of such certificates cannot be even close to being equal to having a full-fledged diploma obtained from a prestigious university.

Two priority specialties: “Ecology and environmental protection”, as well as “Ecology and environmental management”. During the training, students, in addition to acquiring other specialized skills, also learn:

  1. Study ecosystems, the biosphere, interactions of organisms, compounds and substances.
  2. Detect and monitor the influence of factors affecting the health of living beings, their behavior and life activity in general.
  3. Identify, investigate and solve local and global environmental problems.
  4. Conduct laboratory research and mathematical measurements, as well as other calculations.

In addition, environmental students receive detailed information about rational environmental management and the legislative framework governing environmental issues.

You can become an ecologist by receiving an education at the following universities (and not only):

  1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  2. Academy MNEPU.
  3. MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazev.
  4. MGIMO.
  5. Gorno-Altai State University.
  6. Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Who is this profession suitable for?

Both men and women cope equally well with the work of an ecologist. The best option is if the future ecologist has spent most of his life in rural areas. Of course, the best ecologists are those who have loved wildlife since childhood, are interested in geography, natural history, gardening, biology, and fiction about travel and adventure, when the main actions take place against the backdrop of wild nature. Also, active people will cope with this work perfectly: fighters for a healthy lifestyle, justice, animal protection, ideological adherents of environmental purity, pedantic people who love order, but are not devoid of creativity; people who enjoy caring for animals and plants and observing natural phenomena.

Where do environmentalists work, how much do they earn?

Ecologists are in demand in ministries of forestry and agriculture, environmental organizations, hydrometeorological services, industrial enterprises, and municipal structures. The average salary of specialists in this profile (based on the results of this year) is:

  1. Up to 60,000 rubles from the chief ecologist.
  2. Up to 45,000 rubles for specialists and senior specialists.
  3. Up to 30,000 rubles for beginning ecologists.

How can an ecologist get a job?

Unfortunately, the demand for this profession is very small - the number of jobs for ecologists at industrial enterprises is often limited to one or two. And even more often, the responsibilities of an ecologist are assigned to engineers as an additional burden. Of course, the salary of a certified ecologist is quite high, but in our time, the position of an ecologist belongs to the “fat” (that is, good) jobs. The responsibilities of the average specialist are limited to bureaucratic red tape, the so-called “shifting of papers.” And the salary, of course, is not bad.

Two options:

  1. You have a thorough knowledge of the theoretical basis and have done an excellent job in practice. You are ready to undergo interviews in hundreds of companies and successfully pass thousands of tests, and also amaze not only the HR manager with the depth of your knowledge, but also all your future superiors. But be warned. The competition will be very high. And if an enterprise needs a promising specialist for serious work, and not “a person who will plug a hole in the staff,” you will have to give more than 100%.
  2. You just somehow completed your studies and received your diploma. Your parents have useful contacts. In this case, your job is guaranteed, and the depth of your knowledge and level of qualifications have practically no meaning. Unfortunately, this concerns not only environmentalists. This is a global problem of the post-Soviet social system.

The history of the ecologist profession began before our era. Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Pliny wrote the first treatises in this area known to us. But the world has only now felt the urgent need for ecologists.

In the second half of the 20th century, the world community became concerned about the state of the planet. Man-made disasters, industrial revolutions, mining of fossil resources - all this affects the state of the environment.

Ecologists are needed to control the negative impact of humans on the natural world.

Who is a scientist ecologist and how to become one

An ecologist is a highly specialized specialist who analyzes the situation and develops a set of measures to reduce environmental damage.

Ecologists can be divided into bioecologists, agroecologists, geoecologists, hydroecologists, environmental engineers, urban ecologists, environmental technicians, laboratory ecologists, inspectors and auditors. Some study the animal world, others the plant world, others analyze the state of cities, etc.

It is worth noting: Sometimes it is not necessary to have a specialized education as an ecologist to become one. It is enough to be a specialist in one of the fields: biology, physics, chemistry, agronomy, geology, ecology, etc.

Specialty "Ecology and environmental management" - who and where you can work

Graduates of the specialty “Ecology and Environmental Management” work not only in the office, but also on field trips to take samples. They are responsible for rationalizing the use of natural resources.

There are several general employment options:

  1. In industry and construction. An environmental engineer is in demand from food production to oil and gas companies. He deals with the environmental safety of construction sites and monitors the sanitary situation. Conducts examinations before the construction of buildings, factories, and roads begins.
  2. In the medical field. An environmental laboratory technician is needed for forensic examinations, which require knowledge of the environment.
  3. In supervisory authorities. Work in state regulatory bodies, statistical committees. An environmental expert compiles a description of industrial zones and checks the reporting of enterprises.
  4. Consulting and environmental audit. An urban ecologist is a developing profession whose purpose is to design and monitor the environmental condition of new cities.

Work in the environmental sector without experience

Students of environmental universities receive all professional skills during summer internship, but they do not have the work experience needed to get a job in a private enterprise. The list of professions in this case is not extensive: work at a state enterprise or volunteering.

Take note: Ecolog International is recruiting volunteers to work abroad. Knowledge of English will be a big advantage.

Environmental volunteering is one of the ways to see the world, gain experience and not go broke. Organizers usually pay for volunteers’ accommodation and travel themselves.

Work at state enterprises is inferior in salary to private enterprises, but environmentalists are hired even without experience due to the low number of such on the labor exchange.

You should understand that this type of work is stressful. Especially if there was no ecologist at the enterprise before. It is difficult to explain to workers that production waste must be collected separately, and that the interfering tree cannot be cut down.

Where and how many years to study to become an ecologist in Russia

You can master professions related to ecology through courses, but to become a real specialist, you need to study at a specialized university.

The best universities are:

  1. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin. Specialty "Geoecology", duration of study - 4 years. The Department of Geoecology also recruits for master's degrees (2 years).
  2. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Bachelor's degree in "Rational Environmental Management", Faculty of Geography, duration of study - 4 years. Master's degree - 2 years.
  3. Faculty of Ecology at RUDN University offers two directions: “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology” and “Ecology and environmental management”. The duration of bachelor's degree is 4 years, master's degree is 2 years.


  1. Institute of Vocational Education. Programs and terms of study: “Environmental safety” (1 year), ecology teacher (6 months).
  2. National Research University Higher School of Economics. Program and duration of study: “Environmental protection” (2 weeks).

What subjects need to be taken

To enter a university majoring in ecology, you must pass Unified State Examination in mathematics, geography and Russian language.

Please note: Subjects may vary depending on the ecologist's specialization. Some universities require Unified State Exams in biology, physics or chemistry, and social studies.

What is the salary of an ecologist in Moscow

On average, Moscow environmentalists earn 41,000 rubles. Earnings vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

It all depends on the position and organization. The oil industry is considered the most paid and prestigious place to work.

Career growth and development prospects

The young specialist begins his career as a technical assistant. After some time, he can become a coordinator, and then a curator of the project.

The career path is far from easy. It can take years of experience to earn a top position. Among other things, the scientific field has very low staff turnover. Many environmentalists work and remain in demand after retirement.

Is it worth studying to become an ecologist - the pros and cons of the profession


  1. Opportunity to work abroad, as the profession requires business travel.
  2. The demand for environmentalists is just beginning to grow. Every year, specialists in this field are increasingly in demand in the labor market.
  3. A qualified ecologist is needed in all highly paid sectors: construction, oil production, energy.


  1. Low wages in government agencies.
  2. Dangerous working conditions. Often the work involves studying the risk and further disposal of harmful substances.


Ecology is often associated with environmental protection. But this is wrong. Ecology is a science that studies all the complex relationships in nature. German biologist Ernst Haeckel proposed such a definition in 1866. Modern ecology is a branched science. It includes autecology, de-ecology and synecology. Ecology is also closely related to chemistry and biology, and, for the most part, is an interdisciplinary science. A structural part of ecology is the process of nature conservation and conservation of biological diversity.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Ecologist is considered not very in demand, since there is a decline in interest in this profession on the labor market. Ecologists have lost their relevance among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity

The work of an ecologist is based accordingly on environmental legislation. The specialist also applies a system of environmental standards and regulations. He studies the condition of water, land, air, plants and animals through observation and surveys, using instruments in the laboratory or in nature. His work provides the public with information about the impact of the natural environment and food on people's health and well-being. For economic activity, information about environmental hazards, its nature, degree and scale of predicted consequences is important. An ecologist can work in environmental organizations, healthcare, and educational institutions.


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Rare profession

Representatives of the profession Ecologist really rare these days. Not everyone decides to become Ecologist. There is a high demand among employers for specialists in this field, so the profession Ecologist has the right to be called a rare profession.

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What education is needed

Two or more (two higher education, additional vocational education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies)

In order to work Ecologist, it is not enough to graduate from a university and receive a diploma of higher professional education. to the future To the ecologist You need to additionally obtain a diploma of postgraduate professional education, i.e. complete graduate school, doctoral studies or internship.

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Job responsibilities

An ecologist assesses the activities of enterprises in terms of their impact on the environment. Creates projects of events aimed at protecting and conserving nature. Conducts examination of economic activities in various territories. Ensures environmental safety of the national economy. Engaged in the development of recommendations for the preservation of the natural environment, control and audit activities and environmental audits.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Ecologist- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Ecologist the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

An ecologist can begin his career by working in an organization that seeks and implements technical solutions to environmental problems. Here he may be offered the position of technical assistant. If an ecologist chooses research activities, then you can try yourself as a teacher at universities or schools. An ecologist can also get a job in public organizations, nature protection funds and nature reserves.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Ecologists have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Ecologist does not have a career path.

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