At 17, Bismarck entered the University of Gottingen, where he studied the right. In beability, the student received a reputation between the walks and Drachun, was distinguished in duoral fights. In 1835 he received a diploma and was soon credited to work in the Berlin Municipal Court. In 1837, he took the position of the applied official in Aachen, a year later - the same position in Potsdam. There he joined the Guards Hsenther Regiment. In the fall of 1838, Bismarck moved to Greifswald, where, in addition to the fulfillment of his military duties, studied animal breeding methods in the Elden Academy. The cash loss of his father, together with congenital disgust, to the image of the Prussian official forced him in 1839 to leave the service and adopt the management of family possessions in Pomerania. Bismarck continued his education by becoming for the works of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza, D. Straus and Feyerbach. In addition, he traveled in England and France. Later joined the chuteists.

After the death of the Father in 1845, family property was divided and Bismarck received the estate of Schönhausen and Knikhof in Pomerania. In 1847 he married Johanne von Puttkmer. Among his new friends in Pomerania were Ernst Leopold von Gerlah and his brother, who not only were at the head of Pomeranian chipters, but also included a group of court advisors. Bismarck, a student of herlahov, became known thanks to his conservative position during the constitutional struggle in Prussia in 1848-1850. Countering Liberals, Bismarck contributed to the creation of various political organizations and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper" ("Neue Preussische Zeitung"). He was a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Prussia Parliament in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850, when he opposed the Federation of Germanic States (with or without or without Austria), because it believed that this union would strengthen the sharing force revolutionary traffic. In his Olmyutsky speech, Bismarck defended King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, capitulated before Austria and Russia. A contented monarch wrote about Bismarck: "Angry reactionary. Use later. "

In May, 1851 King appointed Bismarck by the representative of Prussia in the Allied Sejm in Frankfurt am Main. There, Bismarck almost immediately concluded that the purpose of Prussia could not be the German Confederation with the dominant position of Austria and that the war with Austria is inevitable if the dominant position in the United Germany will take Prussia. As Bismarck improved in the study of diplomacy and art government controlledHe was increasingly distinguished from the views of the king and his Camarilla. For its part, and the king began to lose confidence in Bismarck. In 1859, Brother King Wilhelm, who was at that time regent, freed Bismarck from his duties and sent the Messenger to St. Petersburg. There Bismarck got close to russian minister Prince of A.M.Garchakov's foreign affairs, who contributed to Bismarck in his efforts, aimed at diplomatic isolation at first Austria, and then France.

Minister of Prussia.

In 1862, Bismarck was sent by the Messenger to France to the court of Napoleon III. Soon he was withdrawn by King Wilhelm I to resolve the contradictions on the issue of military allocations, which was burly discussed in the lower chamber of parliament. In September of the same year, he became the head of government, and a little later - the Minister of Commerce and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia. The militant conservative, Bismarck announced the liberal majority of parliament, consisting of representatives of the middle class, that the government will continue to collect taxes, conforming to the old budget, because the parliament may not be able to adopt a new budget due to internal contradictions. (This policy lasted in 1863-1866, which allowed the Bismarck to hold military reform.) At the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on September 29, Bismarck emphasized: "The great issues of time will be decided not to speeches and resolutions of the majority - it was a gross mistake of 1848 and 1949, but iron And blood. Since the upper and lower chambers of parliament were unable to develop a single strategy on the issue of national defense, the government, according to Bismarck, should have been initiated and to force the parliament to agree with his decisions. Listing the activity of the press, Bismarck made serious measures to suppress the opposition.

For their part, the liberals were sharply criticized by Bismarck for the proposal to support the Russian emperor Alexander II in the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 (Alvezleben Convention 1863). Over the next decade, Bismarck policy led to three wings, the result of which was the association in 1867 German states to the North-German Union: War with Denmark (Danish War 1864), Austria (Austria-Prussian War 1866) and France (Franco-Prussian War 1870 -1871). April 9, 1866, the day after the signing of the Secret Agreement on the military union with Italy in the event of an attack on Austria, he presented his project of the German Parliament and Universal Secret Rights for the male population of the country for consideration of the Bundestag. After the crucial battle of Kötiggritz (Sadovaya), Bismarck managed to achieve a refusal of the annexionist claims of Wilhelm I and Prussian generals and offered Austria an honorary world (Prague Mir 1866). In Berlin, Bismarck introduced a bill to Parliament, exempting him from liability for unconstitutional actions, which was approved by liberals. In the next three years, the secret diplomacy Bismarck was directed against France. Publication in the press of the Emskoy deppendacy of 1870 (in the editorial office of Bismarck) caused such a perturbation in France that on July 19, 1870 a war was announced, which Bismarck actually won by diplomatic means before it began.

Chancellor of the German Empire.

In 1871, in Versaille, Wilhelm I inscribed on the envelope address - "Chancellor Hermann Empire"By approving the right Bismarck's right to manage the empire, which he created and which was proclaimed on January 18 in the mirror hall of Versailles. The Iron Chancellor, which represented the interests of the minority and absolute power, managed this empire in 1871-1890, based on the consent of the Reichstag, where from 1866 to 1878 it was supported by the party of National Liberals. Bismarck held the reform of German law, management and finance systems. The reforms of education conducted by him in 1873 led to a conflict with the Roman Catholic Church, but the main cause of the conflict was the volatile distrust of the German Catholics (who made up about a third of the country's population) to Protestant Prussia. When these contradictions manifested themselves in the activities of the Catholic Party of the Center in Reichstag in the early 1870s, Bismarck was forced to take action. The struggle against the Zasili Catholic Church was called "Culturkampf" (Kulturkampf, the struggle for the culture). In the course of her, many bishops and priests were arrested, hundreds of dioceses were left without leaders. Now church appointments were to be coordinated with the state; Cleary arts could not be in the service in the state apparatus.

In the field of foreign policy, Bismarck made every effort to consolidate the conquest of the Frankfurt World 1871, contributed to the diplomatic isolation of the French Republic and sought to prevent the formation of any coalition threatening German hegemony. He chose not to participate in the discussion of claims on a weakened Ottoman Empire. When, on the Berlin Congress 1878, the next phase of the "Eastern Question" discussion was completed chaired by Bismarck, he played the role of an "honest broker" in the dispute of the rival parties. A secret contract with Russia 1887 - "Assurance Agreement" - showed the ability of Bismarck to act for the backs of its allies, Austria and Italy, to preserve Status Quo in the Balkans and the Middle East.

Up to 1884, Bismarck did not give clear definitions of the colonial policy, mainly due to friendly relations with England. Other reasons were the desire to preserve the capital of Germany and minimize government spending. The first expansionist plans of Bismarck caused the energetic protests of all parties - Catholics, the Publicists, Socialists and even representatives of his own class - Junkers. Despite this, in Bismarke, Germany began to turn into a colonial empire.

In 1879, Bismarck broke with liberals and further relied on the coalition of large landowners, industrialists, the highest military and government ranks. He gradually moved from the policy of "Culturcupf" to persecutions of socialists. The design of its negative prohibitive position was the introduction of a system of state insurance for illness (1883), in the event of injury (1884) and pension provision in old age (1889). However, these measures could not be isolated by the German workers from the Social Democratic Party, although they distracted them from revolutionary methods of solving social problems. At the same time, Bismarck opposed any legislation regulating the working conditions of workers.

Conflict with Wilhelm II.

With the entry into the throne of Wilhelm II in 1888, Bismarck lost control over the government. With William I and Friedrich III, which rules less than half a year, the position of Bismarck could not shake none of the opposition groups. Self-confidentious and ambitious Kaiser refused to play a minor role, and his stretched relationships with Reichskanzler became increasingly stretched. The most seriously discrepancies were manifested in the question of amending the exclusive law against socialists (operating in 1878-1890) and in the question of the right of ministers subordinate to the Chancellor, on the personal audience of the emperor. Wilhelm II hinted Bismarck on the desirability of his resignation and received from Bismarck a resignation statement on March 18, 1890. The resignation was accepted in two days, Bismarck received the title of Duke of Launburg, he was also awarded the title of Colonel-General Cavalry.

The removal of Bismarck in Friedrichsruhe was not the end of his interest in political life. Particularly eloquent, he was criticized by the newly appointed Reichskanzler and the Minister President of Count Leo von Carimi. In 1891, Bismarck was elected to Reichstag from Hanover, but never took his place there, and two years later refused to put his candidacy for re-election. In 1894, the emperor and already aging Bismarck again met in Berlin - at the suggestion of Hohenwhea Hohenloe, Prince Shillingfurest, the successor of Caprivi. In 1895, all Germany celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Iron Chancellor. Bismarck died in Friedrichsruue July 30, 1898.

Literary monument Bismarck are His Thoughts and memories (Gedanken Und Erinnerungen.), but Big policy of European cabinets (Die Grosse Politik Der Europaischen Kabinette, 1871-1914, 1924-1928) in 47 volumes serves as a monument to his diplomatic art.

About the Personality and Acts Otto Bismarck Backgrounds are already fierce disputes for more than a century. The attitude to this figure varied depending on the historical era. It is said that in German school textbooks, the role of Bismarck's role has changed at least six times.

Otto von Bismarck, 1826

It is not surprising that both in Germany itself, and in the world as a whole real Otto von Bismarck gave way to myth. The myth about Bismarck describes it as a hero or tyrant, depending on which political views are adhered to the myth-making. The "Iron Chancellor" is often attributed to the words he never pronounced, while many truly important historical bismarck greents are few known.

Otto Bismarck Bismark was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of small noble nobles from the Brandenburg province of Prussia. Bismarcks were junkers - descendants of the Knights-conquerors who founded German settlements to the east of the Vistula, where the Slavic tribes had previously dwell.

Otto, even during school training, he was interested in the history of world politics, military and peaceful cooperation of various countries. The boy was going to choose a diplomatic path, as he wanted his parents.

However, in his youth, Otto did not differ in arrogance and discipline, preferring a lot of time to spend in entertainment with friends. This was especially manifested in university years, when the future Chancellor not only took part in funny pours, but also regularly fought on duels. Those of the Bismarck typed 27, and only one of them ended for Otto failure - he was wounded, a trace of which in the form of a scar of his cheek remained for life.

"Mad Junker"

After the University of Otto, Bismarck tried to get a diplomatic service, but he received a refusal - his "enchanted" reputation said. As a result, Otto settled on public service In the recently included in Prussia, Aachen, but after the death of the mother was forced to make issues of managing their own estates.

Here Bismarck, to a considerable surprise of those who knew him in his youth, showed reasonable, showed excellent knowledge in economic matters and was a very successful and mastic owner.

But youthful habits did not leave at all - the neighbors with whom he conflicted, was given Otto his first nickname "Mad Junker."

The dream of a political career became implemented in 1847, when Otto Bismarck became a deputy of the United Landtag of the Prussian Kingdom.

The middle of the XIX century became the time of revolutions in Europe. Liberals and socialists achieved expansion of rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution.

Against this background appearance young politicianForestly conservatively configured, but at the same time possessing undoubtedly oratorical skills, it was a complete surprise.

The revolutionaries met Bismarck in the bayonets, but surrounded by the Prussian king, an interesting policy was celebrated, which in the future could benefit the crown.

Mr. Ambassador

When the revolutionary winds in Europe were sounded, Bismarck's dream, finally came true - he was on the diplomatic service. The main goal Prussia's foreign policy, according to Bismarck, during this period there was to strengthen the country's position as a center for the unification of German lands and free cities. The main obstacle to the realization of such plans was Austria, also striving to take control of German lands.

That is why Bismarck believed that Prussia's policies in Europe should proceed from the need for various unions to easily add the role of Austria.

In 1857, Otto, Bismarck, was appointed to Prussia Ambassador in Russia. Years of work in St. Petersburg strongly affected the subsequent relationship of Bismarck to Russia. He was closely familiar with Vice Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, who extremely highly appreciated the diplomatic talents of Bismarck.

Unlike many foreign diplomats of the past and modern people working in Russia, Otto Bismarck did not simply mastered the Russian language, but managed to understand the nature and mentality of the people. It is from the times of work in St. Petersburg that the famous warning of Bismarck will be released about the inadmissibility for Germany with Russia, which will inevitably have detrimental consequences for the Germans themselves.

A new round of career Otto von Bismarck occurred after in 1861, Wilhelm I was asked for Prussian throne.

The constitutional crisis that followed by the disagreements of the King and Landortag on the expansion of the military budget forced, forced Wilhelm I to look for a figure capable of conducting state policy with a "rigid hand".

Such a figure was Otto Bismarck, who occupied by the post of Ambassador Prussia in France.

Empire on Bismarck

Extremely conservative views of Bismarck were forced to doubt this choice even Wilhelm I. Nevertheless, on September 23, 1862 Otto Bismarck was appointed head of the government of Prussia.

In one of the first of his speeches, to the horror of Liberals, Bismarck proclaimed the idea of \u200b\u200buniting land around Prussia "Iron and Blood".

In 1864, Prussia and Austria acted as allies in the war with Denmark because of the dukes of Schleswig and Holstein. Success in this war strongly strengthened Prussia's position among Germanic states.

In 1866, the confrontation of Prussia and Austria for influence on the German states reached their apogee and wound into a war in which Italy was performed on the side of Prussia.

The war ended with a crushing defeat of Austria, finally lost its influence. As a result, in 1867, a federal education was created by the North-Germetan Union led by Prussia.

The final completion of the unification of Germany was possible only with the accession of South German states, against which France sharply performed.

If with Russia, concerned with the strengthening of Prussia, Bismarck managed to settle the question diplomatic way, then the French emperor Napoleon III was configured to stop the creation of a new empire.

Franco-Prussian war broke out in 1870 ended with a complete disaster both for France and for Napoleon III, who was captured after the battle under the sedan.

The last obstacle was eliminated, and on January 18, 1871, Otto von Bismarck proclaimed the creation of the Second Reich (German Empire), whose Kaiser became Wilhelm I.

January 1871 became the main triumph of Bismarck.

The prophet is not in your fatherland ...

Its further activity was aimed at restraining the inner and external threat. Under the inner conservative Bismarck implied the strengthening of the Social Democratic positions, under the external - attempts of revenge on the part of France and Austria, as well as those who joined other European countries, afraid of the strengthening of the German Empire.

The foreign policy of the Iron Chancellor entered the story as "Bismarck Unions System.

The main task of the agreements concluded was the prevention of the creation of powerful antighermanic unions in Europe, threatening the new Empire of the war on two fronts.

To this end, Bismarck managed to successfully cope until his resignation, but his careful policy began to irritate the German elite. The new empire wanted to take part in the frontier of the world, for which it was ready to fight with everyone.

Bismarck stated that while he was a Chancellor, there would be no colonial policy in Germany. However, even before his resignation, the first German colonies in Africa appeared and Pacific OceanWhat spoke about the fall of the influence of Bismarck in Germany.

The Iron Chancellor began to interfere with the new generation of politicians who had no longer about one Germany, but about world domination.

The 1888th year entered the history of Germany as "a year of three emperors." After the death of 90-year-old Wilhelm I and his son, Friedrich III, who suffered a throat cancer, 29-year-old Wilhelm II climbed the throne, the grandson of the first emperor of the Second Reich.

Then no one knew that Wilhelm II, throwing all the advice and warnings of Bismarck, retract Germany in the first World Warwhich will put an end to the empire created by the Iron Chancellor.

In March 1890, 75-year-old Bismarck was sent to the honorable resignation, and, together with him, the policies conducted by him left. Just a few months later, the main nightmare of Bismarca was carried out - France and Russia entered into a military union to which England was then joined.

"Iron Chancellor" left life in 1898, not seeing how Germany on all pairs rushes to a suicidal war. The name of Bismarck and during the First World War, and at the beginning of the Second World War will be actively used in Germany in propaganda purposes.

That's just his warnings of the delegition of the war with Russia, about the nightmare of the "war on two fronts", will remain unclaimed.

For such electoral memory against Bismarck, the Germans paid a very expensive price.

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck-Shenhausen (It. Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismarck-Schönhausen). Born on April 1, 1815 in Schönhausen - died on July 30, 1898 in Friedrichsra. The German State Worker, Prince, First Chancellor of the German Empire (second Reich), called the Iron Chancellor.

Otto Bismarck Bismark was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of small noble nobles in Schönhausen, in the Brandenburg province (now - the land of Saxony-Anhalt). All generations of the Bismarkov family served the ruler of Brandenburg in a peaceful and military field, but they did not show any special behavior. Simply put, the bismarcks were Junkers, - descendants of knights-conquerors who founded settlements on the lands east of the Elbe. Bismarcks could not boast extensive land tenure, wealth or aristocratic luxury, but were considered noble.

From 1822 to 1827, Otto studied at the Plamin School, in which a special emphasis on physical development was made. But the young Otto was not pleased, about whom he often wrote to his parents. At the age of twelve, Otto left the plamina school, but he did not leave Berlin, continuing his studies in the gymnasium named after Friedrich the Great in Friedrichstraße, and when he was fifteen years old, he went to the gymnasium "At the Gray Monastery". Otto showed himself a medium, not an outstanding student. But he studied French well and german languages, getting involved in reading foreign literature. The main interests of the young man lay in the field of past years politics, the history of military and peaceful rivalry of various countries. At that time, the young man, in contrast to his mother, was far from religion.

At the end of the gymnasium, the mother identified Otto to the University of George Augustus in Gottingen, who was located in the Kingdom of Hannover. It was assumed that there, the young Bismarck would study the right and, in the future, will go on a diplomatic service. However, Bismarck was not tuned to serious studies and preferred her entertainment with friends, whom a lot appeared in Gottingen. Otto often took part in the duels, in one of which he was injured in the first and only time in his life - from his wound on his cheek he remained a scar. In general, Otto Bismarck's background at that time did not differ much from the Golden German Youth.

Bismarck did not complete his education in Gottingen - life on a wide leg turned out to be burdensome for his pocket, and, under the threat of arrest from the university authorities, he left the city. For a whole year, he was listed in the new metropolitan University of Berlin, where he defended his thesis on philosophy and political economy. On this, his university education ended. Naturally, Bismarck immediately decided to start a career on a diplomatic field, to which his mother lay great hopes. But the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia refused to young Bismarck, advised to "search a place in some administrative institution within Germany, and not in the sphere of European diplomacy." It is possible that the minister's decision was influenced by rumors about the stormy student life of Otto and his addiction to clarifying relations through a duel.

As a result, Bismarck went to work in Aachen, which quite recently entered Prussia. In this resort city, the influence of France and Bismarck was also felt, mainly dealt with problems associated with the accession of this border territory to the Customs Union, in which Prussia was dominated. But the work, according to the Bismarck himself, "was highly" and he had a lot of time to read and enjoy life. In the same period, he had a lot love pregnancy With visitor to the resort. Once he even almost married the daughter of the English parish priest Isabelle Lorein-Smith.

Paving in disfavor in Aachen, Bismarck was forced to enter military service - in the spring of 1838 he signed up in the Guards Battalion of Hierahi. However, the mother's disease reduced his service life: For many years of worries about children and the estate undermined her health. The death of the mother put a point in the thumbnails of Bismarck in search of the case - it became quite clear that he would have to manage his orange estate.

Settling in Pomerania, Otto Bismarck began to think about the ways to increase the profitability of their places and soon won the respect of his neighbors both theoretical knowledge and practical successes. Life in the estate disciplined Bismarck greatly, especially if we compare with the student years. He showed himself a rapid and practical landowner. But still, the student chants gave themselves to know and soon the surrounding junckers nicknamed him "mad."

Bismarck became very close to his younger sister Malvina, who finished learning in Berlin. Between his brother and sister arose spiritual proximity caused by similarity in tastes and sympathies. Otto introduced Malvin with his friend Armeni, and a year later they got married.

Bismarck never stopped considering himself believers in God and follower Martin Luther. Every morning he started with reading excerpts from the Bible. Otto decided to make the engagement with the girlfriend of Mary Johannna von Puttkmer, which was achieved without any problems.

At about the same time, Bismarck first had the opportunity to enter politics as a deputy of the newly educated United Landtag of the Prussian Kingdom. He decided not to lose this chance and on May 11, 1847, he took his deputy place, postponing his own wedding. It was the time of the most acute confrontation of liberals and conservative pro-royal forces: Liberals demanded from Friedrich Wilhelm IV of the Constitution and large civil liberties, but the king was not in a hurry to bestow He needed money for construction railway from Berlin B. Eastern Prussia.. It is for this purpose that he convened in April 1847 by the United Landtag, consisting of eight provincial landscapes.

After his first speech in Landtag, Bismarck acquired scandalous fame. In his speech, he tried to disprove the approval of the Liberal deputy on the constitutional nature of the war for the liberation of 1813. As a result, thanks to the press, "mad" Juncker from the book turned into a "mad" deputy of the Berlin Landtag. A month later, Otto earned himself a nickname "Pershestor Finke" because of his permanent attacks on the idol and the horn of the Liberals of George Fish. In the country, revolutionary sentiment gradually ripe; Especially among the urban bases, dissatisfied with the increase in food prices. Under these conditions, Otto Bismarck and Johann von Puttkmer finally got married.

1848 brought a whole wave of revolutions - in France, Italy, Austria. In Prussia, the revolution also broke out under the pressure of patriotic liberals, which demanded the associations of Germany and the creation of the Constitution. The king was forced to accept requirements. Bismarck initially frightened the revolution and was even going to help lead the army to Berlin, but soon his dust was cooled, and only the despondency and disappointment remained in the monarch, who went to concessions.

Due to the reputation of an incorrect conservative, Bismarck there was no chance to go to the new Prussian National Assembly, elected by the general voting of the male part of the population. Otto was afraid for the traditional rights of junkers, but soon calmed down and admitted that the revolution was less radical than it seemed. It did not have anything left, except to return to his estates and write to the new conservative newspaper "Croyzzaytung". At this time, there is a gradual strengthening of the so-called "Camarilla" - a block of conservative politicians, which included Otto Bismarck.

The logical outcome of the strengthening of Camarilli was the counter-revolutionary coup of 1848, when the king interrupted the meeting of the parliament and introduced the troops to Berlin. Despite all the merits of Bismarck in the preparation of this coup, the king refused him in the ministerial post, camp with the "avid reactionary." The king was not completely configured to unleash his hands to reactionaries: shortly after the coup he published a constitution that combined the principle of the monarchy with the creation of a two-chamber parliament. The monarch also reserved the right of absolute veto and the right to manage with the help of emergency decrees. This constitution did not meet the aspiration of liberals, but the Bismarck still seemed too progressive.

But he was forced to accept her and decided to try to nominate to the lower chamber of parliament. With great difficulties, Bismarck managed to go through both rounds of elections. He took his place of deputy on February 26, 1849. However, the negative attitude of Bismarck to the German Association and the Frankfurt Parliament strongly hit his reputation. After the dissolution of Parliament, the king, Bismarck practically lost the chances to be re-elected. But he was lucky this time, for the king changed the electoral system, which delighted the Bismarck from the need to lead the election struggle. On August 7, Otto Bismarck again took his deputy place.

A little time passed, and a serious conflict arose between Austria and Prussia, which could grow into a full-scale war. Both states considered themselves the leaders of the German world and tried to draw small German principalities into the orbit of their influence. At this time, Erfurt became a stumbling block, and Prussia had to be given in, concluding the "Olmutsky Agreement". Bismarck actively supported this agreement, as it believed that Prussia could not win in this war. After some oscillations, the king appointed Bismarck by the representative of Prussia to the Frankfurt Union Seimas. In Bismarck, the diplomatic qualities had not yet been necessary on this post, but there was a natural mind and political insight. Soon Bismarck met the most famous politician of Austria Clement Metternal.

During the Crimean War, Bismarck opposed Austria's attempts to make the mobilization of the German armies for war with Russia. He became a Yarym adherent to the German Union and an opponent of the Austrian domination. As a result, Bismarck became the main supporter of the Union with Russia and France (even recently fought with each other), directed against Austria. First of all, it was necessary to establish contact with France, for which Bismarck served in Paris on April 4, 1857, where he met with Emperor Napoleon III, who did not make a special impression on him. But due to the illness of the king and the sharp reversal of Prussia's foreign policy, the plans of Bismarck were not destined to be implemented, and he was sent to the ambassador to Russia. In January 1861, the King of Friedrich Wilhelm IV died and his place was taken by the former regent Wilhelm I, after which Bismarck was transferred to the Ambassador to Paris.

But in Paris he stayed for a long time. In Berlin at that time, the next crisis between the king and parliament broke out. And in order to resolve it, despite the resistance of the Empress and Kronprint, Wilhelm I appointed Bismarck by the head of the government, having transferred him posts of the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The long-term era of Bismarck-Chancellor began. Otto formed his office from conservative ministers, among which there were practically not bright personalities, except for Ron, who headed the military department. After the approval of the Cabinet Bismarck made a speech at the Landtag's Landtag's Balant, where the famous phrase said about "Blood and Iron" pronounced. Bismarck was sure that it was good time For rivalry of Prussia and Austria for German lands.

In 1863, the conflict broke out between Prussia and Denmark on the status of Sliew and Holstein, which were the southern part of Denmark, but in which ethnic Germans prevailed. The conflict of the tel has long been long, but in 1863 he aggravated with a new force under the pressure of nationalists on both sides. As a result, at the beginning of 1864, Prussian troops occupied Schleswig-Holstein and soon these dukes were divided between Prussia and Austria. However, it was not the end of the conflict, the crisis in relations between Austria and Prussia constantly telle, but did not fade.

In 1866 it became clear that the war was not avoided and both sides began to mobilize their military forces. Prussia was in close alliance with Italy, which pressed on Austria from the south-west and sought to occupy Venice. Prussian armies pretty quickly took most of the northern German lands and were ready for the main campaign against Austria. The Austrians suffered one defeat after another and were forced to adopt a peace treaty imposed by Prussia. Hessen, Nassau, Hannover, Schleswig-Holstein and Frankfurt were moved to it.

The war with Austria strongly wound the chancellor and undermined his health. Bismarck took a vacation. But he had to rest for a short time. From the beginning of 1867, Bismarck stubbornly worked on the creation of the Constitution of the Severogoerman Confederation. After some concessions to Landtag, the Constitution was adopted, and the North-German Union was born. Two weeks later, Bismarck became Chancellor. Such a strengthening of Prussia strongly agitated by the rulers of France and Russia. And, if relations remained with Alexander II, the French were tuned to the Germans very negative. Passion was heated by the Spanish crisis of the Preconsession. One of the applicants for the Spanish throne was Leopold, who belonged to the Brandenburg Dynasty of Hohenzollers, and France could not allow him to an important Spanish throne. In both countries, patriotic sentiment began to rule. War did not make himself wait long.

The war was defeated for the French, a particularly crushing defeat under the sedan, which they remember this. Very soon the French were ready to capitulate. Bismarck demanded from France the province of Alsace and Lorraine, which was completely unacceptable both for Emperor Napoleon III and the Republicans founded the third republic. The Germans managed to take Paris, and the resistance of the French gradually went to no. German troops stated along the streets of Paris. During the Franco-Prussian War in all German lands, patriotic sentiments increased, which allowed the Bismarck even more to rally the North-German Union, announcing the creation of the Second Reich, and Wilhelm I accepted the title of Emperor (Kaiser) of Germany. Bismarck himself, on the wave of universal popularity, received the title of Prince and the new estate Friedrichsruhe.

In the Reichstag, in the meantime, a powerful opposition coalition was formed, the core of which was the newly created Centrist Catholic Party, which united with parties representing national minorities. In order to withstand Clericalism of the Catholic Center, Bismarck went on rapprochement with national liberals that had the greatest share in Reichstag. Began "Kulturkampf" - Bismarck Fighting with the Catholic Church and Catholic Party. This struggle negatively affected the unity of Germany, but it became a matter of principle for Bismarck.

In 1872, Bismarck with Gorchakov organized a meeting of three emperors in Berlin - German, Austrian and Russian. They came to the agreement together withstanding revolutionary danger. After the Bismarck had a conflict with the German Ambassador in France, Arnic, who, like Bismarck, belonged to the conservative wing, which removed the chancellor from conservative junkers. The result of this confrontation was the arrest of Arima under the pretext of the wrong handling of documents. A long struggle against Armenius and the irreconcilable resistance of the centrist party of Windhorst could not affect the health and moral chancellor.

In 1879, Franco-German relations worsened and Russia in an ultimative form demanded not to start from Germany new war. This testified to the loss of mutual understanding with Russia. Bismarck was in a very serious international situation, threatened with isolation. He even resigned, but Kaiser refused to accept her and sent the Chancellor to a permanent vacation, which lasted five months.

In addition to the external danger, the danger internal, namely the socialist movement in the industrial regions, was becoming more and more. To combat him, Bismarck tried to adopt new repressive legislation, but he was rejected by centrists and liberal progressors. Bismarck increasingly spoke of "Red Threat", especially after the attempt on the emperor. The Berlin Congress of the leading powers was opened in this difficult for Germany in Berlin to consider the results of the Russian-Turkish war. Congress was surprisingly effective, although the bismarck had to constantly lavish between representatives of all the great powers.

Immediately at the end of the Congress in Germany, elections were held in Reichstag (1879), on which conservatives and centrists received a confident majority at the expense of liberals and socialists. This allowed the bismarck to spend a bill of socialists through the Reichstag. Another outcome of the new defect in Reichstag was the opportunity to carry out protectionist economic reforms to overcome the economic crisis that began in 1873. With these reforms, Chancellor managed to disorient the national liberals strongly and attract to his side of the centrists, that several years earlier it was simply impossible to imagine. It became clear that the period "CulturCampf" was overcome.

Fearing the convergence of France and Russia, Bismarck in 1881 resumed the Union of Three Emperors, but the relationship between Germany and Russia continued to be stretched, which was aggravated by the strengthening of contacts between St. Petersburg and Paris. Fearing the speeches of Russia and France against Germany, as opposed to the Franco-Russian Union, in 1882 an agreement was signed on the creation of a three-way union (Germany, Austria and Italy).

The election of 1881 in fact became for Bismarck by defeat: conservative parties and liberals of Bismarck gave way to the "Center" party, progressive liberals and socialists. The situation has become even more serious when opposition parties have merged into order to cut the cost of maintaining the army. Once again, the danger that Bismarck will not hold in the chair of the Chancellor. Permanent work and unrest undermined the health of Bismarck - he was too frustrated and suffered from insomnia. Health helped him to return Dr. Schwenniger, who planted the Chancellor on the diet and forbade drinking strong wines. The result did not make himself wait - very soon to the chancellor was returned to the cellulle, and he took up cases with a new force.

This time a colonial policy came in his field. During the previous twelve years, Bismarck argued that the colony is the increasing luxury for Germany. But during 1884, Germany acquired huge territories in Africa. German colonialism neighboring Germany with her eternal rival France, but created tension in relations with England. Otto, the Bismarck background managed to draw the colonial affairs of her son Herbert, who was engaged in resolving issues with England. But there was enough problems with the son too - he inherited from his father only bad features and drunk.

In March 1887, Bismarck managed to form a sustainable conservative majority in Reichstag, which received the nickname "Cartel". On the wave of a chauvinistic hysteria and the threat of war with France, the voters decided to rally around the chancellor. This gave him the opportunity to spend the law on the seven-year service through the Reichstag. In early 1888, Emperor Wilhelm I died, which did not foretell anything good Chancellor.

The new emperor became a fatal cancer of the throat of Friedrich III, who by that time was in a terrible physical and mental state. After a few months, he also died. The throne of the empire took young Wilhelm II, who treated the chancellor cool enough. The emperor began to actively interfere with politics, pushing the elderly bismarck into the background. Particularly strong differences caused an anti-socialist bill in which social reforms were hand in hand with political repression (which was very in the spirit of the Chancellor). This conflict has led Bismarck for resignation on March 20, 1890.

The remainder of the life of Otto von Bismarck spent in his estate Friedrichsruhe near Hamburg, rarely leaving him. In 1884 his wife Johann died. In the last years of his life, Bismarck is pessimistically assessed by the prospects for European politics. Several times he was visited by Emperor Wilhelm II. In 1898, the health of the ex-Chancellor deteriorated sharply, and on July 30, he died in Friedrichsruhe.

In 1838 he entered military service.

In 1839, after the death of the mother quit from service and was engaged in the management of family possessions in Pomerania.

After the death of the Father in 1845, family property was divided, and Bismarck received the estate of Schönhausen and Knikhof in Pomerania.

In 1847-1848, the deputy of the first and second United Landtagov (Parliament) of Prussia, during the revolution of 1848 he advocated an armed suppression of unrest.

Bismarck became known thanks to his conservative position during the constitutional struggle in Prussia in 1848-1850.

Countering Liberals, he contributed to the creation of various political organizations and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper" (Neue Preussische Zeitung, 1848). One of the organizers of the Prussian Party of Conservatives.

He was a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Parliament Prussia in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850.

In 1851-1859, a representative of Prussia in the Union Sejm in Frankfurt am Main.

From 1859 to 1862, Bismarck was the Messenger of Prussia in Russia.

In March - September 1962 - Prussian Messenger in France.

In September 1862, during the constitutional conflict between the Prussian royal power and the liberal majority of Prussian Landtag, Bismarck was drafted by King Wilhelm I for the post of head of the Prussian government, and in October of the same year he became the Minister of Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs. He stubbornly defended the rights of the crown and achieved the resolution of the conflict in her favor. In the 1860s carried out military reform in the country, significantly increased the army.

Under the leadership of Bismarck, Germany was implemented by the "revolution from above" as a result of the three victorious wars of Prussia: in 1864, together with Austria against Denmark, in 1866 - against Austria, in 1870-1871 against France.

After the formation of the North German Union in 1867, Bismarck became Bundeskantler. In the Hermann Empire proclaimed on January 18, 1871, he received the highest state post of the Imperial Chancellor, becoming the first Reichskanzler. In accordance with the Constitution of 1871, Bismarck received almost unlimited power. At the same time, he retained the post of Prussian Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Bismarck held the reform of German law, management and finance systems. In 1872-1875, on the initiative and under pressure, the laws were adopted against the Catholic Church, the laws on the deprivation of the clergy of the right of supervision of schools, about the prohibition of the Jesuit Order in Germany, on compulsory civil marriage, on the abolition of the articles of the Constitution, provided for the autonomy of the Church and others. These The events seriously limited the rights of the Catholic clergy. Attempts by unpleasure caused repression.

In 1878, Bismarck conducted an exceptional law through the Socialists, which prohibited the activities of social democratic organizations through the Reichstag. He mercilessly pursued any manifestation of political opposition, for which he was nusted by the Iron Chancellor.

In 1881-1889, Bismarck conducted "social laws" (about the insurance of workers in case of illness and in case of injury, on pensions in old age and disability), which laid the basics of social insurance workers. At the same time, he demanded tightening anti-working policies and during the 1880s successfully achieved the extension of "exclusive law".

Bismarck built his foreign policy, based on the situation in 1871 after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war and the capture of Germany Alsace and Lorraine, contributed to the diplomatic isolation of the French Republic and sought to prevent the formation of any coalition threatening German hegemony. Fearing the conflict with Russia and wanting to avoid the war on two fronts, Bismarck supported the creation of the Russian-Austro-German Agreement (1873) "Union of Three Emperors", and also concluded with Russia in 1887 "Agreement of Reinsurance". At the same time, in 1879, on his initiative, an agreement on Union with Austria-Hungary was concluded, and in 1882, the Triple Union (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy), directed against France and Russia and placed the beginning of the split of Europe into two hostile coalitions. The German Empire has become one of the leaders of international politics. The refusal of Russia from the resumption of the "contract of reinsurance" at the beginning of 1890 was a serious failure of the Chancellor, as well as the failure of his plan for the transformation of the "exclusive law" against the socialists in a permanent. In January 1890, Reichstag refused to resume it.

In March 1890, Bismarck was dismissed from the post of Reichskanzler and the Prussian Prime Minister as a result of contradictions with the new Emperor Wilhelm II and the military command on the issues of external and colonial policies and on the work. He received the title of Duke of Launburg, but he refused him.

The last eight years of life Bismarck held in his estate Friedrichsruhe. In 1891, he was elected to Reichstag from Hanover, but never took his place there, and two years later refused to put his candidacy for re-election.

From 1847, Bismarck was married to Johanne von Puttkmer (died in 1894). The spouses had three children - the daughter of Marie (1848-1926) and two sons - Herbert (1849-1904) and Wilhelm (1852-1901).


Otto von Bismarck is a statesman and politician who managed to have a great influence on European history. He entered the number of people who have formed the German Empire. Speaking as a conservative, the main task of politician saw the unity of native lands and the refusal of colonial policy.

Embed from Getty Images Portrait Otto Bismarck Background

Background Bismarck was Ambassador Prussia in Russia and supported links with local diplomats, which influenced its perception of the country and its position in the international arena. From 1862 to 1873, the politician held the post of Prime Minister Prussia, and then stood at the head of the German Empire. The first chancellor was a real idol for.

Childhood and youth

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 in the town called Shenhausen, in Brandenburg. In those years, the city referred to the Prussian province of Saxony. The boy belonged to the old nobility, and his ancestors were famous politicians. Otto loved his father very much, who after serving in the army was in the rank of retired captain of Cavalry. Mother devoted all his time to raising children, but the son did not remember the Son's special tenderness.

The boy brought up with brothers and sisters. In total, 6 children were born in the family. Three brothers and sisters were killed in childhood. Otto was the 4th child. When he was marked for a year, the family moved to Porosania, in Konarzhevo, where the child's child's childhood passed. These owners of the father inherited from the cousin. Here the boy was born brother and sister Bernard and Malvina.

Schloss Friedrichsruh.

At 7, Otto was given to the Elite boarding school in Berlin. Then he became a gymnasium in Graze Closter. In 1832, the young man entered the University of Göttingen in Hanover, choosing jurisprudence, and a year later he returned to Berlin. In parallel with the receipt of education, Bismarck was engaged in diplomacy.

At first, he acted as an administrative worker, and then received a place in the appellate court of Potsdam. The measured activity did not impress the ambitious and active OTTO. He considered the discipline boring. In his youth heard a mischief, the university surrounded himself a reputation as a hot-tempered and ambiguous personality. The student often participated in duels and almost never lost his opponents.

Career and Military Service

In 1837, the young man went as a volunteer to serve in the Baifswald battalion. Already in 1839, when the mother died, together with his brother, Bismarck took part in managing the estates belonging to the family. He was 24 years old.

Embed from Getty Images Equestrian Statue Otto Bismarck Background

Insudacy and literacy of planning that Otto demonstrated, many of his acquaintances were surprised. Bismarck's background was given as an exclusive, stylish, but a hot-tempered landowner. Since 1846, Otto worked in the office, engaged in the management of the work of dam. He traveled a lot in Europe, independently forming political views.

Otto Bismarck von Bismarck dreamed of a political career, but it has evisted soon, because most of the acquaintances remembered the dubious reputation and the explosive character of a young man. In 1847, Bismarck's background became a deputy of the United Landtag of the Prussian Kingdom, and from that moment he was not stopped. Europe in these years experienced revolution.

Embed from Getty Images Chancellor Otto Background Bismarck

Liberal and socialist associations fought for the rights and freedoms described in the Constitution. The newly made politician who preached conservative principles turned out to be an unexpected person in the state chaise. Supporters of the Prussian king celebrated his oratory and favorable glances. Protecting the rights of the monarchy, the background Bismarck was in opposition.

The statesman formed the Conservative Party and participated in the creation of the "Croyz-Zaytung" edition. Presenting a young nobility in parliament, Otto understood the absence of a compromise. He performed for a single parliament and subordination of his power.

Embed from Getty Images Otto Background Bismarck and Wilhelm II

In the 1850s, the official received a place in the Erfurt Parliament and opposed the Constitution and Policy, which could provoke a conflict with Austria. Background Bismarck anticipated the defeat of Prussia. The insight helped him get the place of the Minister in the Bundestag Frankfurt am Main. Despite the lack of diplomatic experience, Otto quickly gained the necessary skills and glory.

In the 1857th von Bismarck became the ambassador of Prussia in Russia. He held this position until 1862. Often visiting the country and extinguishing in St. Petersburg, he brought friendship with Vice Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov. His German considered his "godfather" in politics, as he partly adopted a diplomatic style from the Russian friend. Background Bismarck learned unfamiliar language, felt the mentality and nature of the nation.

Embed from Getty Images Otto Bismarck Background in Martar

One of his famous statements will be a warning that it is impossible to allow war between Germany and Russia, since it will have detrimental consequences for the Germans. The relationship between the background Bismarck and the monarchs of Russia was so close that the policy even offered a post at the court.

Career Otto von Bismarck was successfully developed, but her new stage began with the weighing on the throne of Wilhelm I in 1861. Prussia held a constitutional crisis provoked by disagreements between the king and Landtag. The parties could not agree on a military budget. Wilhelm needed support that I saw in the background of Bismarck. At that time he held the post of ambassador in France.


Disagreements between Wilhelm I and Liberals made Otto Bismarck von the weighty political figure. He was appointed prime minister and foreign minister for assistance in the reorganization of the army. The reform did not support the opposition, which was known about the ultra-conservative position of the Bismarck background. The confrontation between opponents ceased for 3 years due to the turbines arising in Poland. The man proposed support for the Polish king and became unwanted in Europe, but he won the confidence of Russia.

Embed from getty images politician Otto von Bismarck

Then Otto von Bismarck took part in conflicts that worked out in Denmark. He was forced to resist national movements again. In the 1866th war began with Austria and division of state lands. In support of Prussia was Italy. Military success strengthened the position of Bismarck Background. Austria lost influence and no longer represented a threat.

In 1867, the Effords of the Politics were organized by the North-German Union. The Confederation combined the principality, duchy and kingdom. So the state actor became the first Chancellor of Germany, introduced the voting law of Reichstag and focused power in his hands. Background Bismarck held under the control of the foreign policy of the country and followed the internal situation in the empire, knowing what was happening in all the State Deposits.

Embed from Getty Images Otto Background Bismarck and Napoleon III

France rule at this time was concerned about the association of states and tried to stop him with the help of weapons. The Franco-Prussian War was won by Bismarck, and the king of France was captive. 1871 became the date of the foundation of the German Empire, the Second Reich, whose Kaiser was Wilhelm I.

From this point on, the Bismarck background held back internal and external threats from the Social Democrats, as well as the rulers of France and Austria, who feared the new state. His was called the Iron Chancellor, and the foreign policy conducted by the "Bismarck Union System." The statesman followed that in Europe there are no strong antigherman associations that can provoke the war. At the same time, he walked on any tricks to create a beneficial external and social Policy.

Embed from Getty Images Otto Background Bismarck in Versailles in 1871

The German elite rarely understood the multi-stage strokes of Bismarck, so his figure annoyed the nobility. It required war to redistribute land. Otto von Bismarck opposed colonial politics, although the first subordinate land appeared during his board in Africa and the Pacific Ocean.

The new generation of statesmen sought power. They were not afraid of the unity of their country, but world domination. So, the 1888th became the "year of three emperors." Wilhelm I and his son Friedrich III died: the first from old age, and the second from the throat cancer. The country was headed by Wilhelm II. In his rule, Germany became a member of the First World War. This event turned out to be fatal for the state united by an iron chancellor.

In 1890, the background Bismarck resigned. He was 75 years old. By the beginning of the summer, France and Russia united with England against Germany.

Personal life

Having become acquainted in 1844 in Konarzhevo with the Joanna Puttkamer, Otto Bismarck decided to associate his further biography with her. 3 years later, a wedding of young people took place. Personal life of spouses was happy. My wife supported Bismarck's background, was a very religious person. Otto became a good spouse, despite the relationship with Ekaterina Orlova-Truck, the wife of the Russian ambassador, and intrigues that allow themselves political figures.

Otto Bismarck Background with Spouse / Richard Carstensen, Wikipedia

Three children were born in the family: Maria, Herbert and William. Joanna died at the age of 70. Having mourning it, the background Bismarck erected a chapel, where her dust was buried. Later, the remains of the spouse were transferred in the mausoleum von Bismarck in Friedrichsruhe.

Otto Bismarck's background was a lot of hobbies. He loved the horse ride very much and collecting degrees. Being in Russia, politician was so fascinated by the Russian language, which did not lose interest to him and subsequently. The loved word of the man was "nothing" (in the meaning of "nothing terrible"). His state certificate mentioned in memoirs and memories of Russia.


Recent years, Bismarck's background went in prosperity. In Germany, they understood the role that politician played in the history of the country's formation. In 1871 he greeted the Earth in the Duchy of Launburg, and on the 70th anniversary - a large amount of money. Her former Chancellor sent to the redemption of the ancestors and the acquisition of the estate in Pomerania, where he lived as in a country residence. The balance of schoolchildren's assistance fund was founded.

Otto background Bismarck on mortal apparel / WILLY WILCKE, ICONIC PHOTOS

After the resignation, Bismarck was received by the title of Duke of Launburg, although he did not use him for personal purposes. Former statesman lived near Hamburg. He printed in periodicals, criticizing the political system in the country. The man was not destined to see what was led by a new board. He died in 1898, at the 85th year of life. The causes of death were quite natural for the person of his age. Background Bismarck buried in Friedrichsruhe.

Embed from Getty Images Monument Otto Background Bismarck in Berlin

His name was repeatedly used in order to propaganda at the beginning of World War II. German political figures used quotes from the book "Big Policy of European Cabinets". Today she is on a par with the publication "Thoughts and Memories" is a literary monument of diplomatic skill Otto Bismarck. Portraits of the statesman and photos can be found on the Internet.


  • "Conclude alliances with anyone, unleash any wars, but never touch the Russians."
  • "When you want to fool the whole world - tell the truth"
  • "In life - as in a chair at a dental doctor: all the time it seems that the main thing will be still, and it is already behind"
  • "The attitude of the state to the teacher is a state policy, which indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness"
  • "Never lie so much as during the war, after hunting to the election"


  • "The world on the verge of war. What awaits Russia and Europe "
  • "The second Reich. No need to fight with Russia "
  • "Big Policy of European Cabinets"
  • "Thoughts and memories"
  • "Don't play with the Russians"


  • Order of black eagle
  • Red Eagle Order, Big Cross
  • Order "Pour Le Mérite" with oak leaves
  • Order "Pour Le Mérite Für Wissenschaften und Künste"
  • Order of the house of Gogenzollerns, the Grand Commander
  • Iron Cross 1st Class
  • Iron Cross 2nd Class
  • Oak leaves to the iron cross
  • Order of the crown of the 1st grade
  • Order Wilhelma
  • Order of St. John Jerusalem
  • Rescue medal
  • Military Honor 1st Class