teaching issues


Chaplygina E.V., Kaplunova O.A., Shvyrev A.A., Markevich A.V., Mukanyan S.S.

Rostov State Medical University Russia, 344022, Rostov-on-Don, per. Nakhichevansky, 29 [email protected]

The article is devoted to the history of creation and innovation activity Fundamental Museum of the Department of Normal Anatomy in Modern Medical Education. Today, the museum, in accordance with innovations in medical education, uses modern achievements of science and information technologies, is replenished with images obtained using modern methods intravital imaging (computed tomography, spiral computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.).

Keywords: human anatomy, museum, education.


Chaplygina E.V., Kaplunova O.A., Shvyrev A.A., Markevich V.A., Makanjan S.S.

Rostov state medical University 29 Nakhichevansky St., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia [email protected]

The article is devoted to the history and the fundamental innovation of the museum department of normal anatomy in modern medical education. Today the museum in accordance with the innovations in medical education using modern advances in science and information technology, updated images obtained with the use of modern methods of intravital imaging (computed tomography, spiral computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and others.).

Keywords: human anatomy, a museum, education.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of a fundamental museum for the work of the department of morphological profile, especially the department of anatomy. A visit to the museum raises questions among students and awakens interest in anatomy and medicine. It is here that a student, graduate student, or young teacher has the opportunity to see the variability of the structure of the human body, variants and anomalies of the anatomical structure of various organs and systems, which turned out to be, perhaps, an accidental discovery during dissection.

Conducting practical classes in the anatomical museum of the department is necessary not only for in-depth study of the subject, but also for raising the cultural level of students, their moral and patriotic education.

The museum is a place where meetings of the scientific student anatomical society are held, where scientific reports are heard, for example, “Development and anomalies of the spinal column”, “Past, present and future of man by the skull”, “Embalming methods”, etc.

Journal of Basic Medicine and Biology

teaching issues

The founder of the museum at the Department of Normal Anatomy was Professor Konstantin Zakharyevich Yatsuta - a graduate of the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy, who in 1917 moved to the city of Rostov-on-Don to head the department of normal anatomy. The basis for the creation of the original craniological department of the museum was the collection of skulls he collected for scientific research still in St. Petersburg. Subsequently, the collection was replenished with skulls, which presented comparatively anatomical, age, gender, pathological and individual features of the structure of the skull, as well as anomalies, deformities and atavistic variants. When giving a lecture on the topic “Morphofunctional features of the skull,” lecturers must demonstrate museum preparations, clearly explaining the origin of certain anatomical features. In 1918-1920 The museum began to be replenished with drugs especially intensively when students Danilov S.S., Grunskaya A.P., Odnoralov N.I., Kravtsova K.F., Popov V.S., Sokolov P. were hired as preparators to the staff of the department. A., Rodzhanyan S.A., who in the future became professors, associate professors, and assistants.

K.Z. Yatsuta led the students' efforts to produce high-quality museum preparations. Using methods of preparation, corrosion, and clearing, they produced

a number of unique drugs that have survived to this day. Using these preparations, students study the topography of nerve trunks and blood vessels; variants of their origin, anomalies of their development. In 1925-1930 The museum was replenished with such preparations as right-sided and double aortic arches. The section of teratology has been enriched. Preparations were exhibited: single-fingered, multi-fingered, absence of the brain, absence of the anterior abdominal wall, complete absence and underdevelopment of the limbs, doubling of the inferior vena cava. Using the method of dioptrography (dissection followed by layer-by-layer sketching of the organ), three-dimensional diascopic diagrams were made, according to which students studied topography (holotopy, skeletopy and siptopy) internal organs.

During the Great Patriotic War The department's employees managed to save the museum's most valuable preparations by hiding them in basements and attics, but many of the preparations were destroyed. After the end of the war, in 1947, when student K.Z. came from Omsk to head the department. Yatsuty, a graduate of the Rostov Medical Institute Pyotr Andreevich Sokolov, active work on replenishing the anatomical museum with drugs was resumed, in which both students and teachers of the department took part. Soon the museum was completely restored (Fig. 1).

Picture 1. General form Fundamental Museum of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Rostov State Medical Institute in 1965.

Since its creation in 1917, the fundamental museum of the Department of Normal Anatomy has been constantly developing not only by increasing the number of exhibits, but also structurally. Museum exposition under Professor P.A. Sokolov was planned according to system principle, and later under the guidance of professors V.V. Sokolova, A.V. Kondrasheva and E.V. Chaplygina reconstructed the following sections:

The historical section is represented by stands dedicated to the memory of Professor K.Z.

Yatsuta and Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor P.A. Sokolov, where portraits, personal belongings and printed works of scientists are exhibited. Emotionally colored, full of interesting historical facts lectures on the history of anatomy, given by associate professors A.V. Markevich and A.A. Shvyrev in the museum help students study the main stages of the development of anatomical science; - section “Osteology” reflects age, gender, individual characteristics of the structure;

teaching issues

Journal of Basic Medicine and Biology

variations, variants, anomalies and deformities of the development of the bones of the skull, torso and limbs; The “Myology” section is presented with preparations reflecting variants of the structure and development of the muscular system. It is here, using muscle preparations, that students have the opportunity to independently study the topography of the grooves and canals containing neurovascular bundles, so necessary for future medical specialists;

central nervous system represented by preparations of the spinal cord and brain. For clarity, better understanding and memorization, associate professors R.F. Ryzhkov and A.A. Shcherbakova produced wire diagrams of the conductive paths of the brain and spinal cord, where the levels of their crossover are indicated, helping students to understand the topography of the conductive paths. The peripheral nervous system is represented by preparations with branches of twelve pairs of cranial nerves and nerve plexuses. It should be noted that interns and residents who intend to become neurosurgeons or neurologists often come to the museum to study;

section “Cardiovascular system” is presented with drugs from dissertation

works of the department workers who studied the topography of the blood vessels of the heart and internal organs in normal and pathological conditions, as well as in age and comparative anatomical aspects; - the museum has a craniological section, occupying a separate room, with more than 280 skulls. Currently, after a major renovation, the anatomical museum looks modern (Fig. 2), but nevertheless, specimens made in previous years are carefully preserved and restored.

A separate showcase has been designed for students of the Faculty of Dentistry, where preparations are shown that reflect the developmental features, structure of the jaws and teeth, bite variants and their anomalies, the structure and blood supply of the tongue, salivary glands, preparations with congenital cleft palate and upper lip, buttresses and trajectories of the jaws.

Two new craniological display cases present age, gender and individual characteristics of skulls, anomalies of development of individual bones of the skull and the skull as a whole. Pathologically altered skulls are demonstrated, as well as those with ritual deformations and trepanation holes from burial mounds.

Figure 2. General view of the fundamental museum of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Rostov State

medical university in 2017.

The anthropological department of the museum is represented by models of skull bones and limbs of human ancestors. The museum also has priceless preparations, exhibited in special glass sarcophagi: two Egyptian mummies (Fig. 3) of an adult and a child, sent from Cairo by a student of Professor K.Z. Yatsuty at the Military Medical Academy, Dr. B.V. Bulgakov. These mummies are already about 4 thousand years old.

Of particular interest is the new display case with drugs manufactured in 1935-1939. Professor A.R. Khanamirov and restored by Associate Professor A.A. Shvyrev. These preparations reflect the anatomical variability of the subclavian artery and its branches. A stand dedicated to N.I. was decorated. Pirogov, display cases with death masks, with corrosive drugs.

Journal of Basic Medicine and Biology

teaching issues

Figure 3. Students near the sarcophagus with an Egyptian mummy.

In the 1980s, the museum of the department was equipped with an X-ray anatomical section, and X-ray images were selected for all sections of anatomy. Today in medicine, radiation diagnostic methods are becoming increasingly widespread, opening up new opportunities for anatomists. In this regard, we recall the words of the founder of the functional

noy anatomy P.F. Lesgaft that “anatomy must first of all be studied on living things...”.

Two new stands common name“Radiation anatomy” (Fig. 4) allows already in the first courses to see the relationship between anatomical and clinical research methods, the importance of anatomical knowledge for subsequent work.

Figure 4. Radiation anatomy displays.

Currently, the museum, in accordance with innovations in medical education, is replenished with new images obtained using modern methods of intravital imaging based on ultrasound technology.

gies, as well as computer, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.

In the museum of the department, in addition to the planned training sessions with students of the medical university, meetings of the student scientific circle

teaching issues Journal of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

Department of Normal Anatomy, conducted on the university website, there is an opportunity to conduct career guidance work with older students virtual tour in anatomical classes of schools and lyceums. At the official museum.


1. Chaplygina E.V., Markevich A.V., Kaplunova O.A., Shvyrev A.A. Fundamental Museum of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Medical University (1917-2012). Morphology. 2012; 142 (6): 94-96.

2. Chaplygina E.V., Markevich A.V., Kaplunova O.A., Shvyrev A.A. Anatomical Museum as a foundation educational activities Department of Normal Anatomy Rost State Medical University Issues of international cooperation in education Southern region. 2012; 1: 11-13.

3. Sokolov V.V., Markevich A.V. In memory of the Honored Scientist, Professor Pyotr Andreevich Sokolov (on the centenary of his birth). Functional morphology and clinical medicine. Rostov-on-Don, 2000; 5-9.

4. Markevich A.V., Kaplunova O.A., Kondrashev A.V. Department of Human Anatomy 1869-2009, Rostov-on-Don: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RostSMU Roszdrav, 2009.

5. Sokolov V.V., Kondrashev A.V., Kaplunova O.A. On the history of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Rostov State Medical University. Summit of normal anatomists of Ukraine and Russia, dedicated to the year Russia in Ukraine. Ternopsh. 2003; 320-328.

6. Sokolov P.A. Department of Normal Anatomy in Higher Education educational institutions Warsaw and Rostov-on-Don. Rostov-on-Don: RGMI, 1970.

7. Sokolov V.V., Markevich A.V., Kaplunova O.A. 80 years of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Rostov Medical University. Morphology. 1997; 112 (4): 116-119.

8. Sokolov V.V., Markevich A.V., Yatsenko Yu.F. Pyotr Andreevich Sokolov (on the 100th anniversary of his birth). Morphology. 2001; 119(2):83.

Derizhanova Irina Sergeevna - doctor of medical sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category.

Born on August 8, 1937 in Smolensk. In 1960, she graduated with honors from the Rostov State Medical Institute and worked as a pathologist in Kamensk, Rostov region. From 1962 to the present, he has been working at Rostov State Medical University (consistently holding the positions of prosector of the pathological department of the Russian State Medical University clinics, assistant, associate professor of the department of pathological anatomy), since 1990 - head of the department of pathological anatomy. In 1966 she defended her candidate's dissertation, in 1979 - her doctoral dissertation. Basic scientific directions– morphological characteristics, morphogenesis and diagnosis of precancerous conditions; the role of cells of the diffuse endocrine system in tumor growth; issues of gastroenterology; pathology of organs and systems among liquidators of consequences Chernobyl accident in 1986, history of medicine. I. S. Derizhanova is a highly qualified pathologist, author of over 350 scientific works, among them – 3 monographs, 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 1 patent 17 teaching aids; executive editor of 24 collections scientific works students and young specialists of Rostov State Medical University. The monograph “Tumors of the diffuse endocrine system - carcinoids” was noted in 1993 as best job in pathological anatomy in Russia with the RAMS Prize named after. Academician A.I. Abrikosov. For achievements in the development of pathological anatomy, she was awarded by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with the “Excellence in Health Care” badge, and by the European Academy of Natural Sciences - with a medal and diploma named after. R. Virkhova, Derizhanova Irina Sergeevna – scientific supervisor and consultant of 4 doctoral and 25 candidate dissertations, chairman of the Rostov Society of Pathologists, member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Pathologists, member of the European Society of Pathologists, International Academy of Pathology. She is also a member of the editorial board of the journal "Archive of Pathology", a problematic educational and methodological commission on pathological anatomy at the department of research and educational medical institutions Ministry of Health of Russia, for many years she was the chairman of the certification subcommittees of pathologists, forensic experts and laboratory doctors of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov region. For 25 years she was the scientific director of the youth scientific society Rost State Medical University, awarded the sign of the Ministry higher education RF "For success in students' research work." Chief freelance pathologist of the Southern Federal District, since 2012, member of the specialized commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specializing in pathological anatomy. Among I. S. Derizhanova’s students are heads of pathological departments of medical institutions in the city and region, pathologists from Syria and Nicaragua. In 2012 elected expert of the National Public Chamber in the specialty “pathological anatomy”.

Nepomnyashchaya Evgenia Markovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Pathological Department of the Russian Research Institute.

Voloshin Vladimir Viktorovich - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department, head of the academic department.

Pasechnik Dmitry Gennadievich - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, member of the European Society of Pathologists, head of the pathological department of the State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Federation "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2"

Golovitsky Viktor Fedorovich - assistant of the department. Viktor Fedorovich entered the Russian State Medical University in 1997. and successfully completed it in 2003 with a degree in general medicine; in 2003-06 he completed postgraduate studies in the specialty of pathological anatomy at the corresponding department of Rostov State Medical University. Co-author of 12 scientific articles on the topic of dissertation research. From 2004 to the present, he has been an assistant at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of Rostov State Medical University, as well as a supervisor for a group of 3rd year students at the Faculty of Pediatrics.

Deribas Victoria Yurievna - assistant of the department. Born in 1978, graduated from Rostov State Medical University in 2002 with a degree in pediatrics. From 2003 to 2005 she studied residency in pathological anatomy. Since 09/01/2005 she has been working at the Department of Pathological Anatomy as an assistant, since November 2005 she has been enrolled in the prosector department of the Rostov State Medical University clinic as a part-time pathologist. In 2008, she took advanced training courses in pathological anatomy, the “Oncohematology” cycle, at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Moscow. Has II qualification category. She has established herself as a responsible employee, a good teacher, and actively participates in educational and methodological work departments, conducts classes and gives selected lectures at English language, is engaged in scientific work. He is the secretary of the commission for the study of fatal outcomes of the Rostov State Medical University clinic, and the secretary of department conferences. Main directions of scientific and practical activity: Gastroesophageal reflux disease, based on endoscopic biopsies, pathology of pregnancy.

Kazmin Andrey Sergeevich - assistant of the department, curator of the SNK of pathological anatomy

Solovyova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - department assistant, born in 1980, graduated from the medical faculty of Rostov State Medical University in 2008. In 2008 - 2010 completed residency training at the Department of Pathological Anatomy. Area of ​​scientific interests: gastrointestinal pathology. Currently actively engaged in writing a dissertation.

Kolomiytsev Alexey Konstantinovich - candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the department

Yashchinsky Leonid Borisovich - assistant of the department. Graduated from the Rostov Medical Institute in 1985. In 1985-1986. completed an internship in pathological anatomy at the Central City Hospital, where he continued his work in the future. Since 1989, he has been an assistant in the department of pathological anatomy. In 1990, he was the first in our region to head the department of infectious pathology of the regional pathological bureau, performed autopsies of people who died from HIV infections, anthrax, rabies, leptospirosis, malaria, diphtheria, salmonellosis, dysentery. He developed complex method post-mortem diagnosis of HIV infection, more than 100 autopsies were performed, the results of which were analyzed together with prof. Derizhanova I.S. reported at the Congress of Russian Pathologists in 1990. Since 2009, head of the department general pathology and biopsy studies of the branch of the pathological bureau in Rostov-on-Don. Conducts up to 30,000 studies of surgical and biopsy material annually. He pays the greatest interest to issues of oncomorphology, experimental studies of bone tissue regeneration using grafts in the conditions of modeling traumatic fractures. Has more than 50 published works.

Gusarev Sergey Aleksandrovich - candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the department. Born on January 1, 1959 in Dneprodzerzhinsk; graduated from the medical and preventive faculty of the Rostov State Medical Institute in 1982; candidate medical sciences; pathologist of the highest qualification category; Assistant, Department of Pathological Anatomy, Rostov State Medical University; head of the infectious diseases department at the Rostov branch of the Rostov Regional Pathological Bureau; author of more than 50 scientific publications devoted to issues of oncology, infectious pathology, and vascular diseases. Together with Professor Nepomnyashchaya E.M. is a co-author of a monograph published based on his own dissertation on morphological characteristics primary and metastatic liver tumors.

Gavrilova Marina Anatolyevna - assistant of the department

Karnaukhov Nikolay Sergeevich - assistant of the department

Atoyan Kaprel Andreevich - assistant of the department

Derizhanova Irina Sergeevna – doctor of medical sciences, prof., excellent student of healthcare. She was awarded the badge of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education “For success in the research work of students”, the Rudolf Virchow medal “For achievements in the development of pathological anatomy” of the German Academy of Natural Sciences, the prize of the Academy of Medical Sciences. acad. A.I. Abrikosova (1993). Chief pathologist of the Southern Federal District, member of the presidium of the board Russian society pathologists, member International Academy pathology, editorial board of the journal “Archive of Pathology”, problematic educational complex on pathanatomy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, scientific director of the Ministry of Scientific Education of Rostov State Medical University. Author of 315 scientific works (including 2 monographs, 14 textbooks, 4 methods, recommendations), 1 patent of the Russian Federation. Under her leadership, 1 doctoral and 20 candidate dissertations were defended

In Rostov-on-Don, the organizer and first head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, at the same time the first dean of the Faculty of Medicine, was Professor of the University of Warsaw I.F. Pozharisky (1915-1919).

Subsequently, the department was headed by Professor Sh.I. Krinitsky (1921-1961), I.I. Dorokhov (1961-1987), A.F. Gusarev (1987-1990), since 1990 to the present – ​​prof. AND ABOUT. Derizhanova.

Over the 95 years of existence of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, 23 teaching aids, 9 monographs, 24 collections of scientific works, over 700 scientific articles, 15 doctoral and 80 candidate dissertations defended. 8 professors, 9 associate professors, 200 pathologists, over 45,000 doctors were trained, 250 doctors underwent advanced training.

Currently, 4 doctoral and 5 candidate dissertations are being carried out, and the educational process. The main scientific directions are the study of carcinogenesis, pathological anatomy of tumors and precancerous conditions, cardiovascular pathology using new research methods - immunomorphological, cytogenetic, etc.

One of the oldest at the university, the department of normal anatomy under the leadership of Professor N.D. Bushmakina was evacuated in 1915. from Warsaw. In 1916-1917 The department was headed by Professor S.N. Yaschinsky, since 1917 to 1942 – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor K.Z. Yatsuta. It was at this time that the famous Rostov anatomical school was formed at the department, whose students headed the departments of normal anatomy in many republics and cities of the USSR. From 1943 to 1947 The department was headed by associate professor S.A. Rojanyan, from 1947 to 1975. – Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. P.A. Sokolov, from 1975 to 2003. – Honored Scientist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. V.V. Sokolov. Since 2003 until June 2009, the department was headed by an honored worker high school, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. A.V. Kondrashev. Since 2009 The department is headed by Associate Professor E.V. Chaplygin.

Many generations of doctors were raised by wonderful teachers and scientists - Professor Yu.K. Padalkin, A.V. Kondrashev, associate professors K.G. Rozhdestvensky, T.F. Ryzhkov, O.Yu. Romensky, A.A. Shcherbakova, M.M. Gorodok, E.V. Kharlamov, st. teacher Yu.F. Yatsenko, assistants A.M. Groshev, N.S. Popov, A.P. Grunskaya and others. The traditions laid down by teachers are continued by students. Currently, experienced anatomists work at the department: Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor V.V. Sokolov, professor O.A. Kaplunova, associate professors A.V. Evtushenko, A.V. Markevich, I.V. Sankova, A.A. Shvyrev, assistants, Ph.D. O.A. Aksenova, M.P. Varegin, O.T. Vartanova, L.V. Litvinova, T.E. Ovseenko, A.V. Smirnova. Every year young people come to the department, today they are assistants E.S. Elizarova, D.P. Osipov, E.N. Sidorov and T.M. Sikorenko, graduate students S.I. Klimova, N.A. Kornienko and A.I. Shulgin.

The directions of research work of the department's employees are the study of the anatomy of the cardiovascular system in health and disease, issues of radiation anatomy and anatomical aspects of integrative biomedical anthropology. Over 95 years, 17 doctoral and 78 candidate dissertations have been defended at the department.