If a man and a woman were in a relationship, they will feel each other for a long time, even at a great distance. You can find out what your ex or current partner thinks about you even on an energetic level. Obvious signs:

  • chance encounters in unexpected places,
  • Things that connected you constantly catch your eye,
  • frequent dreams related to your man.

Folk signs that a man remembers you

  • If you suddenly feel feverish and your cheeks begin to burn, this means that your loved one is remembering you at that moment.
  • If your right breast itches, the man you are interested in is thinking about you. Most likely, on this day he will manifest himself through a call or SMS message.
  • If you hit your right elbow, it means that at that moment your man is thinking or talking about you.
  • If you smoke, pay attention to the cigarette. If it smolders on only one side, it means that your loved one remembers you.
  • A sure sign that a man remembers you and misses you is the moment when you choked while pronouncing his name or talking about him.

Fortune telling: does a man think about me?

If the signs do not help you, try telling fortunes and find out the answer to your question. For the ritual you will need red threads, a container of cold water, a sewing needle, a red candle and a photograph of your loved one.

Place a bowl of water in front of you and light a candle. Hold the candle over the water so that the wax drips into the same place, forming a figure. At this time, look at the photo of your lover and think about your question. After 2-3 minutes, set the candle aside and take the cooled wax. Pierce the figure with a needle and thread a thread into the hole. You should end up with a structure that resembles a pendulum.

Hold the thread with the float over the photo and ask questions of interest: “Does this man think about me? Is he sad? Would you like to meet? The movement of the pendulum in a circle means a positive answer, from side to side - a negative answer.

Is it possible to make a man think about you?

Esotericists believe that the person with whom you have an energetic connection can be inspired with the necessary thoughts. When you are next to a man, look into his “third eye” and convey your intentions. This must be done discreetly so that the man does not suspect anything.

Ordinary water absorbs information very well. Bring the glass of liquid close to your lips and whisper your wish: “Think about me more often. Be sad, be sad, remember.” Words can be anything, but they should not carry a negative connotation or aggressive message. Ideally, a man should drink all the water, but you can simply spray his clothes or shoes discreetly.

You can remind a man about yourself with a simple ritual. Sit back in your room and hold a photo of your loved one in your hand. Concentrate on your intention and read the spell three times:

How did Adam think about Eve?
So think about me, miss me,
Don't let go of your heart and thoughts.
I will say this, so it will be. Amen.

After that, take your photograph and put it face to face with the man’s photograph. Wrap the images in white cloth and put them under the pillow. This night your chosen one will definitely have a dream with your participation. This method can be used no more than once every 14 days.

It’s interesting, but from some very insignificant signs during a conversation you can learn a lot about a person. Although all this requires double-checking (there is always the possibility of error), it is usually confirmed.

1. If a person mentions at least once in a speech how expensive his time or services are, it means most likely that he always has an acute shortage of money and a not very pleasant way of getting it. If a person has enough, he never thinks about it, it never even occurs to him to say such a phrase. In a word, only those who don’t have it think about money, much less talk about it.

2. Note to girls - any mention of the fact that you are a “serious girl” immediately sharply reduces your chances of marriage in the eyes of any male person. The fact is that really serious girls spend their entire adult lives trying to pretend that they are not serious, this is something of a complex. Only those who have problems with this speak about their “seriousness”.

3. Mind. If at least once a person mentions his intelligence in a conversation, rest assured that he makes a living doing something else, even if it doesn’t look like it. The fact is that people who earn money by working with their brains are sick and tired of being smart and, on the contrary, they always try to look simpler, although this does not always work out.

4. Generally speaking, those who like to talk about weapons and who are in favor of legalizing guns are people who have problems with safety, for various reasons, unless of course they are amateur collectors or professional shooters. On average, people don’t like to talk about weapons - what’s the point of talking about something that doesn’t play any role in life anyway - well, you wouldn’t kill people on the street if you suddenly had a revolver? And only a very inadequate person can dream of a situation where he might be needed. Knowledgeable people They say that the buzzing sound of a shock wave from a bullet flying close to you puts a person into such stress, compared to which all our worldly troubles are children's toys.

5. Talking about decency and such things immediately shows you a person who is unclean in this matter. The fact is that any person constantly screws up and therefore, if he is decent at heart, that is, he has more or less correctly established guidelines on this topic, he is simply sure that he is a scoundrel, of which there are few. Only hypocrites and outright scoundrels are confident in their integrity, who know well what they are capable of and constantly try to justify themselves in the eyes of others.

6. Statements on the topic that all men are brutes and women are bitches are made mainly by those who have serious problems with the opposite sex. Well, this is a classic of the genre. Any more or less normal person will always have at least one example of an ideal relationship, so only a person who has never had anything like this can speak contemptuously about everyone like that - that is, an outright sociopath.

7. People who constantly say that they will cope, that they will do something, that they will overcome - these are people with problematic will. Really. A person who lives by the principle: decided - done, will never talk about it for fear of the evil eye. The very mechanism of doing something - converting your thoughts into actions requires concentration like a religious one, and any chatter wildly interferes with it. In a word, those who talk about how they will conquer the world tomorrow will never do it. The world is always conquered in silence. Conversations usually start after the fact.

8. And finally, only those who have problems with this professional suitability often talk about their super-professional suitability. If you are a tough pro, then the only way to determine this is how you are treated at work. And this in itself is very pleasant - so why talk about it? It's like showing off your bank account.

9. Talking about inhuman love for your husbands, wives, girlfriends, now they will throw stones at me, but for some reason I am sure that this always has underlying problems. But this point is questionable. But it seems to me that if I were married, and even more so if I were happy, I would quietly rejoice, and would be afraid even to admit it to myself, so as not to jinx it. It seems to me that talking about your unprecedented love and successful marriage is not the best idea. But this is my subjective opinion.

So far so much.

Lately, the topic of understanding who is your person and who is not has been relevant. So I decided to think about it.

Although there were already thoughts, they can be found in the article “”.

Now there are a few more interesting thoughts.

NOT your man

There is a common illusion that love at first sight does not just happen, and this is exactly that.

But when the crush passes, you realize that this person is just there to understand some lessons.

And in particular, this could be a lesson in how to respond correctly to a person, the ability to emotionally not depend on a loved one.

And this person, simply by his indifference or presence, can simply put pressure on that very unclaimed desire to love and be loved. And then a storm of emotions unfolds about this.

And after going through such painful lessons... you will be able to understand whether this person is for you or not. Most often, the illusion that this is “the one” is destroyed and an aftertaste from such a relationship remains. If understood correctly, it is pleasant, and if understood incorrectly, it is hateful.

And such relationships are also needed at certain stages.

And it also happens that even if you meet your person, you don’t have enough internal forces develop these relationships correctly. And this happens because of internal fears that have accumulated throughout life.

You just immediately run away from it or just harass each other, not suspecting that the other may be hurt by all this.

The only advice that can be given in such a situation is to try not to get involved and not fall into emotional dependence, in order to consciously approach this issue.

Track your fears and emotions in time in order to respond to them correctly and remove them so that they do not condition you.

But in any case, you can feel your person if only you are ready for this.

Because until you are ready and open to true love, nothing will happen in your life.

Working with the subtle plan and feeling the energy, I realized when there is involvement. When involved, a person’s picture of the world is distorted. You also stop correctly perceiving information from outside. You cannot accurately assess what is happening.

That's why you need to consciously build relationships.

Theory - why you need to wait for your man

Also remember that when you are with the wrong person, there are 4 unhappy people in the world, namely:

  1. Your person (because he is not with you and perhaps therefore not with the right person either)
  2. NOT your person who is next to you (because he is not with his other half, but with you)
  3. NOT his person (because he's with the wrong person too)

Therefore, I have a clear understanding that you should not take someone else’s place without waiting for your person.

And the feeling that this is not your person is always in your soul. It happens even though everything is fine on the outside....in your soul there is melancholy and an understanding that you are not where you need to be. And it takes courage to stop tormenting and tormenting others.

And remember, your person will remain by your side in any capacity.

If you haven’t waited yet, wait for your person, he is in the world. And most importantly, it is worth waiting for and believing in its existence.

With love to you, Marina Danilova.

Many girls dream of meeting a worthy life partner with whom they will be able to build a strong and happy relationship. In the first stages of a relationship, many people look at the world through rose-colored glasses, which does not make it possible to objectively look at the person who is nearby. In such a situation, information on how to understand that this is your person will be useful. Psychologists say that if you look at the situation soberly and evaluate your partner, you can draw the appropriate conclusions.

How do you know if this is your person?

To understand the situation at least a little and understand whether there is a future for you, you should listen to your feelings. A good sign is the feeling that you have known the person for many years. There is an inexplicable mutual understanding; sometimes partners understand each other’s thoughts without words. If lovers, being nearby, feel comfortable and protected, then we can say that they are two halves of one whole.

In psychology, there is one important piece of advice on how to understand that this is your person - be silent next to each other. It is believed that if people feel good together, then no words are needed. Silence should be natural and not cause discomfort.

Signs to understand that a person is your destiny:

  1. According to statistics, people who manage to meet their soul mate, on their first dates, feel tremors in their bodies, touches take their breath away, etc.
  2. It is equally important to have common interests and aspirations, since this can unite people for a long time.
  3. Another piece of advice on how to understand that a person is your soul mate is to ask yourself whether you trust your chosen one and whether there is a similar attitude on his part. Without this, it is simply impossible to build a strong and happy union.
  4. People who are halves of one whole always have something to talk about and they are never bored together. In such couples, even opposing opinions will not be the basis for a huge scandal.
  5. A good sign is similar, that is, it is important that the partners laugh at the same jokes and do not want to tease each other.
  6. Lovers should put each other first, this is important for harmonious relations With minimum quantity conflicts.
  7. With a man destined by fate, you don’t need to play any roles and you can be yourself. If partners perceive each other with all their strengths and weaknesses, this is a good sign.

Are you familiar with the situation when intrusive thoughts being stalked about the same person all day? You wake up and already think about him, you walk down the street and think, you go to bed and think. You are constantly replaying dialogues with him in your head, entering into new ones, arguing, trying to convince him of something. And so day after day, it doesn’t matter whether you saw each other yesterday or a year ago. And here the main question arises: “Am I thinking about him, or is he thinking about me?”

What is thought

Many people already know that thought is material. Smart people say: “Think before you speak.” A wise people strongly advise think before you think.

A thought (thought image, thought form) is a clot of psychic energy containing information. Having a certain vibration frequency, it can take shape, size, color, and smell.

The question of how thoughts arise has been of interest to many scientists for a long time. In the mid-19th century, the German physiologist Buchner believed that the brain produces thoughts like the liver produces bile. By the end of the 19th century, opinion had changed, scientists came to the conclusion that no one could say how the brain generates thoughts. This opinion is also shared by today's psychology, adding that the mental does not live in the brain, it is projected onto the outside world.

Thinking about someone, we create a mental image, project it into the outside world and send it to the recipient. A thought image, carrying a certain energy charge, invades energy body(aura) of the recipient. If a person thinks about someone for a long time, a communication channel is formed between him and the addressee, through which energy is exchanged.

If this is a relationship between two loving people, then a uniform redistribution of energies occurs. For example, a woman feeds a man with her internal energy, and the man compensates her for the energy spent material benefits. It’s not for nothing that they say that behind every successful man there is a loving woman.

But if the relationship is one-sided or based on feelings of resentment, anger, guilt, and so on, then there is a loss of your mental energy, the most valuable resource on Earth. If you think that the most valuable resource is oil :), you are mistaken, it is psychic energy that is the basis for the materialization of any things and only man has it. Sometimes a person does not even control how he spends this priceless gift. Various dependencies, such as smoking, alcohol, gambling addiction; painful attachment to another person; membership in egregors is all based on energy exchange.

Protection from obsessive thoughts

What kind of techniques did I use to escape from obsessive thoughts: I meditated - imagined that I was letting him go, asked him not to come to me; mentally covered herself with multi-colored caps, trying to create a barrier in the path of his thought forms; I tried to stop the flow of thoughts with an effort of will.

Do you think this helped? Whatever the case.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the best temporary defense against intrusive thoughts is not to resist them. I simply allowed thoughts to come, but the main thing was not to enter into dialogue with them. Then they, like clouds in the sky, will begin to float by. Undoubtedly, this technique also requires concentration, but the energy costs are much less than a tireless “conversation” with a mental image or conscious resistance to obsessive thoughts.

Also helps a lot intellectual work, in this case, the brain switches to another task, and obsessive thoughts stop bothering you for a while.

Unfortunately, these are only temporary techniques, and if you seriously decide to deal with obsessive thoughts, then you need to “go inside yourself,” as I would say. If someone steals your energy, it means you allow them to do so. These may be ones in which you could not fully understand, and the image of your partner continues to haunt you, or a relationship colored by feelings of resentment, a desire to remake the other, anger that everything is not the way I want, or you use obsessive thoughts as withdrawal from real life circumstances. In any case, the reason is in you, and until you consciously control your psychic energy, you are someone's energy donor, and your life will be spent on other people's successes and achievements.

But, just in case, I would ask the Stars by asking.
Maybe your friend has been secretly in love with you for a long time. So he thinks about the subject of his passion all day and night. Well, what a demand from a man in love! Even psychiatrists do not treat the diagnosis of “love”; they wave their hands and say: “It will go away on its own.” 🙂

Why horary question- one of the most proven and ancient ways to understand love relationships can be read, and how to correctly ask a horary question we read.

Let your beloved man think about you all day and night!

CONTINUATION of the article dated September 21, 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q00rMA4CQk. After watching the video, you will find answers to the following questions: How do you know if a man is thinking about you? Can you sense other people's thoughts? How to check that it is he who thinks about you, and not you about him?